
来源:互联网 发布:java stringbuffer判断 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 22:25

;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ********************;* File Name          : stm32f10x_vector.s;* Author             : MCD Application Team;* Version            : V2.0.3;* Date               : 09/22/2008;* Description        : STM32F10x vector table for RVMDK toolchain. ;*                      This module performs:;*                      - Set the initial SP;*                      - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler;*                      - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address;*                      - Configure external SRAM mounted on STM3210E-EVAL board;*                        to be used as data memory (optional, to be enabled by user);*                      - Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually;*                        calls main()).;*                      After Reset the CortexM3 processor is in Thread mode,;*                      priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.;* <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>   ;*******************************************************************************; THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS; WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME.; AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,; INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE; CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING; INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS.;*******************************************************************************; If you need to use external SRAM mounted on STM3210E-EVAL board as data memory,; change the following define value to '1' (or choose ENABLE in Configuration Wizard window);//   <o>  External SRAM Configuration  <0=> DISABLE <1=> ENABLE DATA_IN_ExtSRAM  EQU     0; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack; Tailor this value to your application needs;// <h> Stack Configuration;//   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>;// </h>Stack_Size       EQU     0x00000400                 AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3Stack_Mem        SPACE   Stack_Size__initial_sp; If you need to use external SRAM mounted on STM3210E-EVAL board as data memory; and internal SRAM for Stack, uncomment the following line and comment the line above;__initial_sp    EQU 0x20000000 + Stack_Size ; "Use MicroLIB" must be checked in                                             ; the Project->Options->Target window; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Heap; Tailor this value to your application needs;// <h> Heap Configuration;//   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>;// </h>Heap_Size        EQU     0x00000400                 AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3__heap_baseHeap_Mem         SPACE   Heap_Size__heap_limit                 THUMB                 PRESERVE8                 ; Import exceptions handlers                 IMPORT  NMIException                 IMPORT  HardFaultException                 IMPORT  MemManageException                 IMPORT  BusFaultException                 IMPORT  UsageFaultException                 IMPORT  SVCHandler                 IMPORT  DebugMonitor                 IMPORT  PendSVC                 IMPORT  SysTickHandler                 IMPORT  WWDG_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  PVD_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TAMPER_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  RTC_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  FLASH_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  RCC_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI0_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI1_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI4_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  ADC1_2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  CAN_RX1_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  CAN_SCE_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI9_5_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM1_UP_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM1_CC_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM4_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  I2C1_EV_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  I2C1_ER_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  I2C2_EV_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  I2C2_ER_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  SPI1_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  SPI2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  USART1_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  USART2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  USART3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  EXTI15_10_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  RTCAlarm_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  USBWakeUp_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM8_UP_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM8_CC_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  ADC3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  FSMC_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  SDIO_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM5_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  SPI3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  UART4_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  UART5_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM6_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  TIM7_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler                 IMPORT  DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler                 ;*******************************************************************************; Fill-up the Vector Table entries with the exceptions ISR address;*******************************************************************************                 AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY                 EXPORT  __Vectors                      __Vectors        DCD  __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack                 DCD  Reset_Handler                 DCD  NMIException                 DCD  HardFaultException                 DCD  MemManageException                 DCD  BusFaultException                 DCD  UsageFaultException                 DCD  0                 ; Reserved                 DCD  0                 ; Reserved                 DCD  0                 ; Reserved                 DCD  0                 ; Reserved                 DCD  SVCHandler                 DCD  DebugMonitor                 DCD  0                 ; Reserved                 DCD  PendSVC                 DCD  SysTickHandler                 DCD  WWDG_IRQHandler                 DCD  PVD_IRQHandler                 DCD  TAMPER_IRQHandler                 DCD  RTC_IRQHandler                 DCD  FLASH_IRQHandler                 DCD  RCC_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI0_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI1_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI2_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI3_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI4_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler                 DCD  ADC1_2_IRQHandler                 DCD  USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler                 DCD  USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler                 DCD  CAN_RX1_IRQHandler                 DCD  CAN_SCE_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI9_5_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM1_UP_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM1_CC_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM2_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM3_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM4_IRQHandler                 DCD  I2C1_EV_IRQHandler                 DCD  I2C1_ER_IRQHandler                 DCD  I2C2_EV_IRQHandler                 DCD  I2C2_ER_IRQHandler                 DCD  SPI1_IRQHandler                 DCD  SPI2_IRQHandler                 DCD  USART1_IRQHandler                 DCD  USART2_IRQHandler                 DCD  USART3_IRQHandler                 DCD  EXTI15_10_IRQHandler                 DCD  RTCAlarm_IRQHandler                 DCD  USBWakeUp_IRQHandler                  DCD  TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM8_UP_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM8_CC_IRQHandler                 DCD  ADC3_IRQHandler                 DCD  FSMC_IRQHandler                 DCD  SDIO_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM5_IRQHandler                 DCD  SPI3_IRQHandler                 DCD  UART4_IRQHandler                 DCD  UART5_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM6_IRQHandler                 DCD  TIM7_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler                 DCD  DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler                                  AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY; Reset handler routineReset_Handler    PROC                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler          IF      DATA_IN_ExtSRAM == 1; FSMC Bank1 NOR/SRAM3 is used for the STM3210E-EVAL, if another Bank is ; required, then adjust the Register Addresses; Enable FSMC clock         LDR R0,= 0x00000114          LDR R1,= 0x40021014         STR R0,[R1]                                   ; Enable GPIOD, GPIOE, GPIOF and GPIOG clocks         LDR R0,= 0x000001E0         LDR R1,= 0x40021018         STR R0,[R1]   ; SRAM Data lines, NOE and NWE configuration ; SRAM Address lines configuration ; NOE and NWE configuration   ; NE3 configuration ; NBL0, NBL1 configuration          LDR R0,= 0x44BB44BB          LDR R1,= 0x40011400         STR R0,[R1]          LDR R0,= 0xBBBBBBBB          LDR R1,= 0x40011404         STR R0,[R1]          LDR R0,= 0xB44444BB          LDR R1,= 0x40011800         STR R0,[R1]          LDR R0,= 0xBBBBBBBB          LDR R1,= 0x40011804         STR R0,[R1]          LDR R0,= 0x44BBBBBB          LDR R1,= 0x40011C00         STR R0,[R1]             LDR R0,= 0xBBBB4444          LDR R1,= 0x40011C04         STR R0,[R1]             LDR R0,= 0x44BBBBBB         LDR R1,= 0x40012000         STR R0,[R1]         LDR R0,= 0x44444B44         LDR R1,= 0x40012004         STR R0,[R1]               ; FSMC Configuration   ; Enable FSMC Bank1_SRAM Bank         LDR R0,= 0x00001011        LDR R1,= 0xA0000010        STR R0,[R1]        LDR R0,= 0x00000200         LDR R1,= 0xA0000014        STR R0,[R1]           ENDIF                 IMPORT  __main                 LDR     R0, =__main                 BX      R0                 ENDP                 ALIGN;*******************************************************************************; User Stack and Heap initialization;*******************************************************************************                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB                                            EXPORT  __initial_sp                 EXPORT  __heap_base                 EXPORT  __heap_limit                                 ELSE                                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap                 __user_initial_stackheap                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem                 BX      LR                 ALIGN                 ENDIF                 END;******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****

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