
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云客服一天多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 22:00




每个 Verticle 在部署的时候都会被分配一个 Context(根据配置不同,可以是Event Loop Context 或者 Worker Context),之后此 Verticle 上所有的普通代码都会在此 Context 上执行(即对应的 Event Loop 或Worker 线程)。一个 Context 对应一个 Event Loop 线程(或 Worker 线程),但一个 Event Loop 可能对应多个 Context




// 配置服务端的NIO线程组EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();try {    ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)            .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)            .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1024)            .childHandler(new ChildChannelHandler());    // 绑定端口,同步等待成功    ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync();    // 等待服务器坚挺端口关闭;} finally {    // 优雅退出,释放线程池资源    bossGroup.shutdownGracefully();    workerGroup.shutdownGracefully();}

public NioEventLoopGroup() {    this(0);}
/** * Create a new instance. * * @param nThreads          the number of threads that will be used by this instance. * @param executor          the Executor to use, or {@code null} if the default should be used. * @param chooserFactory    the {@link EventExecutorChooserFactory} to use. * @param args              arguments which will passed to each {@link #newChild(Executor, Object...)} call */protected MultithreadEventExecutorGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor,                                        EventExecutorChooserFactory chooserFactory, Object... args) {    if (nThreads <= 0) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("nThreads: %d (expected: > 0)", nThreads));    }    if (executor == null) {        executor = new ThreadPerTaskExecutor(newDefaultThreadFactory());    }    children = new EventExecutor[nThreads];    for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i ++) {        boolean success = false;        try {            children[i] = newChild(executor, args);            success = true;        } catch (Exception e) {            // TODO: Think about if this is a good exception type            throw new IllegalStateException("failed to create a child event loop", e);        } finally {            if (!success) {                for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++) {                    children[j].shutdownGracefully();                }                for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++) {                    EventExecutor e = children[j];                    try {                        while (!e.isTerminated()) {                            e.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);                        }                    } catch (InterruptedException interrupted) {                        // Let the caller handle the interruption.                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }    chooser = chooserFactory.newChooser(children);    final FutureListener<Object> terminationListener = new FutureListener<Object>() {        @Override        public void operationComplete(Future<Object> future) throws Exception {            if (terminatedChildren.incrementAndGet() == children.length) {                terminationFuture.setSuccess(null);            }        }    };    for (EventExecutor e: children) {        e.terminationFuture().addListener(terminationListener);    }    Set<EventExecutor> childrenSet = new LinkedHashSet<EventExecutor>(children.length);    Collections.addAll(childrenSet, children);    readonlyChildren = Collections.unmodifiableSet(childrenSet);}



private final EventExecutor[] children;

children[i] = newChild(executor, args);
/** * Create a new EventExecutor which will later then accessible via the {@link #next()}  method. This method will be * called for each thread that will serve this {@link MultithreadEventExecutorGroup}. * */protected abstract EventExecutor newChild(Executor executor, Object... args) throws Exception;

@Overrideprotected EventLoop newChild(Executor executor, Object... args) throws Exception {    return new NioEventLoop(this, executor, (SelectorProvider) args[0],        ((SelectStrategyFactory) args[1]).newSelectStrategy(), (RejectedExecutionHandler) args[2]);}




private final Queue<Runnable> taskQueue;private volatile Thread thread;@SuppressWarnings("unused")private volatile ThreadProperties threadProperties;private final Executor executor;private volatile boolean interrupted;private final Semaphore threadLock = new Semaphore(0);private final Set<Runnable> shutdownHooks = new LinkedHashSet<Runnable>();private final boolean addTaskWakesUp;private final int maxPendingTasks;private final RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler;
    这里截取了该类的部分成员变量。其中我关心的就是Executor, Thread, taskQueue.


private void doStartThread() {    assert thread == null;    executor.execute(new Runnable() {        @Override        public void run() {            thread = Thread.currentThread();            if (interrupted) {                thread.interrupt();            }            boolean success = false;            updateLastExecutionTime();            try {      ;                success = true;            } catch (Throwable t) {                logger.warn("Unexpected exception from an event executor: ", t);            } finally {                for (;;) {                    int oldState = state;                    if (oldState >= ST_SHUTTING_DOWN || STATE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(                            SingleThreadEventExecutor.this, oldState, ST_SHUTTING_DOWN)) {                        break;                    }                }




executor = new ThreadPerTaskExecutor(newDefaultThreadFactory());

public final class ThreadPerTaskExecutor implements Executor {    private final ThreadFactory threadFactory;    public ThreadPerTaskExecutor(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {        if (threadFactory == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("threadFactory");        }        this.threadFactory = threadFactory;    }    @Override    public void execute(Runnable command) {        threadFactory.newThread(command).start();    }}


@Overridepublic Thread newThread(Runnable r) {    Thread t = newThread(new DefaultRunnableDecorator(r), prefix + nextId.incrementAndGet());    try {        if (t.isDaemon() != daemon) {            t.setDaemon(daemon);        }        if (t.getPriority() != priority) {            t.setPriority(priority);        }    } catch (Exception ignored) {        // Doesn't matter even if failed to set.    }    return t;}
protected Thread newThread(Runnable r, String name) {    return new FastThreadLocalThread(threadGroup, r, name);}
public FastThreadLocalThread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) {    super(group, target, name);}
/** * A special {@link Thread} that provides fast access to {@link FastThreadLocal} variables. */public class FastThreadLocalThread extends Thread {

    Executor-> ThreadPerTaskExecutor执行器

    Thread   -> FastThreadLocalThread线程



protected abstract void run();

@Overrideprotected void run() {    for (;;) {        try {            switch (selectStrategy.calculateStrategy(selectNowSupplier, hasTasks())) {                case SelectStrategy.CONTINUE:                    continue;                case SelectStrategy.SELECT:                    select(wakenUp.getAndSet(false));                    // 'wakenUp.compareAndSet(false, true)' is always evaluated                    // before calling 'selector.wakeup()' to reduce the wake-up                    // overhead. (Selector.wakeup() is an expensive operation.)                    //                    // However, there is a race condition in this approach.                    // The race condition is triggered when 'wakenUp' is set to                    // true too early.                    //                    // 'wakenUp' is set to true too early if:                    // 1) Selector is waken up between 'wakenUp.set(false)' and                    //    ''. (BAD)                    // 2) Selector is waken up between '' and                    //    'if (wakenUp.get()) { ... }'. (OK)                    //                    // In the first case, 'wakenUp' is set to true and the                    // following '' will wake up immediately.                    // Until 'wakenUp' is set to false again in the next round,                    // 'wakenUp.compareAndSet(false, true)' will fail, and therefore                    // any attempt to wake up the Selector will fail, too, causing                    // the following '' call to block                    // unnecessarily.                    //                    // To fix this problem, we wake up the selector again if wakenUp                    // is true immediately after                    // It is inefficient in that it wakes up the selector for both                    // the first case (BAD - wake-up required) and the second case                    // (OK - no wake-up required).                    if (wakenUp.get()) {                        selector.wakeup();                    }                default:                    // fallthrough            }            cancelledKeys = 0;            needsToSelectAgain = false;            final int ioRatio = this.ioRatio;            if (ioRatio == 100) {                try {                    processSelectedKeys();                } finally {                    // Ensure we always run tasks.                    runAllTasks();                }            } else {                final long ioStartTime = System.nanoTime();                try {                    processSelectedKeys();                } finally {                    // Ensure we always run tasks.                    final long ioTime = System.nanoTime() - ioStartTime;                    runAllTasks(ioTime * (100 - ioRatio) / ioRatio);                }            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            handleLoopException(t);        }        // Always handle shutdown even if the loop processing threw an exception.        try {            if (isShuttingDown()) {                closeAll();                if (confirmShutdown()) {                    return;                }            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            handleLoopException(t);        }    }}
    果然在NioEventLoop中找到了,这段代码在上一篇我们也看到过,就是轮询多路复用器,处理i/o事件的,这样想来,EventLoop线程启动后,在无线循环中select()完成的         SelectionKeys,并封装成任务,被分别处理。


private void processSelectedKeys() {    if (selectedKeys != null) {        processSelectedKeysOptimized();    } else {        processSelectedKeysPlain(selector.selectedKeys());    }}

  如果selectedKeys不为空就调用优化过的SelectionKeys的处理方法,不然就处理普通的SelectionKeys集合,普通的SelectionKey容器为Set,优化过的容器用数组存储,具体可    查代码。  


private void processSelectedKeysPlain(Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys) {    // check if the set is empty and if so just return to not create garbage by    // creating a new Iterator every time even if there is nothing to process.    // See    if (selectedKeys.isEmpty()) {        return;    }    Iterator<SelectionKey> i = selectedKeys.iterator();    for (;;) {        final SelectionKey k =;        final Object a = k.attachment();        i.remove();        if (a instanceof AbstractNioChannel) {            processSelectedKey(k, (AbstractNioChannel) a);        } else {            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")            NioTask<SelectableChannel> task = (NioTask<SelectableChannel>) a;            processSelectedKey(k, task);        }        if (!i.hasNext()) {            break;        }        if (needsToSelectAgain) {            selectAgain();            selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys();            // Create the iterator again to avoid ConcurrentModificationException            if (selectedKeys.isEmpty()) {                break;            } else {                i = selectedKeys.iterator();            }        }    }}


NioTask<SelectableChannel> task = (NioTask<SelectableChannel>) a;            processSelectedKey(k, task);

/** * An arbitrary task that can be executed by {@link NioEventLoop} when a {@link SelectableChannel} becomes ready. * * @see NioEventLoop#register(SelectableChannel, int, NioTask) */public interface NioTask<C extends SelectableChannel>

    注释说这种nioTask会在channel的ready状态被nioEventLoop execute().


/** * Poll all tasks from the task queue and run them via {@link Runnable#run()} method. * * @return {@code true} if and only if at least one task was run */protected boolean runAllTasks() {    assert inEventLoop();    boolean fetchedAll;    boolean ranAtLeastOne = false;    do {        fetchedAll = fetchFromScheduledTaskQueue();        if (runAllTasksFrom(taskQueue)) {            ranAtLeastOne = true;        }    } while (!fetchedAll); // keep on processing until we fetched all scheduled tasks.    if (ranAtLeastOne) {        lastExecutionTime = ScheduledFutureTask.nanoTime();    }    afterRunningAllTasks();    return ranAtLeastOne;}
/** * Runs all tasks from the passed {@code taskQueue}. * * @param taskQueue To poll and execute all tasks. * * @return {@code true} if at least one task was executed. */protected final boolean runAllTasksFrom(Queue<Runnable> taskQueue) {    Runnable task = pollTaskFrom(taskQueue);    if (task == null) {        return false;    }    for (;;) {        safeExecute(task);        task = pollTaskFrom(taskQueue);        if (task == null) {            return true;        }    }}
/** * Try to execute the given {@link Runnable} and just log if it throws a {@link Throwable}. */protected static void safeExecute(Runnable task) {    try {;    } catch (Throwable t) {        logger.warn("A task raised an exception. Task: {}", task, t);    }}


ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)        .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)        .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1024)        .childHandler(new ChildChannelHandler());// 绑定端口,同步等待成功ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync();

/** * Create a new {@link Channel} and bind it. */public ChannelFuture bind(int inetPort) {    return bind(new InetSocketAddress(inetPort));}
/** * Create a new {@link Channel} and bind it. */public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress) {    validate();    if (localAddress == null) {        throw new NullPointerException("localAddress");    }    return doBind(localAddress);}
private ChannelFuture doBind(final SocketAddress localAddress) {    final ChannelFuture regFuture = initAndRegister();    final Channel channel =;    if (regFuture.cause() != null) {        return regFuture;    }    if (regFuture.isDone()) {        // At this point we know that the registration was complete and successful.        ChannelPromise promise = channel.newPromise();        doBind0(regFuture, channel, localAddress, promise);        return promise;    } else {        // Registration future is almost always fulfilled already, but just in case it's not.        final PendingRegistrationPromise promise = new PendingRegistrationPromise(channel);        regFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {            @Override            public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {                Throwable cause = future.cause();                if (cause != null) {                    // Registration on the EventLoop failed so fail the ChannelPromise directly to not cause an                    // IllegalStateException once we try to access the EventLoop of the Channel.                    promise.setFailure(cause);                } else {                    // Registration was successful, so set the correct executor to use.                    // See                    promise.registered();                    doBind0(regFuture, channel, localAddress, promise);                }            }        });        return promise;    }}
private static void doBind0(        final ChannelFuture regFuture, final Channel channel,        final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) {    // This method is invoked before channelRegistered() is triggered.  Give user handlers a chance to set up    // the pipeline in its channelRegistered() implementation.    channel.eventLoop().execute(new Runnable() {        @Override        public void run() {            if (regFuture.isSuccess()) {                channel.bind(localAddress, promise).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE);            } else {                promise.setFailure(regFuture.cause());            }        }    });}
