
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝衣服质检报告 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 11:16
class Edge(object):    """边"""    def __init__(self, a, b, weight):        self.a = a # 第一个顶点        self.b = b # 第二个顶点        self.weight = weight # 权值    def v(self):        return self.a    def w(self):        return self.b    def wt(self):        return self.weight    def other(self, x):        # 返回x顶点连接的另一个顶点        if x == self.a or x == self.b:            if x == self.a:                return self.b            else:                return self.a    def __lt__(self, other):        # 小于号重载        return self.weight < other.wt()    def __le__(self, other):        # 小于等于号重载        return self.weight <= other.wt()    def __gt__(self, other):        # 大于号重载        return self.weight > other.wt()    def __ge__(self, other):        # 大于等于号重载        return self.weight >= other.wt()    def __eq__(self, other):        # ==号重载        return self.weight == other.wt()class DenseGraph(object):    """有权稠密图 - 邻接矩阵"""    def __init__(self, n, directed):        self.n = n  # 图中的点数        self.m = 0  # 图中的边数        self.directed = directed  # bool值,表示是否为有向图        self.g = [[None for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]  # 矩阵初始化都为None的二维矩阵    def V(self):        # 返回图中点数        return self.n    def E(self):        # 返回图中边数        return self.m    def addEdge(self, v, w, weight):        # v和w中增加一条边,v和w都是[0,n-1]区间        if v >= 0 and v < n and w >= 0 and w < n:            if self.hasEdge(v, w):                self.m -= 1            self.g[v][w] = Edge(v, w, weight)            if not self.directed:                self.g[w][v] = Edge(w, v, weight)            self.m += 1    def hasEdge(self, v, w):        # v和w之间是否有边,v和w都是[0,n-1]区间        if v >= 0 and v < n and w >= 0 and w < n:            return self.g[v][w] != None    class adjIterator(object):        """相邻节点迭代器"""        def __init__(self, graph, v):            self.G = graph  # 需要遍历的图            self.v = v  # 遍历v节点相邻的边            self.index = 0  # 遍历的索引        def __iter__(self):            return self        def next(self):            while self.index < self.G.V():                # 当索引小于节点数量时遍历,否则为遍历完成,停止迭代                if self.G.g[self.v][self.index]:                    r = self.G.g[self.v][self.index]                    self.index += 1                    return r                self.index += 1            raise StopIteration()class SparseGraph(object):    """有权稀疏图- 邻接表"""    def __init__(self, n, directed):        self.n = n  # 图中的点数        self.m = 0  # 图中的边数        self.directed = directed  # bool值,表示是否为有向图        self.g = [[] for _ in range(n)]  # 矩阵初始化都为空的二维矩阵    def V(self):        # 返回图中点数        return self.n    def E(self):        # 返回图中边数        return self.m    def addEdge(self, v, w, weight):        # v和w中增加一条边,v和w都是[0,n-1]区间        if v >= 0 and v < n and w >= 0 and w < n:            # 考虑到平行边会让时间复杂度变为最差为O(n)            # if self.hasEdge(v, w):            #   return None            self.g[v].append(Edge(v, w, weight))            if v != w and not self.directed:                self.g[w].append(Edge(w, v, weight))            self.m += 1    def hasEdge(self, v, w):        # v和w之间是否有边,v和w都是[0,n-1]区间        # 时间复杂度最差为O(n)        if v >= 0 and v < n and w >= 0 and w < n:            for i in self.g[v]:                if i.other(v) == w:                    return True            return False    class adjIterator(object):        """相邻节点迭代器"""        def __init__(self, graph, v):            self.G = graph  # 需要遍历的图            self.v = v  # 遍历v节点相邻的边            self.index = 0  # 遍历的索引        def __iter__(self):            return self        def next(self):            if len(self.G.g[self.v]):                # v有相邻节点才遍历                if self.index < len(self.G.g[self.v]):                    r = self.G.g[self.v][self.index]                    self.index += 1                    return r                else:                    raise StopIteration()            else:                raise StopIteration()class ReadGraph(object):    """读取文件中的图"""    def __init__(self, graph, filename):        with open(filename, 'r') as f:            line = f.readline()            line = line.strip('\n')            line = line.split()            v = int(line[0])            e = int(line[1])            if v == graph.V():                lines = f.readlines()                for i in lines:                    a, b, w = self.stringstream(i)                    if a >= 0 and a < v and b >=0 and b < v:                        graph.addEdge(a, b, w)    def stringstream(self, text):        result = text.strip('\n')        result = result.split()        a, b, w = result        return int(a), int(b), float(w)class MinHeap(object):    """最小堆"""    def __init__(self):        self.data = []  # 创建堆        self.count = len(self.data)  # 元素数量    # def __init__(self, arr):    #   self.data = copy.copy(arr)    #   self.count = len(self.data)    #   i = self.count / 2    #   while i >= 1:    #       self.shiftDown(i)    #       i -= 1    def size(self):        return self.count    def isEmpty(self):        return self.count == 0    def insert(self, item):        # 插入元素入堆        self.data.append(item)        self.count += 1        self.shiftup(self.count)    def shiftup(self, count):        # 将插入的元素放到合适位置,保持最小堆        while count > 1 and self.data[(count/2)-1] > self.data[count-1]:            self.data[(count/2)-1], self.data[count-1] = self.data[count-1], self.data[(count/2)-1]            count /= 2    def extractMin(self):        # 出堆        if self.count > 0:            ret = self.data[0]            self.data[0], self.data[self.count-1] = self.data[self.count-1], self.data[0]            self.data.pop()            self.count -= 1            self.shiftDown(1)            return ret    def shiftDown(self, count):        # 将堆的索引位置元素向下移动到合适位置,保持最小堆        while 2 * count <= self.count :            # 证明有孩子            j = 2 * count            if j + 1 <= self.count:                # 证明有右孩子                if self.data[j] < self.data[j-1]:                    j += 1            if self.data[count-1] <= self.data[j-1]:                # 堆的索引位置已经小于两个孩子节点,不需要交换了                break            self.data[count-1], self.data[j-1] = self.data[j-1], self.data[count-1]            count = jclass LazyPrimMST(object):    """最小生成树T,每次选取横切边中权值最小的边,将另一端顶点加入树中"""    def __init__(self, graph):        self.G = graph  # 传入图        self.pq = MinHeap()  # 最小堆,用于选择权值最小的边        self.marked = [False for _ in range(self.G.V())]  # 用于标记已经被选取为树的节点,初始都为False        self.mst = []  # 记录被选取的边        self.mstWeight = 0  # 记录最小生成树的总权值        # Lizy Prim        self.visit(0)        while not self.pq.isEmpty():            # 取出权值最小的横切边            e = self.pq.extractMin()            if self.marked[e.v()] == self.marked[e.w()]:                # 如果e不是横切边(比如两个顶点都已经加入树中)                continue            # 选取e这条边,组成最小生成树            self.mst.append(e)            # 此时e边两个顶点必有一个未加入树中            if not self.marked[e.v()]:                self.visit(e.v())            else:                self.visit(e.w())        self.mstWeight = sum([i.wt() for i in self.mst])    def visit(self, v):        # 访问        if not self.marked[v]:            # self.marked[v]为False,表示该节点还未被加入树中            self.marked[v] = True            adj = self.G.adjIterator(self.G, v)            for i in adj:                if not self.marked[i.other(v)]:                    # 与v相连接的另一端还未被加入树中,则这一条边为横切边,加入到最小堆中                    # 此处Edge类重载运算符,可直接放入堆中进行计算                    self.pq.insert(i)    def mstEdges(self):        # 查询最小生成树的边        return self.mst    def result(self):        # 返回最小生成树的权值        return self.mstWeight
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