Space-Optimized Texture Maps

来源:互联网 发布:网络统考英语 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 17:39

Space-Optimized Texture Maps

Laurent Balmelli, Gabriel Taubin, Fausto Bernardini
Proceedings of Eurographics 2002, Saarbrucken, Germany, September 2002.



这篇文章是在2010年的暑假开始阅读,根据杨老师提供的textured 3D Model的Saliency Map,利用文章提供的Relaxation algorithm对纹理图像进行松弛操作。


在实现的过程中,出现了一些问题,总结如下:1)第一次面对图像的编程,其中的横纵坐标关系搞晕了,这一点在图像编程中要分清楚,尤其重要;2)其实文章Relaxation algorithm部分给出的unconstrained displacement是前面定义的能量函数优化后的结果,编写代码的时候直接拿来用就可以了,其实这中间的推理过程也简单,只要主要把sigma(v_i)的值当作顶点的函数即可;3)但是在实现过程中,如何计算顶点i的领域中ratio vary fastest的h遇到了一些错误,导致了实现过程的不理想,多次带入实际值计算的结果不对;4)......


本文的思想很新颖,但同时也很简单。为了利用他们定义的能量函数来优化我定义的纹理化模型的saliency map的图像,还需要做更多的改进,这部分内容目前正在整理中,下次等论文发表了再补充。


Texture mapping is a common operation to increase the realism of three-dimensional meshes at low cost. We propose a new texture optimization algorithm based on the reduction of the physical space allotted to the texture image. Our algorithm optimizes the use of texture space by computing a warping function for the image and new texture coordinates. Neither the mesh geometry nor its connectivity are modified by the optimization. Our method uniformly distributes frequency content of the image in the spatial domain. In other words, the image is stretched in high frequency areas, whereas low frequency regions are shrunk. We also take into account distortions introduced by the mapping onto the model geometry in this process. The resulting image can be resampled at lower rate while preserving its original details. The unwarping is performed by the texture mapping function. Hence, the spaceoptimized texture is stored as-is in texture memory and is fully supported by current graphics hardware. We present several examples showing that our method significantly decreases texture memory usage without noticeable loss in visual quality.


Abstract (Chinese)