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lock us up 把我们锁起来了
get us out of here 把我们弄出去

What you lack is the capacity! 你缺少的只是能力而已!
(这句话听起来会有一些冒犯人的口吻在里面,但是至少要比"You are incapable of doing that." 好得多!经常情况


Pardon me 对不起
这是英国人习惯的用法,意思和Excuse me!一样。也可以作为I beg your pardon.麻烦再说一遍!的替换词。

fire in the hole
这句话是在美国的部队中经常用到的一句话,意思是"get down,卧倒,有危险!"但是一定不要在日常生活中用这句话,


go totally mad 疯掉了  他完全疯掉了He goes totally mad!
某人因为某事而被气得抓狂的时候经常会说到的一句话。以下短语表达相同的意思be out of mind, drive someone


The following is a minimal Miranda warning:【Miranda is a layer】
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you

cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.
