Size Balanced Tree(SBT) 类模板C++实现(持续更新)

来源:互联网 发布:代理模式java有几种 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 12:17

       Size Balanced Tree是OI神犇陈启峰发明的,据说是目前最高效的二叉查找树,搞了好长时间终于弄出来了~这个版本的SBT本来是打算用来实现STL的set的,所以树中不存在两个键值一样的元素,当然改成multiset那样的也不是很麻烦~原本按自己的理解想设计自底向上调整的SBT,结果最后发现这样的SBT有很大的问题最简单的例子就是如果插入的数据是单调有序的,那么显然这棵SBT就会严重倾向一侧,所以必须是自顶向下调整~这次写SBT模板收获很大^_^~大家要是发现bug请留言哈~


// =============================================================================// //       Filename:  size_balanced_tree.h// //    Description:  Size Balanced Tree// //        Version:  1.1//        Created:  03/29/2012 01:00:29 PM//       Revision:  none//       Compiler:  g++// //         Author:  SphinX (Whisper),        Company:  HFUT// // =============================================================================#ifndef SIZE_BALANCED_TREE#define SIZE_BALANCED_TREE#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include "dsexceptions.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;template <typename T>class SizeBalancedTree{    private:        struct SizeBalancedNode        {            T element;            SizeBalancedNode * left;            SizeBalancedNode * right;            int node_size;            SizeBalancedNode(const T & _element,                     SizeBalancedNode * lt, SizeBalancedNode * rt, int sz = 1)                : element(_element), left(lt), right(rt), node_size(sz) {}        };    public:        SizeBalancedTree()        {            root = NULL;            tree_size = 0;        }        SizeBalancedTree(SizeBalancedTree & rhs)        {            this->root = clone(rhs.root);            this->tree_size = rhs.size();        }        ~SizeBalancedTree()        {            clear();        }        const SizeBalancedTree & operator = (const SizeBalancedTree & rhs)        {            if (this != &rhs)            {                this->clear();                this->root = clone(rhs.root);                this->tree_size = rhs.tree_size;            }            return (*this);        }        int size() const        {            return tree_size;        }        bool empty() const        {            return size() == 0;        }        bool contains(const T & x) const        {            return contains(x, root);        }        const T & findMin() const        {            if (empty())            {                throw UnderflowException();            }            return findMin(root)->element;        }        const T & findMax() const        {            if (empty())            {                throw UnderflowException();            }            return findMax(root)->element;        }        int rank(const T & x) const        {            if (!contains(x))            {                return -1;            }            return rank(x, root);        }        const T & select(int _rank) const        {            if (_rank < 0)            {                throw UnderflowException();            }            if (_rank >= size())            {                throw OverflowException();            }            return select(_rank, root)->element;        }        void showTree() const        {            showTree(root);            return ;        }        void clear()        {            clear(root);            tree_size = 0;            return ;        }        void insert(const T & x)        {            if (contains(x))            {                return ;            }            ++tree_size;            insert(x, root);            return ;        }        void remove(const T & x)        {            if (!contains(x))            {                return ;            }            --tree_size;            remove(x, root);            return ;        }    private:        SizeBalancedNode * root;        int tree_size;        int getNodeSize(SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            if (NULL == t)            {                return 0;            }            return t->node_size;        }        bool contains(const T & x, SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            while (t != NULL)            {                if (x < t->element)                {                    t = t->left;                }                else if (t->element < x)                {                    t = t->right;                }                else                {                    return true;                }            }            return false;        }        SizeBalancedNode * clone(SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            if (NULL == t)            {                return NULL;            }            return new SizeBalancedNode(t->element,                 clone(t->left), clone(t->right));        }        SizeBalancedNode * findMin(SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            if (t != NULL)            {                while (t->left != NULL)                {                    t = t->left;                }            }            return t;        }        SizeBalancedNode * findMax(SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            if (t != NULL)            {                while (t->right != NULL)                {                    t = t->right;                }            }            return t;        }        int rank(const T & x, SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            int _rank = 0;            while (t != NULL)            {                if (x < t->element)                {                    t = t->left;                }                else if (t->element < x)                {                    _rank += getNodeSize(t->left) + 1;                    t = t->right;                }                else                {                    _rank += getNodeSize(t->left);                    break ;                }            }            return _rank;        }        SizeBalancedNode * select(int _rank, SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            while (t != NULL)            {                if (_rank < getNodeSize(t->left))                {                    t = t->left;                }                else if (getNodeSize(t->left) < _rank)                {                    _rank -= getNodeSize(t->left) + 1;                    t = t->right;                }                else                {                    break ;                }            }            return t;        }        void showTree(SizeBalancedNode * t) const        {            if (t != NULL)            {                cout << "The element of this Node is " << t->element << endl;                if (t->left != NULL)                {                    cout << "Walk into left child!" << endl;                    showTree(t->left);                    cout << "Walk back!" << endl;                }                cout << "The element of this Node is " << t->element << endl;                if (t->right != NULL)                {                    cout << "Walk into right child!" << endl;                    showTree(t->right);                    cout << "Walk back!" << endl;                }            }            return ;        }        void clear(SizeBalancedNode * & t)        {            if (t != NULL)            {                clear(t->left);                clear(t->right);                delete t;                t = NULL;            }            return ;        }        void rotateWithLeft(SizeBalancedNode * & k2)        {            SizeBalancedNode * k1 = k2->left;            k2->left = k1->right;            k1->right = k2;            k1->node_size = getNodeSize(k2);            k2->node_size = getNodeSize(k2->left) + getNodeSize(k2->right) + 1;            k2 = k1;            return ;        }        void rotateWithRight(SizeBalancedNode * & k2)        {            SizeBalancedNode * k1 = k2->right;            k2->right = k1->left;            k1->left = k2;            k1->node_size = getNodeSize(k2);            k2->node_size = getNodeSize(k2->left) + getNodeSize(k2->right) + 1;            k2 = k1;            return ;        }        void doubleWithLeft(SizeBalancedNode * & t)        {            rotateWithRight(t->left);            rotateWithLeft(t);            return ;        }        void doubleWithRight(SizeBalancedNode * & t)        {            rotateWithLeft(t->right);            rotateWithRight(t);            return ;        }        void maintain(SizeBalancedNode * & t)   //Need to optimize...        {            if (t->left != NULL)            {                if (getNodeSize(t->right) < getNodeSize(t->left->left))                {                    rotateWithLeft(t);                }                else if (getNodeSize(t->right) < getNodeSize(t->left->right))                {                    doubleWithLeft(t);                }            }            if (t->right != NULL)            {                if (getNodeSize(t->left) < getNodeSize(t->right->right))                {                    rotateWithRight(t);                }                else if (getNodeSize(t->left) < getNodeSize(t->right->left))                {                    doubleWithRight(t);                }            }            if (t->left != NULL)            {                maintain(t->left);            }            if (t->right != NULL)            {                maintain(t->right);            }            return ;        }        void simpleInsert(const T & x, SizeBalancedNode * & t)        {            if (NULL == t)            {                t = new SizeBalancedNode(x, NULL, NULL);                return ;            }            ++t->node_size;            if (x < t->element)            {                simpleInsert(x, t->left);            }            else if (t->element < x)            {                simpleInsert(x, t->right);            }            return ;        }        void insert(const T & x, SizeBalancedNode * & t)        {            if (NULL == t)            {                t = new SizeBalancedNode(x, NULL, NULL);                return ;            }            ++t->node_size;            if (x < t->element)            {                simpleInsert(x, t->left);            }            else if (t->element < x)            {                simpleInsert(x, t->right);            }            else            {                return ;            }            maintain(t);            return ;        }        void remove(const T & x, SizeBalancedNode * & t)        {            if (NULL == t)            {                return ;            }            --t->node_size;            if (x < t->element)            {                remove(x, t->left);            }            else if (t->element < x)            {                remove(x, t->right);            }            else            {                if (t->left != NULL && t->right != NULL)                {                    if (getNodeSize(t->left) < getNodeSize(t->right))                    {                        t->element = findMin(t->right)->element;                        remove(t->element, t->right);                    }                    else                    {                        t->element = findMax(t->left)->element;                        remove(t->element, t->left);                    }                }                else                {                    SizeBalancedNode * oldNode = t;                    t = ((t->left != NULL) ? t->left : t->right);                    delete oldNode;                    oldNode = NULL;                }            }            return ;        }};/* *template <typename T> *const typename SizeBalancedTree<T>::SizeBalancedNode *  SizeBalancedTree<T>::nil *     = new SizeBalancedTree<T>::SizeBalancedNode(T(), NULL, NULL, 0); */#endif
