Linux 内核启动过程分析----zImage自解压

来源:互联网 发布:win7网络共享无法访问 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:20


start:        .type   start,#function        .rept   7        mov r0, r0        .endr   ARM(     mov r0, r0      )   ARM(     b   1f      ) THUMB(     adr r12, BSYM(1f)   ) THUMB(     bx  r12     )        .word   0x016f2818      @ Magic numbers to help the loader        .word   start           @ absolute load/run zImage address        .word   _edata          @ zImage end address THUMB(     .thumb          )1:      mov r7, r1          @ save architecture ID        mov r8, r2          @ save atags pointer///*arm/Makefile:117:KBUILD_AFLAGS    +=$(CFLAGS_ABI) $(AFLAGS_THUMB2) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -include asm/unified.h -msoft-float在unified.h中定义了由于我们没有定义CONFIG_THUMB2_KERNEL,因此#define ARM(x...)   x#define THUMB(x...)#define W(instr)    instr#define BSYM(sym)   sym*/

在start的开始处,使用rept 7,空出了个32位,现在还不明白他的目的,可能是为了留出异常向量表的位置。这里先不下决定。
//mov r7, r1 @ save architecture ID
// mov r8, r2 @ save atags pointer
这是第一步:将uboot传进来的arch id 和 atags指针保存在r7、r8中。

#ifndef __ARM_ARCH_2__        /*         * Booting from Angel - need to enter SVC mode and disable         * FIQs/IRQs (numeric definitions from angel arm.h source).         * We only do this if we were in user mode on entry.         */        mrs r2, cpsr        @ get current mode        tst r2, #3          @ not user?在uboot阶段已经处于SVC模式        bne not_angel  //此处条件为真,跳转到not_angel        mov r0, #0x17       @ angel_SWIreason_EnterSVC ARM(       swi 0x123456    )   @ angel_SWI_ARM THUMB(     svc 0xab        )   @ angel_SWI_THUMBnot_angel:        mrs r2, cpsr        @ turn off interrupts to        orr r2, r2, #0xc0       @ prevent angel from running        msr cpsr_c, r2         //将CPSR的bit6bit7设置为1.对应的是I位和F位:当I=1时禁止IRQ中断,当F=1时禁止FIQ中断,因此作用就是关闭中断和快速中断#else        teqp    pc, #0x0c000003     @ turn off interrupts#endif    ldr r4, =zreladdr //定义在arch/arm/cpu/mach-xxx/Makefile.boot,我这的值为        /*            1 zreladdr-y   := 0x80008000            2 params_phys-y   := 0x00000100            3 initrd_phys-y   := 0x00800000        */    bl  cache_on   //开启cache。


cache_on:   mov r3, #8          @ cache_on function        b   call_cache_fncall_cache_fn:  adr r12, proc_types#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_CP15        mrc p15, 0, r9, c0, c0  @ get processor ID#else        ldr r9, =CONFIG_PROCESSOR_ID#endif1:      ldr r1, [r12, #0]       @ get value        ldr r2, [r12, #4]       @ get mask        eor r1, r1, r9      @ (real ^ match)//显然如果r1==r9,那么r1=0        tst r1, r2          @       & mask //r1&r2=0? ARM(       addeq   pc, r12, r3     ) @ call cache function THUMB(     addeq   r12, r3         ) THUMB(     moveq   pc, r12         ) @ call cache function        add r12, r12, #PROC_ENTRY_SIZE /*  compressed/head.S:613:#define PROC_ENTRY_SIZE (4*5)因为proc_types开始处每隔5条arm指令就是下一个processer.*/        b   1b/* * Table for cache operations.  This is basically: *   - CPU ID match *   - CPU ID mask *   - 'cache on' method instruction *   - 'cache off' method instruction *   - 'cache flush' method instruction * * We match an entry using: ((real_id ^ match) & mask) == 0 * * Writethrough caches generally only need 'on' and 'off' * methods.  Writeback caches _must_ have the flush method * defined. */        .align  2        .type   proc_types,#objectproc_types:        .word   0x41560600      @ ARM6/610        .word   0xffffffe0        W(b)    __arm6_mmu_cache_off    @ works, but slow        W(b)    __arm6_mmu_cache_off        mov pc, lr#if !defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7)        /* This collides with some V7 IDs, preventing correct detection */        .word   0x00000000      @ old ARM ID        .word   0x0000f000        mov pc, lr        mov pc, lr        mov pc, lr#endif        .word   0x41007000      @ ARM7/710        .word   0xfff8fe00        W(b)    __arm7_mmu_cache_off        W(b)    __arm7_mmu_cache_off        mov pc, lr        .word   0x41807200      @ ARM720T (writethrough)        .word   0xffffff00        W(b)    __armv4_mmu_cache_on        W(b)    __armv4_mmu_cache_off        mov pc, lr    ..../*此处定义了多种支持的processor*/.......        .word   0x000f0000      @ new CPU Id        .word   0x000f0000        W(b)    __armv7_mmu_cache_on        W(b)    __armv7_mmu_cache_off        W(b)    __armv7_mmu_cache_flush        .word   0           @ unrecognised type        .word   0        mov pc, lr THUMB(     nop             )        mov pc, lr THUMB(     nop             )        mov pc, lr THUMB(     nop             )        .size   proc_types, . - proc_types


        .word   0x000f0000      @ new CPU Id        .word   0x000f0000        W(b)    __armv7_mmu_cache_on        W(b)    __armv7_mmu_cache_off        W(b)    __armv7_mmu_cache_flush__armv7_mmu_cache_on:        mov r12, lr         //保存返回地址到r12.#ifdef CONFIG_MMU        mrc p15, 0, r11, c0, c1, 4  @ read ID_MMFR0        tst r11, #0xf       @ VMSA        blne    __setup_mmu        mov r0, #0        mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4  @ drain write buffer        tst r11, #0xf       @ VMSA        mcrne   p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0   @ flush I,D TLBs#endif        mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0   @ read control reg        bic r0, r0, #1 << 28    @ clear SCTLR.TRE        orr r0, r0, #0x5000     @ I-cache enable, RR cache replacement        orr r0, r0, #0x003c     @ write buffer#ifdef CONFIG_MMU#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_ENDIAN_BE8        orr r0, r0, #1 << 25    @ big-endian page tables#endif        orrne   r0, r0, #1      @ MMU enabled        movne   r1, #-1        mcrne   p15, 0, r3, c2, c0, 0   @ load page table pointer        mcrne   p15, 0, r1, c3, c0, 0   @ load domain access control#endif        mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 4   @ ISB        mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0   @ load control register        mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0   @ and read it back        mov r0, #0        mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 4   @ ISB        mov pc, r12    //这里返回,返回到bl     cache_on的下一条指令。
开启cache的过程中会设置MMU,完成chache_on的工作后,返回到了bl    cache_on的下一条指令。
bl  cache_on        /*            1 zreladdr-y   := 0x80008000            2 params_phys-y   := 0x00000100            3 initrd_phys-y   := 0x00800000        */restart:        adr r0, LC0        ldmia   r0, {r1, r2, r3, r6, r10, r11, r12}        ldr sp, [r0, #28]        /*         * We might be running at a different address.  We need         * to fix up various pointers.         */        sub r0, r0, r1      @ calculate the delta offset        add r6, r6, r0      @ _edata        add r10, r10, r0        @ inflated kernel size location        /*r6存放了运行时_edata的地址,r10存放了运行时候input_data_end-4 的地址。*/        /*         * The kernel build system appends the size of the         * decompressed kernel at the end of the compressed data         * in little-endian form.         */        ldrb    r9, [r10, #0]        ldrb    lr, [r10, #1]        orr r9, r9, lr, lsl #8        ldrb    lr, [r10, #2]        ldrb    r10, [r10, #3]        orr r9, r9, lr, lsl #16        orr r9, r9, r10, lsl #24/*r9存放的就是r10中的值,经过小端模式转换后的。其实还是运行时的input_data_end -4*/#ifndef CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM         /*here is */        /* malloc space is above the relocated stack (64k max) */        add sp, sp, r0        add r10, sp, #0x10000#else        /*         * With ZBOOT_ROM the bss/stack is non relocatable,         * but someone could still run this code from RAM,         * in which case our reference is _edata.         */        mov r10, r6#endif        mov r5, #0          @ init dtb size to 0/* * Check to see if we will overwrite ourselves. *   r4  = final kernel address *   r9  = size of decompressed image *   r10 = end of this image, including  bss/stack/malloc space if non XIP * We basically want: *   r4 - 16k page directory >= r10 -> OK *   r4 + image length <= address of wont_overwrite -> OK */        add r10, r10, #16384    /*16K : r10= _edat + 16K=0x82000000+_edat相对start的偏移,可以认为是image的大小,显然这个值一定是大于0x82000000*/        cmp r4, r10             /*此处r4=0x80008000*/        bhs wont_overwrite  //显然条件不成立。        add r10, r4, r9 //r10=0x80008000+size of decompressed image        adr r9, wont_overwrite        cmp r10, r9 /*因为我们加载内核的地址是0x8200_0000,因此此处wont_overwrite处于0x82000000以后的位置*/        bls wont_overwrite /*一般内核镜像不会太大,这里一般条件是成立的。r10<r9.*//* * Relocate ourselves past the end of the decompressed kernel. *   r6  = _edata *   r10 = end of the decompressed kernel * Because we always copy ahead, we need to do it from the end and go * backward in case the source and destination overlap. */        /*         * Bump to the next 256-byte boundary with the size of         * the relocation code added. This avoids overwriting         * ourself when the offset is small.         */        add r10, r10, #((reloc_code_end - restart + 256) & ~255)        bic r10, r10, #255        /* Get start of code we want to copy and align it down. */        adr r5, restart        bic r5, r5, #31        sub r9, r6, r5      @ size to copy        add r9, r9, #31     @ rounded up to a multiple        bic r9, r9, #31     @ ... of 32 bytes        add r6, r9, r5        add r9, r9, r101:      ldmdb   r6!, {r0 - r3, r10 - r12, lr}        cmp r6, r5        stmdb   r9!, {r0 - r3, r10 - r12, lr}        bhi 1b        /* Preserve offset to relocated code. */        sub r6, r9, r6#ifndef CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM        /* cache_clean_flush may use the stack, so relocate it */        add sp, sp, r6#endif        bl  cache_clean_flush        adr r0, BSYM(restart)        add r0, r0, r6        mov pc, r0wont_overwrite:/* * If delta is zero, we are running at the address we were linked at. *   r0  = delta *   r2  = BSS start *   r3  = BSS end *   r4  = kernel execution address *   r5  = appended dtb size (0 if not present) *   r7  = architecture ID *   r8  = atags pointer *   r11 = GOT start *   r12 = GOT end *   sp  = stack pointer */        orrs    r1, r0, r5        beq not_relocated        add r11, r11, r0        add r12, r12, r0#ifndef CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM        /*         * If we're running fully PIC === CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM = n,         * we need to fix up pointers into the BSS region.         * Note that the stack pointer has already been fixed up.         */        add r2, r2, r0        add r3, r3, r0        /*         * Relocate all entries in the GOT table.         * Bump bss entries to _edata + dtb size         */1:      ldr r1, [r11, #0]       @ relocate entries in the GOT        add r1, r1, r0      @ This fixes up C references        cmp r1, r2          @ if entry >= bss_start &&        cmphs   r3, r1          @       bss_end > entry        addhi   r1, r1, r5      @    entry += dtb size        str r1, [r11], #4       @ next entry        cmp r11, r12        blo 1b        /* bump our bss pointers too */        add r2, r2, r5        add r3, r3, r5#else        /*         * Relocate entries in the GOT table.  We only relocate         * the entries that are outside the (relocated) BSS region.         */1:      ldr r1, [r11, #0]       @ relocate entries in the GOT        cmp r1, r2          @ entry < bss_start ||        cmphs   r3, r1          @ _end < entry        addlo   r1, r1, r0      @ table.  This fixes up the        str r1, [r11], #4       @ C references.        cmp r11, r12        blo 1b#endifnot_relocated:  mov r0, #01:      str r0, [r2], #4        @ clear bss        str r0, [r2], #4        str r0, [r2], #4        str r0, [r2], #4        cmp r2, r3        blo 1b/* * The C runtime environment should now be setup sufficiently. * Set up some pointers, and start decompressing. *   r4  = kernel execution address *   r7  = architecture ID *   r8  = atags pointer */        mov r0, r4  //0x80008000        mov r1, sp          @ malloc space above stack        add r2, sp, #0x10000    @ 64k max        mov r3, r7  //archID        bl  decompress_kernel        bl  cache_clean_flush        bl  cache_off        mov r0, #0          @ must be zero        mov r1, r7          @ restore architecture number        mov r2, r8          @ restore atags pointer ARM(       mov pc, r4  )       @ call kernel THUMB(     bx  r4  )       @ entry point is always ARM        .align  2        .type   LC0, #objectLC0:        .word   LC0         @ r1        .word   __bss_start     @ r2        .word   _end            @ r3        .word   _edata          @ r6        .word   input_data_end - 4  @ r10 (inflated size location,sizeof arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip)        .word   _got_start      @ r11        .word   _got_end        @ ip        .word   .L_user_stack_end   @ sp        .size   LC0, . - LC0

.word __bss_start @ r2
.word _end @ r3
.word _edata @ r6
.word input_data_end - 4 @ r10 (inflated size location,sizeof arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip)
.word _got_start @ r11
.word _got_end @ ip
.word .L_user_stack_end @ sp
从restart+sizeof copy 的地方拷贝到 size+ end of the decompressed kernel的地方。

not_relocated:  mov r0, #01:      str r0, [r2], #4        @ clear bss        str r0, [r2], #4        str r0, [r2], #4        str r0, [r2], #4        cmp r2, r3        blo 1b/* * The C runtime environment should now be setup sufficiently. * Set up some pointers, and start decompressing. *   r4  = kernel execution address *   r7  = architecture ID *   r8  = atags pointer */        mov r0, r4  //0x80008000        mov r1, sp          @ malloc space above stack        add r2, sp, #0x10000    @ 64k max        mov r3, r7  //archID        bl  decompress_kernel        bl  cache_clean_flush        bl  cache_off        mov r0, #0          @ must be zero        mov r1, r7          @ restore architecture number        mov r2, r8          @ restore atags pointer ARM(       mov pc, r4  )       @ call kernel THUMB(     bx  r4  )       @ entry point is always ARM

r9: 运行时的input_data_end
r6: 运行时的_edata

r10=运行时的_edata + 16K,0x82000000+

  1         .section .piggydata,#alloc  2         .globl  input_data  3 input_data:  4         .incbin "arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip"  5         .globl  input_data_end  6 input_data_end:~                                                                               ~                                     . = TEXT_START; 27   _text = .; 28  29   .text : { 30     _start = .; 31     *(.start) 32     *(.text) 33     *(.text.*) 34     *(.fixup) 35     *(.gnu.warning) 36     *(.glue_7t) 37     *(.glue_7) 38   } 39   .rodata : { 40     *(.rodata) 41     *(.rodata.*) 42   } 43   .piggydata : { 44     *(.piggydata) 45   } 46 



voiddecompress_kernel(unsigned long output_start, unsigned long free_mem_ptr_p,        unsigned long free_mem_ptr_end_p,        int arch_id){    int ret;    output_data     = (unsigned char *)output_start;    free_mem_ptr        = free_mem_ptr_p;    free_mem_end_ptr    = free_mem_ptr_end_p;    __machine_arch_type = arch_id;    arch_decomp_setup();    putstr("Uncompressing Linux...");    ret = do_decompress(input_data, input_data_end - input_data,                output_data, error);    if (ret)        error("decompressor returned an error");    else        putstr(" done, booting the kernel.\n");}


        bl  decompress_kernel        bl  cache_clean_flush        bl  cache_off        mov r0, #0          @ must be zero        mov r1, r7          @ restore architecture number        mov r2, r8          @ restore atags pointer         ARM(       mov pc, r4  )       @ call kernel

在以上整个过程中,MMU一直都处于关闭状态,打开cache可能是为了提高解压速度。在执行decompress_kernel的时候,由mov r0,r4 传入参数0,告诉解压函数的输出地址为0x80008000,最后又由 ARM( mov pc, r4 ),成功跳转到了解压后的内核vmlinux。
由上篇的分析可以知道,uImage是zImage加上64字节的头信息得到的,而zImage又是compressed下的vmlinux经过objcopy得到的,compressed下的vmlinux是由、 head.S 和 piggy.gzip.S misc.c编译而成的,其实就是在piggy.gzip中添加了解压代码。piggy.gzip是Image经过gzip -n -f -9得到的,Image是源码目录下的vmlinux经过objcopy后得到的。因此如果zImage进行自解压,解压后的指令序列跟源码目录下的vmlinux的指令序列就应该是一样的。所以,zImage进行自解压后,最后一句ARM( mov pc, r4 )就跳转到了源码根目录下的vmlinux中。其中decompress_kernel准确无误地将vmlinux的内容解压到了r4寄存器指定的地址。
4.fixup 段位置


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