C++ young 程序库——y_list.hpp

来源:互联网 发布:sql的功能包括 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:38


The young Library
Copyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any
purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
The author make no representations about the suitability of this software
for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

#include "y_allocator.hpp"
#include "y_construct.hpp"
#include "y_exception.hpp"
#include "algorithm/y_algorithm_base.hpp"
#include "algorithm/y_algorithm_compare.hpp"

static const int list_sort_array = 64;

struct list_node_base
    list_node_base* prev;
    list_node_base* next;

template< typename Value >
struct list_node : public list_node_base
    Value data;


inline void list_iterator_increment_n( list_node_base*& node,
                                       def_size_t n )
    for( ; n > 0; --n )
        node = node->next;

inline void list_iterator_decrement_n( list_node_base*& node,
                                       def_size_t n )
    for( ; n > 0; --n )
        node = node->prev;

inline def_size_t list_size( const list_node_base* begin,
                             const list_node_base* end )
    def_size_t n = 0;
    while( begin != end )
        begin = begin->next;
    return n;

inline void list_splice( list_node_base* position,
                         list_node_base* first,
                         list_node_base* last )
    if( position != last )
        last->prev->next = position;
        first->prev->next = last;
        position->prev->next = first;
        list_node_base* temp = position->prev;
        position->prev = last->prev;
        last->prev = first->prev;
        first->prev = temp;

inline list_node_base* list_insert_link( list_node_base* position,
                                         list_node_base* new_node )
    new_node->next = position;
    new_node->prev = position->prev;
    position->prev->next = new_node;
    position->prev = new_node;
    return new_node;

inline list_node_base* list_erase_node( list_node_base* position )
    list_node_base* prev_node = position->prev;
    list_node_base* next_node = position->next;
    prev_node->next = next_node;
    next_node->prev = prev_node;
    return next_node;

inline void list_reverse_not_POD( list_node_base* header )
    if( !header || header->next->next == header )

    list_node_base* curr_node = header->next->next;
    list_node_base* next_node = curr_node->next;
    list_node_base* curr_temp;
    list_node_base* next_temp;

    while( curr_node != header )
        curr_temp = curr_node;
        curr_node = curr_node->next;
        next_temp = next_node;
        next_node = next_node->next;
        list_splice( header->next, curr_temp, next_temp );


template< typename T, typename Ref, typename Ptr, typename Alloc >
class list_iterator;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
class list;

template< typename T, typename Alloc >
inline list_iterator<T, T&, T*, Alloc>
const_iter_cast( const list_iterator<T, const T&, const T*, Alloc>& citer );

template< typename T, typename Ref, typename Ptr, typename Alloc >
class list_iterator
    typedef  bidirectional_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
    typedef  def_size_t                  size_type;
    typedef  def_ptrdiff_t               difference_type;
    typedef  T                           value_type;
    typedef  Ref                         reference;
    typedef  Ptr                         pointer;

    typedef  list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc>            self;
    typedef  list_iterator<T, T&, T*, Alloc>              iterator;
    typedef  list_iterator<T, const T&, const T*, Alloc>  const_iterator;

    typedef  list_node_base*  base_ptr;
    typedef  list_node<T>*    node_ptr;

    typedef  typename primal_type<Ref>::contrary_const_ref  Ref_t;
    typedef  typename primal_type<Ptr>::contrary_const_ptr  Ptr_t;

    friend class list<T, Alloc>;
    friend class list_iterator<T, Ref_t, Ptr_t, Alloc>;
    friend iterator const_iter_cast <> ( const const_iterator& );

    base_ptr node;

    list_iterator() : node(NULL_POINTER)  {}
    list_iterator( base_ptr p ) : node(p)  {}
    list_iterator( node_ptr p ) : node(p)  {}
    list_iterator( const iterator& x ) : node(x.node)  {}

    self& operator=( def_nullptr_t n )
        if( n == NULL_POINTER )
            node = NULL_POINTER;
        return *this;

    bool operator!() const  {  return !node;  }

    bool operator==( const self& rhs ) const  {  return node == rhs.node;  }
    bool operator!=( const self& rhs ) const  {  return node != rhs.node;  }

    reference operator*() const
        {  return static_cast<node_ptr>(node)->data;  }
    pointer operator->() const
        {  return &( operator*() );  }

    self& operator++()
        {  node = node->next;  return *this;  }
    self operator++(int)
        {  self old = *this;  node = node->next;  return old;  }

    self& operator--()
        {  node = node->prev;  return *this;  }
    self operator--(int)
        {  self old = *this;  node = node->prev;  return old;  }

    self& operator+=( difference_type n )
        n > 0 ? list_iterator_increment_n( node, n )
              : list_iterator_decrement_n( node, n );
        return *this;

    self& operator-=( difference_type n )
        n > 0 ? list_iterator_decrement_n( node, n )
              : list_iterator_increment_n( node, n );
        return *this;
};  //end iterator

template< typename T, typename Ref, typename Ptr, typename Alloc >
inline list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc>
operator+( const list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc>& lhs, def_ptrdiff_t n )
    list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr,Alloc> temp( lhs );
    return ( temp += n );

template< typename T, typename Ref, typename Ptr, typename Alloc >
inline list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr,Alloc>
operator+( def_ptrdiff_t n, const list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc>& rhs )
    list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc> temp( rhs );
    return ( temp += n );

template< typename T, typename Ref, typename Ptr, typename Alloc >
inline list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc>
operator-( const list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc>& lhs, def_ptrdiff_t n )
    list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Alloc> temp( lhs );
    return ( temp -= n );

template< typename T, typename Alloc >
inline list_iterator<T, T&, T*, Alloc>
const_iter_cast( const list_iterator<T, const T&, const T*, Alloc>& citer )
    return list_iterator<T, T&, T*, Alloc>( citer.node );


template< typename T, typename Allocator = allocator< list_node<T> > >
class list
    typedef  list<T, Allocator>  self;
    typedef  Allocator           allocator_type;

    typedef  T                                   value_type;
    typedef  value_type&                         reference;
    typedef  const value_type&                   const_reference;
    typedef  value_type*                         pointer;
    typedef  const value_type*                   const_pointer;
    typedef  def_size_t                          size_type;
    typedef  def_ptrdiff_t                       difference_type;

    typedef  list_iterator<T, T&, T*, Allocator>              iterator;
    typedef  list_iterator<T, const T&, const T*, Allocator>  const_iterator;

    typedef  Reverse_Iterator<iterator>        reverse_iterator;
    typedef  Reverse_Iterator<const_iterator>  const_reverse_iterator;

    typedef  list_node_base   base_node_type;
    typedef  list_node_base*  base_ptr;
    typedef  list_node<T>     node_type;
    typedef  list_node<T>*    node_ptr;

    typedef  typename Allocator::template rebind<base_node_type>::other  base_node_alloc;
//    typedef  allocator<base_node_type>  base_node_alloc;

    base_ptr        m_header;
    allocator_type  m_alloc;

    list()  {  init_header();  }

    explicit list( size_type size )
        {  fill_init( size, value_type() );  }

    list( size_type size, const_reference value )
        {  fill_init( size, value );  }
    list( int size, const_reference value )
        {  fill_init( static_cast<size_type>(size), value );  }
    list( long size, const_reference value )
        {  fill_init( static_cast<size_type>(size), value );  }

    template< typename InputIterator >
    list( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
            insert( end(), first, last );

    list( const self& rhs )
            insert( end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );

    self& operator=( const self& rhs )
        if( this != &rhs )
            assign( rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );
        return *this;

    ~list()  {  clear();  dealloc_header();  }

    iterator begin()              {  return m_header->next;  }
    iterator end()                {  return m_header;  }
    const_iterator begin() const  {  return m_header->next;  }
    const_iterator end() const    {  return m_header;  }

    reverse_iterator rbegin()              {  return end();  }
    reverse_iterator rend()                {  return begin();  }
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const  {  return end();  }
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const    {  return begin();  }

    reference front()              {  return *begin();  }
    reference back()               {  return *(--end());  }
    const_reference front() const  {  return *begin();  }
    const_reference back() const   {  return *(--end());  }

    bool empty() const          {  return ( m_header->next == m_header );  }
    size_type max_size() const  {  return size_t_max;  }
    void clear()                {  erase( begin(), end() );  }

    void push_back( const_reference value )   {  insert( end(), value );  }
    void push_front( const_reference value )  {  insert( begin(), value );  }
    void pop_back()                           {  erase( --end() );  }
    void pop_front()                          {  erase( begin() );  }

    reference at( size_type index );
    const_reference at( size_type index ) const;

    reference operator[]( size_type index )
        iterator result = begin();
        return *( result += index );
    const_reference operator[]( size_type index ) const
        const_iterator result = begin();
        return *( result += index );

    size_type size() const
        return list_size( m_header->next, m_header );

    void swap( self& rhs )
        if( this != &rhs )
            data_swap( m_header, rhs.m_header );
            data_swap( m_alloc, rhs.m_alloc );

    void reverse()
        typedef  typename type_traits<value_type>::is_POD_type  POD;
        list_reverse( POD() );

    void splice( iterator position, self& rhs )
        if( !rhs.empty() )
            list_splice( position.node, rhs.begin().node, rhs.end().node );
    void splice( iterator position, self& rhs, iterator first, iterator last )
        if( first != last )
            list_splice( position.node, first.node, last.node );
    void splice( iterator position, self& rhs, iterator new_node )
        if( position != new_node )
            iterator temp = new_node;  ++temp;
            if( new_node != temp )
                list_splice( position.node, new_node.node, temp.node );

    iterator erase( iterator position );
    iterator erase( iterator first, iterator last );

    iterator insert( iterator position, const_reference value = value_type() );
    void insert( iterator position, size_type count, const_reference value );
    void insert( iterator position, int count, const_reference value )
        {  insert( position, static_cast<size_type>(count), value );  }
    void insert( iterator position, long count, const_reference value )
        {  insert( position, static_cast<size_type>(count), value );  }
    template< typename InputIterator >
    void insert( iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last );

    void assign( size_type new_size, const_reference value = value_type() );
    void assign( int new_size, const_reference value = value_type() )
        {  assign( static_cast<size_type>(new_size), value );  }
    void assign( long new_size, const_reference value = value_type() )
        {  assign( static_cast<size_type>(new_size), value );  }
    template< typename InputIterator >
    void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );

    void resize( size_type new_size, const_reference value = value_type() );

    void remove( const_reference value );
    void unique();
    void merge( self& rhs );
    void sort();

    template< typename Predicate >
    void remove_if( Predicate pred );

    template< typename BinaryPredicate >
    void unique( BinaryPredicate bin_pred );

    template< typename StrictWeakOrdering >
    void merge( self& rhs, StrictWeakOrdering comp );

    template< typename StrictWeakOrdering >
    void sort( StrictWeakOrdering comp );

    void init_header()
        m_header->prev = m_header;
        m_header->next = m_header;

    void alloc_header()
        m_header = base_node_alloc().allocate( 1 );

    void dealloc_header()
        base_node_alloc().deallocate( m_header, 1 );

    node_ptr create_node( const_reference x )
        node_ptr ptr = m_alloc.allocate( 1 );
            construct( &(ptr->data), x );
            m_alloc.deallocate( ptr, 1 );
        return ptr;

    void destroy_node( node_ptr ptr )
        destroy( &(ptr->data) );
        m_alloc.deallocate( ptr, 1 );

    void fill_init( size_type n, const_reference value )
            insert( end(), n, value );

    void list_reverse( true_type );
    void list_reverse( false_type )
        list_reverse_not_POD( m_header );

    value_type& data( base_ptr x )
        return static_cast<node_ptr>(x)->data;

};  //end class


template< typename T, typename Allocator >
typename list<T, Allocator>::reference
list<T, Allocator>::at( size_type index )
    if( empty() )
        throw_out_of_range( "list::at()" );

    iterator result = begin();
    iterator finish = end();

    for( ; index > 0; --index,++result )
        if( result == finish )
            throw_out_of_range( "list::at()" );
    return *result;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
typename list<T, Allocator>::const_reference
list<T, Allocator>::at( size_type index ) const
    if( empty() )
        throw_out_of_range( "list::at()" );

    const_iterator result = begin();
    const_iterator finish = end();

    for( ; index > 0; --index,++result )
        if( result == finish )
            throw_out_of_range( "list::at()" );
    return *result;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
typename list<T, Allocator>::iterator
list<T, Allocator>::erase( iterator position )
    if( position == end() )
        return position;

    base_ptr next_node = list_erase_node( position.node );
    destroy_node( static_cast<node_ptr>(position.node) );
    return next_node;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
typename list<T, Allocator>::iterator
list<T, Allocator>::erase( iterator first, iterator last )
    if( first != last && first != end() )
        iterator temp_last = last;

        first.node->prev->next = last.node;
        last.node->prev = first.node->prev;

        iterator temp;
        while( temp_last != first )
            temp = temp_last;
            destroy_node( static_cast<node_ptr>(temp.node) );
        destroy_node( static_cast<node_ptr>(first.node) );
    return last;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
typename list<T, Allocator>::iterator
list<T, Allocator>::insert( iterator position, const_reference value )
    base_ptr new_node = create_node( value );
    return list_insert_link( position.node, new_node );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::insert( iterator position, size_type count,
                                 const_reference value )
    for( ; count > 0; --count )
        insert( position, value );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
template< typename InputIterator >
void list<T, Allocator>::insert( iterator position,
                                 InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
    for( ; first != last; ++first )
        insert( position, *first );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::resize( size_type new_size, const_reference value )
    iterator itr1 = begin();
    iterator itr2 = end();

    while( (itr1 != itr2) && (new_size > 0) )

    if( new_size == 0 )
        erase( itr1, itr2 );
        insert( itr2, new_size, value );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::assign( size_type new_size, const_reference value )
    if( new_size < 1 )

    iterator itr1 = begin();
    iterator itr2 = end();

    for( ; (itr1 != itr2) && (new_size > 0); ++itr1,--new_size )
        *itr1 = value;

    if( new_size == 0 )
        erase( itr1, itr2 );
        insert( itr1, new_size, value );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
template< typename InputIterator >
void list<T, Allocator>::assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
    if( first == last )

    iterator itr1 = begin();
    iterator itr2 = end();

    for( ; (itr1 != itr2) && (first != last); ++first,++itr1 )
        *itr1 = *first;

    if( itr1 != itr2 )
        erase( itr1, itr2 );
        insert( itr1, first, last );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::list_reverse( true_type )
    if( empty() || m_header->next->next == m_header )

    iterator first = begin();
    iterator last = --end();
    iterator last_next;

    for( ; (first != last) && (first != last_next); ++first,--last )
        last_next = last;
        data_swap( data(first.node), data(last.node) );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::remove( const_reference value )
    iterator first = begin();
    iterator last = end();
    iterator temp;

    while( first != last )
        temp = first;
        if( *temp == value )
            erase( temp );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
template< typename Predicate >
void list<T, Allocator>::remove_if( Predicate pred )
    iterator first = begin();
    iterator last = end();
    iterator temp;

    while( first != last )
        temp = first;
        if( pred(*temp) )
            erase( temp );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::unique()
    if( empty() || m_header->next->next == m_header )

    iterator first = begin();
    iterator last = end();
    iterator next = first;

    while( (++next) != last )
        if( *next == *first )
            erase( next );
            first = next;
        next = first;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
template< typename BinaryPredicate >
void list<T, Allocator>::unique( BinaryPredicate bin_pred )
    if( empty() || m_header->next->next == m_header )

    iterator first = begin();
    iterator last = end();
    iterator next = first;

    while( (++next) != last )
        if( bin_pred(*first, *next) )
            erase( next );
            first = next;
        next = first;

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::merge( self& rhs )
    if( rhs.empty() )

    iterator first1 = begin(),     last1 = end();
    iterator first2 = rhs.begin(), last2 = rhs.end();
    iterator temp;

    while( (first1 != last1) && (first2 != last2) )
        if( *first2 < *first1 )
            temp = first2;
            splice( first1, rhs, temp, first2 );

    if( first2 != last2 )
        splice( last1, rhs, first2, last2 );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
template< typename StrictWeakOrdering >
void list<T, Allocator>::merge( self& rhs, StrictWeakOrdering comp )
    if( rhs.empty() )

    iterator first1 = begin(),     last1 = end();
    iterator first2 = rhs.begin(), last2 = rhs.end();
    iterator temp;

    while( (first1 != last1) && (first2 != last2) )
        if( comp(*first2, *first1) )
            temp = first2;
            splice( first1, rhs, temp, first2 );

    if( first2 != last2 )
        splice( last1, rhs, first2, last2 );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
void list<T, Allocator>::sort()
    if( empty() || m_header->next->next == m_header )

    self result[ list_sort_array ];
    self carry;
    size_type fill = 0;

    while( !empty() )
        carry.splice( carry.begin(), *this, begin() );
        size_type i = 0;
        while( (i < fill) && (!result[i].empty()) )
            result[i].merge( carry );
            carry.swap( result[i] );
        carry.swap( result[i] );
        if( i == fill )

    for( size_type j = 1; j < fill; ++j )
        result[j].merge( result[j - 1] );

    swap( result[fill - 1] );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
template< typename StrictWeakOrdering >
void list<T, Allocator>::sort( StrictWeakOrdering comp )
    if( empty() || m_header->next->next == m_header )

    self result[ list_sort_array ];
    self carry;
    size_type fill = 0;

    while( !empty() )
        carry.splice( carry.begin(), *this, begin() );
        size_type i = 0;
        while( (i < fill) && (!result[i].empty()) )
            result[i].merge( carry, comp );
            carry.swap( result[i] );
        carry.swap( result[i] );
        if( i == fill )

    for( size_type j = 1; j < fill; ++j )
        result[j].merge( result[j - 1], comp );

    swap( result[fill - 1] );


template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline void swap( list<T, Allocator>& lhs, list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    lhs.swap( rhs );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator==( const list<T, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    if( lhs.end() == rhs.end() )
        return true;

    return matching( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator!=( const list<T, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    return !( lhs == rhs );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<( const list<T, Allocator>& lhs,
                       const list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    if( lhs.end() == rhs.end() )
        return false;

    return lexicographical_compare( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(),
                                    rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>( const list<T, Allocator>& lhs,
                       const list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs < lhs );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<=( const list<T, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    return !( rhs < lhs );

template< typename T, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>=( const list<T, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const list<T, Allocator>& rhs )
    return !( lhs < rhs );

