来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网夹子 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 07:35




create or replace function fnc_table_to_mysql( i_owner                       in string,  i_table_name                  in string,  i_number_default_type         in string := 'decimal',  i_auto_incretment_column_name in string := '%ID')/*  功能:ORACLE表生成MYSQL建表DDL  作者:叶正盛 2013-07-27  新浪微博:@yzsind-叶正盛  参数说明:  i_owner:schema名  i_table_name:表名  i_number_default_type:NUMBER默认转换的类型,缺省是decimal  i_auto_incretment_column_name:自增属性字段名称规则,默认是%ID    已知问题:  1.不支持分区  2.不支持函数索引,位图索引等特殊索引定义  3.不支持自定义数据类型,不支持ROWID,RAW等特殊数据类型  4.不支持外键  5.不支持自定义约束  6.不支持与空间、事务相关属性  7.DATE与TIMESTAMP转换成datetime,需注意精度  8.超大NUMBER直接转换为bigint,需注意精度 incretment 是根据字段名规则加一些判断,设置不一定准确,需检查  */ return clob is  Result         clob;  cnt            number;  data_type      varchar2(128);  column_str     varchar2(4000);  pk_str         varchar2(4000);  table_comments varchar2(4000);  is_pk_column   number := 0;begin  select count(*)    into cnt    from all_tables   where owner = i_owner     and table_name = i_table_name;  if (cnt = 0) then    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000,'can''t found table,please check input!');  else    Result := 'CREATE TABLE `' || lower(i_table_name) || '`(';    --column    for c in (select a.column_name,                     a.data_type,                     a.data_length,                     a.data_precision,                     a.data_scale,                     a.nullable,                     a.data_default,                     b.COMMENTS                from all_tab_cols a, all_col_comments b               where a.owner = i_owner                 and a.table_name = i_table_name                 and a.HIDDEN_COLUMN = 'NO'                 and a.owner = b.OWNER                 and a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME                 and a.COLUMN_NAME = b.COLUMN_NAME               order by a.column_id) loop      if (c.data_type = 'VARCHAR2' or c.data_type = 'NVARCHAR2') then        data_type := 'varchar(' || c.data_length || ')';      elsif (c.data_type = 'CHAR' or c.data_type = 'NCHAR') then        data_type := 'char(' || c.data_length || ')';      elsif (c.data_type = 'NUMBER') then        if (c.column_name like '%ID' and c.data_scale is null) then          data_type := 'bigint';        elsif (c.data_precision<3 and c.data_scale = 0) then          data_type := 'tinyint';        elsif (c.data_precision<5 and c.data_scale = 0) then          data_type := 'smallint';        elsif (c.data_precision<10 and c.data_scale = 0) then          data_type := 'int';        elsif (c.data_precision is not null and c.data_scale = 0) then          data_type := 'bigint';        elsif (c.data_precision is not null and c.data_scale is not null) then          data_type := 'decimal(' || c.data_precision || ',' ||                       c.data_scale || ')';        else          data_type := i_number_default_type;        end if;      elsif (c.data_type = 'DATE' or c.data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%') then        data_type := 'datetime';      elsif (c.data_type = 'CLOB' or c.data_type = 'NCLOB' or            c.data_type = 'LONG') then        data_type := 'text';      elsif (c.data_type = 'BLOB' or c.data_type = 'LONG RAW') then        data_type := 'blob';      elsif (c.data_type = 'BINARY_FLOAT') then        data_type := 'float';      elsif (c.data_type = 'BINARY_DOUBLE') then        data_type := 'double';      else        data_type := c.data_type;      end if;      column_str := '  `' || lower(c.column_name) || '` ' || data_type;      if (c.column_name like i_auto_incretment_column_name and         (c.data_scale is null or c.data_scale = 0)) then        select count(*)          into is_pk_column          from all_constraints a, all_cons_columns b         where a.owner = i_owner           and a.table_name = i_table_name           and a.constraint_type = 'P'           and a.OWNER = b.OWNER           and a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME           and a.CONSTRAINT_NAME = b.CONSTRAINT_NAME           and b.COLUMN_NAME = c.column_name;        if is_pk_column > 0 then          column_str := column_str || ' AUTO_INCREMENT';        end if;      end if;      if c.nullable = 'NO' then        column_str := column_str || ' NOT NULL';      end if;      if (trim(c.data_default) is not null) then        column_str := column_str || ' DEFAULT ' ||                      trim(replace(replace(c.data_default, chr(13), ''),                                   chr(10),                                   ''));      end if;      if c.comments is not null then        column_str := column_str || ' COMMENT ''' || c.comments || '''';      end if;      Result := Result || chr(10) || column_str || ',';    end loop;    --pk    for c in (select a.constraint_name, wm_concat(a.column_name) pk_columns                from (select a.CONSTRAINT_NAME,                             '`' || b.COLUMN_NAME || '`' column_name                        from all_constraints a, all_cons_columns b                       where a.owner = i_owner                         and a.table_name = i_table_name                         and a.constraint_type = 'P'                         and a.OWNER = b.OWNER                         and a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME                         and a.CONSTRAINT_NAME = b.CONSTRAINT_NAME                       order by b.POSITION) a               group by a.constraint_name) loop      Result := Result || chr(10) || '  PRIMARY KEY (' ||                lower(c.pk_columns) || '),';    end loop;    --unique    for c in (select a.constraint_name, wm_concat(a.column_name) uk_columns                from (select a.CONSTRAINT_NAME,                             '`' || b.COLUMN_NAME || '`' column_name                        from all_constraints a, all_cons_columns b                       where a.owner = i_owner                         and a.table_name = i_table_name                         and a.constraint_type = 'U'                         and a.OWNER = b.OWNER                         and a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME                         and a.CONSTRAINT_NAME = b.CONSTRAINT_NAME                       order by b.POSITION) a               group by a.constraint_name) loop      Result := Result || chr(10) || '  UNIQUE KEY `' ||                lower(c.constraint_name) || '`(' || lower(c.uk_columns) || '),';    end loop;    -- index    for c in (select a.index_name, wm_concat(a.column_name) ind_columns                from (select a.index_name,                             '`' || a.COLUMN_NAME || '`' column_name                        from all_ind_columns a                       where a.table_owner = i_owner                         and a.TABLE_NAME = i_table_name                         and not exists                       (select index_name                                from all_constraints b                               where a.TABLE_OWNER = b.owner                                 and a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME                                 and a.INDEX_NAME = b.INDEX_NAME)                       order by a.COLUMN_POSITION) a               group by a.index_name) loop      Result := Result || chr(10) || '  KEY `' || lower(c.index_name) || '`(' ||                lower(c.ind_columns) || '),';    end loop;    Result := substr(Result, 1, length(result) - 1) || chr(10) || ')';    --table comments    select max(a.COMMENTS)      into table_comments      from all_tab_comments a     where owner = i_owner       and table_name = i_table_name;    if (table_comments is not null) then      Result := Result || 'COMMENT=''' || table_comments || '''';    end if;    Result := Result || ';';  end if;  return(Result);end fnc_table_to_mysql;/


