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land [lAnd]                        n.                  1. 国土,国家 2.  土地3.陆地           

                                    v.                   (使)着陆

landing [5lAndiN]                      n.                  1.登陆,着陆 2. 楼梯平台

inland [5inlEnd]               a.                  内陆的,国内的                 

ad.                 在内地

mainland [5meInlEnd]              n.                 大陆;本土

highland [5hailEnd]              n.                 高地,高原

Sea levels shot up nearly 400 feet, flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrateinland.  (CET-6, 2002.6, Passage 1, paragraph 1)





pasture [5pB:stFE]                  n.                 牧场

pastime [5pB:staim]         n.                 娱乐,消遣

paste [peist]                   v.                  粘,贴                        

n.                  浆糊

paster [5peistE]               n.                 贴纸,粘贴的人

bypast [`baIpB:st]                 a.                  过去的




recreation [rekrI5eIF(E)n]        n.                 娱乐,消遣

recreative [5rekrieitiv]            a.                  消遣的, 休养的

create [kri5eit]                 vt.                 1.引起,造成 2. 创造,创作3.创立

creative [kri(:)5eitiv]         a.                  创造性的,有创造力的

creature [5kri:tFE]                     n.                 1.生物,动物 2.

1. The urban environment has to offer as manyrecreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have arecreative aspect. (CET-6, 1991.6, Passage 4, paragraph 2)



2. It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean’s largestcreature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species.CET-4, 2002.6, Passage 3, paragraph 1





reiterate [ri:5itEreit]              vt.                反复地说,重申,重做

literate [5litErit]                n.                 学者             

a.                  有文化的

illiterate [i5litErit]               n.                 文盲             

a.                  不识字的,没受教育的




quench [kwentF]                      vt.                 1.熄灭,扑灭 2. 解(渴)

trench [trentF]                 n.                 壕沟,战壕

wrench [rentF]                 vt.                 1.拧,扭转2. 扭伤

n.                  1.拧,扭动 2. 痛苦 3.扳手

“With virtual reality we’11 be able to put a surgeon in everytrench,” said Satava. (CET-6, 2004.1 passage 4, paragraph 2)




rack [rAk]                n.                 架子;支架;搁物架

                                   vt.                折磨;使痛苦

slack [slAk]                    a.                  1.松(弛)的,不紧的 2. 萧条的3.懈怠的,懒散的

n.                  1.淡季,萧条 2. (pl.) 便裤,运动裤

crack [krAk]                n.                 1.裂缝 2. 破裂声

v.                  1.(使)破裂,(使)发出爆裂声 2. 解开(难题)

crank [krANk]              a.                  脾气暴躁的,易怒的                 

n.                  曲柄

craft [krB:ft]                 n.                 1.工艺,技巧 2. (单复数相同)飞船,飞机

1. Having made a choice within these limits we can have certain alterations made, but apart from minor adjustments, we tend to be limited to what the stores have on theirracks.  (CET-4, 1997.1 Passage 1, paragraph 3)



2. Economists have been particularly surprised by favourable inflation figures in Britain and the United States, since conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially America’s, have little productive slack.NETEM1997, Passage 5, paragraph 4



3. Nobody undersells America these days on just about everything, from consumer electronics to fashion clothes to tennisrackets. (CET-6, 1998.1, Passage 4, Paragraph 3)





compatible [kEm5pAtEbl]         a.                  1.和睦相处的,合得来的 2. 兼容的

incompatible [InkEm5pAtIb(E)l] a.                   不能和谐共存的,不能并立的

patient [5peiFEnt]                      a.                  有耐心的,能忍耐的                 

n.               病人,患者

impatient [im5peiFEnt]                 a.                  不耐烦的

patience [5peiFEns]               n.                 忍耐,耐心

1. Making Apple computers capable of running IBM software is Apple’s effort at making the Mackintoshcompatible with IBM computers and thus more popular in the office, where Apple hopes to increase sales.  (CET-6, 1995.1, Passage 2, paragraph 2)

让苹果机运行IBM软件是苹果公司在 MackintoshIBM的电脑兼容方面做出的努力,也因此可以更广泛地应用于办公领域,苹果公司希望在这一领域提高销售份额。


2. “This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption wasincompatible with unlimited reproduction,” says Martine. (CET-4, 1999.6, Passage 3, paragraph 5)



3. Only those who have thepatience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. (Schiller, German Dramatist and poet).





govern [5^QvEn]                          vt.                 1.统治,治理 2. 支配,控制

:                You should govern your temper.你应当抑制你的脾气。

government [5^QvEnmEnt]           n.                 1.政府 2. 管理,治理3.政治

governor [5^QvEnE]             n.                  1.统治者 2. 总督,州(省)长




officiate [E5fiFieit]                   v.                  执行公务,行使职权,主持

officious [E5fiFEs]               a.                 施发号令的,好用权威的

office [5Cfis]                    n.                  1. 办公室,处,局 2.  职务

official [E5fiFEl]               n.                 官员,公务员             

a.                公务的,官方的

officially [E5fIFElI]                ad.                 1.正式地  2.官方地

1. One January, I had toofficiate at two funerals on successive days for two elderly women in my community.  (CET-6, 2005.1 Passage 1, paragraph 1)



2. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.CET-4, 2002.1, Passage 2, paragraph 1





bureau [bjuE5rEu]                          n.                 署,局,司,处

bureaucracy [bjuE5rCkrEsi]            n.                  1.官僚机构 2. 官僚作风3.官僚

bureaucratic [9bjJErEJ`krAtIk]   a.                   官僚政治的

“These parents are highly independent and strive to ‘take responsibility’ for their own lives within a society that they define asbureaucratic and inefficient.” (CET-6, 1998.6, Passage 2, paragraph 8)





democracy [di5mCkrEsi]        n.                1.民主 2. 民主国家,民主制度

democratic [7demE5krAtik]          a.                  民主的,民主政体的

democrat [5demEkrAt]            n.                  1.民主党人 2. (D-)美国民主党的

democratize [di5mCkrEtaiz]             v.                   (使)民主化




republic [ri5pQblik]                  n.                 共和国

republican [ri5pQblikEn]        a.                  1.共和政体的 2. (R-)共和党的        

                                    n.                  (R-)共和党人




ambassador [Am5bAsEdE]               n.                 大使

embassy [5embEsi]               n.                 大使馆(注意“大使”和“大使馆”开头英文





premier [5premjE]               n.                 总统,首相

primary [5praimEri]        a.                  1.初级的,初期的 2. 主要的,首要的

prime [praim]               a.                  1.主要的 2. 最好的 n.青壮年时期,最好时期

primitive [5primitiv]        a.                  1.原始的,早期的 2. 简单的,粗糙的


1. Even if they do not quit, Japanese executives will often acceptprimary responsibility in other ways, such as taking the first pay cut when a company gets into financial trouble.  (CET-6, 2003.9 passage 1, paragraph 4)



2. The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, values, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived at the concept that man is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text. (CET-6, 2004.1 passage 3, paragraph 2)





laugh [lB:f]                         v.                                   

n.                  笑,笑声

naughty [5nC:ti]                 a.                  顽皮的,淘气的

fraught [frC:t]                   a.                   1.充满... 2.难过的,忧虑的

drought [draut]               n.                 干旱,缺乏

brought [brC:t]                v.                   bring的过去式和过去分词

Yet occurrences of shortages anddroughts are causing famine and distress in some areas, and industrial and agricultural by-products are polluting water supplies. (CET-4, 2001.6 Passage 3, paragraph 1)





needle [5ni:dl]                    n.                 

noodle [5nu:dl]            n.                  1.面条   2. 笨蛋



shrink [FriNk]               vi.                 1.起皱,收缩  2. 退缩

shrine [Frain]               n.                 神殿, 神祠,圣地




simple [5simpl]                                       a. 1.简单的,朴素的 2. 天真的,易受骗的

simplify [5simplifai]                  vt.                 1.简化 2. 使单纯

simplicity [sim5plisiti]                 n.                 1.简单,简易 2. 单纯,朴素

similar [5similE]                            a .                  (to )相似的,类似的

similarity [7simi5lAriti]                      n.                 类似,类似处

simultaneous [7simEl5teinjEs]         a.                 同时发生的

simulate [5simjuleit]                     vt.                1.假装  2. 模仿,模拟

stimulate [5stimjuleit]                  vt.                刺激,使兴奋

stimulus [5stimjulEs]                            n.                 刺激物, 刺激

1. For hosts and guests, the change means greatersimplicity and comfort. CET-4, 2003.12 Passage 3, paragraph 2



2. Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of informationsimultaneously and acting on them quickly. (CET-6, 1996.1 Passage 3, paragraph 4)



3. Richard Satava, program manager for advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a “virtual” orsimulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners (从业者). (CET-6, 2004.1 passage 4, paragraph 1)

Richard Satava是一位高级医学技术的编程主管员,她一直致力于推动将虚拟现实应用于医学,由计算机为外科医生或其他医学从业者创造“虚拟”的,即模拟的环境。


4. Yes, the ecologists, the environmental activists and the conservationists serve to communicate,stimulate thinking and promote behavioral change. (CET-6, 1999.6 Passage 2, paragraph 3)




spur [spE:]                   vt.                刺激,激励                

n.               刺激(物) 2.马刺

urge [E:dV]                  vt.                1.催促,力劝  2. 鼓励,促进

n.                  强烈欲望,迫切要求

surge [sE:dV]                      n.                 巨涌,澎湃

                                v.                  汹涌,振荡,滑脱,放松

upsurge [5Qps\:dV]             n.                 高涨, 高潮
