来源:互联网 发布:送男朋友的礼物知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 20:04
/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package;import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;import android.content.ComponentName;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import android.content.IntentFilter;import;import android.content.res.Configuration;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.PerformanceCollector;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.os.Debug;import android.os.IBinder;import android.os.MessageQueue;import android.os.Process;import android.os.SystemClock;import android.os.ServiceManager;import android.util.AndroidRuntimeException;import android.util.Log;import android.view.IWindowManager;import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.MotionEvent;import android.view.ViewConfiguration;import android.view.Window;import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;import;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;/** * Base class for implementing application instrumentation code.  When running * with instrumentation turned on, this class will be instantiated for you * before any of the application code, allowing you to monitor all of the * interaction the system has with the application.  An Instrumentation * implementation is described to the system through an AndroidManifest.xml's * <instrumentation> tag. */public class Instrumentation {    /**     * If included in the status or final bundle sent to an IInstrumentationWatcher, this key      * identifies the class that is writing the report.  This can be used to provide more structured     * logging or reporting capabilities in the IInstrumentationWatcher.     */    public static final String REPORT_KEY_IDENTIFIER = "id";    /**     * If included in the status or final bundle sent to an IInstrumentationWatcher, this key      * identifies a string which can simply be printed to the output stream.  Using these streams     * provides a "pretty printer" version of the status & final packets.  Any bundles including      * this key should also include the complete set of raw key/value pairs, so that the     * instrumentation can also be launched, and results collected, by an automated system.     */    public static final String REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT = "stream";        private static final String TAG = "Instrumentation";        private final Object mSync = new Object();    private ActivityThread mThread = null;    private MessageQueue mMessageQueue = null;    private Context mInstrContext;    private Context mAppContext;    private ComponentName mComponent;    private Thread mRunner;    private List<ActivityWaiter> mWaitingActivities;    private List<ActivityMonitor> mActivityMonitors;    private IInstrumentationWatcher mWatcher;    private boolean mAutomaticPerformanceSnapshots = false;    private PerformanceCollector mPerformanceCollector;    private Bundle mPerfMetrics = new Bundle();    public Instrumentation() {    }    /**     * Called when the instrumentation is starting, before any application code     * has been loaded.  Usually this will be implemented to simply call     * {@link #start} to begin the instrumentation thread, which will then     * continue execution in {@link #onStart}.     *      * <p>If you do not need your own thread -- that is you are writing your     * instrumentation to be completely asynchronous (returning to the event     * loop so that the application can run), you can simply begin your     * instrumentation here, for example call {@link Context#startActivity} to     * begin the appropriate first activity of the application.      *       * @param arguments Any additional arguments that were supplied when the      *                  instrumentation was started.     */    public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) {    }    /**     * Create and start a new thread in which to run instrumentation.  This new     * thread will call to {@link #onStart} where you can implement the     * instrumentation.     */    public void start() {        if (mRunner != null) {            throw new RuntimeException("Instrumentation already started");        }        mRunner = new InstrumentationThread("Instr: " + getClass().getName());        mRunner.start();    }    /**     * Method where the instrumentation thread enters execution.  This allows     * you to run your instrumentation code in a separate thread than the     * application, so that it can perform blocking operation such as     * {@link #sendKeySync} or {@link #startActivitySync}.     *      * <p>You will typically want to call finish() when this function is done,     * to end your instrumentation.     */    public void onStart() {    }    /**     * This is called whenever the system captures an unhandled exception that     * was thrown by the application.  The default implementation simply     * returns false, allowing normal system handling of the exception to take     * place.     *      * @param obj The client object that generated the exception.  May be an     *            Application, Activity, BroadcastReceiver, Service, or null.     * @param e The exception that was thrown.     *       * @return To allow normal system exception process to occur, return false.     *         If true is returned, the system will proceed as if the exception     *         didn't happen.     */    public boolean onException(Object obj, Throwable e) {        return false;    }    /**     * Provide a status report about the application.     *       * @param resultCode Current success/failure of instrumentation.      * @param results Any results to send back to the code that started the instrumentation.     */    public void sendStatus(int resultCode, Bundle results) {        if (mWatcher != null) {            try {                mWatcher.instrumentationStatus(mComponent, resultCode, results);            }            catch (RemoteException e) {                mWatcher = null;            }        }    }        /**     * Terminate instrumentation of the application.  This will cause the     * application process to exit, removing this instrumentation from the next     * time the application is started.      *       * @param resultCode Overall success/failure of instrumentation.      * @param results Any results to send back to the code that started the      *                instrumentation.     */    public void finish(int resultCode, Bundle results) {        if (mAutomaticPerformanceSnapshots) {            endPerformanceSnapshot();        }        if (mPerfMetrics != null) {            results.putAll(mPerfMetrics);        }        mThread.finishInstrumentation(resultCode, results);    }        public void setAutomaticPerformanceSnapshots() {        mAutomaticPerformanceSnapshots = true;        mPerformanceCollector = new PerformanceCollector();    }    public void startPerformanceSnapshot() {        if (!isProfiling()) {            mPerformanceCollector.beginSnapshot(null);        }    }        public void endPerformanceSnapshot() {        if (!isProfiling()) {            mPerfMetrics = mPerformanceCollector.endSnapshot();        }    }        /**     * Called when the instrumented application is stopping, after all of the     * normal application cleanup has occurred.     */    public void onDestroy() {    }    /**     * Return the Context of this instrumentation's package.  Note that this is     * often different than the Context of the application being     * instrumentated, since the instrumentation code often lives is a     * different package than that of the application it is running against.     * See {@link #getTargetContext} to retrieve a Context for the target     * application.     *      * @return The instrumentation's package context.     *      * @see #getTargetContext     */    public Context getContext() {        return mInstrContext;    }    /**     * Returns complete component name of this instrumentation.     *      * @return Returns the complete component name for this instrumentation.     */    public ComponentName getComponentName() {        return mComponent;    }        /**     * Return a Context for the target application being instrumented.  Note     * that this is often different than the Context of the instrumentation     * code, since the instrumentation code often lives is a different package     * than that of the application it is running against. See     * {@link #getContext} to retrieve a Context for the instrumentation code.     *      * @return A Context in the target application.     *      * @see #getContext     */    public Context getTargetContext() {        return mAppContext;    }    /**     * Check whether this instrumentation was started with profiling enabled.     *      * @return Returns true if profiling was enabled when starting, else false.     */    public boolean isProfiling() {        return mThread.isProfiling();    }    /**     * This method will start profiling if isProfiling() returns true. You should     * only call this method if you set the handleProfiling attribute in the      * manifest file for this Instrumentation to true.       */    public void startProfiling() {        if (mThread.isProfiling()) {            File file = new File(mThread.getProfileFilePath());            file.getParentFile().mkdirs();            Debug.startMethodTracing(file.toString(), 8 * 1024 * 1024);        }    }    /**     * Stops profiling if isProfiling() returns true.     */    public void stopProfiling() {        if (mThread.isProfiling()) {            Debug.stopMethodTracing();        }    }        /**     * Force the global system in or out of touch mode.  This can be used if     * your instrumentation relies on the UI being in one more or the other     * when it starts.     *      * @param inTouch Set to true to be in touch mode, false to be in     * focus mode.     */    public void setInTouchMode(boolean inTouch) {        try {            IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(                    ServiceManager.getService("window")).setInTouchMode(inTouch);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            // Shouldn't happen!        }    }        /**     * Schedule a callback for when the application's main thread goes idle     * (has no more events to process).     *      * @param recipient Called the next time the thread's message queue is     *                  idle.     */    public void waitForIdle(Runnable recipient) {        mMessageQueue.addIdleHandler(new Idler(recipient));        mThread.getHandler().post(new EmptyRunnable());    }    /**     * Synchronously wait for the application to be idle.  Can not be called     * from the main application thread -- use {@link #start} to execute     * instrumentation in its own thread.     */    public void waitForIdleSync() {        validateNotAppThread();        Idler idler = new Idler(null);        mMessageQueue.addIdleHandler(idler);        mThread.getHandler().post(new EmptyRunnable());        idler.waitForIdle();    }    /**     * Execute a call on the application's main thread, blocking until it is     * complete.  Useful for doing things that are not thread-safe, such as     * looking at or modifying the view hierarchy.     *      * @param runner The code to run on the main thread.     */    public void runOnMainSync(Runnable runner) {        validateNotAppThread();        SyncRunnable sr = new SyncRunnable(runner);        mThread.getHandler().post(sr);        sr.waitForComplete();    }    /**     * Start a new activity and wait for it to begin running before returning.     * In addition to being synchronous, this method as some semantic     * differences from the standard {@link Context#startActivity} call: the     * activity component is resolved before talking with the activity manager     * (its class name is specified in the Intent that this method ultimately     * starts), and it does not allow you to start activities that run in a     * different process.  In addition, if the given Intent resolves to     * multiple activities, instead of displaying a dialog for the user to     * select an activity, an exception will be thrown.     *      * <p>The function returns as soon as the activity goes idle following the     * call to its {@link Activity#onCreate}.  Generally this means it has gone     * through the full initialization including {@link Activity#onResume} and     * drawn and displayed its initial window.     *      * @param intent Description of the activity to start.     *      * @see Context#startActivity     */    public Activity startActivitySync(Intent intent) {        validateNotAppThread();        synchronized (mSync) {            intent = new Intent(intent);                ActivityInfo ai = intent.resolveActivityInfo(                getTargetContext().getPackageManager(), 0);            if (ai == null) {                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve activity for: " + intent);            }            String myProc = mThread.getProcessName();            if (!ai.processName.equals(myProc)) {                // todo: if this intent is ambiguous, look here to see if                // there is a single match that is in our package.                throw new RuntimeException("Intent in process "                        + myProc + " resolved to different process "                        + ai.processName + ": " + intent);            }                intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(                    ai.applicationInfo.packageName,;            final ActivityWaiter aw = new ActivityWaiter(intent);            if (mWaitingActivities == null) {                mWaitingActivities = new ArrayList();            }            mWaitingActivities.add(aw);            getTargetContext().startActivity(intent);            do {                try {                    mSync.wait();                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                }            } while (mWaitingActivities.contains(aw));                     return aw.activity;        }    }    /**     * Information about a particular kind of Intent that is being monitored.     * An instance of this class is added to the      * current instrumentation through {@link #addMonitor}; after being added,      * when a new activity is being started the monitor will be checked and, if      * matching, its hit count updated and (optionally) the call stopped and a      * canned result returned.     *      * <p>An ActivityMonitor can also be used to look for the creation of an     * activity, through the {@link #waitForActivity} method.  This will return     * after a matching activity has been created with that activity object.     */    public static class ActivityMonitor {        private final IntentFilter mWhich;        private final String mClass;        private final ActivityResult mResult;        private final boolean mBlock;        // This is protected by 'Instrumentation.this.mSync'.        /*package*/ int mHits = 0;        // This is protected by 'this'.        /*package*/ Activity mLastActivity = null;        /**         * Create a new ActivityMonitor that looks for a particular kind of          * intent to be started.         *           * @param which The set of intents this monitor is responsible for.         * @param result A canned result to return if the monitor is hit; can          *               be null.         * @param block Controls whether the monitor should block the activity          *              start (returning its canned result) or let the call         *              proceed.         *           * @see Instrumentation#addMonitor          */        public ActivityMonitor(            IntentFilter which, ActivityResult result, boolean block) {            mWhich = which;            mClass = null;            mResult = result;            mBlock = block;        }        /**         * Create a new ActivityMonitor that looks for a specific activity          * class to be started.          *           * @param cls The activity class this monitor is responsible for.         * @param result A canned result to return if the monitor is hit; can          *               be null.         * @param block Controls whether the monitor should block the activity          *              start (returning its canned result) or let the call         *              proceed.         *           * @see Instrumentation#addMonitor          */        public ActivityMonitor(            String cls, ActivityResult result, boolean block) {            mWhich = null;            mClass = cls;            mResult = result;            mBlock = block;        }        /**         * Retrieve the filter associated with this ActivityMonitor.         */        public final IntentFilter getFilter() {            return mWhich;        }        /**         * Retrieve the result associated with this ActivityMonitor, or null if          * none.          */        public final ActivityResult getResult() {            return mResult;        }        /**         * Check whether this monitor blocks activity starts (not allowing the          * actual activity to run) or allows them to execute normally.          */        public final boolean isBlocking() {            return mBlock;        }        /**         * Retrieve the number of times the monitor has been hit so far.         */        public final int getHits() {            return mHits;        }        /**         * Retrieve the most recent activity class that was seen by this          * monitor.          */        public final Activity getLastActivity() {            return mLastActivity;        }        /**         * Block until an Activity is created that matches this monitor,          * returning the resulting activity.          *          * @return Activity         */        public final Activity waitForActivity() {            synchronized (this) {                while (mLastActivity == null) {                    try {                        wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    }                }                Activity res = mLastActivity;                mLastActivity = null;                return res;            }        }        /**         * Block until an Activity is created that matches this monitor,          * returning the resulting activity or till the timeOut period expires.         * If the timeOut expires before the activity is started, return null.          *          * @param timeOut Time to wait before the activity is created.         *          * @return Activity         */        public final Activity waitForActivityWithTimeout(long timeOut) {            synchronized (this) {                if (mLastActivity == null) {                    try {                        wait(timeOut);                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    }                }                if (mLastActivity == null) {                    return null;                } else {                    Activity res = mLastActivity;                    mLastActivity = null;                    return res;                }            }        }                final boolean match(Context who,                            Activity activity,                            Intent intent) {            synchronized (this) {                if (mWhich != null                    && mWhich.match(who.getContentResolver(), intent,                                    true, "Instrumentation") < 0) {                    return false;                }                if (mClass != null) {                    String cls = null;                    if (activity != null) {                        cls = activity.getClass().getName();                    } else if (intent.getComponent() != null) {                        cls = intent.getComponent().getClassName();                    }                    if (cls == null || !mClass.equals(cls)) {                        return false;                    }                }                if (activity != null) {                    mLastActivity = activity;                    notifyAll();                }                return true;            }        }    }    /**     * Add a new {@link ActivityMonitor} that will be checked whenever an      * activity is started.  The monitor is added      * after any existing ones; the monitor will be hit only if none of the      * existing monitors can themselves handle the Intent.      *       * @param monitor The new ActivityMonitor to see.      *       * @see #addMonitor(IntentFilter, ActivityResult, boolean)      * @see #checkMonitorHit      */    public void addMonitor(ActivityMonitor monitor) {        synchronized (mSync) {            if (mActivityMonitors == null) {                mActivityMonitors = new ArrayList();            }            mActivityMonitors.add(monitor);        }    }    /**     * A convenience wrapper for {@link #addMonitor(ActivityMonitor)} that      * creates an intent filter matching {@link ActivityMonitor} for you and      * returns it.      *       * @param filter The set of intents this monitor is responsible for.     * @param result A canned result to return if the monitor is hit; can      *               be null.     * @param block Controls whether the monitor should block the activity      *              start (returning its canned result) or let the call     *              proceed.     *      * @return The newly created and added activity monitor.      *       * @see #addMonitor(ActivityMonitor)      * @see #checkMonitorHit      */    public ActivityMonitor addMonitor(        IntentFilter filter, ActivityResult result, boolean block) {        ActivityMonitor am = new ActivityMonitor(filter, result, block);        addMonitor(am);        return am;    }    /**     * A convenience wrapper for {@link #addMonitor(ActivityMonitor)} that      * creates a class matching {@link ActivityMonitor} for you and returns it.     *       * @param cls The activity class this monitor is responsible for.     * @param result A canned result to return if the monitor is hit; can      *               be null.     * @param block Controls whether the monitor should block the activity      *              start (returning its canned result) or let the call     *              proceed.     *      * @return The newly created and added activity monitor.      *       * @see #addMonitor(ActivityMonitor)      * @see #checkMonitorHit      */    public ActivityMonitor addMonitor(        String cls, ActivityResult result, boolean block) {        ActivityMonitor am = new ActivityMonitor(cls, result, block);        addMonitor(am);        return am;    }    /**     * Test whether an existing {@link ActivityMonitor} has been hit.  If the      * monitor has been hit at least <var>minHits</var> times, then it will be      * removed from the activity monitor list and true returned.  Otherwise it      * is left as-is and false is returned.      *       * @param monitor The ActivityMonitor to check.     * @param minHits The minimum number of hits required.     *      * @return True if the hit count has been reached, else false.      *       * @see #addMonitor      */    public boolean checkMonitorHit(ActivityMonitor monitor, int minHits) {        waitForIdleSync();        synchronized (mSync) {            if (monitor.getHits() < minHits) {                return false;            }            mActivityMonitors.remove(monitor);        }        return true;    }    /**     * Wait for an existing {@link ActivityMonitor} to be hit.  Once the      * monitor has been hit, it is removed from the activity monitor list and      * the first created Activity object that matched it is returned.     *       * @param monitor The ActivityMonitor to wait for.     *      * @return The Activity object that matched the monitor.     */    public Activity waitForMonitor(ActivityMonitor monitor) {        Activity activity = monitor.waitForActivity();        synchronized (mSync) {            mActivityMonitors.remove(monitor);        }        return activity;    }    /**     * Wait for an existing {@link ActivityMonitor} to be hit till the timeout     * expires.  Once the monitor has been hit, it is removed from the activity      * monitor list and the first created Activity object that matched it is      * returned.  If the timeout expires, a null object is returned.      *     * @param monitor The ActivityMonitor to wait for.     * @param timeOut The timeout value in secs.     *     * @return The Activity object that matched the monitor.     */    public Activity waitForMonitorWithTimeout(ActivityMonitor monitor, long timeOut) {        Activity activity = monitor.waitForActivityWithTimeout(timeOut);        synchronized (mSync) {            mActivityMonitors.remove(monitor);        }        return activity;    }        /**     * Remove an {@link ActivityMonitor} that was previously added with      * {@link #addMonitor}.     *       * @param monitor The monitor to remove.     *       * @see #addMonitor      */    public void removeMonitor(ActivityMonitor monitor) {        synchronized (mSync) {            mActivityMonitors.remove(monitor);        }    }    /**     * Execute a particular menu item.     *      * @param targetActivity The activity in question.     * @param id The identifier associated with the menu item.     * @param flag Additional flags, if any.     * @return Whether the invocation was successful (for example, it could be     *         false if item is disabled).     */    public boolean invokeMenuActionSync(Activity targetActivity,                                     int id, int flag) {        class MenuRunnable implements Runnable {            private final Activity activity;            private final int identifier;            private final int flags;            boolean returnValue;                        public MenuRunnable(Activity _activity, int _identifier,                                    int _flags) {                activity = _activity;                identifier = _identifier;                flags = _flags;            }                        public void run() {                Window win = activity.getWindow();                                returnValue = win.performPanelIdentifierAction(                            Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL,                            identifier,                             flags);                            }                    }                MenuRunnable mr = new MenuRunnable(targetActivity, id, flag);        runOnMainSync(mr);        return mr.returnValue;    }    /**     * Show the context menu for the currently focused view and executes a     * particular context menu item.     *      * @param targetActivity The activity in question.     * @param id The identifier associated with the context menu item.     * @param flag Additional flags, if any.     * @return Whether the invocation was successful (for example, it could be     *         false if item is disabled).     */    public boolean invokeContextMenuAction(Activity targetActivity, int id, int flag) {        validateNotAppThread();                // Bring up context menu for current focus.        // It'd be nice to do this through code, but currently ListView depends on        //   long press to set metadata for its selected child                final KeyEvent downEvent = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER);         sendKeySync(downEvent);        // Need to wait for long press        waitForIdleSync();        try {            Thread.sleep(ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout());        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "Could not sleep for long press timeout", e);            return false;        }        final KeyEvent upEvent = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER);         sendKeySync(upEvent);        // Wait for context menu to appear        waitForIdleSync();                class ContextMenuRunnable implements Runnable {            private final Activity activity;            private final int identifier;            private final int flags;            boolean returnValue;                        public ContextMenuRunnable(Activity _activity, int _identifier,                                    int _flags) {                activity = _activity;                identifier = _identifier;                flags = _flags;            }                        public void run() {                Window win = activity.getWindow();                returnValue = win.performContextMenuIdentifierAction(                            identifier,                             flags);                            }                    }                        ContextMenuRunnable cmr = new ContextMenuRunnable(targetActivity, id, flag);        runOnMainSync(cmr);        return cmr.returnValue;    }        /**     * Sends the key events corresponding to the text to the app being     * instrumented.     *      * @param text The text to be sent.      */    public void sendStringSync(String text) {        if (text == null) {            return;        }        KeyCharacterMap keyCharacterMap = KeyCharacterMap.load(KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD);                KeyEvent[] events = keyCharacterMap.getEvents(text.toCharArray());                if (events != null) {            for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {                sendKeySync(events[i]);            }        }            }        /**     * Send a key event to the currently focused window/view and wait for it to     * be processed.  Finished at some point after the recipient has returned     * from its event processing, though it may <em>not</em> have completely     * finished reacting from the event -- for example, if it needs to update     * its display as a result, it may still be in the process of doing that.     *      * @param event The event to send to the current focus.     */    public void sendKeySync(KeyEvent event) {        validateNotAppThread();        try {            (IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window")))                .injectKeyEvent(event, true);        } catch (RemoteException e) {        }    }        /**     * Sends an up and down key event sync to the currently focused window.     *      * @param key The integer keycode for the event.     */    public void sendKeyDownUpSync(int key) {                sendKeySync(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, key));        sendKeySync(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, key));    }    /**     * Higher-level method for sending both the down and up key events for a     * particular character key code.  Equivalent to creating both KeyEvent     * objects by hand and calling {@link #sendKeySync}.  The event appears     * as if it came from keyboard 0, the built in one.     *      * @param keyCode The key code of the character to send.     */    public void sendCharacterSync(int keyCode) {        sendKeySync(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode));        sendKeySync(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode));    }        /**     * Dispatch a pointer event. Finished at some point after the recipient has     * returned from its event processing, though it may <em>not</em> have     * completely finished reacting from the event -- for example, if it needs     * to update its display as a result, it may still be in the process of     * doing that.     *      * @param event A motion event describing the pointer action.  (As noted in      * {@link MotionEvent#obtain(long, long, int, float, float, int)}, be sure to use      * {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} as the timebase.     */    public void sendPointerSync(MotionEvent event) {        validateNotAppThread();        try {            (IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window")))                .injectPointerEvent(event, true);        } catch (RemoteException e) {        }    }    /**     * Dispatch a trackball event. Finished at some point after the recipient has     * returned from its event processing, though it may <em>not</em> have     * completely finished reacting from the event -- for example, if it needs     * to update its display as a result, it may still be in the process of     * doing that.     *      * @param event A motion event describing the trackball action.  (As noted in      * {@link MotionEvent#obtain(long, long, int, float, float, int)}, be sure to use      * {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} as the timebase.     */    public void sendTrackballEventSync(MotionEvent event) {        validateNotAppThread();        try {            (IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window")))                .injectTrackballEvent(event, true);        } catch (RemoteException e) {        }    }    /**     * Perform instantiation of the process's {@link Application} object.  The     * default implementation provides the normal system behavior.     *      * @param cl The ClassLoader with which to instantiate the object.     * @param className The name of the class implementing the Application     *                  object.     * @param context The context to initialize the application with     *      * @return The newly instantiated Application object.     */    public Application newApplication(ClassLoader cl, String className, Context context)            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,             ClassNotFoundException {        return newApplication(cl.loadClass(className), context);    }        /**     * Perform instantiation of the process's {@link Application} object.  The     * default implementation provides the normal system behavior.     *      * @param clazz The class used to create an Application object from.     * @param context The context to initialize the application with     *      * @return The newly instantiated Application object.     */    static public Application newApplication(Class<?> clazz, Context context)            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,             ClassNotFoundException {        Application app = (Application)clazz.newInstance();        app.attach(context);        return app;    }    /**     * Perform calling of the application's {@link Application#onCreate}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param app The application being created.     */    public void callApplicationOnCreate(Application app) {        app.onCreate();    }        /**     * Perform instantiation of an {@link Activity} object.  This method is intended for use with     * unit tests, such as android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase.  The activity will be useable     * locally but will be missing some of the linkages necessary for use within the sytem.     *      * @param clazz The Class of the desired Activity     * @param context The base context for the activity to use     * @param token The token for this activity to communicate with     * @param application The application object (if any)     * @param intent The intent that started this Activity     * @param info ActivityInfo from the manifest     * @param title The title, typically retrieved from the ActivityInfo record     * @param parent The parent Activity (if any)     * @param id The embedded Id (if any)     * @param lastNonConfigurationInstance Arbitrary object that will be     * available via {@link Activity#getLastNonConfigurationInstance()     * Activity.getLastNonConfigurationInstance()}.     * @return Returns the instantiated activity     * @throws InstantiationException     * @throws IllegalAccessException     */    public Activity newActivity(Class<?> clazz, Context context,             IBinder token, Application application, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info,             CharSequence title, Activity parent, String id,            Object lastNonConfigurationInstance) throws InstantiationException,             IllegalAccessException {        Activity activity = (Activity)clazz.newInstance();        ActivityThread aThread = null;        activity.attach(context, aThread, this, token, application, intent,                info, title, parent, id,                (Activity.NonConfigurationInstances)lastNonConfigurationInstance,                new Configuration());        return activity;    }    /**     * Perform instantiation of the process's {@link Activity} object.  The     * default implementation provides the normal system behavior.     *      * @param cl The ClassLoader with which to instantiate the object.     * @param className The name of the class implementing the Activity     *                  object.     * @param intent The Intent object that specified the activity class being     *               instantiated.     *      * @return The newly instantiated Activity object.     */    public Activity newActivity(ClassLoader cl, String className,            Intent intent)            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,            ClassNotFoundException {        return (Activity)cl.loadClass(className).newInstance();    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onCreate}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being created.     * @param icicle The previously frozen state (or null) to pass through to     *               onCreate().     */    public void callActivityOnCreate(Activity activity, Bundle icicle) {        if (mWaitingActivities != null) {            synchronized (mSync) {                final int N = mWaitingActivities.size();                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                    final ActivityWaiter aw = mWaitingActivities.get(i);                    final Intent intent = aw.intent;                    if (intent.filterEquals(activity.getIntent())) {                        aw.activity = activity;                        mMessageQueue.addIdleHandler(new ActivityGoing(aw));                    }                }            }        }                activity.performCreate(icicle);                if (mActivityMonitors != null) {            synchronized (mSync) {                final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                    final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);                    am.match(activity, activity, activity.getIntent());                }            }        }    }        public void callActivityOnDestroy(Activity activity) {      // TODO: the following block causes intermittent hangs when using startActivity      // temporarily comment out until root cause is fixed (bug 2630683)//      if (mWaitingActivities != null) {//          synchronized (mSync) {//              final int N = mWaitingActivities.size();//              for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {//                  final ActivityWaiter aw = mWaitingActivities.get(i);//                  final Intent intent = aw.intent;//                  if (intent.filterEquals(activity.getIntent())) {//                      aw.activity = activity;//                      mMessageQueue.addIdleHandler(new ActivityGoing(aw));//                  }//              }//          }//      }            activity.performDestroy();            if (mActivityMonitors != null) {          synchronized (mSync) {              final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();              for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                  final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);                  am.match(activity, activity, activity.getIntent());              }          }      }  }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onRestoreInstanceState}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being restored.     * @param savedInstanceState The previously saved state being restored.     */    public void callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {        activity.performRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState);    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onPostCreate} method.     * The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being created.     * @param icicle The previously frozen state (or null) to pass through to     *               onPostCreate().     */    public void callActivityOnPostCreate(Activity activity, Bundle icicle) {        activity.onPostCreate(icicle);    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onNewIntent}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity receiving a new Intent.     * @param intent The new intent being received.     */    public void callActivityOnNewIntent(Activity activity, Intent intent) {        activity.onNewIntent(intent);    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onStart}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being started.     */    public void callActivityOnStart(Activity activity) {        activity.onStart();    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onRestart}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being restarted.     */    public void callActivityOnRestart(Activity activity) {        activity.onRestart();    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onResume} method.  The     * default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being resumed.     */    public void callActivityOnResume(Activity activity) {        activity.mResumed = true;        activity.onResume();                if (mActivityMonitors != null) {            synchronized (mSync) {                final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                    final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);                    am.match(activity, activity, activity.getIntent());                }            }        }    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onStop}     * method.  The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being stopped.     */    public void callActivityOnStop(Activity activity) {        activity.onStop();    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onPause} method.  The     * default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being saved.     * @param outState The bundle to pass to the call.     */    public void callActivityOnSaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {        activity.performSaveInstanceState(outState);    }    /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onPause} method.  The     * default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being paused.     */    public void callActivityOnPause(Activity activity) {        activity.performPause();    }        /**     * Perform calling of an activity's {@link Activity#onUserLeaveHint} method.     * The default implementation simply calls through to that method.     *      * @param activity The activity being notified that the user has navigated away     */    public void callActivityOnUserLeaving(Activity activity) {        activity.performUserLeaving();    }        /*     * Starts allocation counting. This triggers a gc and resets the counts.     */    public void startAllocCounting() {        // Before we start trigger a GC and reset the debug counts. Run the         // finalizers and another GC before starting and stopping the alloc        // counts. This will free up any objects that were just sitting around         // waiting for their finalizers to be run.        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();        Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization();        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();        Debug.resetAllCounts();                // start the counts        Debug.startAllocCounting();    }        /*     * Stops allocation counting.     */    public void stopAllocCounting() {        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();        Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization();        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();        Debug.stopAllocCounting();    }        /**     * If Results already contains Key, it appends Value to the key's ArrayList     * associated with the key. If the key doesn't already exist in results, it     * adds the key/value pair to results.     */    private void addValue(String key, int value, Bundle results) {        if (results.containsKey(key)) {            List<Integer> list = results.getIntegerArrayList(key);            if (list != null) {                list.add(value);            }        } else {            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();            list.add(value);            results.putIntegerArrayList(key, list);        }    }    /**     * Returns a bundle with the current results from the allocation counting.     */    public Bundle getAllocCounts() {        Bundle results = new Bundle();        results.putLong("global_alloc_count", Debug.getGlobalAllocCount());        results.putLong("global_alloc_size", Debug.getGlobalAllocSize());        results.putLong("global_freed_count", Debug.getGlobalFreedCount());        results.putLong("global_freed_size", Debug.getGlobalFreedSize());        results.putLong("gc_invocation_count", Debug.getGlobalGcInvocationCount());            return results;    }    /**     * Returns a bundle with the counts for various binder counts for this process. Currently the only two that are     * reported are the number of send and the number of received transactions.     */    public Bundle getBinderCounts() {        Bundle results = new Bundle();        results.putLong("sent_transactions", Debug.getBinderSentTransactions());        results.putLong("received_transactions", Debug.getBinderReceivedTransactions());        return results;    }        /**     * Description of a Activity execution result to return to the original     * activity.     */    public static final class ActivityResult {        /**         * Create a new activity result.  See {@link Activity#setResult} for          * more information.          *           * @param resultCode The result code to propagate back to the         * originating activity, often RESULT_CANCELED or RESULT_OK         * @param resultData The data to propagate back to the originating         * activity.         */        public ActivityResult(int resultCode, Intent resultData) {            mResultCode = resultCode;            mResultData = resultData;        }        /**         * Retrieve the result code contained in this result.         */        public int getResultCode() {            return mResultCode;        }        /**         * Retrieve the data contained in this result.         */        public Intent getResultData() {            return mResultData;        }        private final int mResultCode;        private final Intent mResultData;    }    /**     * Execute a startActivity call made by the application.  The default      * implementation takes care of updating any active {@link ActivityMonitor}     * objects and dispatches this call to the system activity manager; you can     * override this to watch for the application to start an activity, and      * modify what happens when it does.      *       * <p>This method returns an {@link ActivityResult} object, which you can      * use when intercepting application calls to avoid performing the start      * activity action but still return the result the application is      * expecting.  To do this, override this method to catch the call to start      * activity so that it returns a new ActivityResult containing the results      * you would like the application to see, and don't call up to the super      * class.  Note that an application is only expecting a result if      * <var>requestCode</var> is >= 0.     *       * <p>This method throws {@link android.content.ActivityNotFoundException}     * if there was no Activity found to run the given Intent.     *      * @param who The Context from which the activity is being started.     * @param contextThread The main thread of the Context from which the activity     *                      is being started.     * @param token Internal token identifying to the system who is starting      *              the activity; may be null.     * @param target Which activity is performing the start (and thus receiving      *               any result); may be null if this call is not being made     *               from an activity.     * @param intent The actual Intent to start.     * @param requestCode Identifier for this request's result; less than zero      *                    if the caller is not expecting a result.     *      * @return To force the return of a particular result, return an      *         ActivityResult object containing the desired data; otherwise     *         return null.  The default implementation always returns null.     *       * @throws android.content.ActivityNotFoundException     *      * @see Activity#startActivity(Intent)     * @see Activity#startActivityForResult(Intent, int)     * @see Activity#startActivityFromChild     *      * {@hide}     */    public ActivityResult execStartActivity(            Context who, IBinder contextThread, IBinder token, Activity target,            Intent intent, int requestCode) {        IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread;        if (mActivityMonitors != null) {            synchronized (mSync) {                final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                    final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);                    if (am.match(who, null, intent)) {                        am.mHits++;                        if (am.isBlocking()) {                            return requestCode >= 0 ? am.getResult() : null;                        }                        break;                    }                }            }        }        try {            intent.setAllowFds(false);            int result = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault()                .startActivity(whoThread, intent,                        intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(who.getContentResolver()),                        null, 0, token, target != null ? target.mEmbeddedID : null,                        requestCode, false, false, null, null, false);            checkStartActivityResult(result, intent);        } catch (RemoteException e) {        }        return null;    }    /**     * Like {@link #execStartActivity(Context, IBinder, IBinder, Activity, Intent, int)},     * but accepts an array of activities to be started.  Note that active     * {@link ActivityMonitor} objects only match against the first activity in     * the array.     *     * {@hide}     */    public void execStartActivities(Context who, IBinder contextThread,            IBinder token, Activity target, Intent[] intents) {        IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread;        if (mActivityMonitors != null) {            synchronized (mSync) {                final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                    final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);                    if (am.match(who, null, intents[0])) {                        am.mHits++;                        if (am.isBlocking()) {                            return;                        }                        break;                    }                }            }        }        try {            String[] resolvedTypes = new String[intents.length];            for (int i=0; i<intents.length; i++) {                intents[i].setAllowFds(false);                resolvedTypes[i] = intents[i].resolveTypeIfNeeded(who.getContentResolver());            }            int result = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault()                .startActivities(whoThread, intents, resolvedTypes, token);            checkStartActivityResult(result, intents[0]);        } catch (RemoteException e) {        }    }    /**     * Like {@link #execStartActivity(Context, IBinder, IBinder, Activity, Intent, int)},     * but for calls from a {#link Fragment}.     *      * @param who The Context from which the activity is being started.     * @param contextThread The main thread of the Context from which the activity     *                      is being started.     * @param token Internal token identifying to the system who is starting      *              the activity; may be null.     * @param target Which fragment is performing the start (and thus receiving      *               any result).     * @param intent The actual Intent to start.     * @param requestCode Identifier for this request's result; less than zero      *                    if the caller is not expecting a result.     *      * @return To force the return of a particular result, return an      *         ActivityResult object containing the desired data; otherwise     *         return null.  The default implementation always returns null.     *       * @throws android.content.ActivityNotFoundException     *      * @see Activity#startActivity(Intent)     * @see Activity#startActivityForResult(Intent, int)     * @see Activity#startActivityFromChild     *      * {@hide}     */    public ActivityResult execStartActivity(        Context who, IBinder contextThread, IBinder token, Fragment target,        Intent intent, int requestCode) {        IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread;        if (mActivityMonitors != null) {            synchronized (mSync) {                final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {                    final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);                    if (am.match(who, null, intent)) {                        am.mHits++;                        if (am.isBlocking()) {                            return requestCode >= 0 ? am.getResult() : null;                        }                        break;                    }                }            }        }        try {            intent.setAllowFds(false);            int result = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault()                .startActivity(whoThread, intent,                        intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(who.getContentResolver()),                        null, 0, token, target != null ? target.mWho : null,                        requestCode, false, false, null, null, false);            checkStartActivityResult(result, intent);        } catch (RemoteException e) {        }        return null;    }    /*package*/ final void init(ActivityThread thread,            Context instrContext, Context appContext, ComponentName component,             IInstrumentationWatcher watcher) {        mThread = thread;        mMessageQueue = mThread.getLooper().myQueue();        mInstrContext = instrContext;        mAppContext = appContext;        mComponent = component;        mWatcher = watcher;    }    /*package*/ static void checkStartActivityResult(int res, Object intent) {        if (res >= IActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) {            return;        }                switch (res) {            case IActivityManager.START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED:            case IActivityManager.START_CLASS_NOT_FOUND:                if (intent instanceof Intent && ((Intent)intent).getComponent() != null)                    throw new ActivityNotFoundException(                            "Unable to find explicit activity class "                            + ((Intent)intent).getComponent().toShortString()                            + "; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?");                throw new ActivityNotFoundException(                        "No Activity found to handle " + intent);            case IActivityManager.START_PERMISSION_DENIED:                throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to start activity "                        + intent);            case IActivityManager.START_FORWARD_AND_REQUEST_CONFLICT:                throw new AndroidRuntimeException(                        "FORWARD_RESULT_FLAG used while also requesting a result");            case IActivityManager.START_NOT_ACTIVITY:                throw new IllegalArgumentException(                        "PendingIntent is not an activity");            default:                throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Unknown error code "                        + res + " when starting " + intent);        }    }        private final void validateNotAppThread() {        if (ActivityThread.currentActivityThread() != null) {            throw new RuntimeException(                "This method can not be called from the main application thread");        }    }    private final class InstrumentationThread extends Thread {        public InstrumentationThread(String name) {            super(name);        }        public void run() {            IActivityManager am = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();            try {                Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);            } catch (RuntimeException e) {                Log.w(TAG, "Exception setting priority of instrumentation thread "                                                                    + Process.myTid(), e);                                                                                         }            if (mAutomaticPerformanceSnapshots) {                startPerformanceSnapshot();            }            onStart();        }    }        private static final class EmptyRunnable implements Runnable {        public void run() {        }    }    private static final class SyncRunnable implements Runnable {        private final Runnable mTarget;        private boolean mComplete;        public SyncRunnable(Runnable target) {            mTarget = target;        }        public void run() {  ;            synchronized (this) {                mComplete = true;                notifyAll();            }        }        public void waitForComplete() {            synchronized (this) {                while (!mComplete) {                    try {                        wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    }                }            }        }    }    private static final class ActivityWaiter {        public final Intent intent;        public Activity activity;        public ActivityWaiter(Intent _intent) {            intent = _intent;        }    }    private final class ActivityGoing implements MessageQueue.IdleHandler {        private final ActivityWaiter mWaiter;        public ActivityGoing(ActivityWaiter waiter) {            mWaiter = waiter;        }        public final boolean queueIdle() {            synchronized (mSync) {                mWaitingActivities.remove(mWaiter);                mSync.notifyAll();            }            return false;        }    }    private static final class Idler implements MessageQueue.IdleHandler {        private final Runnable mCallback;        private boolean mIdle;        public Idler(Runnable callback) {            mCallback = callback;            mIdle = false;        }        public final boolean queueIdle() {            if (mCallback != null) {      ;            }            synchronized (this) {                mIdle = true;                notifyAll();            }            return false;        }        public void waitForIdle() {            synchronized (this) {                while (!mIdle) {                    try {                        wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    }                }            }        }    }}

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