
来源:互联网 发布:2016淘宝怎么开店步骤 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 08:50



    def _try_deallocate_network(self, context, instance,                                requested_networks=None):        try:            # tear down allocated network structure            self._deallocate_network(context, instance, requested_networks)        except Exception:            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():                LOG.error(_('Failed to deallocate network for instance.'),                          instance=instance)                self._set_instance_error_state(context, instance['uuid'])

Exception下面有with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(),从字面意思来看excutils.save_and_reraise_exception()很容易理解,



   LOG.error(_('Failed to deallocate network for instance.'),                          instance=instance)                self._set_instance_error_state(context, instance['uuid'])  <span style="white-space:pre"></span>#在日志中记录一个错误信息:Failed to deallocate network for instance;设置实例的状态为error

那么这个功能是怎么实现的呢? 我们可以在nova/openstack/common/excutils.py中找到实现它的源码,注释也很清楚的描述了


  class save_and_reraise_exception(object):      """Save current exception, run some code and then re-raise.        In some cases the exception context can be cleared, resulting in None      being attempted to be re-raised after an exception handler is run. This      can happen when eventlet switches greenthreads or when running an      exception handler, code raises and catches an exception. In both      cases the exception context will be cleared.        To work around this, we save the exception state, run handler code, and      then re-raise the original exception. If another exception occurs, the      saved exception is logged and the new exception is re-raised.        In some cases the caller may not want to re-raise the exception, and      for those circumstances this context provides a reraise flag that      can be used to suppress the exception.  For example:        except Exception:          with save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:              decide_if_need_reraise()              if not should_be_reraised:                  ctxt.reraise = False      """      def .__init__(self):          self.reraise = True        def __enter__(self):  # 进入这个类做的处理,exc_info()获取当前正在处理的异常类的信息,是一个tuple: (type, value/message, traceback),参见[1]          self.type_, self.value, self.tb, = sys.exc_info()          return self        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):          #从这个类出去时的动作,如果发生异常,则输出异常并返回False,          #如果reraise为True, 则重新抛出异常          if exc_type is not None:              logging.error(_('Original exception being dropped: %s'),                            traceback.format_exception(self.type_,                                                       self.value,                                                       self.tb))              return False          if self.reraise:  #six是一个为python2和python3提供兼容性的库,six.reraise参见[2]              six.reraise(self.type_, self.value, self.tb)







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