来源:互联网 发布:淘宝付款后钱在哪里 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:29

DOTA是Download Over The Air的简称,其实现的功能是通过无线数据通道,将远程程序下载至本地,然后更新模块程序,包括:应用程序,Firmware,OS。

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Just in case anyone is interested. It turns out there are several work-arounds to overcome this problem if the DOTA freezes because of data on the buffer of UART1. I implemented Option 3, which works fine for me:

Option 1. Design your hardware to pull the CTS line so the Wavecom processor things there is a serial cable connected.

Option 2: When the code is ready to apply the DOTA file, issue a "at+wrst" to be executed two minutes later. Issue the adl_install() command. The idea is that ff the adl_install does not reset the Wavecom modem, the the at+wrst will do so anyway two minutes later

Option 3: When the DOTA file is finished downloading, just set a non-volatile flag and reboot the WMP with a normal at+cfun=1 command. When it starts up it first checks the flag. If set, it disables all debug info and unsollicted responses to UART1. It then clears the flag and executes the adl_install() which works now because there is nothing on serial port.

Option 4: Make a call to adl_fcmReleaseCredits to release all "credits"



如果以上 4种方法你用起来觉得都不爽的话,可以试试做个while(1),保证可以重启.



OpenAT SPI操作

