Hadoop DataNode启动之DataBlockScanner

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝兼职客服一般多少 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 18:43


 void startDataNode(Configuration conf,                      AbstractList<File> dataDirs, SecureResources resources                     ) throws IOException {......    //initialize periodic block scanner    String reason = null;    //获得扫描周期,默认为三周,参数单位为小时    if (conf.getInt("dfs.datanode.scan.period.hours", 0) < 0) {      reason = "verification is turned off by configuration";    } else if ( !(data instanceof FSDataset) ) {      reason = "verifcation is supported only with FSDataset";    }     if ( reason == null ) {    //开始创建块扫描器,但并为启动      blockScanner = new DataBlockScanner(this, (FSDataset)data, conf);    } else {      LOG.info("Periodic Block Verification is disabled because " +               reason + ".");    }    ...... }
    public void offerService() throws Exception {    LOG.info("using BLOCKREPORT_INTERVAL of " + blockReportInterval + "msec" +        " Initial delay: " + initialBlockReportDelay + "msec");    //    // Now loop for a long time....    //    while (shouldRun) {      try {                 ....         ....        // start block scanner        if (blockScanner != null && blockScannerThread == null &&            upgradeManager.isUpgradeCompleted()) {          LOG.info("Starting Periodic block scanner.");          //创建后台守护线程并启动          blockScannerThread = new Daemon(blockScanner);          blockScannerThread.start();        }         ....         ....  } // offerService
 块校验的具体流程包含在线程执行体中,大致分为三个部分 1、块集合初始化  2、更新block校验时间 3、循环校验负责规则的block。中间还有节流器控制
public void run() {    try {      //1、块集合初始化      init();            // 2、更新block校验时间      if (!assignInitialVerificationTimes()) {        return;      }      //节流器配置      adjustThrottler();      //3、循环校验负责规则的block      while (datanode.shouldRun && !Thread.interrupted()) {        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();        synchronized (this) {          if ( now >= (currentPeriodStart + scanPeriod)) {          //开启新的校验周期            startNewPeriod();          }        }        if ( (now - getEarliestScanTime()) >= scanPeriod ) {        //校验一个数据块          verifyFirstBlock();        } else {          try {          //循环间隔1秒            Thread.sleep(1000);          } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}        }      }    } catch (RuntimeException e) {      LOG.warn("RuntimeException during DataBlockScanner.run() : " +               StringUtils.stringifyException(e));      throw e;    } finally {      shutdown();      LOG.info("Exiting DataBlockScanner thread.");    }  }
private void init() {    // 获得块报告数组,并打乱顺序,以使块扫描不会总发生在同一个卷组上    Block arr[] = dataset.getBlockReport();    Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(arr));    //创建存放扫描信息的结构    blockInfoSet = new TreeSet<BlockScanInfo>();    blockMap = new HashMap<Block, BlockScanInfo>();    //填充扫描信息集合    long scanTime = -1;    for (Block block : arr) {      BlockScanInfo info = new BlockScanInfo( block );      info.lastScanTime = scanTime--;       //still keep 'info.lastScanType' to NONE.      addBlockInfo(info);    }    //获得扫描日志    File dir = null;    FSDataset.FSVolume[] volumes = dataset.volumes.volumes;    for(FSDataset.FSVolume vol : volumes) {      if (LogFileHandler.isFilePresent(vol.getDir(), verificationLogFile)) {        dir = vol.getDir();        break;      }    }    if (dir == null) {      dir = volumes[0].getDir();    }        try {      // 创建日志记录器      verificationLog = new LogFileHandler(dir, verificationLogFile, 100);    } catch (IOException e) {      LOG.warn("Could not open verfication log. " +               "Verification times are not stored.");    }        synchronized (this) {    //创建节流器      throttler = new BlockTransferThrottler(200, MAX_SCAN_RATE);    }  }
  private boolean assignInitialVerificationTimes() {    int numBlocks = 1;    synchronized (this) {    //获得块数量      numBlocks = Math.max(blockMap.size(), 1);    }        //构建日志读取器    LogFileHandler.Reader logReader = null;    try {      if (verificationLog != null) {        logReader = verificationLog.new Reader(false);      }    } catch (IOException e) {      LOG.warn("Could not read previous verification times : " +               StringUtils.stringifyException(e));    }    //循环读取日志,并更新当前行数    if (verificationLog != null) {      verificationLog.updateCurNumLines();    }        try {    // 根据校验日志更新块的校验时间    while (logReader != null && logReader.hasNext()) {      if (!datanode.shouldRun || Thread.interrupted()) {        return false;      }      //获取日志条目并更新      LogEntry entry = LogEntry.parseEntry(logReader.next());      if (entry != null) {        updateBlockInfo(entry);      }    }    } finally {    //更新完毕后关闭日志流      IOUtils.closeStream(logReader);    }        //两个块之间的校验间隔,避免频繁块扫描    long verifyInterval = (long) (Math.min( scanPeriod/2.0/numBlocks,                                            10*60*1000 ));    //最后校验时间    long lastScanTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - scanPeriod;        /* Before this loop, entries in blockInfoSet that are not     * updated above have lastScanTime of <= 0 . Loop until first entry has     * lastModificationTime > 0.     */        synchronized (this) {      if (blockInfoSet.size() > 0 ) {        BlockScanInfo info;        //循环更新块校验时间和间隔        while ((info =  blockInfoSet.first()).lastScanTime < 0) {          delBlockInfo(info);                  info.lastScanTime = lastScanTime;          lastScanTime += verifyInterval;          addBlockInfo(info);        }      }    }       return true; }
private synchronized void startNewPeriod() {    LOG.info("Starting a new period : work left in prev period : " +             String.format("%.2f%%", (bytesLeft * 100.0)/totalBytesToScan));    // reset the byte counts :    bytesLeft = totalBytesToScan; //记录需要扫描的字节数    currentPeriodStart = System.currentTimeMillis();//记录本周期的启动时间  }
  private void verifyFirstBlock() {    Block block = null;    synchronized (this) {      if ( blockInfoSet.size() > 0 ) {      //获取一个block,所有blockinfo放在一个TreeSet中,所里内部是排序过的        block = blockInfoSet.first().block;      }    }        if ( block != null ) {      verifyBlock(block);//开始校验    }  }  
  private void verifyBlock(Block block) {    BlockSender blockSender = null;    //安全起见,如果第一次校验失败则会再校验校验一次    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {      boolean second = (i > 0);            try {        adjustThrottler();        //构建BlockSender        blockSender = new BlockSender(block, 0, -1, false,                                                false, true, datanode);//构建空的数据输出流        DataOutputStream out =                 new DataOutputStream(new IOUtils.NullOutputStream());        //发送一个块        blockSender.sendBlock(out, null, throttler);//当块更新完毕后则记录日志        LOG.info((second ? "Second " : "") +                 "Verification succeeded for " + block);                if ( second ) {          totalTransientErrors++;        }        //更新扫描状态        updateScanStatus(block, ScanType.VERIFICATION_SCAN, true);        return;      } catch (IOException e) {........      } finally {        IOUtils.closeStream(blockSender);        datanode.getMetrics().incrBlocksVerified();        totalScans++;        totalVerifications++;      }    }  }
 private synchronized void updateScanStatusInternal(Block block,      ScanType type, boolean scanOk, boolean updateOnly) {          if (!isInitialized()) {      return;    }    BlockScanInfo info = blockMap.get(block);        if ( info != null ) {      delBlockInfo(info);//删除旧的扫描信息    } else {      if (updateOnly) {        return;      }      // It might already be removed. Thats ok, it will be caught next time.      info = new BlockScanInfo(block);    }    //构建新的扫描信息    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();    info.lastScanType = type;    info.lastScanTime = now;    info.lastScanOk = scanOk;    addBlockInfo(info);        if (type == ScanType.REMOTE_READ) {      totalVerifications++;    }            // Don't update meta data too often in case of REMOTE_READ    // of if the verification failed.    long diff = now - info.lastLogTime;    if (!scanOk || (type == ScanType.REMOTE_READ &&                    diff < scanPeriod/3 && diff < ONE_DAY)) {      return;    }        info.lastLogTime = now;    LogFileHandler log = verificationLog;    if (log != null) {    //记录扫描日志      log.appendLine(LogEntry.newEnry(block, now));    }  }

date="2013-09-2316:49:22,824" 校验时间:日期时间格式,毫秒数

time="1379926162824"          与上面表示同一时间,此处为时间戳格式

genstamp="1002"               块标记

id="-8049298064173279059"     块ID
