
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝官方下载电脑版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 10:06
//扩展字典xtsndict// (C) Copyright 1996-2006 by Autodesk, Inc. //// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in// object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, // provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and// restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting // documentation.//// AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF// MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE.  AUTODESK, INC. // DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE// UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.//// Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to // restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer// Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)// (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.//// Description://// This program demonstrates using extension dictionaries.// Two commands are defined in this program:  CREATE, and// LISTXREC.// // The CREATE command calls the function createXrecord()// which instantiates an xrecord object and adds it to the// extension dictionary of a user selected object.// // The LISTXREC command calls the listXrecord() function// which opens the extension dictionary of a user selected// object, looks for the xrecord created by the CREATE// command and then calls the printList() function to print// out the data stored in the xrecord.#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(AC_FULL_DEBUG)#error _DEBUG should not be defined except in internal Adesk debug builds#endif#include <stdlib.h>#include <rxobject.h>#include <rxregsvc.h>#include <aced.h>#include <dbsymtb.h>#include <adslib.h>#include <dbxrecrd.h>#include <acestext.h>#include "tchar.h"void                        createXrecord();void                        listXrecord();AcDbObject*                 selectObject(AcDb::OpenMode);void                        printList(struct resbuf* pBuf);void                        initApp();void                        unloadApp();extern "C"AcRx::AppRetCode acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode, void*);// The createXrecord() functions creates an xrecord object, // adds data to it, and then adds the xrecord to the extension // dictionary of a user selected object.// // THE FOLLOWING CODE APPEARS IN THE SDK DOCUMENT.//voidcreateXrecord(){    AcDbXrecord *pXrec = new AcDbXrecord;    AcDbObject *pObj;    AcDbObjectId dictObjId, xrecObjId;    AcDbDictionary* pDict;    pObj = selectObject(AcDb::kForWrite);    if (pObj == NULL) {        return;    }    // Try to create an extension dictionary for this    // object.  If the extension dictionary already exists,    // this will be a no-op.    //     pObj->createExtensionDictionary();    // Get the object ID of the extension dictionary for the    // selected object.    //     dictObjId = pObj->extensionDictionary();    pObj->close();    // Open the extension dictionary and add the new    // xrecord to it.    //    acdbOpenObject(pDict, dictObjId, AcDb::kForWrite);    pDict->setAt(_T("ASDK_XREC1"), pXrec, xrecObjId);    pDict->close();    // Create a resbuf list to add to the xrecord.    //    struct resbuf* head;    ads_point testpt = {1.0, 2.0, 0.0};    head = acutBuildList(AcDb::kDxfText,        _T("This is a test Xrecord list"),        AcDb::kDxfXCoord, testpt,        AcDb::kDxfReal, 3.14159,        AcDb::kDxfAngle, 3.14159,        AcDb::kDxfColor, 1,        AcDb::kDxfInt16, 180,        0);    // Add the data list to the xrecord.  Notice that this    // member function takes a reference to a resbuf NOT a    // pointer to a resbuf, so you must dereference the    // pointer before sending it.    //     pXrec->setFromRbChain(*head);    pXrec->close();    acutRelRb(head);}// The listxrecord() functions gets the xrecord associated with the // key "ASDK_XREC1" and lists out its contents by passing the resbuf // list to the function printList().// voidlistXrecord(){    AcDbObject *pObj;    AcDbXrecord *pXrec;    AcDbObjectId dictObjId;    AcDbDictionary *pDict;    pObj = selectObject(AcDb::kForRead);    if (pObj == NULL) {        return;    }    // Get the object ID of the object's extension dictionary.    //    dictObjId = pObj->extensionDictionary();    pObj->close();    // Open the extension dictionary and get the xrecord    // associated with the key ASDK_XREC1.    //     acdbOpenObject(pDict, dictObjId, AcDb::kForRead);    pDict->getAt(_T("ASDK_XREC1"), (AcDbObject*&)pXrec,        AcDb::kForRead);    pDict->close();    // Get the xrecord's data list and then close the xrecord.    //    struct resbuf *pRbList;    pXrec->rbChain(&pRbList);    pXrec->close();    printList(pRbList);    acutRelRb(pRbList);}// END CODE APPEARING IN SDK DOCUMENT.// The selectObject() function prompts the user to select an // entity or enter an object's handle.  It then proceeds to // open the object/entity and return a pointer to it.// AcDbObject*selectObject(AcDb::OpenMode openMode){    ads_name en;    ads_point pt;    TCHAR handleStr[132];    AcDbObjectId eId;    Acad::ErrorStatus retStat;    int ss;    // Allow user to either pick an entity,    // or type in the object handle.    //    acedInitGet(RSG_OTHER, _T("Handle _Handle"));    ss = acedEntSel(_T("\nSelect an Entity or enter")        _T(" 'H' to enter its handle:  "), en, pt);    switch (ss) {    case RTNORM:   // got it!        break;    case RTKWORD:        if ((acedGetString(Adesk::kFalse,            _T("Enter Valid Object Handle: "),            handleStr) == RTNORM)            && (acdbHandEnt(handleStr, en) == RTNORM))        {            break;        }    // Fall-through intentional    //    default:        acutPrintf(_T("Nothing Selected, Return Code==%d\n"),            ss);        return NULL;    }    // Now, exchange the ads_name for the object Id...    //    retStat = acdbGetObjectId(eId, en);    if (retStat != Acad::eOk) {        acutPrintf(_T("\nacdbGetObjectId failed"));        acutPrintf(_T("\nen==(%lx,%lx), retStat==%d\n"),            en[0], en[1], eId);        return NULL;    }    AcDbObject* pObj;    if ((retStat = acdbOpenObject(pObj, eId, openMode))        != Acad::eOk)    {        acutPrintf(_T("acdbOpenEntity failed: ename:")            _T("(%lx,%lx), mode:%d retStat:%d"), en[0],            en[1], openMode, retStat);        return NULL;    }    return pObj;}// The printList() function takes a linked list of resbufs // as an argument.  Walks the list printing out the restypes // and resval values one set per line.// voidprintList(struct resbuf* pBuf){    int rt, i;    TCHAR buf[133];    for (i = 0;pBuf != NULL;i++, pBuf = pBuf->rbnext) {        if (pBuf->restype < 0)            rt = pBuf->restype;        else if (pBuf->restype < 10)            rt = RTSTR;        else if (pBuf->restype < 38)            rt = RT3DPOINT;        else if (pBuf->restype < 60)            rt = RTREAL;        else if (pBuf->restype < 80)            rt = RTSHORT;        else if (pBuf->restype < 100)            rt = RTLONG;        else if (pBuf->restype < 106)            rt = RTSTR;        else if (pBuf->restype < 148)            rt = RTREAL;        else if (pBuf->restype < 290)            rt = RTSHORT;        else if (pBuf->restype < 330)            rt = RTSTR;        else if (pBuf->restype < 370)            rt = RTENAME;        else if (pBuf->restype < 999)            rt = RT3DPOINT;        else            rt = pBuf->restype;        switch (rt) {        case RTSHORT:            if (pBuf->restype == RTSHORT)                acutPrintf(_T("RTSHORT : %d\n"),                    pBuf->resval.rint);            else                acutPrintf(_T("(%d . %d)\n"), pBuf->restype,                    pBuf->resval.rint);            break;        case RTREAL:            if (pBuf->restype == RTREAL)                acutPrintf(_T("RTREAL : %0.3f\n"),                    pBuf->resval.rreal);            else                acutPrintf(_T("(%d . %0.3f)\n"), pBuf->restype,                    pBuf->resval.rreal);            break;        case RTSTR:            if (pBuf->restype == RTSTR)                acutPrintf(_T("RTSTR : %s\n"),                   pBuf->resval.rstring);            else                acutPrintf(_T("(%d . \"%s\")\n"), pBuf->restype,                    pBuf->resval.rstring);            break;        case RT3DPOINT:            if (pBuf->restype == RT3DPOINT)                acutPrintf(                _T("RT3DPOINT : %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f\n"),                    pBuf->resval.rpoint[X],                    pBuf->resval.rpoint[Y],                    pBuf->resval.rpoint[Z]);            else                acutPrintf(                   _T("(%d %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f)\n"),                    pBuf->restype,                    pBuf->resval.rpoint[X],                    pBuf->resval.rpoint[Y],                    pBuf->resval.rpoint[Z]);            break;        case RTLONG:            acutPrintf(_T("RTLONG : %dl\n"),                pBuf->resval.rlong);            break;        case -1:        case RTENAME:            acutPrintf(_T("(%d . <Entity name: %8lx>)\n"),                pBuf->restype, pBuf->resval.rlname[0]);            break;        case -3:            acutPrintf(_T("(-3)\n"));        }        if ((i == 23) && (pBuf->rbnext != NULL)) {            i = 0;            acedGetString(0,                _T("Press <ENTER> to continue..."), buf);        }    }    return;}// Initialization function called in acrxEntryPoint// during the kInitAppMsg case.  This is where commands// are added to the AcEd command stack.// voidinitApp(){    acedRegCmds->addCommand(_T("ASDK_EXTDICT_COMMANDS"),        _T("ASDK_CREATE"), _T("CREATE"), ACRX_CMD_MODAL,        createXrecord);    acedRegCmds->addCommand(_T("ASDK_EXTDICT_COMMANDS"),        _T("ASDK_LISTXREC"), _T("LISTXREC"), ACRX_CMD_MODAL,        listXrecord);}// Clean up function called in acrxEntryPoint during the// kUnloadAppMsg case.  This app's command group is// removed from the AcEd command stack.// voidunloadApp(){    acedRegCmds->removeGroup(_T("ASDK_EXTDICT_COMMANDS"));}// ARX entry point.//AcRx::AppRetCodeacrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void* appId){    switch (msg) {    case AcRx::kInitAppMsg:        acrxDynamicLinker->unlockApplication(appId);acrxDynamicLinker->registerAppMDIAware(appId);        initApp();        break;    case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg:        unloadApp();    }    return AcRx::kRetOK;}

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