二叉搜索树的结构(30 分)

来源:互联网 发布:福昕阅读器mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:07

二叉搜索树或者是一棵空树,或者是具有下列性质的二叉树: 若它的左子树不空,则左子树上所有结点的值均小于它的根结点的值;若它的右子树不空,则右子树上所有结点的值均大于它的根结点的值;它的左、右子树也分别为二叉搜索树。(摘自百度百科)

给定一系列互不相等的整数,将它们顺次插入一棵初始为空的二叉搜索树,然后对结果树的结构进行描述。你需要能判断给定的描述是否正确。例如将{ 2 4 1 3 0 }插入后,得到一棵二叉搜索树,则陈述句如“2是树的根”、“1和4是兄弟结点”、“3和0在同一层上”(指自顶向下的深度相同)、“2是4的双亲结点”、“3是4的左孩子”都是正确的;而“4是2的左孩子”、“1和3是兄弟结点”都是不正确的。



  • A is the root,即"A是树的根";
  • A and B are siblings,即"AB是兄弟结点";
  • A is the parent of B,即"AB的双亲结点";
  • A is the left child of B,即"AB的左孩子";
  • A is the right child of B,即"AB的右孩子";
  • A and B are on the same level,即"AB在同一层上"。





52 4 1 3 082 is the root1 and 4 are siblings3 and 0 are on the same level2 is the parent of 43 is the left child of 41 is the right child of 24 and 0 are on the same level100 is the right child of 3


/*    刚开始把data定义成char了    结果改了整整两天。。。。*/#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef struct BSTNode{    int data;    struct BSTNode *lchild, *rchild;} BSTNode, *BSTree;typedef struct Que{    int a, b;    int flag;} Que;int N, QN;BSTree T = NULL;int InsertBST(BSTree &Ti, int data){    if(!Ti)    {        Ti = (BSTNode *)malloc(sizeof(BSTNode));        Ti->data = data;        Ti->lchild = Ti->rchild = NULL;        return 1;    }    else if(Ti->data > data)        return InsertBST(Ti->lchild, data);    else        return InsertBST(Ti->rchild, data);}void CreatBSTree(){    scanf("%d", &N);    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)    {        int data;        scanf("%d", &data);        InsertBST(T, data);    }}int GetDepth(BSTree Ti, int data, int dep){    if(Ti != NULL)    {        if(Ti->data == data)            return dep + 1;        else if(Ti->data > data)            return GetDepth(Ti->lchild, data, dep + 1);        else if(Ti->data < data)            return GetDepth(Ti->rchild, data, dep + 1);    }    else        return 0;}BSTNode *GetFather(BSTree father, BSTree Ti, int data){    if(Ti != NULL)    {        if(Ti->data == data)            return father;        else if(Ti->data > data)            return GetFather(Ti, Ti->lchild, data);        else if(Ti->data < data)            return GetFather(Ti, Ti->rchild, data);    }    else        return NULL;}BSTNode *GetMe(BSTree Ti, int data){    if(Ti != NULL)    {        if(Ti->data == data)            return Ti;        else if(Ti->data > data)            return GetMe(Ti->lchild, data);        else if(Ti->data < data)            return GetMe( Ti->rchild, data);    }    else        return NULL;}void InputQue(Que *Q){    scanf("%d", &QN);    for(int i = 0; i < QN; ++i)    {        int A, B;        char temp[50];        scanf("%d %s ", &Q[i].a, temp);        if(temp[0] == 'i')        {            scanf("%s %s", temp, temp);            if(temp[0] == 'r' && temp[1] == 'o')            {                Q[i].b = Q[i].a;                Q[i].flag = 1;            }            else            {                if(temp[0] == 'p')                {                    Q[i].flag = 3;                    scanf(" %s %d", temp, &Q[i].b);                }                else if(temp[0] == 'l')                {                    Q[i].flag = 4;                    scanf(" %s %s %d", temp, temp, &Q[i].b);                }                else if(temp[0] == 'r')                {                    Q[i].flag = 5;                    scanf(" %s %s %d", temp, temp, &Q[i].b);                }            }        }        else if(temp[0] == 'a')        {            scanf("%d %s %s", &Q[i].b, temp, temp);            if(temp[0] == 'o')            {                Q[i].flag = 6;                scanf(" %s %s %s", temp, temp, temp);            }            else if(temp[0] == 's')            {                Q[i].flag = 2;            }        }    }}//void Printf(int data)           /* 输出改点的所有信息  *///{//       printf("\n\n");//    if(!GetMe(T, data))//    {//        printf("NO Exit\n");//        return;//    }//    int dep = GetDepth(T, data, 0);//    BSTNode *father = GetFather(NULL, T, data);//    printf("Test %d\n%d 深度是  %d; ",data, data, dep);//    if(father == NULL)//        printf("%d is root", data);//        else//        {//            printf("%d 的父亲是 %d;", data, father->data);//            if(father->lchild != NULL)//            {//                  printf("   父亲的左子树是 %d;", father->lchild->data);//                if(father->lchild->data == data)//                  printf("   是左子树 ");//            }//            if(father->lchild == NULL)//             {//                 printf("   父亲无左子树 ");////             }//            if(father->rchild != NULL)//             {//                 printf("   父亲的右子树是 %d;", father->rchild->data);//                 if(father->rchild->data == data)//                  printf("   是右子树;");//             }//            if(father->rchild == NULL)//                printf("   父亲无右子树 ");//        }//    printf("\n");//}//void Traverse(BSTree Ti)  /* 遍历二叉树 *///{//    if(Ti != NULL)//    {//        Printf(Ti->data);//        Traverse(Ti->lchild);//        Traverse(Ti->rchild);//    }//    return;//}void IsRoot(Que Q){    BSTNode * temp = GetMe(T, Q.a);    if(!temp)    {        printf("No\n");    }    else    {        if(T->data == Q.a)            printf("Yes\n");        else            printf("No\n");    }}void IsSiblings(Que Q){    if(!GetMe(T, Q.a) || !GetMe(T, Q.b))        printf("No\n");    else    {        if(Q.a != Q.b && GetFather(NULL, T, Q.a) == GetFather(NULL, T, Q.b))            printf("Yes\n");        else            printf("No\n");    }}void IsParent(Que Q){    if(!GetMe(T, Q.a) || !GetMe(T, Q.b))        printf("No\n");    else    {        BSTNode * temp = GetFather(NULL, T, Q.b);        if(temp != NULL && temp->data == Q.a)        {            printf("Yes\n");        }        else            printf("No\n");    }}void IsLeft(Que Q){    BSTNode * temp = GetMe(T, Q.b);    if(!temp)        printf("No\n");    else    {        if(temp->lchild != NULL && temp->lchild->data == Q.a)            printf("Yes\n");        else            printf("No\n");    }}void IsRight(Que Q){    BSTNode * temp = GetMe(T, Q.b);    if(!temp)        printf("No\n");    else    {        if(temp->rchild != NULL && temp->rchild->data == Q.a)            printf("Yes\n");        else            printf("No\n");    }}void IsSameLevel(Que Q){    if(!GetMe(T, Q.a) || !GetMe(T, Q.b))        printf("No\n");    else    {        if(GetDepth(T, Q.a, 0) == GetDepth(T, Q.b, 0))            printf("Yes\n");        else        {            printf("No\n");        }    }}int main(){    Que Q[110];    CreatBSTree();//    if(T == NULL)//        printf("----------------NULL\n");    InputQue(Q);//   /*           遍历二叉树               *///    Traverse(T);//    /*     测试可能不在二叉树中的数值     *///    printf("\n****随机测试\n");//    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)//        Printf(i);//    /*  检测要测试的点的对应关系是否正确  *///    printf("\n要测试的点的对应关系\n");//    for(int i = 0; i < QN; ++i)//        printf("%d %d %d\n", Q[i].a, Q[i].b, Q[i].flag);    for(int i = 0; i < QN; ++i)    {        if(Q[i].flag == 1)        {            IsRoot(Q[i]);        }        else if(Q[i].flag == 2)        {            IsSiblings(Q[i]);        }        else if(Q[i].flag == 3)        {            IsParent(Q[i]);        }        else if(Q[i].flag == 4)        {            IsLeft(Q[i]);        }        else if(Q[i].flag == 5)        {            IsRight(Q[i]);        }        else if(Q[i].flag == 6)        {            IsSameLevel(Q[i]);        }    }}