
来源:互联网 发布:mac照片存储位置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 01:57
{*******************************************************}{                                                       }{                Delphi Runtime Library                 }{                                                       }{ Copyright(c) 1995-2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }{                                                       }{*******************************************************}unit Soap.EncdDecd;interfaceuses System.Classes, System.SysUtils;procedure EncodeStream(Input, Output: TStream);procedure DecodeStream(Input, Output: TStream);function  EncodeString(const Input: string): string;function  DecodeString(const Input: string): string;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}function  DecodeBase64(const Input: string): TBytes;function  EncodeBase64(const Input: Pointer; Size: Integer): string;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}function  DecodeBase64(const Input: AnsiString): TBytes;function  EncodeBase64(const Input: Pointer; Size: Integer): AnsiString;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}implementationuses System.RTLConsts;const{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}  EncodeTable: array[0..63] of Byte = (    Ord('A'),Ord('B'),Ord('C'),Ord('D'),Ord('E'),Ord('F'),Ord('G'),Ord('H'),Ord('I'),    Ord('J'),Ord('K'),Ord('L'),Ord('M'),Ord('N'),Ord('O'),Ord('P'),Ord('Q'),Ord('R'),    Ord('S'),Ord('T'),Ord('U'),Ord('V'),Ord('W'),Ord('X'),Ord('Y'),Ord('Z'),    Ord('a'),Ord('b'),Ord('c'),Ord('d'),Ord('e'),Ord('f'),Ord('g'),Ord('h'),Ord('i'),    Ord('j'),Ord('k'),Ord('l'),Ord('m'),Ord('n'),Ord('o'),Ord('p'),Ord('q'),Ord('r'),    Ord('s'),Ord('t'),Ord('u'),Ord('v'),Ord('w'),Ord('x'),Ord('y'),Ord('z'),    Ord('0'),Ord('1'),Ord('2'),Ord('3'),Ord('4'),Ord('5'),Ord('6'),Ord('7'),Ord('8'),Ord('9'),Ord('+'),Ord('/'));{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}  EncodeTable: array[0..63] of AnsiChar =    AnsiString('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') +    AnsiString('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') +    AnsiString('0123456789+/');{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}  DecodeTable: array[Ord(#0)..Ord(#127)] of Integer = ({$ELSE !NEXTGEN}  DecodeTable: array[#0..#127] of Integer = ({$ENDIF NEXTGEN}    Byte('='), 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,           64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,           64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 62, 64, 64, 64, 63,           52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,           64,  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,           15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,           64, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,           41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64);type  PPacket = ^TPacket;  TPacket = packed record    case Integer of      0: (b0, b1, b2, b3: Byte);      1: (i: Integer);      2: (a: array[0..3] of Byte);{$IFNDEF NEXTGEN}      3: (c: array[0..3] of AnsiChar);{$ENDIF !NEXTGEN}  end;  TPointerStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)  public    constructor Create(P: Pointer; Size: Integer);    function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;  end;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}procedure EncodePacket(const Packet: TPacket; NumChars: Integer; OutBuf: PByte);{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}procedure EncodePacket(const Packet: TPacket; NumChars: Integer; OutBuf: PAnsiChar);{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}begin  OutBuf[0] := EnCodeTable[Packet.a[0] shr 2];  OutBuf[1] := EnCodeTable[((Packet.a[0] shl 4) or (Packet.a[1] shr 4)) and $0000003f];  if NumChars < 2 then{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}    OutBuf[2] := Ord('='){$ELSE !NEXTGEN}    OutBuf[2] := '='{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}  else OutBuf[2] := EnCodeTable[((Packet.a[1] shl 2) or (Packet.a[2] shr 6)) and $0000003f];  if NumChars < 3 then{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}    OutBuf[3] := Ord('='){$ELSE !NEXTGEN}    OutBuf[3] := '='{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}  else OutBuf[3] := EnCodeTable[Packet.a[2] and $0000003f];end;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}function DecodePacket(InBuf: PByte; var nChars: Integer): TPacket;begin  Result.a[0] := (DecodeTable[InBuf[0]] shl 2) or    (DecodeTable[InBuf[1]] shr 4);  NChars := 1;  if InBuf[2] <> Ord('=') then  begin    Inc(NChars);    Result.a[1] := Byte((DecodeTable[InBuf[1]] shl 4) or (DecodeTable[InBuf[2]] shr 2));  end;  if InBuf[3] <> Ord('=') then  begin    Inc(NChars);    Result.a[2] := Byte((DecodeTable[InBuf[2]] shl 6) or DecodeTable[InBuf[3]]);  end;end;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}function DecodePacket(InBuf: PAnsiChar; var nChars: Integer): TPacket;begin  Result.a[0] := (DecodeTable[InBuf[0]] shl 2) or    (DecodeTable[InBuf[1]] shr 4);  NChars := 1;  if InBuf[2] <> '=' then  begin    Inc(NChars);    Result.a[1] := Byte((DecodeTable[InBuf[1]] shl 4) or (DecodeTable[InBuf[2]] shr 2));  end;  if InBuf[3] <> '=' then  begin    Inc(NChars);    Result.a[2] := Byte((DecodeTable[InBuf[2]] shl 6) or DecodeTable[InBuf[3]]);  end;end;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}procedure EncodeStream(Input, Output: TStream);type  PInteger = ^Integer;var  InBuf: array[0..509] of Byte;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}  OutBuf: array[0..1023] of Byte;  BufPtr: PByte;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}  OutBuf: array[0..1023] of AnsiChar;  BufPtr: PAnsiChar;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}  I, J, K, BytesRead: Integer;  Packet: TPacket;begin  K := 0;  repeat    BytesRead := Input.Read(InBuf, SizeOf(InBuf));    I := 0;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}    BufPtr := @OutBuf[0];{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}    BufPtr := OutBuf;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}    while I < BytesRead do    begin      if BytesRead - I < 3 then        J := BytesRead - I      else J := 3;      Packet.i := 0;      Packet.b0 := InBuf[I];      if J > 1 then        Packet.b1 := InBuf[I + 1];      if J > 2 then        Packet.b2 := InBuf[I + 2];      EncodePacket(Packet, J, BufPtr);      Inc(I, 3);      Inc(BufPtr, 4);      Inc(K, 4);      if K > 75 then      begin{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}        BufPtr[0] := $0D;        BufPtr[1] := $0A;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}        BufPtr[0] := #$0D;        BufPtr[1] := #$0A;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}        Inc(BufPtr, 2);        K := 0;      end;    end;    Output.Write(Outbuf, BufPtr - PChar(@OutBuf));  until BytesRead = 0;end;procedure DecodeStream(Input, Output: TStream);var{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}  InBuf: array[0..75] of Byte;  OutBuf: array[0..60] of Byte;  InBufPtr, OutBufPtr: PByte;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}  InBuf: array[0..75] of AnsiChar;  OutBuf: array[0..60] of Byte;  InBufPtr, OutBufPtr: PAnsiChar;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}  I, J, K, BytesRead: Integer;  Packet: TPacket;  procedure SkipWhite;  var    C: Byte;    NumRead: Integer;  begin    while True do    begin      NumRead := Input.Read(C, 1);      if NumRead = 1 then      begin        if C in [Ord('0')..Ord('9'),Ord('A')..Ord('Z'),Ord('a')..Ord('z'),Ord('+'),Ord('/'),Ord('=')] then        begin          Input.Position := Input.Position - 1;          Break;        end;      end else Break;    end;  end;  function ReadInput: Integer;  var    WhiteFound, EndReached : Boolean;    CntRead, Idx, IdxEnd: Integer;  begin    IdxEnd:= 0;    repeat      WhiteFound := False;      CntRead := Input.Read(InBuf[IdxEnd], (SizeOf(InBuf)-IdxEnd));      EndReached := CntRead < (SizeOf(InBuf)-IdxEnd);      Idx := IdxEnd;      IdxEnd := CntRead + IdxEnd;      while (Idx < IdxEnd) do      begin        if not (Byte(InBuf[Idx]) in [Ord('0')..Ord('9'),Ord('A')..Ord('Z'),Ord('a')..Ord('z'),Ord('+'),Ord('/'),Ord('=')]) then        begin          Dec(IdxEnd);          if Idx < IdxEnd then            Move(InBuf[Idx+1], InBuf[Idx], IdxEnd-Idx);          WhiteFound := True;        end        else          Inc(Idx);      end;    until (not WhiteFound) or (EndReached);    Result := IdxEnd;  end;begin  repeat    SkipWhite;    BytesRead := ReadInput;    InBufPtr := @InBuf[0];    OutBufPtr := @OutBuf;    I := 0;    while I < BytesRead do    begin      Packet := DecodePacket(InBufPtr, J);      K := 0;      while J > 0 do      begin{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}        OutBufPtr^ := Packet.a[K];{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}        OutBufPtr^ := AnsiChar(Packet.a[K]);{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}        Inc(OutBufPtr);        Dec(J);        Inc(K);      end;      Inc(InBufPtr, 4);      Inc(I, 4);    end;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}    Output.Write(OutBuf, OutBufPtr - PByte(@OutBuf[0]));{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}    Output.Write(OutBuf, OutBufPtr - PAnsiChar(@OutBuf));{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}  until BytesRead = 0;end;function EncodeString(const Input: string): string;var  InStr, OutStr: TStringStream;begin  InStr := TStringStream.Create(Input);  try    OutStr := TStringStream.Create('');    try      EncodeStream(InStr, OutStr);      Result := OutStr.DataString;    finally      OutStr.Free;    end;  finally    InStr.Free;  end;end;function DecodeString(const Input: string): string;var  InStr, OutStr: TStringStream;begin  InStr := TStringStream.Create(Input);  try    OutStr := TStringStream.Create('');    try      DecodeStream(InStr, OutStr);      Result := OutStr.DataString;    finally      OutStr.Free;    end;  finally    InStr.Free;  end;end;constructor TPointerStream.Create(P: Pointer; Size: Integer);begin  SetPointer(P, Size);end;function TPointerStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;var  Pos, EndPos, Size: Longint;  Mem: Pointer;begin  Pos := Self.Position;  if (Pos >= 0) and (Count > 0) then  begin    EndPos := Pos + Count;    Size:= Self.Size;    if EndPos > Size then      raise EStreamError.CreateRes(@SMemoryStreamError);    Mem := Self.Memory;    System.Move(Buffer, Pointer(Longint(Mem) + Pos)^, Count);    Self.Position := Pos;    Result := Count;    Exit;  end;  Result := 0;end;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}function DecodeBase64(const Input: string): TBytes;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}function DecodeBase64(const Input: AnsiString): TBytes;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}var  InStr: TPointerStream;  OutStr: TBytesStream;  Len: Integer;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}  M: TMarshaller;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}begin{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}  InStr := TPointerStream.Create(M.AsAnsi(PWideChar(Input)).ToPointer, Length(Input));{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}  InStr := TPointerStream.Create(PAnsiChar(Input), Length(Input));{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}  try    OutStr := TBytesStream.Create;    try      DecodeStream(InStr, OutStr);      Result := OutStr.Bytes;      Len := OutStr.Size;    finally      OutStr.Free;    end;  finally    InStr.Free;  end;  SetLength(Result, Len);end;{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}function EncodeBase64(const Input: Pointer; Size: Integer): string;{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}function EncodeBase64(const Input: Pointer; Size: Integer): AnsiString;{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}var  InStr: TPointerStream;  OutStr: TBytesStream;begin  InStr := TPointerStream.Create(Input, Size);  try    OutStr := TBytesStream.Create;    try      EncodeStream(InStr, OutStr);{$IFDEF NEXTGEN}      SetString(Result, MarshaledAString(OutStr.Memory), OutStr.Size);{$ELSE !NEXTGEN}      SetString(Result, PAnsiChar(OutStr.Memory), OutStr.Size);{$ENDIF NEXTGEN}    finally      OutStr.Free;    end;  finally    InStr.Free;  end;end;end.

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