
来源:互联网 发布:阿里妈妈淘宝客赚钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 00:35

Today,we continue to learn how to build more logic gates.

In fact,it's really a good way to stduy by making chip myself than look how to make from books.

Althought,It wiill be some trouble when you making the chip.快哭了

You hear you forget,you see you remember,you do you understand.


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Xor.hdl/** *  Exclusive-or gate: out = !(a == b). */CHIP Xor {    IN a, b;    OUT out;    PARTS:    Not(in=a,out=nota);    Not(in=b,out=notb);    And(a=nota,b=b,out=o1);    And(b=notb,a=a,out=o2);    Or(a=o1,b=o2,out=out);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Mux.hdl/**  * Multiplexor. If sel==1 then out=b else out=a. */CHIP Mux {    IN a, b, sel;    OUT out;    PARTS:    And(a=sel,b=b,out=bb);    Not(in=sel,out=notsel);    And(a=notsel,b=a,out=aa);    Or(a=aa,b=bb,out=out);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/DMux.hdl/** * Demultiplexor. * {a,b} = {in,0} if sel==0 *         {0,in} if sel==1 */CHIP DMux {    IN in, sel;    OUT a, b;    PARTS:    Not(in=sel,out=notsel);    And(a=in,b=sel,out=b);    And(a=in,b=notsel,out=a);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Or16.hdl/** * 16-bit bitwise Or gate: for i=0..15 out[i] = a[i] or b[i]. */CHIP Or16 {    IN a[16], b[16];    OUT out[16];    PARTS:    Or(a=a[0],b=b[0],out=out[0]);    Or(a=a[1],b=b[1],out=out[1]);    Or(a=a[2],b=b[2],out=out[2]);    Or(a=a[3],b=b[3],out=out[3]);    Or(a=a[4],b=b[4],out=out[4]);    Or(a=a[5],b=b[5],out=out[5]);    Or(a=a[6],b=b[6],out=out[6]);    Or(a=a[7],b=b[7],out=out[7]);    Or(a=a[8],b=b[8],out=out[8]);    Or(a=a[9],b=b[9],out=out[9]);    Or(a=a[10],b=b[10],out=out[10]);    Or(a=a[11],b=b[11],out=out[11]);    Or(a=a[12],b=b[12],out=out[12]);    Or(a=a[13],b=b[13],out=out[13]);    Or(a=a[14],b=b[14],out=out[14]);    Or(a=a[15],b=b[15],out=out[15]);}

// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/And16.hdl/** * 16-bit-wise and gate: for i = 0..15: out[i] = a[i] and b[i] */CHIP And16 {    IN a[16], b[16];    OUT out[16];    PARTS:    And(a=a[0],b=b[0],out=out[0]);    And(a=a[1],b=b[1],out=out[1]);    And(a=a[2],b=b[2],out=out[2]);    And(a=a[3],b=b[3],out=out[3]);    And(a=a[4],b=b[4],out=out[4]);    And(a=a[5],b=b[5],out=out[5]);    And(a=a[6],b=b[6],out=out[6]);    And(a=a[7],b=b[7],out=out[7]);    And(a=a[8],b=b[8],out=out[8]);    And(a=a[9],b=b[9],out=out[9]);    And(a=a[10],b=b[10],out=out[10]);    And(a=a[11],b=b[11],out=out[11]);    And(a=a[12],b=b[12],out=out[12]);    And(a=a[13],b=b[13],out=out[13]);    And(a=a[14],b=b[14],out=out[14]);    And(a=a[15],b=b[15],out=out[15]);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Not16.hdl/** * 16-bit Not gate: for i=0..15: out[i] = not in[i] */CHIP Not16 {    IN in[16];    OUT out[16];    PARTS:    Not(in=in[0],out=out[0]);    Not(in=in[1],out=out[1]);    Not(in=in[2],out=out[2]);    Not(in=in[3],out=out[3]);    Not(in=in[4],out=out[4]);    Not(in=in[5],out=out[5]);    Not(in=in[6],out=out[6]);    Not(in=in[7],out=out[7]);    Not(in=in[8],out=out[8]);    Not(in=in[9],out=out[9]);    Not(in=in[10],out=out[10]);    Not(in=in[11],out=out[11]);    Not(in=in[12],out=out[12]);    Not(in=in[13],out=out[13]);    Not(in=in[14],out=out[14]);    Not(in=in[15],out=out[15]);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Mux16.hdl/** * 16 bit multiplexor. If sel==1 then out=b else out=a. */CHIP Mux16 {    IN a[16], b[16], sel;    OUT out[16];    PARTS:    Mux(a=a[0],b=b[0],sel=sel,out=out[0]);    Mux(a=a[1],b=b[1],sel=sel,out=out[1]);    Mux(a=a[2],b=b[2],sel=sel,out=out[2]);    Mux(a=a[3],b=b[3],sel=sel,out=out[3]);    Mux(a=a[4],b=b[4],sel=sel,out=out[4]);    Mux(a=a[5],b=b[5],sel=sel,out=out[5]);    Mux(a=a[6],b=b[6],sel=sel,out=out[6]);    Mux(a=a[7],b=b[7],sel=sel,out=out[7]);    Mux(a=a[8],b=b[8],sel=sel,out=out[8]);    Mux(a=a[9],b=b[9],sel=sel,out=out[9]);    Mux(a=a[10],b=b[10],sel=sel,out=out[10]);    Mux(a=a[11],b=b[11],sel=sel,out=out[11]);    Mux(a=a[12],b=b[12],sel=sel,out=out[12]);    Mux(a=a[13],b=b[13],sel=sel,out=out[13]);    Mux(a=a[14],b=b[14],sel=sel,out=out[14]);    Mux(a=a[15],b=b[15],sel=sel,out=out[15]);}<span style="color:#ff0000;"></span>


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Or8Way.hdl/** * 8-way or gate: out = in[0] or in[1] or ... or in[7]. */CHIP Or8Way {    IN in[8];    OUT out;    PARTS:    Or(a=in[0],b=in[1],out=out1);    Or(a=out1,b=in[2],out=out2);    Or(a=out2,b=in[3],out=out3);    Or(a=out3,b=in[4],out=out4);    Or(a=out4,b=in[5],out=out5);    Or(a=out5,b=in[6],out=out6);    Or(a=out6,b=in[7],out=out);}

// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Mux4Way16.hdl/** * 4-way 16-bit multiplexor. * out = a if sel==00 *       b if sel==01 *       c if sel==10 *       d if sel==11 */CHIP Mux4Way16 {    IN a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16], sel[2];    OUT out[16];    PARTS:    Mux16(a=a,b=b,sel=sel[0],out=choice1);    Mux16(a=c,b=d,sel=sel[0],out=choice2);    Mux16(a=choice1,b=choice2,sel=sel[1],out=out);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/Mux8Way16.hdl/** * 8-way 16-bit multiplexor. * out = a if sel==000 *       b if sel==001 *       etc. *       h if sel==111 */CHIP Mux8Way16 {    IN a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16],       e[16], f[16], g[16], h[16],       sel[3];    OUT out[16];    PARTS:    Mux16(a=a,b=b,sel=sel[0],out=choice1);    Mux16(a=c,b=d,sel=sel[0],out=choice2);    Mux16(a=e,b=f,sel=sel[0],out=choice3);    Mux16(a=g,b=h,sel=sel[0],out=choice4);    Mux16(a=choice1,b=choice2,sel=sel[1],out=choice11);    Mux16(a=choice3,b=choice4,sel=sel[1],out=choice22);    Mux16(a=choice11,b=choice22,sel=sel[2],out=out);}

// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/DMux4Way.hdl/** * 4-way demultiplexor. * {a,b,c,d} = {in,0,0,0} if sel==00 *             {0,in,0,0} if sel==01 *             {0,0,in,0} if sel==10 *             {0,0,0,in} if sel==11 */CHIP DMux4Way {    IN in, sel[2];    OUT a, b, c, d;    PARTS:    DMux(in=in,sel=sel[0],a=choiceac,b=choicebd);    DMux(in=choiceac,sel=sel[1],a=a,b=c);    DMux(in=choicebd,sel=sel[1],a=b,b=d);}


// This file is part of and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.// File name: projects/01/DMux8Way.hdl/** * 8-way demultiplexor. * {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h} = {in,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} if sel==000 *                     {0,in,0,0,0,0,0,0} if sel==001 *                     etc. *                     {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,in} if sel==111 */CHIP DMux8Way {    IN in, sel[3];    OUT a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;    PARTS:    DMux(in=in,sel=sel[0],a=aceg,b=bdfh);    DMux(in=aceg,sel=sel[1],a=ae,b=cg);    DMux(in=bdfh,sel=sel[1],a=bf,b=dh);    DMux(in=ae,sel=sel[2],a=a,b=e);    DMux(in=cg,sel=sel[2],a=c,b=g);    DMux(in=bf,sel=sel[2],a=b,b=f);    DMux(in=dh,sel=sel[2],a=d,b=h);}

And now, all the experiment in lesson 01 has been completed.

There are various ways to finish those chips,i believe you can find a more effient way to finish it.微笑

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