How to generate response for AHB Slave VIP

来源:互联网 发布:mysql数据库巡检报告 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:38

You can create a “” that extends from vmm_xactor, and the responses are “transfer” level based, that is, if a burst read/write have 4 transfers, the Slave VIP will send 4 objects to its output channel, and you need to response 4 times.



In this xactor, do following:


1.       Create function new with input/ouput channels that are connected to AHB Slave VIP, also pass the slave VIP handle to this class, this is because you will have to use this handle to access the internal memory in Slave VIP.


  AhbSlave                      oSlave_mem; //handle for internal slave memory in slave VIP  dw_vip_ahb_slave_rvm          slave_vip;      //handle for slave VIP  dw_vip_ahb_slave_transfer     resp_trans;  dw_vip_ahb_slave_transfer_channel o_output_chan;  dw_vip_ahb_slave_transfer_channel o_input_chan;    function ahbSlaveResponser::new(                 dw_vip_ahb_slave_rvm              slave_vip,                 dw_vip_ahb_slave_transfer_channel o_output_chan =null,                 dw_vip_ahb_slave_transfer_channel o_input_chan=null);      "ahbSlaveResponser", "class");     this.o_output_chan = o_output_chan ;    this.o_input_chan  = o_input_chan  ;    this.slave_vip=slave_vip;endfunction


2.       Create a task main that always tries to pop object from the output channel from Slave VIP, and then decide whether it is a “READ” or “WRITE” operation:


  task ahbSlaveResponser::main();      super.main();      oSlave_mem = slave_vip.getAhbSlave();      //Slave VIP response       while(1) begin                wait_if_stopped_or_empty(o_output_chan);                o_output_chan.peek(resp_trans);              case(resp_trans.m_bHwrite)                 0: recv_read();                1: recv_write();              endcase               o_output_chan.get(resp_trans);      end endtask


3.       Implement the response for READ/WRITE operations,


//for WRITE, receives data from the object from Slave VIP output channel ; task ahbSlaveResponser::recv_write();   bit[31:0]    wdata;   dw_vip_ahb_slave_transfer     cpy_trans;   $cast(cpy_trans,resp_trans.copy());   o_input_chan.put(cpy_trans);                  //response status first   cpy_trans.notify.wait_for(vmm_data::ENDED);   //wait data transfer complete   cpy_trans.display("SLAVE RECV ::\t");         //debug, display content   wdata=cpy_trans.m_bvHdata;                    // store the transfer data from slave VIP to user-defined variableendtask // for READ, provide the rdata by  “set_mem” to VIP internal slave memory, then slave VIP will use this data to generate response to Mastertask ahbSlaveResponser::recv_read();  logic[7:0]                                            rdata;      rdata=$random();    for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) begin        oSlave_mem.set_mem(0,resp_trans.m_bvHaddr+i, 8, rdata); //provide read data, 4 bytes for 32bit data bus        $display($time,,"set_mem[%0h]=%0h",resp_trans.m_bvHaddr+i,rdata);        rdata++;    end    o_input_chan.put(resp_trans);                         //response status    resp_trans.notify.wait_for(vmm_data::ENDED);          //wait read transfer complete    resp_trans.display("SLAVE RESP ::\t");endtask
