
来源:互联网 发布:微软笔记软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 22:30

python ctypes

Table of Contents

  • 1 Python中调用C语言库

1 Python中调用C语言库


  1. 加载dll C语言函数存在不同的调用约定,常见的有stdcall和cdecl,这两种调用约定在Python中的调用函数需要区分:
    • stdcall的加载方式: dll = windll.LoadLibrary("dllpath") dll = WinDLL("dllpath")
    • cdecl的加载方式: dll = cdll.LoadLibrary("dllpath") dll = CDLL("dllpath")
  2. 调用函数,传入参,返回值 C函数通过参数读取值,做处理后通过返回值传回。
    #include <stdlib.h>// file add.c#include <stdio.h>int add(const int a, const int b){    return a+b;}

    把C函数编译为.so库,执行一下命令: gcc -shared -fPIC -o add.c

    from ctypes import *dll = CDLL("./")print("add(1,2) = ", dll.add(1, 2))

    执行Python命令,查看执行情况: python3 ./ add(1,2) = 3

  3. C函数通过参数传出值,即参数是指针的情况 C语言指针概念在ctypes中用pointer对应,如下示例:
    #include <stdlib.h>// file add.c#include <stdio.h>int add(const int a, const int b){    return a+b;}int add2(const int a, const int b, int *c){    if (NULL != c)        *c = a+b;    return a+b;}

    add2函数传入指针,并可通过指针输出值。 python调用函数如下:

    from ctypes import *dll = CDLL("./")print("add(1,2) = ", dll.add(1, 2))out = c_int(0)ptr = pointer(out)out.value = 100print("out.value = ", out.value)dll.add2(2,3,ptr)print("add2(2, 3) = ", out.value)

    python3 ./ add(1,2) = 3 out.value = 100 add2(2, 3) = 5

  4. 参数是结构体指针 结构体通过继承Structure类实现,各字段通过field定义,示例如下:
    typedef struct{    int x;    int y;} Point;int add3(const Point a, const Point b, Point *c){    if (NULL == c)        return 255;    c->x = a.x + b.x;    c->y = a.y + b.y;    return 0;}


    class Point(Structure):    _fields_ = ("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)    def __repr__(self):        return "(%d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y)p1 = Point(1,2)p2 = Point(5, 8)p3 = Point(0,0)ptr_p3 = pointer(p3)dll.add3(p1,p2,ptr_p3)print("add3(p1,p2) = ", p3)


  5. 入参char*指针
    int pr(const char *name, char *out){    printf("Hello, %s\n", name);    sprintf(out, "Hello, %s\n", name);    return 0;}
    • 方法1
      sbuf = create_string_buffer(b'robin')out  = create_string_buffer(100), out)print("1--", out.value)
    • 方法2
      sbuf2 = b'\0'*10pStr = c_char_p()pStr.value ='John', pStr)print("2--", sbuf2)
    • 方法3
      sbuf3 = b'\0'*'Rich', sbuf3)print("3--", sbuf3)
  6. 字节序处理 fields定义的每个参数的类型后面可以定义bit位,示例如下:
    int swap32(const int x){    return htonl(x);}


    class Int(Structure):    _fields_ = [("uint8_0", c_int, 8),                ("uint8_1", c_int, 8),                ("uint8_2", c_int, 8),                ("uint8_3", c_int, 8)]    def __init__(self, i):        i0 = i & 0xFF        i1 = (i >> 8) & 0xFF        i2 = (i >> 16) & 0xFF        i3 = (i >> 24) & 0xFF        super().__init__(i0,i1,i2,i3)    def __repr__(self):        return "0x%08X" % ((self.uint8_3<<24) + \            (self.uint8_2<<16) + \            (self.uint8_1<<8) + \            (self.uint8_0))i = Int(0x12345678)i_big = dll.swap32(i)print( i, "0x%08X" % i_big)


Date: 2013-07-28 17:56:36 中国标准时间


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