
来源:互联网 发布:川普 好莱坞 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 02:56
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>#include <windows.h>#include <conio.h>#define N 28#define UP 72#define DOWN 80#define LEFT 75#define RIGHT 77using namespace std;typedef struct{int x, y;}point;point snake[400], food, next_head;//next_head pos of headchar game_map[N][N];int head, tail;int lv, len, interval;char dir;void gotoxy(int x, int y)//prevent blinking{    HANDLE hConsoleOutput;    COORD dwCursorPosition;    dwCursorPosition.X = x;    dwCursorPosition.Y = y;    hConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);    SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsoleOutput, dwCursorPosition);}inline void update(char game_map[][N], int lv, int len, int interval){    gotoxy(0, 0);    int i, j;    printf("\n");    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i){        printf("\t\t");        for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)            printf("%c ", game_map[i][j]);        switch(i){            case 0: printf("\tLevel: %d", lv); break;            case 4: printf("\tLength: %d", len); break;            case 8: printf("\tInterval: %3d ms", interval); break;            case 18: printf("\tPress Space to Pause");        }        printf("\n");    }}inline void rand_food(){    srand(int(time(0)));    do{        food.x = rand() % 20 + 1;        food.y = rand() % 20 + 1;    }while (game_map[food.x][food.y] != ' ');    game_map[food.x][food.y] = '$';}inline void init(){    int i, j;    for (i = 1; i <= N-2; ++i)        for (j = 1; j <= N-2; ++j)            game_map[i][j] = ' ';    for (i = 0; i <= N-1; ++i)        game_map[0][i] = game_map[N-1][i] = game_map[i][0] = game_map[i][N-1] = '#';    game_map[1][1] = game_map[1][2] = game_map[1][3] = game_map[1][4] = '@';    game_map[1][5] = 'Q';    head = 4; tail = 0;    snake[head].x = 1; snake[head].y = 5;    snake[tail].x = 1; snake[tail].y = 1;    snake[1].x = 1; snake[1].y = 2;    snake[2].x = 1; snake[2].y = 3;    snake[3].x = 1; snake[3].y = 4;    rand_food();    lv = 0; len = 5; interval = 400;    dir = RIGHT;    puts("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPress Any Key");    getch();    update(game_map, lv, len, interval);}inline int mov(){    bool timeover = true;    double start = (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;            //get total time    char tmp;here:    //wait for 1s    while ((timeover = ((double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC - start <= interval / 1000.0)) && !_kbhit());    if (timeover){        char c = getch();        if (c == ' ') {            printf("Game Paused");            while (getch() != ' ');            system("cls");            update(game_map, lv, len, interval);        }        else if ((c != UP && c != DOWN && c != LEFT && c != RIGHT) ||            (dir == UP && c == DOWN) || (dir == DOWN && c == UP) ||            (dir == LEFT && c == RIGHT) || (dir == RIGHT && c == LEFT))            goto here;        else            dir = c;    }    switch (dir){        case UP:            next_head.x = snake[head].x - 1; next_head.y = snake[head].y;            break;        case DOWN:            next_head.x = snake[head].x + 1; next_head.y = snake[head].y;            break;        case LEFT:            next_head.x = snake[head].x; next_head.y = snake[head].y - 1;            break;        case RIGHT:            next_head.x = snake[head].x; next_head.y = snake[head].y + 1;            break;    }    if ((!next_head.x || next_head.x == N-1 || !next_head.y || next_head.y == N-1) ||                       //hit the wall        (game_map[next_head.x][next_head.y] != ' ' && !(next_head.x == food.x && next_head.y == food.y))){   //hit itself        puts("Game Over!\nReplay? y/n");        while (tolower(tmp = getchar()) != 'y' && tolower(tmp) != 'n');        if (tmp == 'y') return 2;        else return 0;    }    if (len == 100){        puts("Congratulations!\nReplay? y/n");        while (tolower(tmp = getchar()) != 'y' && tolower(tmp) != 'n');        if (tmp == 'y') return 2;        else return 0;    }    return 1;}inline void eating(){    ++len;    int grade = len / 5 - 1;    if (grade != lv){        lv = grade;        if (interval > 50)            interval = 400 - lv * 50;    }    game_map[next_head.x][next_head.y] = 'Q';                        //change head pos    game_map[snake[head].x][snake[head].y] = '@';        //head becomes body    head = (head + 1) % 400;    snake[head].x = next_head.x;    snake[head].y = next_head.y;                             //change head pos    rand_food();    update(game_map, lv, len, interval);}inline void not_eating(){    game_map[snake[tail].x][snake[tail].y] = ' ';        //tail becomes ' '    tail = (tail + 1) % 400;    game_map[next_head.x][next_head.y] = 'Q';    game_map[snake[head].x][snake[head].y] = '@';    head = (head + 1) % 400;    snake[head].x = next_head.x;    snake[head].y = next_head.y;    update(game_map, lv, len, interval);}int main(){    SetConsoleTitle("Snake");    system("color 3E");there:    init();    while (1)        switch(mov()){        case 1:            if (next_head.x == food.x && next_head.y == food.y) eating();            else not_eating();            break;        case 2: system("cls"); goto there; break;        default: return 0;        }    return 0;}