flex大小自适应 ggg

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网压缩面膜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 21:57


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"     layout="absolute" xmlns:flexer="com.flexer.*">    <mx:TextArea id="inputText"  x="10" y="61"         width="444" height="150"/>    <flexer:AutoResizeableTextArea  id="respText"          x="10" y="219" width="222"         autoResize="true"        text="{inputText.text}"/>    <mx:Text x="10" y="10" text="Put some text in this text area and the one bellow will resize according to the &#xa;qunatity of text insered. You can copy text from anywhere (i used text from &#xa;http://www.lipsum.com/feed/html). You can even copy this text."         width="444" height="49"/></mx:Application>
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:TextArea xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">     <mx:Script>          <![CDATA[                // auto resize setting               private var _autoResizable:Boolean = false// getter               [Bindable(event="changeAutoResize")]               public function get autoResize():Boolean               {                    return _autoResizable;               }                // setter               public function set autoResize(b:Boolean):void               {                    _autoResizable = b;                    // if the text field component is created                    // and is auto resizable                    // we call the resize method                    if (this.mx_internal::getTextField() != null &&                          _autoResizable == true)                         resizeTextArea();                    // dispatch event to make the autoResize                     // property bindable                    dispatchEvent(new Event("changeAutoResize"));               }                // setter override               override public function set text(value:String):void               {                    // calling super method                     super.text = value;                    // if is auto resizable we call                     // the resize method                    if (_autoResizable)                         resizeTextArea();               }                // resize function for the text area               private function resizeTextArea():void               {                    // initial height value                    // if set to 0 scroll bars will                     // appear to the resized text area                     var totalHeight:uint = 10;                    // validating the object                    this.validateNow();                    // find the total number of text lines                     // in the text area                    var noOfLines:int = this.mx_internal::getTextField().numLines;                    // iterating through all lines of                     // text in the text area                    for (var i:int = 0; i < noOfLines; i++)                     {                         // getting the height of one text line                         var textLineHeight:int =                              this.mx_internal::getTextField().getLineMetrics(i).height;                         // adding the height to the total height                         totalHeight += textLineHeight;                    }                    // setting the new calculated height                    this.height = totalHeight;               }          ]]>     </mx:Script></mx:TextArea>