
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家开通直播条件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 09:42


一点P以及法线n定义了一个平面π,所有该平面上的点X都满足方程n·(X - P) = 0(即从点P指向X的向量垂直于n)。现令Q为空间内任意一点,则面内距Q的最近点R为点QQ在该面上的正交投影,即从顶点Q处向平面垂直(依据法线n)移动。同时,对于值t,有R = Q - tn,将该表达式代入平面方程求解t

将t代入到R = Q - tn并得到投影点R



Point ClosestPtPointPlane(Point q, Plane p) {    float t = (Dot(p.n, q) - p.d) / Dot(p.n, p.n);    return q - t * p.n;}

如果平面方程采用单位向量,则t简化为t = (n·Q) - d


float DistPointPlane(Point q, Plane p) {    //return Dot(p.n, q) - p.d; if plane equation normalized (||p.n|| == 1)    return (Dot(p.n, q) - p.d) / Dot(p.n, p.n);}




直线AB上的一点可参数化为P(t) = A+ t(B - A)。利用点积的投影性质,t可表示为C在直线上的投影,且t = (C - A)·n / ||B - A||,其中n = (B - A)/(||B - A||)即为AB方向上的单位向量。


//Given segment ab and point c, copmutes closest point d on ab.//Also returns t for the position of d, d(t) = a + t*(b - a)void ClosestPtPointSegment(Point c, Point a, Point b, float &t, Point &d){    Vector ab = b - a;    //Progect c onto ab, computing parameterized position d(t) = a + t*(b - a)    t = Dot(c - a, ab) / Dot(ab, ab);    //If outside segment, clamp t(and therefore d) to the closest endpoint    if(t < 0.0f) t = 0.0f;    if(t > 1.0f) t = 1.0f;    //Compute projected position from the clamped t    d = a + t * ab;}


//Given segment ab and point c, copmutes closest point d on ab.//Also returns t for the position of d, d(t) = a + t*(b - a)void ClosestPtPointSegment(Point c, Point a, Point b, float &t, Point &d){    Vector ab = b - a;    //Project c onto ab,  but deferring divide by Dot(ab,ab)    t = Dot(c - a, ab) ;    if(t <= 0.0f) {        //c projects outside the [a, b] interval, on the a side;clamp to a        t = 0.0f;        d = a;    } else {        float denom = Dot(ab,ab);        if(t >= denom) {            //c projects outside the [a,b] interval, on the b side; clamp to b            t = 1.0f;            d = b;        } else {            //c projects inside the [a,b] interval;must do deferred divide now            t = t / denom;            d = a + t * ab;        }    }}


一点C与线段AB之间的(平方)距离可以直接获取,而无须显式计算线段AB上距C的最近点D。如前所诉,需要考查3种情形:当AC·AB <= 0 时,点A为距C的最近点且平方距离为AC·AC;当AC·AB >= AB·AB时,点B为距离C的最近点且平方距离为BC·BC;最后一种情况,当0 < AC·AB< AB·AB时,平方距离为CD·CD,其中



//Returns the squared distance between point c and segment abfloat SqDistPointSegment(Point a, Point b, Point c){    Vector ab = b - a, ac = c - a, bc = c - b;    float e = Dot(ac, ab);    //Handle cases where c projects outside ab    if(e <= 0.0f) return Dot(ac, ac);    float f = Dot(ab, ab);    if(e >= f) return Dot(bc,bc);    //Handle cases where c projects onto ab    return Dot(ac, ac) - e* e / f;}


//Given point p, return the point q on or in AABB b that is closest to pvoid ClosestPtPointAABB(Point p, AABB b, Point &q) {    .//For each coordinate axis, if the point coordinate value is    //outside box, clamp it to the box, else keep it as is    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {        float v = p[i];        if(v < b.min[i]) v = b.min[i];    //v = max(v, b.min[i]);        if(v > b.max[i]) v = b.max[i];    //v = min(v, b.max[i]);        q[i] = v;    }}




//Compute the square distance between a point and an AABB bfloat SqDistPointAABB(Point p, AABB b){    float sqDist = 0.0f;    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {        //For each axis count any excess distance outside the box extents        float v = p[i];        if(v < b.min[i]) sqDist += (b.min[i] - v) * (b.min[i] - v);        if(v > b.max[i]) sqDist += (v - b.max[i]) * (v - b.max[i]);    }    return sqDist;}


设定B为中心点为COBB,且3个正交单位向量u0u1u2定义了Bxyz轴。3个标量e0e1e2确定了沿各轴向的1/2轴长。在该表达方式中,所有B中的点S可记为S = C + au0 + bu1 + cu2,其中|a| <= e0, |b| <= e1, |c| <= e2

世界坐标空间中的一点POBB局部坐标空间中的一点Q = xyz)之间存在下列关系:P = C + xu0 + yu1 + zu2.给定一点P,其OBB空间坐标可按下列方式计算。以下只给出坐标x的推导过程:


//Given point p, return point q on (or in) OBB b, closest to pvoid ClosestPtPointOBB(Point p, OBB b, Point &q){    Vector d = p - b.c;    //Start result at center of box; make steps from there    q = b.c;    //For each OBB axis...    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {         //...project d onto that axis to get the distance        //along the axis of d from the box center        float dist = Dot(d, b.u[i]);        //if distance farther than the box extents, clamp to the box        if(dist > b.e[i]) dist = b.e[i];        if(disr < -b.e[i]) dist = -b.e[i];        //Step that distance along the axis to get world coordinate        q += dist * b.u[i];    }}




//Compute the square distance between point p and OBB bfloat SqDistPointOBB(Point p, OBB b){    Point closest;    ClosestPtPointOBB(p, b, closest);    float sqDist = Dot(closest - p, closest - p);    return sqDist;}


//Compute the square distance between point p and OBB bfloat SqDistPointOBB(Point p, OBB b){    Vector v = p - b.c;    float sqDist = 0.0f;    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {        //Project vector from box center to p on each axis, getting the distance        //of p along that axis, and count any excess distance outside box extents        float d = Dot(v, b.u[i]), excess = 0.0f;        if(d < -b.e[i])            excess = d + b.e[i];        else if(d > b.e[i])            excess = d - b.e[i];        sqDist += excess * excess;    }    return sqDist;} 

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