hbase coprocessor小实践引发的对coprocessor异常处理机制的探究

来源:互联网 发布:网络歌手夕阳醉了 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 10:57


最近又翻回头看了看hbase cp相关的东西,就思考写一个实例,其中包含masterobserver、regionobserver和endpoint。最终大致定了这么一些场景:

a.对于表名符合相关规则的表在建表的同时再建一个与之相关的sibling table;

b.自定义InternalPut,只允许使用InternalPut来插入数据,并且给该InternalPut增加一个名为heapsize的列,列的值为InternalPut上heapsize()方法的返回值,put数据之后给sibling table用相同rowkey插入一行数据;




1.  prePut的时候做了

if (!(put instanceof InternalPut))


解决: 第一次执行了,说明协处理加上了,所以就怀疑是不是协处理出什么问题了,因为协处理的管理都在CoprocessorHost类上,所以去看这个类,注意到了这个方法 

protected void handleCoprocessorThrowable(final CoprocessorEnvironment env, final Throwable e)

if (e instanceof IOException) {throw (IOException) e;}

if (env.getConfiguration().getBoolean("hbase.coprocessor.abortonerror", false)) {// server is configured to abort.abortServer(env, e);} else {LOG.error("Removing coprocessor '" + env.toString() + "' from "+ "environment because it threw:  " + e, e);coprocessors.remove(env);throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Coprocessor: '" + env.toString() + "' threw: '" + e+ "' and has been removed" + "from the active " + "coprocessor set.", e);}
如果hbase.coprocessor.abortonerror这个参数开启了,ok,退出。 否则,该协处理会被从加载的环境中删除! 这也是为什么我第二次运行数据居然插入了!!


/** * This is used by coprocessor hooks which are declared to throw * IOException (or its subtypes). For such hooks, we should handle * throwable objects depending on the Throwable's type. Those which are * instances of IOException should be passed on to the client. This is * in conformance with the HBase idiom regarding IOException: that it * represents a circumstance that should be passed along to the client * for its own handling. For example, a coprocessor that implements * access controls would throw a subclass of IOException, such as * AccessDeniedException, in its preGet() method to prevent an * unauthorized client's performing a Get on a particular table. * /
2. 严格意义上第二个问题也可以不算做坑...  在做
if (!(put instanceof InternalPut))
验证之后,抛出异常,我自定义了一个MyAccessDeniedException,异常信息为“Put denied! use InternalPut!”, 正常情况,我用普通Put去插入数据时,该Put被拦截,并且抛出异常。 确实抛出异常了,也是MyAccessDeniedException这个类,但是并没有包含我期望的异常信息,并且这段代码的执行会卡很长的时间。 异常信息大致如下:(我懒得再布包去重现了..害羞)

RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException:Failed 1 action:MyAccessDeniedException 



解决:没好办法,debug...  在跟到HConnectionManager的这个方法中时,出现了些问题的端倪,

public <R> void processBatchCallback(        List<? extends Row> list,        byte[] tableName,        ExecutorService pool,        Object[] results,        Batch.Callback<R> callback)    throws IOException, InterruptedException 


 MultiResponse resp = future.get();
resp中已经包含我要的正确的异常信息! 为什么没有打印出来呢? 继续往下走。。 有一段代码引起了我的注意:

 if (results[i] == null ||              (results[i] instanceof Throwable &&                  !(results[i] instanceof DoNotRetryIOException))) {            retry = true;            actionCount++;            Row row = list.get(i);            workingList.add(row);            deleteCachedLocation(tableName, row.getRow());          } else {
  !(results[i] instanceof DoNotRetryIOException)))
如果不是DoNotRetryIOException,那么就会重试... 多少次呢?如果你没有修改过配置,默认十次!  这就是为什么执行之前的代码卡很久的原因!重试了十次! 那重试十次我也忍了,为什么异常信息没给我打出来呢? 继续往下看... 看到了这里..

if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {        throw new RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException(exceptions,            actions,            addresses);      }
发现了这货...  RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException...并且我的异常信息被包在里边了.. 进去看看...
public RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException(List<Throwable> exceptions,                                              List<Row> actions,                                              List<String> hostnameAndPort) {    super("Failed " + exceptions.size() + " action" +        pluralize(exceptions) + ": " +        getDesc(exceptions, actions, hostnameAndPort));    this.exceptions = exceptions;    this.actions = actions;    this.hostnameAndPort = hostnameAndPort;  }

public static String getDesc(List<Throwable> exceptions,                               List<Row> actions,                               List<String> hostnamePort) {    String s = getDesc(classifyExs(exceptions));    s += "servers with issues: ";    Set<String> uniqAddr = new HashSet<String>();    uniqAddr.addAll(hostnamePort);    for(String addr : uniqAddr) {      s += addr + ", ";    }    return s;  }
 public static Map<String, Integer> classifyExs(List<Throwable> ths) {    Map<String, Integer> cls = new HashMap<String, Integer>();    for (Throwable t : ths) {      if (t == null) continue;      String name = "";      if (t instanceof DoNotRetryIOException) {        name = t.getMessage();      } else {        name = t.getClass().getSimpleName();      }
看到这里明白了...  对于DoNotRetryIOException类型的异常,获取异常信息。其他类型的只是记个类名字。。。为毛啊这是! 坑爹呢!大哭


