POJ 1856(海战)

来源:互联网 发布:linux c sleep 头文件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:37

搜索 此题数据小,不需要状压

Program P1856;var   n,m,i,j,ans:longint;   c:char;   f:array[0..1010,0..1010] of boolean;function find(x,y:longint):boolean;var   i,j,k,l:longint;begin   i:=x;j:=y;   while f[x,j] do inc(j);   dec(j);   while f[i,y] do inc(i);   dec(i);   for k:=x to i do      for l:=y to j do      begin         if not(f[k,l]) then exit(false);         f[k,l]:=false;      end;   for k:=x-1 to i+1 do      if f[k,j+1] or f[k,y-1] then exit(false);   for l:=y to j do      if f[i+1,l] or f[x-1,l] then exit(false);   exit(true);end;function main:boolean;var   i,j:longint;begin   ans:=0;   for i:=1 to n do      for j:=1 to m do         if f[i,j] then         begin            if not(find(i,j)) then exit(false)            else inc(ans);         end;   exit(true);end;begin   while not seekeof do   begin      fillchar(f,sizeof(f),false);      readln(n,m);      if (n+m=0) then break;      for i:=1 to n do      begin         for j:=1 to m do         begin            read(c);            if c='#' then f[i,j]:=true;         end;         readln;      end;      if main then writeln('There are ',ans,' ships.')      else writeln('Bad placement.');   end;end.
