【HDU 6198】number number number 【规律+矩阵快速幂】

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客返利订单查询 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:58

We define a sequence F:

⋅ F0=0,F1=1;
⋅ Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 (n≥2).

Give you an integer k, if a positive number n can be expressed by
n=Fa1+Fa2+…+Fak where 0≤a1≤a2≤⋯≤ak, this positive number is mjf−good. Otherwise, this positive number is mjf−bad.
Now, give you an integer k, you task is to find the minimal positive mjf−bad number.
The answer may be too large. Please print the answer modulo 998244353.

There are about 500 test cases, end up with EOF.
Each test case includes an integer k which is described above. (1≤k≤109)

For each case, output the minimal mjf−bad number mod 998244353.

Sample Input

Sample Output

2017 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Shenyang Online


#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std ;typedef long long LL ;const int MAXN = 100000+10;const int MAXM = 1e5 ;const LL mod  =  998244353;const int  inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct Matirx {    int h,w;    LL a[5][5];}ori,res,it;LL f[5]={0,1,1};void init(){    it.w=2;it.h=1;it.a[1][1]=1;it.a[1][2]=0;    res.w=res.h=2;    memset(res.a,0,sizeof(res.a));    res.a[1][1]=res.a[2][2]=1;    ori.w=ori.h=2;    memset(ori.a,0,sizeof(ori.a));    ori.a[1][1]= 1;ori.a[1][2]= 1;    ori.a[2][1]= 1;ori.a[2][2]= 0;  }Matirx multy(Matirx x,Matirx y){    Matirx z;z.w=y.w;z.h=x.h;    memset(z.a,0,sizeof(z.a));    for(int i=1;i<=x.h;i++){        for(int k=1;k<=x.w;k++){            if(x.a[i][k]==0) continue;            for(int j=1;j<=y.w;j++)                z.a[i][j]=(z.a[i][j]+x.a[i][k]*y.a[k][j]%mod)%mod;        }    }    return z;}LL Matirx_mod(LL n){    if(n<2) return f[n];    else n-=1;    while(n){        if(n&1) res=multy(ori,res);        ori=multy(ori,ori);        n>>=1;    }    res=multy(it,res);    return res.a[1][1]%mod;}int main(){    LL k;    while(~scanf("%lld",&k)){        init();         printf("%lld\n",(Matirx_mod(2*k+3)%mod-1+mod)%mod);      }    return  0;}
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