
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买家贷款在哪里 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 17:47


本节设计到了Librados以及Osdc等操作,相关类如 RadosClient、Objecter、IoCtxImpl等介绍见上一节:


2) 调用rados_config_read()读取配置文件。
5)调用 rados_write 函数 想该pool中写入对象。调用了IoCtxImpl::write()。



int librados::IoCtxImpl::write(const object_t& oid, bufferlist& bl,                               size_t len, uint64_t off){  if (len > UINT_MAX/2)    return -E2BIG;  ::ObjectOperation op;//创建ObjectOperation对象  prepare_assert_ops(&op);//封装相关写操作  bufferlist mybl;  mybl.substr_of(bl, 0, len);  op.write(off, mybl);  return operate(oid, &op, NULL);//调用operate处理}


int librados::IoCtxImpl::operate(const object_t& oid, ::ObjectOperation *o,                                 ceph::real_time *pmtime, int flags){  ceph::real_time ut = (pmtime ? *pmtime :    ceph::real_clock::now());  /* can't write to a snapshot */  if (snap_seq != CEPH_NOSNAP)    return -EROFS;  if (!o->size())    return 0;  Mutex mylock("IoCtxImpl::operate::mylock");  Cond cond;  bool done;  int r;  version_t ver;  Context *oncommit = new C_SafeCond(&mylock, &cond, &done, &r);  int op = o->ops[0].op.op;  ldout(client->cct, 10) << ceph_osd_op_name(op) << " oid=" << oid                         << " nspace=" << oloc.nspace << dendl;  //调用objecter->prepare_mutate_op把ObjectOperation封装为Op类型  Objecter::Op *objecter_op = objecter->prepare_mutate_op(oid, oloc,                                                          *o, snapc, ut, flags,                                                          oncommit, &ver);  objecter->op_submit(objecter_op);//发送消息  mylock.Lock();  while (!done)    cond.Wait(mylock);  mylock.Unlock();  ldout(client->cct, 10) << "Objecter returned from "        << ceph_osd_op_name(op) << " r=" << r << dendl;  set_sync_op_version(ver);  return r;}

发送消息 op_submit

该函数将封装好的Op操作通过网络发送出去。在op_submit中调用了_op_submit_with_budget用来处理Throttle相关的流量信息以及超时处理,最后该函数调用 _op_submit用来完成关键地址寻址和发送工作。

oid Objecter::op_submit(Op *op, ceph_tid_t *ptid, int *ctx_budget){  shunique_lock rl(rwlock, ceph::acquire_shared);  ceph_tid_t tid = 0;  if (!ptid)    ptid = &tid;  op->trace.event("op submit");  _op_submit_with_budget(op, rl, ptid, ctx_budget);//调用_op_submit_with_budget}void Op *op, shunique_lock& sul,                                      ceph_tid_t *ptid,                                      int *ctx_budget){  assert(initialized);  assert(op->ops.size() == op->out_bl.size());  assert(op->ops.size() == op->out_rval.size());  assert(op->ops.size() == op->out_handler.size());  // throttle.  before we look at any state, because  // _take_op_budget() may drop our lock while it blocks.  if (!op->ctx_budgeted || (ctx_budget && (*ctx_budget == -1))) {    int op_budget = _take_op_budget(op, sul);    // take and pass out the budget for the first OP    // in the context session    if (ctx_budget && (*ctx_budget == -1)) {      *ctx_budget = op_budget;    }  }  if (osd_timeout > timespan(0)) {    if (op->tid == 0)      op->tid = ++last_tid;    auto tid = op->tid;    op->ontimeout = timer.add_event(osd_timeout,                                    [this, tid]() {                                      op_cancel(tid, -ETIMEDOUT); });  }  _op_submit(op, sul, ptid);}void Objecter::_op_submit(Op *op, shunique_lock& sul, ceph_tid_t *ptid){  // rwlock is locked  ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " op " << op << dendl;  // pick target  assert(op->session == NULL);  OSDSession *s = NULL;  //调用_calc_target 来计算目标OSD  bool check_for_latest_map = _calc_target(&op->target, nullptr)    == RECALC_OP_TARGET_POOL_DNE;  // Try to get a session, including a retry if we need to take write lock  //调用函数 _get_session 获取目标OSD的连接,如果返回-EAGAIN,就升级为写锁,重新获取  int r = _get_session(op->target.osd, &s, sul);  if (r == -EAGAIN ||      (check_for_latest_map && sul.owns_lock_shared())) {    epoch_t orig_epoch = osdmap->get_epoch();    sul.unlock();    if (cct->_conf->objecter_debug_inject_relock_delay) {      sleep(1);    }    sul.lock();    if (orig_epoch != osdmap->get_epoch()) {      // map changed; recalculate mapping      ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " relock raced with osdmap, recalc target"                     << dendl;                     //调用_calc_target 来计算目标OSD      check_for_latest_map = _calc_target(&op->target, nullptr)        == RECALC_OP_TARGET_POOL_DNE;      if (s) {        put_session(s);        s = NULL;        r = -EAGAIN;      }    }  }  if (r == -EAGAIN) {    assert(s == NULL);    r = _get_session(op->target.osd, &s, sul);  }  assert(r == 0);  assert(s);  // may be homeless  _send_op_account(op);  // send?  assert(op->target.flags & (CEPH_OSD_FLAG_READ|CEPH_OSD_FLAG_WRITE));  if (osdmap_full_try) {    op->target.flags |= CEPH_OSD_FLAG_FULL_TRY;  }  bool need_send = false;  //判断当前状态,如果可以发送请求就调用 函数_prepare_osd_op 准备请求消息,调用函数_send_op发送消息  if (osdmap->get_epoch() < epoch_barrier) {    ldout(cct, 10) << " barrier, paused " << op << " tid " << op->tid                   << dendl;    op->target.paused = true;    _maybe_request_map();  } else if ((op->target.flags & CEPH_OSD_FLAG_WRITE) &&             osdmap->test_flag(CEPH_OSDMAP_PAUSEWR)) {    ldout(cct, 10) << " paused modify " << op << " tid " << op->tid                   << dendl;    op->target.paused = true;    _maybe_request_map();  } else if ((op->target.flags & CEPH_OSD_FLAG_READ) &&             osdmap->test_flag(CEPH_OSDMAP_PAUSERD)) {    ldout(cct, 10) << " paused read " << op << " tid " << op->tid                   << dendl;    op->target.paused = true;    _maybe_request_map();  } else if (op->respects_full() &&             (_osdmap_full_flag() ||              _osdmap_pool_full(op->target.base_oloc.pool))) {    ldout(cct, 0) << " FULL, paused modify " << op << " tid "                  << op->tid << dendl;    op->target.paused = true;    _maybe_request_map();  } else if (!s->is_homeless()) {    need_send = true;  } else {    _maybe_request_map();  }  //如果可以发送请求就调用 函数_prepare_osd_op 准备请求消息  MOSDOp *m = NULL;  if (need_send) {    m = _prepare_osd_op(op);  }  OSDSession::unique_lock sl(s->lock);  if (op->tid == 0)    op->tid = ++last_tid;  ldout(cct, 10) << "_op_submit oid " << op->target.base_oid                 << " '" << op->target.base_oloc << "' '"                 << op->target.target_oloc << "' " << op->ops << " tid "                 << op->tid << " osd." << (!s->is_homeless() ? s->osd : -1)                 << dendl;  _session_op_assign(s, op);  //如果可以发送请求就调用,调用函数_send_op发送消息  if (need_send) {    _send_op(op, m);  }  // Last chance to touch Op here, after giving up session lock it can  // be freed at any time by response handler.  ceph_tid_t tid = op->tid;  if (check_for_latest_map) {    _send_op_map_check(op);  }  if (ptid)    *ptid = tid;  op = NULL;  sl.unlock();  put_session(s);  ldout(cct, 5) << num_in_flight << " in flight" << dendl;}

对象寻址 _calc_target

int Objecter::_calc_target(op_target_t *t, Connection *con, bool any_change){  ....  ....  ....  const pg_pool_t *pi = osdmap->get_pg_pool(t->base_oloc.pool);  if (!pi) {    t->osd = -1;    return RECALC_OP_TARGET_POOL_DNE;  }  ldout(cct,30) << __func__ << "  base pi " << pi                << " pg_num " << pi->get_pg_num() << dendl;  bool force_resend = false;  if (osdmap->get_epoch() == pi->last_force_op_resend) {    if (t->last_force_resend < pi->last_force_op_resend) {      t->last_force_resend = pi->last_force_op_resend;      force_resend = true;    } else if (t->last_force_resend == 0) {      force_resend = true;    }  }  // apply tiering  t->target_oid = t->base_oid;  t->target_oloc = t->base_oloc;  if ((t->flags & CEPH_OSD_FLAG_IGNORE_OVERLAY) == 0) {    if (is_read && pi->has_read_tier())      t->target_oloc.pool = pi->read_tier;    if (is_write && pi->has_write_tier())      t->target_oloc.pool = pi->write_tier;    pi = osdmap->get_pg_pool(t->target_oloc.pool);    if (!pi) {      t->osd = -1;      return RECALC_OP_TARGET_POOL_DNE;    }  }  pg_t pgid;  if (t->precalc_pgid) {    assert(t->flags & CEPH_OSD_FLAG_IGNORE_OVERLAY);    assert(t->base_oid.name.empty()); // make sure this is a pg op    assert(t->base_oloc.pool == (int64_t)t->base_pgid.pool());    pgid = t->base_pgid;  } else {  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!获取目标对象所在的PG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    int ret = osdmap->object_locator_to_pg(t->target_oid, t->target_oloc,                                           pgid);    if (ret == -ENOENT) {      t->osd = -1;      return RECALC_OP_TARGET_POOL_DNE;    }  }  ldout(cct,20) << __func__ << " target " << t->target_oid << " "                << t->target_oloc << " -> pgid " << pgid << dendl;  ldout(cct,30) << __func__ << "  target pi " << pi                << " pg_num " << pi->get_pg_num() << dendl;  t->pool_ever_existed = true;  int size = pi->size;  int min_size = pi->min_size;  unsigned pg_num = pi->get_pg_num();  int up_primary, acting_primary;  vector<int> up, acting;  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!通过CRUSH算法,获取该PG对应的OSD列表!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  osdmap->pg_to_up_acting_osds(pgid, &up, &up_primary,                               &acting, &acting_primary);  bool sort_bitwise = osdmap->test_flag(CEPH_OSDMAP_SORTBITWISE);  bool recovery_deletes = osdmap->test_flag(CEPH_OSDMAP_RECOVERY_DELETES);  unsigned prev_seed = ceph_stable_mod(pgid.ps(), t->pg_num, t->pg_num_mask);  pg_t prev_pgid(prev_seed, pgid.pool());  ....  ....  ....  return RECALC_OP_TARGET_NO_ACTION;}