
来源:互联网 发布:央视财经频大数据2016 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 22:09

  1. 《编程之美》读书笔记13: 4.1 金刚坐飞机问题

    问题:现在有一班飞机将要起飞,乘客们正准备按机票号码(1, 2, 3, …N)依次排队登机。突然来了一只大猩猩(对,他叫金刚)。他也有飞机票,但是他插队第一个登上了飞机,然后随意地选了一个座位坐下了1。根据社会的和谐程度,其他的乘客有两种反应:
    1. 乘客们都义愤填膺,“既然金刚同志不遵守规定,为什么我要遵守?”他们也随意地找位置坐下,并且坚决不让座给其他乘客。
    2. 乘客们虽然感到愤怒,但还是以“和谐”为重,如果自己的位置没有被占领,就赶紧坐下,如果自己的位置已经被别人(或者金刚同志)占了,就随机地选择另一个位置坐下,并开始闭目养神,不再挪动位置。
    那么,在这两种情况下,第 i 个乘客(除去金刚同志之外)坐到自己原机票位置的概率分别是多少?

    对问题一,每个人都是随机选择座位,任意一个人坐在指定座位的概率相同,因而第i个乘客坐在其座位的概率是 1/n。

    ① 金刚若挑自己的座位或选的座位在第i个座位后(共有n-i个座位满足这个条件),则第i个乘客肯定能坐到原来的座位;

    ② 金刚若挑选的座位在第i个座位前,不妨假设为j,则第j个乘客除非坐到金刚的座位,不然就会抢其他人的座位,因为他的行为和金刚相似,可以将他当做金刚处理。去除前j个座位,剩下的座位和乘客再按原大小排序重新从1开始编号,则先前的第i个乘客,其座位号变为i-j,新的总座位数变为n-j。因而可得公式:

    用 G(i, n)表示原排列中,第i个乘客坐到自己座位的概率,假设金刚的座位编号为j。

    若 i<j 则   G(i,n)=F(i,n)= (n-i)/(n+1-i)。

    若 i>j 则   G(i,n)=F(i-1,n)= (n+1-i)/(n+2-i) 。
  2. Boys and Girls     (http://toostep.com/insight/google-interview-questions-part-1)
    In a country where everyone wants a boy, each family continues having babies till they have a boy. After some time, what is the proportion of boys to girls in the country? (Assuming probability of having a boy or a girl is the same)


    This is a very simple probability question in a software interview. This question might be a little old to be ever asked again but it is a good warm up.

    Assume there are C number of couples so there would be C boys. The number of girls can be calculated by the following method.

    Number of girls = 0*(Probability of 0 girls) + 1*(Probability of 1 girl) + 2*(Probability of 2 girls) + …
    Number of girls = 0*(C*1/2) + 1*(C*1/2*1/2) + 2*(C*1/2*1/2*1/2) + …
    Number of girls = 0 + C/4 + 2*C/8 + 3*C/16 + …
    Number of girls = C
    (using mathematical formulas; it becomes apparent if you just sum up the first 4-5 terms)

    The proportion of boys to girls is 1 : 1.

  3. Probability of a Car Passing By        (http://toostep.com/insight/google-interview-questions-part-1)     

    The probability of a car passing a certain intersection in a 20 minute windows is 0.9. What is the probability of a car passing the intersection in a 5 minute window? (Assuming a constant probability throughout)


    This is one of the basic probability question asked in a software interview. Let’s start by creating an equation. Let x be the probability of a car passing the intersection in a 5 minute window.

    Probability of a car passing in a 20 minute window = 1 – (probability of no car passing in a 20 minute window)
    Probability of a car passing in a 20 minute window = 1 – (1 – probability of a car passing in a 5 minute window)^4
    0.9 = 1 – (1 – x)^4
    (1 – x)^4 = 0.1
    1 – x = 10^(-0.25)
    x = 1 – 10^(-0.25) = 0.4377
