max no of gateways exceeded

来源:互联网 发布:网上书店管理系统sql 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 16:44

max no of gateways exceeded (100)

原因在于每次Call RFC的时候,打开了RFC 连接的接口,但是运行完毕之后并未及时关闭连接。

这样做就会导致每次调用完RFC就会占一条连接,等到执行完100次后就会占满SAP Gateway.

解决办法我在SAP SDN中找到答案,具体方法是:

smgw -> goto -> logged clients  check if it is more then 100.


sort the connections according to date/time and delete old connections.


also you have to check for remote logins


smgw -> goto -> remote gateways check if it more then 100.


当然也有另外一种方法 就是修改RFC最大连接数来解决此问题,具体方法转见下:

If this issue occurred again, you may need to increase the maximum number of the remote gateways parameter. You can increase the value in transaction RZ11 via parameter rdisp/max_gateways. Default value is set to 100.

You also may need to change the parameter value for gw/so_keepalive to 1. This will let the TCP/IP network protocol sends messages to the partner. If these are not answered, an error message is reported to the initiator (in this case, the gateway) and the connection can be closed. This parameter is useful when network connections are separate by firewall software, connections are retained in the gateway because the TCP/IP network protocol does not report any connection errors. As a result, connections are repeatedly made to the same system over a longer period and this causes the gateway’s connection table to overflow.