UE4 C++ Puzzle 模版学习和分析

来源:互联网 发布:jquery post get json 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 21:37

UE4 version: 4.17

1. 核心C++类

PuzzleBlock: 用于交互的一个个小立方块,它包含了两类事件操作:鼠标从上面划过,鼠标单击事件。
- Puzzle: 工程模块生成类,用于生成dll
- PuzzleGameMode:设置游戏运行模式,初始化游戏中的Pawn、Controller对象

     APuzzleGameMode::APuzzleGameMode()     {        // no pawn by default        DefaultPawnClass = APuzzlePawn::StaticClass();        // use our own player controller class        PlayerControllerClass = APuzzlePlayerController::StaticClass();     }
  • PuzzlePawn:游戏的虚拟玩家,主要提供以下接口:

    public:    virtual void Tick(float DeltaSeconds) override;    virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override;    virtual void CalcCamera(float DeltaTime, struct FMinimalViewInfo& OutResult) override;protected:    void OnResetVR();    void TriggerClick();    void TraceForBlock(const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, bool bDrawDebugHelpers);  
  • PuzzleBlockGrid: 网格类,作为游戏的框架部分,提供必要模块的初始化工作,并记录分数。它有一部分创建PuzzlePawn的代码中,计算行数和列数(通过除法和求余实现)写的比较精辟,在此分析下:

    void APuzzleBlockGrid::BeginPlay()

    Super::BeginPlay();// Number of blocks// Size = 3;// BlockSpacing = 300.f;const int32 NumBlocks = Size * Size; // 定义网格大小// Loop to spawn each blockfor(int32 BlockIndex=0; BlockIndex<NumBlocks; BlockIndex++){    const float XOffset = (BlockIndex/Size) * BlockSpacing; // Divide by dimension 通过除法计算行数    const float YOffset = (BlockIndex%Size) * BlockSpacing; // Modulo gives remainder 通过求余计算列数    // Make position vector, offset from Grid location    const FVector BlockLocation = FVector(XOffset, YOffset, 0.f) + GetActorLocation();    // Spawn a block    APuzzleBlock* NewBlock = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<APuzzleBlock>(BlockLocation, FRotator(0,0,0));    // Tell the block about its owner    if (NewBlock != nullptr)    {        NewBlock->OwningGrid = this;    }}


  • PuzzleController: 玩家控制器类。