SaS稳定分布函数(symmetric D -stable distribution)

来源:互联网 发布:12306订票软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 10:25

alpha为指数参数,beta为对称参数,gamma为尺度参数或分度参数(dispersion parameter),delta为本地参数

function r = stblrnd(alpha,beta,gamma,delta,varargin)%STBLRND alpha-stable random number generator.% R = STBLRND(ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA,DELTA) draws a sample from the Levy % alpha-stable distribution with characteristic exponent ALPHA, % skewness BETA, scale parameter GAMMA and location parameter DELTA.% ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA and DELTA must be scalars which fall in the following % ranges :%    0 < ALPHA <= 2%    -1 <= BETA <= 1  %    0 < GAMMA < inf %    -inf < DELTA < inf%%% R = STBLRND(ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA,DELTA,M,N,...) or % R = STBLRND(ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA,DELTA,[M,N,...]) returns an M-by-N-by-... % array.   % %% References:% [1] J.M. Chambers, C.L. Mallows and B.W. Stuck (1976) %     "A Method for Simulating Stable Random Variables"  %     JASA, Vol. 71, No. 354. pages 340-344  %% [2] Aleksander Weron and Rafal Weron (1995)%     "Computer Simulation of Levy alpha-Stable Variables and Processes" %     Lec. Notes in Physics, 457, pages 379-392%if nargin < 4    error('stats:stblrnd:TooFewInputs','Requires at least four input arguments.'); end% Check parametersif alpha <= 0 || alpha > 2 || ~isscalar(alpha)    error('stats:stblrnd:BadInputs',' "alpha" must be a scalar which lies in the interval (0,2]');endif abs(beta) > 1 || ~isscalar(beta)    error('stats:stblrnd:BadInputs',' "beta" must be a scalar which lies in the interval [-1,1]');endif gamma < 0 || ~isscalar(gamma)    error('stats:stblrnd:BadInputs',' "gamma" must be a non-negative scalar');endif ~isscalar(delta)    error('stats:stblrnd:BadInputs',' "delta" must be a scalar');end% Get output size[err, sizeOut] = genOutsize(4,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,varargin{:});if err > 0    error('stats:stblrnd:InputSizeMismatch','Size information is inconsistent.');end%---Generate sample----% See if parameters reduce to a special case, if so be quick, if not % perform general algorithmif alpha == 2                  % Gaussian distribution     r = sqrt(2) * randn(sizeOut);elseif alpha==1 && beta == 0   % Cauchy distribution    r = tan( pi/2 * (2*rand(sizeOut) - 1) ); elseif alpha == .5 && abs(beta) == 1 % Levy distribution (a.k.a. Pearson V)    r = beta ./ randn(sizeOut).^2;elseif beta == 0                % Symmetric alpha-stable    V = pi/2 * (2*rand(sizeOut) - 1);     W = -log(rand(sizeOut));              r = sin(alpha * V) ./ ( cos(V).^(1/alpha) ) .* ...        ( cos( V.*(1-alpha) ) ./ W ).^( (1-alpha)/alpha ); elseif alpha ~= 1                % General case, alpha not 1    V = pi/2 * (2*rand(sizeOut) - 1);     W = - log( rand(sizeOut) );           const = beta * tan(pi*alpha/2);    B = atan( const );    S = (1 + const * const).^(1/(2*alpha));    r = S * sin( alpha*V + B ) ./ ( cos(V) ).^(1/alpha) .* ...       ( cos( (1-alpha) * V - B ) ./ W ).^((1-alpha)/alpha);else                             % General case, alpha = 1    V = pi/2 * (2*rand(sizeOut) - 1);     W = - log( rand(sizeOut) );              piover2 = pi/2;    sclshftV =  piover2 + beta * V ;     r = 1/piover2 * ( sclshftV .* tan(V) - ...        beta * log( (piover2 * W .* cos(V) ) ./ sclshftV ) );                end    % Scale and shiftif alpha ~= 1   r = gamma * r + delta;else   r = gamma * r + (2/pi) * beta * gamma * log(gamma) + delta;  endend%====  function to find output size ======%function [err, commonSize, numElements] = genOutsize(nparams,varargin)    try        tmp = 0;        for argnum = 1:nparams            tmp = tmp + varargin{argnum};        end        if nargin > nparams+1            tmp = tmp + zeros(varargin{nparams+1:end});        end        err = 0;        commonSize = size(tmp);        numElements = numel(tmp);    catch        err = 1;        commonSize = [];        numElements = 0;    endend

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