python 多线程

来源:互联网 发布:图解网络硬件 百度云 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:29




import timedef eat(food):    print ("eat %s" %food)    print("start:", time.ctime())    time.sleep(2)    print (time.ctime())def play(name):    print ("play %s" %name)    time.sleep(5)    print (time.ctime())if __name__=="__main__":    eat("宫保鸡丁")    play("篮球")    print (time.ctime())结果:    eat 宫保鸡丁    start: Wed Nov 29 21:05:26 2017    Wed Nov 29 21:05:28 2017    play 篮球    Wed Nov 29 21:05:33 2017    Wed Nov 29 21:05:33 2017



import timeimport threadingdef eat(food):    print ("eat %s" %food)    print ("start:",time.ctime())    time.sleep(2)    print ("eat",time.ctime())def play(name):    print ("play %s" %name)    time.sleep(5)    print ("play",time.ctime())t1 = threading.Thread(target=eat,args=("宫保鸡丁",))t2 = threading.Thread(target=play,args=("篮球",))if __name__=="__main__":    t1.start()       t2.start()    print ("main:",time.ctime())结果:    eat 宫保鸡丁    start: Wed Nov 29 20:58:48 2017    play 篮球    main: Wed Nov 29 20:58:48 2017    eat Wed Nov 29 20:58:50 2017    play Wed Nov 29 20:58:53 2017


  • 导入threading类
  • t1 = threading.Thread(target=eat,args=(“宫保鸡丁”,)) 实例化Thread 类。target= 传入要执行的函数,args= 函数的参数。是一个元组。注意后面的逗号
  • t1.start() 运行这个线程


def eat(food):    print ("eat %s" %food)    time.sleep(2)    print ("eat",time.ctime())def play(name):    print ("play %s" %name)    time.sleep(5)    print ("play",time.ctime())threads = []t1 = threading.Thread(target=eat,args=("宫保鸡丁",))threads.append(t1)t2 = threading.Thread(target=play,args=("篮球",))threads.append(t2)if __name__=="__main__":    t1.setDaemon(True)    t1.start()    t2.setDaemon(True)    t2.start()    print ("main:",time.ctime()) 结果:    eat 宫保鸡丁    play 篮球    main: Thu Nov 30 09:46:38 2017

注意:setDaemon 在start之前


def eat(food):    print ("eat %s" %food)    time.sleep(2)    print ("eat",time.ctime())def play(name):    print ("play %s" %name)    time.sleep(5)    print ("play",time.ctime())threads = []t1 = threading.Thread(target=eat,args=("宫保鸡丁",))threads.append(t1)t2 = threading.Thread(target=play,args=("篮球",))threads.append(t2)if __name__=="__main__":    for t in threads:        t.start()    for t in threads:        t.join()    print ("main:",time.ctime())结果:eat 宫保鸡丁play 篮球eat Thu Nov 30 09:48:21 2017play Thu Nov 30 09:48:24 2017main: Thu Nov 30 09:48:24 2017

可以看到主线程的main 最后执行。这里用循环,让两个子线程同时运行,运行完毕再运行主线程

内存共享 + 线程锁

num = 1threads = []lock = threading.Lock()def add_num():    global num    lock.acquire()    num +=1    lock.release()    time.sleep(1)for i in range(500):    t = threading.Thread(target=add_num)    t.start()    threads.append(t)for t in threads:    t.join()print (num)结果:    501

内存共享是线程的一个特点,就是多个线程可以修改同一个内存数据。但是有时候会可能多个线程同时修改一个数据造成数据的不正确(在python2中出现过,不多。python3 没有出现)。为了保险起见可以在修改数据之前加一个锁(threading.Lock())。修改之后再释放锁来保证数据不会同时被多个线程占用。

threading.Event 线程事件(引用博友的代码了,写的挺好)

import threading,timeimport randomdef light():    if not event.isSet():        event.set() #wait就不阻塞 #绿灯状态    count = 0    while True:        if count < 10:            print('\033[42;1m--green light on---\033[0m')        elif count <13:            print('\033[43;1m--yellow light on---\033[0m')        elif count <20:            if event.isSet():                event.clear()            print('\033[41;1m--red light on---\033[0m')        else:            count = 0            event.set() #打开绿灯        time.sleep(1)        count +=1def car(n):    while 1:        time.sleep(random.randrange(10))        if  event.isSet(): #绿灯            print("car [%s] is running.." % n)        else:            print("car [%s] is waiting for the red light.." %n)if __name__ == '__main__':    event = threading.Event()    Light = threading.Thread(target=light)    Light.start()    for i in range(3):        t = threading.Thread(target=car,args=(i,))        t.start()

event = threading.Event() 实例化一个事件
even.set() 设置为True
even.clear() 设置为False


import threading,timeimport randomflag = Truedef light():    global flag    if not flag:        flag = True #wait就不阻塞 #绿灯状态    count = 0    while True:        if count < 10:            print('\033[42;1m--green light on---\033[0m')        elif count <13:            print('\033[43;1m--yellow light on---\033[0m')        elif count <20:            if flag:                flag = False            print('\033[41;1m--red light on---\033[0m')        else:            count = 0            flag=True #打开绿灯        time.sleep(1)        count +=1def car(n):    global flag    while 1:        time.sleep(random.randrange(10))        if  flag: #绿灯            print("car [%s] is running.." % n)        else:            print("car [%s] is waiting for the red light.." %n)if __name__ == '__main__':    #event = threading.Event()    Light = threading.Thread(target=light)    Light.start()    for i in range(3):        t = threading.Thread(target=car,args=(i,))        t.start()



import queueimport threadingimport timeq = queue.Queue()def producer(name):    while True:        time.sleep(1)        q.put("包子")        print ("%s 做了一个包子" %name)        print (q.qsize())def comsumer(name):    while True:        time.sleep(2)        if not q.empty():            q.get()            print("%s 吃了一个包子" %name)for i in range(2):    t = threading.Thread(target=producer,args=("大壮",))    t.start()for i in range(3):    t = threading.Thread(target=comsumer,args=("小壮实",))    t.start()