
来源:互联网 发布:linux 文件夹覆盖 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 08:57


// support function for radixSort()
// distribute vector elements into one of 10 queues
// using the digit corresponding to power
//   power = 1    ==> 1's digit
//   power = 10   ==> 10's digit
//   power = 100  ==> 100's digit
//   ...
void distribute(const vector<int>& v, queue<int> digitQueue[],
                int power)
 int i;

 // loop through the vector, inserting each element into
 // the queue (v[i] / power) % 10
 for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
  digitQueue[(v[i] / power) % 10].push(v[i]);

// support function for radixSort()
// gather elements from the queues and copy back to the vector
void collect(queue<int> digitQueue[], vector<int>& v)
 int i = 0, digit;

 // scan the vector of queues using indices 0, 1, 2, etc.
 for (digit = 0; digit < 10; digit++)
  // collect items until queue empty and copy items back
  // to the vector
  while (!digitQueue[digit].empty())
   v[i] = digitQueue[digit].front();

void radixSort(vector<int>& v, int d)
 int i;
 int power = 1;
 queue<int> digitQueue[10];

 for (i=0;i < d;i++)
  distribute(v, digitQueue, power);
  collect(digitQueue, v);
  power *= 10;
