中值滤波Median filtering

来源:互联网 发布:校园网络全覆盖 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 08:07


在概率论中,中值将概率分布的高半部分与低半部分分开,对一个随机变量x 而言,x < M 的概率为0.5。对于有限实数集,其排序后中间的数值即为它的中值。集合的大小通常取奇数,以保证中值的唯一性。中值滤波是一种减小边缘模糊的非线性平滑的方法


中值滤波(Median filtering) 的思想是用邻域中亮度的中值取代图像当前的点。邻域中亮度的中值不受个别噪声毛刺的影响。因此,中值平滑相当好地消除了冲击噪声。更进一步,由于中值滤波并不明显地模糊边缘,因此可以迭代使用。显然,在每个像素位置上都要对一个矩形内部的所有像素进行排序,这样的开销很大。

因此,一个更有效方法是注意到当窗口沿着行移一列时,窗口内容的变化只是舍去了最左边的列取代为一个新的右侧列,对于M x N 的列的中值窗口,mn - 2*m个像素没有变化,并不需要重新排序。算法如下所示:


1. 置 th = nm/2;   如果m和n都为奇数,则对th取整,这样我们总是可以避免不必要的浮点数运算。2. 将窗口移至一个新行的开始,对其内容排序。建立窗口像素的直方图H,确定其中值m ,记下亮度小于或等于m 的像素数目Nm.3. 对于左列亮度是Pg的每一个像素p,做:       H[Pg] = H[Pg]-1.   进一步,如果Pg< m,置Nm = Nm - 1.4. 将窗口右移一列,对于右列亮度是Pg的每一个像素p,做:       H[Pg] = H[Pg]-1.   如果Pg< m,置Nm = Nm + 1.5. 如果Nm = t 则跳转到至步骤8.6. 如果Nm > t 则跳转到至步骤7.   重复      m  = m + 1      Nm = Nm + H[m]    直到Nm大于等于t,则跳转到至步骤8.7.(此时有Nm > t)重复      m  = m - 1      Nm = Nm - H[m]    直到Nm 小于等于 t.8. 如果窗口的右侧列不是图像的右边界,跳转至步骤3.9  如果窗口的低行不是图像的下边界,跳转至步骤2.



function d=median_filter(x,n)     [height, width]=size(x);   x1=double(x);  x2=x1;  for i=1:height-n+1      for j=1:height-n+1          c=x1(i:i+(n-1),j:j+(n-1));           e=c(1,:);               for u=2:n              e=[e,c(u,:)];             end          mm=median(e);               x2(i+(n-1)/2,j+(n-1)/2)=mm;     end  end   d=uint8(x2); 

C版Median Filter

void MedianFilter(unsigned char *srcdata, unsigned char *resdata,                  int nHeight, int nWidth, int nR) {    int i,j,m,n,r;    unsigned tmp;    unsigned char* mdata = new unsigned char[(2*nR+1)*(2*nR+1)];   for (i=0;i<nRows;i++)   for (j=0;j<nCols;j++){      if((i<nR) || (i>nHeight-nR-1) ||(j<nR) || (j>nWidth-nR-1))          resdata[i*nWidth+j] = 0;      else {         for(m=-nR;m<=nR;m++)         for(n=-nR;n<=nR;n++)             mdata[(m+nR)*(2*nR+1)+n+nR]=srcdata[(i+m)*nWidth+(j+n)];             for(m=0;m<(2*nR+1)*(2*nR+1)-2;m++){               r = 1;               for(n=m+1;n<(2*nR+1)*(2*nR+1);n++){                if (mdata[n]<mdata[n+1]){                   tmp = mdata[n];                   mdata[n]= mdata[n+1];                   mdata[n+1] = tmp;                   r=0;                }              }             if (r) break;             }       resdata[i*nWidth+j] = mdata[nR*(2*nR+1)+nR];     }   } }

OpenCV版Median Filter

#coding=utf-8  import cv2  import numpy as np        def salt(img, n):        for k in range(n):            i = int(np.random.random() * img.shape[1]);            j = int(np.random.random() * img.shape[0]);            if img.ndim == 2:                 img[j,i] = 255            elif img.ndim == 3:                 img[j,i,0]= 255                img[j,i,1]= 255                img[j,i,2]= 255        return img     img = cv2.imread("test.jpg", 0)  result = salt(img, 100)  median = cv2.medianBlur(result, 5)   cv2.imshow("Median", median)cv2.imwrite("median.jpg",median)  cv2.waitKey(0) 

CUDA版Median Filter

#define I_Width 640#define I_Height 480#define BLOCK_X  16#define BLOCK_Y  16// Exchange trick#define s2(a,b)            { tmp = a; a = min(a,b); b = max(tmp,b); }#define mn3(a,b,c)         s2(a,b); s2(a,c);#define mx3(a,b,c)         s2(b,c); s2(a,c);#define mnmx3(a,b,c)       mx3(a,b,c); s2(a,b); // 3 exchanges#define mnmx4(a,b,c,d)     s2(a,b);s2(c,d);s2(a,c);s2(b,d);  // 4 exchanges#define mnmx5(a,b,c,d,e)   s2(a,b);s2(c,d);mn3(a,c,e);mx3(b,d,e); // 6 exchanges#define mnmx6(a,b,c,d,e,f) s2(a,d);s2(b,e);s2(c,f);mn3(a,b,c);mx3(d,e,f);//7 exchanges#define SMEM(x,y)  smem[(x)+1][(y)+1]#define IN(x,y)    d_in[(y)*nx + (x)]__global__ void Kernel_MedianFilter(int nx, int ny, char *d_out, char *d_in){  int tx = threadIdx.x, ty = threadIdx.y;  // guards: is at boundary?  bool is_x_top = (tx == 0), is_x_bot = (tx == BLOCK_X-1);  bool is_y_top = (ty == 0), is_y_bot = (ty == BLOCK_Y-1);  __shared__ char smem[BLOCK_X+2][BLOCK_Y+2];  // clear out shared memory (zero padding)  if (is_x_top)                SMEM(tx-1, ty  ) = 0;  else if (is_x_bot)           SMEM(tx+1, ty  ) = 0;  if (is_y_top) {              SMEM(tx  , ty-1) = 0;     if (is_x_top)               SMEM(tx-1, ty-1) = 0;     else if (is_x_bot)          SMEM(tx+1, ty-1) = 0;  }   else if (is_y_bot) {       SMEM(tx  , ty+1) = 0;     if (is_x_top)  SMEM(tx-1, ty+1) = 0;     else if (is_x_bot)  SMEM(tx+1, ty+1) = 0;  }   // guards: is at boundary and still more image?   int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + tx;   int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + ty;   is_x_top &= (x > 0);    is_x_bot &= (x < nx - 1);   is_y_top &= (y > 0);    is_y_bot &= (y < ny - 1);   // each thread pulls from image   SMEM(tx  , ty  ) = IN(x  , y  ); // self   if (is_x_top)                 SMEM(tx-1, ty  ) = IN(x-1, y  );   else if (is_x_bot)            SMEM(tx+1, ty  ) = IN(x+1, y  );   if (is_y_top) {               SMEM(tx  , ty-1) = IN(x  , y-1);      if (is_x_top)              SMEM(tx-1, ty-1) = IN(x-1, y-1);      else if (is_x_bot)         SMEM(tx+1, ty-1) = IN(x+1, y-1);   }    else if (is_y_bot){       SMEM(tx  , ty+1) = IN(x  , y+1);     if (is_x_top)               SMEM(tx-1, ty+1) = IN(x-1, y+1);     else if (is_x_bot)          SMEM(tx+1, ty+1) = IN(x+1, y+1);   }   // pull top six from shared memory   char v[6] = {SMEM(tx-1, ty-1), SMEM(tx  , ty-1), SMEM(tx+1, ty-1),                SMEM(tx-1, ty  ), SMEM(tx  , ty  ), SMEM(tx+1, ty  ) };   // with each pass, remove min and max values and add new value   char tmp;   mnmx6(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]);   v[5] = SMEM(tx-1, ty+1); // add new contestant   mnmx5(v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]);   v[5] = SMEM(tx  , ty+1);   mnmx4(v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]);   v[5] = SMEM(tx+1, ty+1);   mnmx3(v[3], v[4], v[5]);   //pick the middle one   d_out[y*nx + x] = v[4];}






在论文作者的原始代码中,可以看用到SSE2的相关函数进行处理即:HistgramAdd( ) 和HistgramSub( )函数.这里_mm_add_epi16是一组Instructions指令,编译器在编译的时候会将其编译为SSE对应的汇编代码,而由于这些指令能实现指令级别并行,比如上述_mm_add_epi16可以在同一个指令周期对8个16位数据同时进行处理,并且HistgramAdd这些函数在程序里会大量使用到,因此程序的速度能大幅提高。在此贴出作者原始代码(供大家学习):

/* * ctmf.c - Constant-time median filtering * Copyright (C) 2006  Simon Perreault * * Reference: S. Perreault and P. Hébert, "Median Filtering in Constant Time", * IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, September 2007. * * This program has been obtained from http://nomis80.org/ctmf.html. No patent * covers this program, although it is subject to the following license: * *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *  (at your option) any later version. * *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the *  GNU General Public License for more details. * *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Contact: *  Laboratoire de vision et systèmes numériques *  Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot *  Université Laval *  Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada *  G1K 7P4 * *  perreaul@gel.ulaval.ca *//* Standard C includes */#include <assert.h>#include <math.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>/* Type declarations */#ifdef _MSC_VER#include <basetsd.h>typedef UINT8 uint8_t;typedef UINT16 uint16_t;typedef UINT32 uint32_t;#pragma warning( disable: 4799 )#else#include <stdint.h>#endif/* Intrinsic declarations */#if defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__MMX__)#if defined(__SSE2__)#include <emmintrin.h>#elif defined(__MMX__)#include <mmintrin.h>#endif#if defined(__GNUC__)#include <mm_malloc.h>#elif defined(_MSC_VER)#include <malloc.h>#endif#elif defined(__ALTIVEC__)#include <altivec.h>#endif/* Compiler peculiarities */#if defined(__GNUC__)#include <stdint.h>#define inline __inline__#define align(x) __attribute__ ((aligned (x)))#elif defined(_MSC_VER)#define inline __inline#define align(x) __declspec(align(x))#else#define inline#define align(x)#endif#ifndef MIN#define MIN(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))#endif#ifndef MAX#define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))#endif/** * This structure represents a two-tier histogram. The first tier (known as the * "coarse" level) is 4 bit wide and the second tier (known as the "fine" level) * is 8 bit wide. Pixels inserted in the fine level also get inserted into the * coarse bucket designated by the 4 MSBs of the fine bucket value. * * The structure is aligned on 16 bytes, which is a prerequisite for SIMD * instructions. Each bucket is 16 bit wide, which means that extra care must be * taken to prevent overflow. */typedef struct align(16){    uint16_t coarse[16];    uint16_t fine[16][16];} Histogram;/** * HOP is short for Histogram OPeration. This macro makes an operation \a op on * histogram \a h for pixel value \a x. It takes care of handling both levels. */#define HOP(h,x,op) \    h.coarse[x>>4] op; \    *((uint16_t*) h.fine + x) op;#define COP(c,j,x,op) \    h_coarse[ 16*(n*c+j) + (x>>4) ] op; \    h_fine[ 16 * (n*(16*c+(x>>4)) + j) + (x & 0xF) ] op;/** * Adds histograms \a x and \a y and stores the result in \a y. Makes use of * SSE2, MMX or Altivec, if available. */#if defined(__SSE2__)static inline void histogram_add( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    *(__m128i*) &y[0] = _mm_add_epi16( *(__m128i*) &y[0], *(__m128i*) &x[0] );    *(__m128i*) &y[8] = _mm_add_epi16( *(__m128i*) &y[8], *(__m128i*) &x[8] );}#elif defined(__MMX__)static inline void histogram_add( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    *(__m64*) &y[0]  = _mm_add_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[0],  *(__m64*) &x[0]  );    *(__m64*) &y[4]  = _mm_add_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[4],  *(__m64*) &x[4]  );    *(__m64*) &y[8]  = _mm_add_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[8],  *(__m64*) &x[8]  );    *(__m64*) &y[12] = _mm_add_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[12], *(__m64*) &x[12] );}#elif defined(__ALTIVEC__)static inline void histogram_add( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    *(vector unsigned short*) &y[0] = vec_add( *(vector unsigned short*) &y[0],                                      *(vector unsigned short*) &x[0] );    *(vector unsigned short*) &y[8] = vec_add( *(vector unsigned short*) &y[8],                                      *(vector unsigned short*) &x[8] );}#elsestatic inline void histogram_add( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    int i;    for ( i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {        y[i] += x[i];    }}#endif/** * Subtracts histogram \a x from \a y and stores the result in \a y. Makes use * of SSE2, MMX or Altivec, if available. */#if defined(__SSE2__)static inline void histogram_sub( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    *(__m128i*) &y[0] = _mm_sub_epi16( *(__m128i*) &y[0], *(__m128i*) &x[0] );    *(__m128i*) &y[8] = _mm_sub_epi16( *(__m128i*) &y[8], *(__m128i*) &x[8] );}#elif defined(__MMX__)static inline void histogram_sub( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    *(__m64*) &y[0]  = _mm_sub_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[0],  *(__m64*) &x[0]  );    *(__m64*) &y[4]  = _mm_sub_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[4],  *(__m64*) &x[4]  );    *(__m64*) &y[8]  = _mm_sub_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[8],  *(__m64*) &x[8]  );    *(__m64*) &y[12] = _mm_sub_pi16( *(__m64*) &y[12], *(__m64*) &x[12] );}#elif defined(__ALTIVEC__)static inline void histogram_sub( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    *(vector unsigned short*) &y[0] = vec_sub( *(vector unsigned short*) &y[0],                                       *(vector unsigned short*) &x[0] );    *(vector unsigned short*) &y[8] = vec_sub( *(vector unsigned short*) &y[8],                                       *(vector unsigned short*) &x[8] );}#elsestatic inline void histogram_sub( const uint16_t x[16], uint16_t y[16] ){    int i;    for ( i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {        y[i] -= x[i];    }}#endifstatic inline void histogram_muladd( const uint16_t a, const uint16_t x[16],        uint16_t y[16] ){    int i;    for ( i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {        y[i] += a * x[i];    }}static void ctmf_helper(        const unsigned char* const src, unsigned char* const dst,        const int width, const int height,        const int src_step, const int dst_step,        const int r, const int cn,        const int pad_left, const int pad_right        ){    const int m = height, n = width;    int i, j, k, c;    const unsigned char *p, *q;    Histogram H[4];    uint16_t *h_coarse, *h_fine, luc[4][16];    assert( src );    assert( dst );    assert( r >= 0 );    assert( width >= 2*r+1 );    assert( height >= 2*r+1 );    assert( src_step != 0 );    assert( dst_step != 0 );    /* SSE2 and MMX need aligned memory, provided by _mm_malloc(). */#if defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__MMX__)    h_coarse = (uint16_t*) _mm_malloc(  1 * 16 * n * cn * sizeof(uint16_t), 16 );    h_fine   = (uint16_t*) _mm_malloc( 16 * 16 * n * cn * sizeof(uint16_t), 16 );    memset( h_coarse, 0,  1 * 16 * n * cn * sizeof(uint16_t) );    memset( h_fine,   0, 16 * 16 * n * cn * sizeof(uint16_t) );#else    h_coarse = (uint16_t*) calloc(  1 * 16 * n * cn, sizeof(uint16_t) );    h_fine   = (uint16_t*) calloc( 16 * 16 * n * cn, sizeof(uint16_t) );#endif    /* First row initialization */    for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {        for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c ) {            COP( c, j, src[cn*j+c], += r+1 );        }    }    for ( i = 0; i < r; ++i ) {        for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {            for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c ) {                COP( c, j, src[src_step*i+cn*j+c], ++ );            }        }    }    for ( i = 0; i < m; ++i ) {        /* Update column histograms for entire row. */        p = src + src_step * MAX( 0, i-r-1 );        q = p + cn * n;        for ( j = 0; p != q; ++j ) {            for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c, ++p ) {                COP( c, j, *p, -- );            }        }        p = src + src_step * MIN( m-1, i+r );        q = p + cn * n;        for ( j = 0; p != q; ++j ) {            for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c, ++p ) {                COP( c, j, *p, ++ );            }        }        /* First column initialization */        memset( H, 0, cn*sizeof(H[0]) );        memset( luc, 0, cn*sizeof(luc[0]) );        if ( pad_left ) {            for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c ) {                histogram_muladd( r, &h_coarse[16*n*c], H[c].coarse );            }        }        for ( j = 0; j < (pad_left ? r : 2*r); ++j ) {            for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c ) {                histogram_add( &h_coarse[16*(n*c+j)], H[c].coarse );            }        }        for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c ) {            for ( k = 0; k < 16; ++k ) {                histogram_muladd( 2*r+1, &h_fine[16*n*(16*c+k)], &H[c].fine[k][0] );            }        }        for ( j = pad_left ? 0 : r; j < (pad_right ? n : n-r); ++j ) {            for ( c = 0; c < cn; ++c ) {                const uint16_t t = 2*r*r + 2*r;                uint16_t sum = 0, *segment;                int b;                histogram_add( &h_coarse[16*(n*c + MIN(j+r,n-1))], H[c].coarse );                /* Find median at coarse level */                for ( k = 0; k < 16 ; ++k ) {                    sum += H[c].coarse[k];                    if ( sum > t ) {                        sum -= H[c].coarse[k];                        break;                    }                }                assert( k < 16 );                /* Update corresponding histogram segment */                if ( luc[c][k] <= j-r ) {                    memset( &H[c].fine[k], 0, 16 * sizeof(uint16_t) );                    for ( luc[c][k] = j-r; luc[c][k] < MIN(j+r+1,n); ++luc[c][k] ) {                        histogram_add( &h_fine[16*(n*(16*c+k)+luc[c][k])], H[c].fine[k] );                    }                    if ( luc[c][k] < j+r+1 ) {                        histogram_muladd( j+r+1 - n, &h_fine[16*(n*(16*c+k)+(n-1))], &H[c].fine[k][0] );                        luc[c][k] = j+r+1;                    }                }                else {                    for ( ; luc[c][k] < j+r+1; ++luc[c][k] ) {                        histogram_sub( &h_fine[16*(n*(16*c+k)+MAX(luc[c][k]-2*r-1,0))], H[c].fine[k] );                        histogram_add( &h_fine[16*(n*(16*c+k)+MIN(luc[c][k],n-1))], H[c].fine[k] );                    }                }                histogram_sub( &h_coarse[16*(n*c+MAX(j-r,0))], H[c].coarse );                /* Find median in segment */                segment = H[c].fine[k];                for ( b = 0; b < 16 ; ++b ) {                    sum += segment[b];                    if ( sum > t ) {                        dst[dst_step*i+cn*j+c] = 16*k + b;                        break;                    }                }                assert( b < 16 );            }        }    }#if defined(__SSE2__) || defined(__MMX__)    _mm_empty();    _mm_free(h_coarse);    _mm_free(h_fine);#else    free(h_coarse);    free(h_fine);#endif}/** * \brief Constant-time median filtering * * This function does a median filtering of an 8-bit image. The source image is * processed as if it was padded with zeros. The median kernel is square with * odd dimensions. Images of arbitrary size may be processed. * * To process multi-channel images, you must call this function multiple times, * changing the source and destination adresses and steps such that each channel * is processed as an independent single-channel image. * * Processing images of arbitrary bit depth is not supported. * * The computing time is O(1) per pixel, independent of the radius of the * filter. The algorithm's initialization is O(r*width), but it is negligible. * Memory usage is simple: it will be as big as the cache size, or smaller if * the image is small. For efficiency, the histograms' bins are 16-bit wide. * This may become too small and lead to overflow as \a r increases. * * \param src           Source image data. * \param dst           Destination image data. Must be preallocated. * \param width         Image width, in pixels. * \param height        Image height, in pixels. * \param src_step      Distance between adjacent pixels on the same column in *                      the source image, in bytes. * \param dst_step      Distance between adjacent pixels on the same column in *                      the destination image, in bytes. * \param r             Median filter radius. The kernel will be a 2*r+1 by *                      2*r+1 square. * \param cn            Number of channels. For example, a grayscale image would *                      have cn=1 while an RGB image would have cn=3. * \param memsize       Maximum amount of memory to use, in bytes. Set this to *                      the size of the L2 cache, then vary it slightly and *                      measure the processing time to find the optimal value. *                      For example, a 512 kB L2 cache would have *                      memsize=512*1024 initially. */void ctmf(        const unsigned char* const src, unsigned char* const dst,        const int width, const int height,        const int src_step, const int dst_step,        const int r, const int cn, const long unsigned int memsize        ){    /*     * Processing the image in vertical stripes is an optimization made     * necessary by the limited size of the CPU cache. Each histogram is 544     * bytes big and therefore I can fit a limited number of them in the cache.     * That number may sometimes be smaller than the image width, which would be     * the number of histograms I would need without stripes.     *     * I need to keep histograms in the cache so that they are available     * quickly when processing a new row. Each row needs access to the previous     * row's histograms. If there are too many histograms to fit in the cache,     * thrashing to RAM happens.     *     * To solve this problem, I figure out the maximum number of histograms     * that can fit in cache. From this is determined the number of stripes in     * an image. The formulas below make the stripes all the same size and use     * as few stripes as possible.     *     * Note that each stripe causes an overlap on the neighboring stripes, as     * when mowing the lawn. That overlap is proportional to r. When the overlap     * is a significant size in comparison with the stripe size, then we are not     * O(1) anymore, but O(r). In fact, we have been O(r) all along, but the     * initialization term was neglected, as it has been (and rightly so) in B.     * Weiss, "Fast Median and Bilateral Filtering", SIGGRAPH, 2006. Processing     * by stripes only makes that initialization term bigger.     *     * Also, note that the leftmost and rightmost stripes don't need overlap.     * A flag is passed to ctmf_helper() so that it treats these cases as if the     * image was zero-padded.     */    int stripes = (int) ceil( (double)(width - 2*r)/(memsize /sizeof(Histogram)-2*r));    int stripe_size = (int) ceil( (double)( width + stripes*2*r - 2*r )/ stripes );    int i;    for ( i = 0; i < width; i += stripe_size - 2*r ) {        int stripe = stripe_size;        /* Make sure that the filter kernel fits into one stripe. */        if (i + stripe_size-2*r>= width||width-(i + stripe_size - 2*r)<2*r+1 ) {            stripe = width - i;        }        ctmf_helper( src + cn*i, dst + cn*i, stripe, height, src_step,dst_step,r, cn,                i == 0, stripe == width - i );        if ( stripe == width - i ) {            break;        }    }}



/**** method to remove noise from the corrupted image by median value* @param corrupted input grayscale binary array with corrupted info* @param smooth output data for smooth result, the memory need to be *                           allocated outside of the function* @param width width of the input grayscale image* @param height height of the input grayscale image*/void medianFilter (unsigned char* corrupted,unsigned char* smooth,int width,int height){memcpy ( smooth, corrupted, width*height*sizeof(unsigned char) );for (int j=1;j<height-1;j++){for (int i=1;i<width-1;i++){int k = 0;unsigned char window[9];for (int jj = j - 1; jj < j + 2; ++jj)for (int ii = i - 1; ii < i + 2; ++ii)window[k++] = corrupted[jj * width + ii];//   Order elements (only half of them)for (int m = 0; m < 5; ++m){int min = m;for (int n = m + 1; n < 9; ++n)if (window[n] < window[min])min = n;//   Put found minimum element in its placeunsigned char temp = window[m];window[m] = window[min];window[min] = temp;}smooth[ j*width+i ] = window[4];}}}


[1] S. Perreault and P. Hebert, "Median Filtering in Constant Time",IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, September 2007.

[2] Svoboda T.nKybic J., and Hlavac V. "Image Processing Analysis and Machine Vision". Thomson Engineering 2008.

[3] Aaftab Munshi , Benedict R. Gaster , Timothy G. Mattson , James Fung  and Dan Ginsburg “ OpenCL Programming Guide”.

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