算法导论C语言实现: 分治策略 -- 矩阵乘法的Strassen算法

来源:互联网 发布:arm linux gcc最新版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:59



#include <Windows.h>#include <common.h>#include "strassen.h"void print_mutrix(const int *A, int r, int c){int i, j;printf("-----------------------------------\n");for (i=0; i < r; ++i) {for (j=0; j < c; ++j) {printf("%d\t", A[i*c + j]);}printf("\n");}printf("-----------------------------------\n");}//SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY(A,B)void square_matrix_multiply(__inint sm_size,__inconst int *sm_A,__inconst int *sm_B,__outint *sm_C ){int i, j, k;int p;for (i = 0; i < sm_size; ++i) {for (j = 0; j < sm_size; ++j) {//p = &sm_C[i*sm_size + j];p = 0;for (k = 0; k < sm_size; ++k) {p += (sm_A[i*sm_size + k]) * \      (sm_B[k*sm_size + j]);}sm_C[i*sm_size + j] += p;}}}// You must zero all bytes in sm_C before calling the recursive function.////To avoid copying data, we define ROW_STEP://Arow1Arow2// [----------------------][----------------------]// .............// //  A11row1     A12row1     A11row2     A12row2// [----------][----------][----------][----------]// |<--------row_step---->|// .............#define SM_SUB_AD11(ad, row_step, hs) \(ad)#define SM_SUB_AD12(ad, row_step, hs) \((ad) + (hs))#define SM_SUB_AD21(ad, row_step, hs) \((ad) + (row_step)*(hs))#define SM_SUB_AD22(ad, row_step, hs) \((ad) + (row_step)*(hs) + (hs))//SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY-RECURSIVE(A,B)void square_matrix_multiply_recursive(__inint sm_size,__inint row_step,__inconst int *sm_A,__inconst int *sm_B,__outint *sm_C ){int hs = sm_size/2;if (sm_size == 1) {*sm_C += (*sm_A) * (*sm_B);} else {//C11 = F(A11, B11) + F(A12, B21)square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD11(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD11(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD11(sm_C, row_step, hs));square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD12(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD21(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD11(sm_C, row_step, hs));//C12 = F(A11, B12) + (F(A12, B22)square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD11(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD12(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD12(sm_C, row_step, hs));square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD12(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD22(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD12(sm_C, row_step, hs));//C21 = F(A21, B11) + F(A22, B21)square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD21(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD11(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD21(sm_C, row_step, hs));square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD22(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD21(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD21(sm_C, row_step, hs));//C22 = F(A21, B12) + F(A22, B22)square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD21(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD12(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD22(sm_C, row_step, hs));square_matrix_multiply_recursive(hs, row_step,SM_SUB_AD22(sm_A, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD22(sm_B, row_step, hs),SM_SUB_AD22(sm_C, row_step, hs));}}//sm_A = sm_A + sm_Bstatic void square_matrix_add(__inout int *sm_A,__in int *sm_B,__in int row,__in int row_step,__in int col){int i,j;for (i = 0; i < row; ++i) {for (j = 0; j < col; ++j) {sm_A[i*row_step + j] += sm_B[i*row_step + j];}}}//sm_A = sm_A + sm_Bvoid square_matrix_sub(__inout int *sm_A,__in int *sm_B,__in int row,__in int row_step,__in int col){int i,j;for (i = 0; i < row; ++i) {for (j = 0; j < col; ++j) {sm_A[i*row_step + j] -= sm_B[i*row_step + j];}}}#define SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE 512void func_4_2(void){/*const int A[4*4] = { 1, 3, 7, 5,     8, 9, 4, 2,     2, 7, 6, 2,     1, 0, 9, 8};const int B[4*4] = { 6, 8, 4, 2,    10, 0, 8,10,     1, 9, 5, 4,     4, 0,11, 0};int C[4*4] = {0};*/int *A = NULL;int *B = NULL;int *C = NULL;int i = 0;LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2, freq;double t_seconds = 0;QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq);A = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);B = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);C = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);if (A == NULL ||    B == NULL ||    C == NULL) {TRACE("allocate memory fail(size:%d)\n",sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);goto l_exit;}//randomfor (i = 0; i < SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE; ++i) {A[i] = rand()%10;}for (i = 0; i < SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE; ++i) {B[i] = rand()%10;}//print_mutrix(A, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);//print_mutrix(B, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);printf("SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY(A,B)\n");memset(C, 0, sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1);square_matrix_multiply(SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, A, B, C);QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2);t_seconds = ((double)(t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart))/((double)freq.QuadPart);printf("Cost %f seconds\n", t_seconds);//print_mutrix(C, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);printf("SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY-RECURSIVE(A,B)\n");memset(C, 0, sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1);square_matrix_multiply_recursive(SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE,A, B, C);QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2);t_seconds = ((double)(t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart))/((double)freq.QuadPart);printf("Cost %f seconds\n", t_seconds);//print_mutrix(C, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);printf("SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY-STRASSEN(A,B)\n");memset(C, 0, sizeof(int) * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE * SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1);{sm_t sm_A, sm_B, sm_C;sm_mem_t mem;sm_A.add_start = A;sm_A.cols = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_A.rows = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_A.row_step = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_B.add_start = B;sm_B.cols = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_B.rows = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_B.row_step = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_C.add_start = C;sm_C.cols = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_C.rows = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;sm_C.row_step = SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE;if (square_matrix_alloc_mem(SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, &mem)) {TRACE("Out of memory\n");} else {square_matrix_strassen_recursive(&mem,&sm_A,&sm_B,&sm_C);square_matrix_free_mem(&mem);}}QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2);t_seconds = ((double)(t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart))/((double)freq.QuadPart);printf("Cost %f seconds\n", t_seconds);//print_mutrix(C, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE, SQUARE_MATRIX_SIZE);l_exit:if (A != NULL) {free(A);}if (B != NULL) {free(B);}if (C != NULL) {free(C);}}


#ifndef__IA_STRASSEN_H__#define __IA_STRASSEN_H__//To avoid copying data, we define ROW_STEP://Arow1Arow2// [----------------------][----------------------]// .............// //  A11row1     A12row1     A11row2     A12row2// [----------][----------][----------][----------]// |<--------row_step---->|// .............typedefstruct _sm_t {int *add_start;int rows;int cols;int row_step;}sm_t;typedefstruct _sm_mem_t {char *addr_start;size_t len;size_t usedlen;}sm_mem_t;//-1 fail//0 successint square_matrix_alloc_mem(__in size_t size,__inout sm_mem_t *mem);void square_matrix_free_mem(__in sm_mem_t *mem);//return // -1 -- fail// 0  -- successint square_matrix_strassen_recursive(__insm_mem_t *mem,__insm_t *sm_A,__insm_t *sm_B,__inoutsm_t *sm_C);#endif


#include <common.h>#include <math.h>#include <Windows.h>#include "strassen.h"#define SM_SUB11(sm) sm[0]#define SM_SUB12(sm) sm[1]#define SM_SUB21(sm) sm[2]#define SM_SUB22(sm) sm[3]//2. 构造加减法运算//sm_C = sm_A + sm_B//no check herestatic void square_matrix_add(__in sm_t *sm_A,__in sm_t *sm_B,__inout sm_t *sm_C){int i,j;for (i = 0; i < sm_A->rows; ++i) {for (j = 0; j < sm_A->cols; ++j) {sm_C->add_start[i*sm_C->row_step + j] =sm_A->add_start[i*sm_A->row_step + j] +sm_B->add_start[i*sm_B->row_step + j];}}}//sm_C = sm_A - sm_B//no check herestatic void square_matrix_sub(__in sm_t *sm_A,__in sm_t *sm_B,__inout sm_t *sm_C){int i,j;for (i = 0; i < sm_A->rows; ++i) {for (j = 0; j < sm_A->cols; ++j) {sm_C->add_start[i*sm_C->row_step + j] =sm_A->add_start[i*sm_A->row_step + j] -sm_B->add_start[i*sm_B->row_step + j];}}}//-1 fail//0 successint square_matrix_alloc_mem(__in size_t size,__inout sm_mem_t *mem){size_t mem_size = 0;int i = 0;int seven = 1;while(size > 1) {size = size/2;mem_size += size*size * seven;seven *= 7;i++;}mem_size = sizeof(int) * 17 * mem_size;mem_size += 0x3ff;mem_size -= mem_size%0x400;TRACE("square matrix size %d memory size 0x%08X\n", size, mem_size);if (mem_size == 0) {return 0;}//mem->addr_start = (char *) malloc(mem_size);mem->addr_start = (char *) VirtualAlloc(NULL,mem_size,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);if (mem->addr_start == NULL) {TRACE("Last error %d\n", GetLastError());return -1;}//memset(mem->addr_start, 0, mem_size);mem->len = mem_size;mem->usedlen = 0;return 0;}void square_matrix_free_mem(__in sm_mem_t *mem){if (mem->addr_start != NULL) {VirtualFree(mem->addr_start, 0, MEM_RELEASE);}}//return // -1 -- fail// 0  -- successint square_matrix_strassen_recursive(__insm_mem_t *mem,__insm_t *sm_A,__insm_t *sm_B,__inoutsm_t *sm_C){int ret = 0;int sm_size =  sm_A->rows;int hs = sm_size/2;sm_t Asub[4];sm_t Bsub[4];sm_t Csub[4];sm_t S[10];sm_t P[7];int i = 0;if (sm_size == 1) {*(sm_C->add_start) += \(*(sm_A->add_start)) * (*(sm_B->add_start));return 0;}//check memoryif (17 * (hs * hs) * sizeof(int) > (mem->len - mem->usedlen)) {ret = -1;goto l_exit;}//malloc memory for S[]memset(S, sizeof(S), 0);for (i = 0; i < sizeof(S)/sizeof(sm_t); ++i) {//S[i].add_start = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * hs * hs);S[i].add_start = (int *)(mem->addr_start + mem->usedlen);mem->usedlen += sizeof(int) * hs * hs;if (S[i].add_start == NULL) {ret = -1;goto l_exit;}//TODO: uselessmemset(S[i].add_start, 0, sizeof(int) * hs * hs);S[i].row_step = hs;S[i].rows = hs;S[i].cols = hs;}//malloc memory for P[]memset(P, sizeof(P), 0);for (i = 0; i < sizeof(P)/sizeof(sm_t); ++i) {//P[i].add_start = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * hs * hs);P[i].add_start = (int *)(mem->addr_start + mem->usedlen);mem->usedlen += sizeof(int) * hs * hs;if (P[i].add_start == NULL) {ret = -1;goto l_exit;}memset(P[i].add_start, 0, sizeof(int) * hs * hs);P[i].row_step = hs;P[i].rows = hs;P[i].cols = hs;}for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {Asub[i].row_step = sm_A->row_step;Asub[i].rows = hs;Asub[i].cols = hs;Asub[i].add_start = sm_A->add_start + (i/2) * sm_A->row_step * hs + (i%2) * hs;Bsub[i].row_step = sm_B->row_step;Bsub[i].rows = hs;Bsub[i].cols = hs;Bsub[i].add_start = sm_B->add_start +(i/2) * sm_B->row_step * hs + (i%2) * hs;Csub[i].row_step = sm_C->row_step;Csub[i].rows = hs;Csub[i].cols = hs;Csub[i].add_start = sm_C->add_start +(i/2) * sm_C->row_step * hs + (i%2) * hs;}//Get S[]//S1=B12 - B22square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB12(Bsub), &SM_SUB22(Bsub), &S[0]);//S2=A11 + A12square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB11(Asub), &SM_SUB12(Asub), &S[1]);//S3=A21 + A22square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB21(Asub), &SM_SUB22(Asub), &S[2]);//S4=B21 - B11square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB21(Bsub), &SM_SUB11(Bsub), &S[3]);//S5=A11 + A22square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB11(Asub), &SM_SUB22(Asub), &S[4]);//S6=B11 + B22square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB11(Bsub), &SM_SUB22(Bsub), &S[5]);//S7=A12 - A22square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB12(Asub), &SM_SUB22(Asub), &S[6]);//S8=B21 + B22square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB21(Bsub), &SM_SUB22(Bsub), &S[7]);//S9=A11 - A21square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB11(Asub), &SM_SUB21(Asub), &S[8]);//S10=B11 + B12square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB11(Bsub), &SM_SUB12(Bsub), &S[9]);//Get P//P1= A11 * S1if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&SM_SUB11(Asub),&S[0],&P[0])) {goto l_exit;}//P2 = S2 * B22if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&S[1],&SM_SUB22(Bsub),&P[1])) {goto l_exit;}//P3 = S3 * B11if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&S[2],&SM_SUB11(Bsub),&P[2])) {goto l_exit;}//P4 = A22 * S4if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&SM_SUB22(Asub),&S[3],&P[3])) {goto l_exit;}//P5 = S5 * S6if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&S[4],&S[5],&P[4])) {goto l_exit;}//P6 = S7 * S8if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&S[6],&S[7],&P[5])) {goto l_exit;}//P7 = S9 * S10if (ret = square_matrix_strassen_recursive(mem,&S[8],&S[9],&P[6])) {goto l_exit;}//Get the result//C11 = P5 + P4 - P2 + P6square_matrix_add(&P[4], &P[3], &SM_SUB11(Csub));square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB11(Csub), &P[1], &SM_SUB11(Csub));square_matrix_add(&SM_SUB11(Csub), &P[5], &SM_SUB11(Csub));//C12 = P1 + P2square_matrix_add(&P[0], &P[1], &SM_SUB12(Csub));//C21 = P3 + P4square_matrix_add(&P[2], &P[3], &SM_SUB21(Csub));//C22 = P5 + P1 - P3 - P7square_matrix_add(&P[4], &P[0], &SM_SUB22(Csub));square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB22(Csub), &P[2], &SM_SUB22(Csub));square_matrix_sub(&SM_SUB22(Csub), &P[6], &SM_SUB22(Csub));l_exit:/*//free memoryfor ( i = 0; i < sizeof(S)/sizeof(sm_t); ++i) {if (S[i].add_start)free(S[i].add_start);}for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(P)/sizeof(sm_t); ++i) {if (P[i].add_start)free(P[i].add_start);}*/if (ret) {TRACE("strassen fail\n");}return ret;}


感觉从矩阵维数从2*2 到 1024 * 1024都是朴素法最好,可能是自己水平有限,没做优化,下图是512*512的时间消耗, 1024*1024 strassen算法暴内存了
