
来源:互联网 发布:谈谈js面向对象编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:03

1 堆






To insert an element into a heap, you can place it anywhere and swap it with its parent until the heap constraint is valid again. Swap-with-parent is an operation that keeps the binary tree structure of the heap intact. This means a heap of size N will be represented as an N-cell array, and you can add a new element in logarithmic time.

 A binary search tree can be represented as an array of size N using the same representation structure as a heap (children 2n and 2n+1), but inserting an element this way is a lot harder, because unlike the heap constraint, the binary search tree constraint requires rotations to be performed to retrieve a balanced tree. So, either you do manage to keep an N-node tree in an N-cell array at a cost higher than logarithmic, or you waste space by keeping the tree in a larger array (if my memory serves, a red-back tree could waste as much as 50% of your array).

So, a binary search tree in an array is only interesting if the data inside is constant. And if it is, then you don't need the heap structure (children 2n and 2n+1) : you can just sort your array and use binary search. 


class Heap{   private Node heapArray[];     public void insert(Node nd)   {... }     public Node remove()   {... }      public Node getRoot()   {...}}

2 堆的应用


2.1 优先队列

class priorityQueue{private Heap theHeap;public void insert(Node nd){ theHeap.insert(nd); }public Node remove(){ return theHeap.remove() }public Node getM()  //获取最大值或最小值{  return theHeap.getRoot()}

2.2 堆排序





public heapSort(){for(j=size-1; j>=0; j--) // remove from heap and store at array end{     Node rootNode = theHeap.remove();   heapArray[j]=rootNode;}System.out.print(“Sorted: “);theHeap.displayArray(); // display sorted array--heapArray} 

3 堆代码实现



// heap.java// demonstrates heaps// to run this program: C>java HeapAppimport java.io.*;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Node   {   private int iData;             // data item (key)// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Node(int key)           // constructor      { iData = key; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public int getKey()      { return iData; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void setKey(int id)      { iData = id; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class Node////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Heap   {   private Node[] heapArray;      //heap is implemented as an array   private int maxSize;           // size of array   private int currentSize;       // number of nodes in array// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Heap(int mx)            // constructor      {      maxSize = mx;      currentSize = 0;      heapArray = new Node[maxSize];  // create array      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()      { return currentSize==0; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   /*      */   public boolean insert(int key)      {      if(currentSize==maxSize)         return false;      Node newNode = new Node(key);      heapArray[currentSize] = newNode;      trickleUp(currentSize++);      return true;      }  // end insert()// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void trickleUp(int index)      {      int parent = (index-1) / 2;      Node bottom = heapArray[index];      while( index > 0 &&             heapArray[parent].getKey() < bottom.getKey() )         {         heapArray[index] = heapArray[parent];  // move it down         index = parent;         parent = (parent-1) / 2;         }  // end while      heapArray[index] = bottom;      }  // end trickleUp()// -------------------------------------------------------------   /*   step1:sepecial case   heap is null, or heap has only one node   step2: remove the root   step3: move the last node into the root   step3: trickle down   Trickle the last node down until it’s below a larger node and above a smaller one.   base case :top>=largerChild(leftChild,rightChild)   */   public Node remove()           // delete item with max key      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)      Node root = heapArray[0];      heapArray[0] = heapArray[--currentSize];      trickleDown(0);      return root;      }  // end remove()// -------------------------------------------------------------/*step1: special caseindex is out of bound of arraystep2: initial top node, its leftChild ,rightChildint leftChild=2*index+1;int rightChild=2*index+2;step3: have no childleftChild> top-1step4: get larger child1)have on childleftChild<=top-1 && rightChild>currentSize-12) have two childrenstep5: compare top with larger childif top>=larger child, break*/  public void tricleDown(int index){      int largerChild;  Node top=heapArray[index];  //save root        int leftChild=2*index+1;  int rightChild=2*index+2;    //have no child  if(leftChild> top-1)     return;    while(true){         //get the largerChild         //have only left child if(rightChild>currentSize-1)    larteChild=leftChild; else{  //have two children    if(heapArray[leftChild].getKey() < heapArray[rightChild].getKey())    largerChild=rightChild;else     largerChild=leftChild; }//end else            // top >= largerChild            if( top.getKey() >= heapArray[largerChild].getKey() )  //base case               break;                                         // shift child up            heapArray[index] = heapArray[largerChild];            index = largerChild;            // go down  }//end while  }// tricleDown()  // -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean change(int index, int newValue)      {      if(index<0 || index>=currentSize)         return false;      int oldValue = heapArray[index].getKey(); // remember old      heapArray[index].setKey(newValue);  // change to new      if(oldValue < newValue)             // if raised,         trickleUp(index);                // trickle it up      else                                // if lowered,         trickleDown(index);              // trickle it down      return true;      }  // end change()// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayHeap()      {      System.out.print("heapArray: ");    // array format      for(int m=0; m<currentSize; m++)         if(heapArray[m] != null)            System.out.print( heapArray[m].getKey() + " ");         else            System.out.print( "-- ");      System.out.println();                                          // heap format      int nBlanks = 32;      int itemsPerRow = 1;      int column = 0;      int j = 0;                          // top item      String dots = "...............................";      System.out.println(dots+dots);      // dotted top line      while(currentSize > 0)              // for each heap item         {         if(column == 0)                  // first item in row?            for(int k=0; k<nBlanks; k++)  // preceding blanks               System.out.print(' ');                                          // display item         System.out.print(heapArray[j].getKey());         if(++j == currentSize)           // done?            break;         if(++column==itemsPerRow)        // end of row?            {            nBlanks /= 2;                 // half the blanks            itemsPerRow *= 2;             // twice the items            column = 0;                   // start over on            System.out.println();         //    new row            }         else                             // next item on row            for(int k=0; k<nBlanks*2-2; k++)               System.out.print(' ');     // interim blanks         }  // end for      System.out.println("\n"+dots+dots); // dotted bottom line      }  // end displayHeap()// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class Heap////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class HeapApp   {   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException      {      int value, value2;      Heap theHeap = new Heap(31);  // make a Heap; max size 31      boolean success;      theHeap.insert(70);           // insert 10 items      theHeap.insert(40);      theHeap.insert(50);      theHeap.insert(20);      theHeap.insert(60);      theHeap.insert(100);      theHeap.insert(80);      theHeap.insert(30);      theHeap.insert(10);      theHeap.insert(90);      while(true)                   // until [Ctrl]-[C]         {         System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");         System.out.print("show, insert, remove, change: ");         int choice = getChar();         switch(choice)            {            case 's':                        // show               theHeap.displayHeap();               break;            case 'i':                        // insert               System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");               value = getInt();               success = theHeap.insert(value);               if( !success )                  System.out.println("Can't insert; heap full");               break;            case 'r':                        // remove               if( !theHeap.isEmpty() )                  theHeap.remove();               else                  System.out.println("Can't remove; heap empty");               break;            case 'c':                        // change               System.out.print("Enter top index of item: ");               value = getInt();               System.out.print("Enter new key: ");               value2 = getInt();               success = theHeap.change(value, value2);               if( !success )                  System.out.println("Invalid index");               break;            default:               System.out.println("Invalid entry\n");            }  // end switch         }  // end while      }  // end main()//-------------------------------------------------------------   public static String getString() throws IOException      {      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);      String s = br.readLine();      return s;      }//-------------------------------------------------------------   public static char getChar() throws IOException      {      String s = getString();      return s.charAt(0);      }//-------------------------------------------------------------   public static int getInt() throws IOException      {      String s = getString();      return Integer.parseInt(s);      }//-------------------------------------------------------------  }  // end class HeapApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

4 堆排序算法效率


