【原创】zstack - 协议栈程序精简日志-按键驱动移植

来源:互联网 发布:数据眼龙空 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 09:04

【原创】zstack - 协议栈程序精简日志-按键驱动移植


我的板子上有两个按键,S1 对应P0.4,S2对应P0.5,正常状态下按键端口为高电平,按键按下时端口为低电平。本程序的按键检测使用P0外部中断的方式进行。配置为下降沿触发,当P0口出现下降沿中断时,中断程序内检测按键端口,如果端口输入低电平说明改端口的按键被按下。



void InitBoard( uint8 level ){。。。。。。    /* Initialize Key stuff */    OnboardKeyIntEnable = HAL_KEY_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;    HalKeyConfig( OnboardKeyIntEnable, OnBoard_KeyCallback);。。。。。。}


void OnBoard_KeyCallback ( uint8 keys, uint8 state ){  uint8 shift;  (void)state;  /* Get shift key status */  //shift = ((keys & HAL_KEY_SW_1) ? true : false);  shift = true; //本系统没有shift键的概念,只有s1,s2.。。。。。}


/* S1 */#define PUSH1_BV          BV(4)#define PUSH1_SBIT        P0_4/* S2 */#define PUSH2_BV          BV(5)#define PUSH2_SBIT        P0_5




#define HAL_BOARD_INIT()                                         \{                                                                \。。。。。。                                   \  /* configure tristates */                                      \  /*P0INP |= PUSH2_BV;   */                                          \。。。}

删除没用的按键定义,我的按键定义最终如下(S1-P0.4 S2-P0.5):

/*整两个标志在其他地方有用到,删除后会造成联网不成功*/#define HAL_KEY_RISING_EDGE   0#define HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE  1#define HAL_KEY_DEBOUNCE_VALUE  25#define HAL_KEY_POLLING_VALUE   100/* CPU port interrupt (key P0.1 J-STICK P2.0)*/#define HAL_KEY_CPU_PORT_0_IF P0IF#define HAL_KEY_CPU_PORT_2_IF P2IF/* SW_1 is at P0.4 */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_PORT   P0#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT    BV(4)#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_SEL    P0SEL#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_DIR    P0DIR/* SW_2 is at P0.5 */#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_PORT   P0#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT    BV(5)#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_SEL    P0SEL#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_DIR    P0DIR/* edge interrupt */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_EDGEBIT  BV(0) //bit 0 :Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt request condition for all Port 0 inputs.#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_EDGE     0x01 //HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE //下降沿触发--p0的下降沿为1 上升沿为1 ,p1的下降沿为0x02// 这部分需要根据电路进行配置,本电路按键按下为低电平,正常为高电平。下降沿触发后,cpu读取到的为低电平,所以,PUSH1_POLARITY 要设置为 ACTIVE_LOW#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_EDGEBIT  BV(0) //bit 0 :Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt configuration.#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_EDGE     0x01 //HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE //下降沿触发/* SW_1 interrupts */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_IEN      IEN1  /* CPU interrupt mask register ,总中断控制位*/#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_IENBIT   BV(5) /* Mask bit for all of Port_0 */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_ICTL     P0IEN /* Port Interrupt Control register */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_ICTLBIT  BV(4) /* P0IEN - P0.4  enable/disable bit */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1_PXIFG    P0IFG /* Interrupt flag at source *//* SW_2 interrupts */#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_IEN      IEN1  /* CPU interrupt mask register ,总中断控制位*/#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_IENBIT   BV(5) /* Mask bit for all of Port_0 */#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_ICTL     P0IEN /* Port Interrupt Control register */#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_ICTLBIT  BV(5) /* P0IEN - P0.5 enable/disable bit */#define HAL_KEY_SW_2_PXIFG    P0IFG /* Interrupt flag at source *//************************************************************************************************** *                                            TYPEDEFS**************************************************************************************************//************************************************************************************************** * @fn      HalKeyInit* * @brief   Initilize Key Service* * @param   none* * @return  None**************************************************************************************************/void HalKeyInit( void ){  /* Initialize previous key to 0 */  halKeySavedKeys = 0;  HAL_KEY_SW_1_SEL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT);    /* Set pin function to GPIO */  HAL_KEY_SW_1_DIR &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT);    /* Set pin direction to Input */  HAL_KEY_SW_2_SEL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT);    /* Set pin function to GPIO */  HAL_KEY_SW_2_DIR &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT);    /* Set pin direction to Input */  /* Initialize callback function */  pHalKeyProcessFunction  = NULL;  /* Start with key is not configured */  HalKeyConfigured = FALSE;}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      HalKeyConfig* * @brief   Configure the Key serivce* * @param   interruptEnable - TRUE/FALSE, enable/disable interrupt *          cback - pointer to the CallBack function* * @return  None**************************************************************************************************/void HalKeyConfig (bool interruptEnable, halKeyCBack_t cback){  /* Enable/Disable Interrupt or */  Hal_KeyIntEnable = interruptEnable;  /* Register the callback fucntion */  pHalKeyProcessFunction = cback;  /* Determine if interrupt is enable or not */  if (Hal_KeyIntEnable)  {    /* Rising/Falling edge configuratinn */    PICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_EDGEBIT | HAL_KEY_SW_2_EDGEBIT );    /* Clear the edge bit */    PICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_1_EDGE | HAL_KEY_SW_2_EDGE;   /*原程序有问题,只是清除了bit,并没有控制*/    /* For falling edge, the bit must be set. */    /* Interrupt configuration:     * - Enable interrupt generation at the port     * - Enable CPU interrupt     * - Clear any pending interrupt     */    HAL_KEY_SW_1_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_1_ICTLBIT;    HAL_KEY_SW_1_IEN |= HAL_KEY_SW_1_IENBIT;    HAL_KEY_SW_1_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT);    HAL_KEY_SW_2_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_2_ICTLBIT;    HAL_KEY_SW_2_IEN |= HAL_KEY_SW_2_IENBIT;    HAL_KEY_SW_2_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT);    /* Do this only after the hal_key is configured - to work with sleep stuff */    if (HalKeyConfigured == TRUE)    {      osal_stop_timerEx( Hal_TaskID, HAL_KEY_EVENT);  /* Cancel polling if active */    }  }  else    /* Interrupts NOT enabled */  {    HAL_KEY_SW_1_ICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_ICTLBIT); /* don't generate interrupt */    HAL_KEY_SW_1_IEN &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_IENBIT);   /* Clear interrupt enable bit */    HAL_KEY_SW_2_ICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_2_ICTLBIT); /* don't generate interrupt */    HAL_KEY_SW_2_IEN &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_2_IENBIT);   /* Clear interrupt enable bit */    osal_start_timerEx (Hal_TaskID, HAL_KEY_EVENT, HAL_KEY_POLLING_VALUE);    /* Kick off polling */  }  /* Key now is configured */  HalKeyConfigured = TRUE;}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      HalKeyRead* * @brief   Read the current value of a key* * @param   None* * @return  keys - current keys status**************************************************************************************************/uint8 HalKeyRead ( void ){  uint8 keys = 0;  if( HAL_PUSH_BUTTON1() ) {      keys |= HAL_KEY_SW_1;   }  if( HAL_PUSH_BUTTON2() ) {      keys |= HAL_KEY_SW_2;   }  return keys;}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      HalKeyPoll* * @brief   Called by hal_driver to poll the keys* * @param   None* * @return  None**************************************************************************************************/void HalKeyPoll (void){  uint8 keys = 0;  /* If interrupts are not enabled, previous key status and current key status   * are compared to find out if a key has changed status.   */  if (!Hal_KeyIntEnable)  {    if (keys == halKeySavedKeys)    {      /* Exit - since no keys have changed */      return;    }    /* Store the current keys for comparation next time */    halKeySavedKeys = keys;  }  else  {    /* Key interrupt handled here */  }/*  if (HAL_PUSH_BUTTON1())  {    HalKeyDelay(300);    if (HAL_PUSH_BUTTON1())      keys |= HAL_KEY_SW_1;  }  if (HAL_PUSH_BUTTON2())  {    HalKeyDelay(300);    if (HAL_PUSH_BUTTON2())      keys |= HAL_KEY_SW_2;  }*/  keys = HalKeyRead();   /* Invoke Callback if new keys were depressed */  if (keys && (pHalKeyProcessFunction))  {    (pHalKeyProcessFunction) (keys, HAL_KEY_STATE_NORMAL);  }}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      halGetJoyKeyInput* * @brief   Map the ADC value to its corresponding key.* * @param   None* * @return  keys - current joy key status**************************************************************************************************/uint8 halGetJoyKeyInput(void){  /* The joystick control is encoded as an analog voltage.   * Read the JOY_LEVEL analog value and map it to joy movement.   */  uint8 adc;  uint8 ksave0 = 0;  uint8 ksave1;  return ksave0;}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      halProcessKeyInterrupt* * @brief   Checks to see if it's a valid key interrupt, saves interrupt driven key states for *          processing by HalKeyRead(), and debounces keys by scheduling HalKeyRead() 25ms later.** @param** @return**************************************************************************************************/void halProcessKeyInterrupt (void){  bool valid=FALSE;  if (HAL_KEY_SW_1_PXIFG & HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT)  /* Interrupt Flag has been set */  {    HAL_KEY_SW_1_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT); /* Clear Interrupt Flag */    valid = TRUE;  }  if (HAL_KEY_SW_2_PXIFG & HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT)  /* Interrupt Flag has been set */  {    HAL_KEY_SW_2_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT); /* Clear Interrupt Flag */    valid = TRUE;  }  if (valid)  {    osal_start_timerEx (Hal_TaskID, HAL_KEY_EVENT, HAL_KEY_DEBOUNCE_VALUE);  }}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      HalKeyEnterSleep* * @brief  - Get called to enter sleep mode** @param** @return**************************************************************************************************/void HalKeyEnterSleep ( void ){}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      HalKeyExitSleep* * @brief   - Get called when sleep is over** @param* * @return  - return saved keys**************************************************************************************************/uint8 HalKeyExitSleep ( void ){  /* Wake up and read keys */  return ( HalKeyRead () );}/*************************************************************************************************** *                                    INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE***************************************************************************************************//************************************************************************************************** * @fn      halKeyPort0Isr* * @brief   Port0 ISR** @param** @return**************************************************************************************************/HAL_ISR_FUNCTION( halKeyPort0Isr, P0INT_VECTOR ){  if ((HAL_KEY_SW_1_PXIFG & HAL_KEY_SW_1_BIT) || (HAL_KEY_SW_2_PXIFG & HAL_KEY_SW_2_BIT) )  {    halProcessKeyInterrupt();  }  /*    Clear the CPU interrupt flag for Port_0    PxIFG has to be cleared before PxIF  */  HAL_KEY_SW_1_PXIFG = 0;  HAL_KEY_SW_2_PXIFG = 0;//中断标志全部清零  HAL_KEY_CPU_PORT_0_IF = 0;}/************************************************************************************************** * @fn      halKeyPort2Isr* * @brief   Port2 ISR** @param** @return**************************************************************************************************/HAL_ISR_FUNCTION( halKeyPort2Isr, P2INT_VECTOR ){  /*  if (HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_PXIFG & HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_BIT)  {    halProcessKeyInterrupt();  }    Clear the CPU interrupt flag for Port_2    PxIFG has to be cleared before PxIF    Notes: P2_1 and P2_2 are debug lines.  */  //HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_PXIFG = 0;  HAL_KEY_CPU_PORT_2_IF = 0;}


/* Switches (keys) */#define HAL_KEY_SW_1 0x01  // Button S1 if available#define HAL_KEY_SW_2 0x02  // Button S2 if available#define HAL_KEY_SW_5 0x04  //#define HAL_KEY_SW_4 0x08  //#define HAL_KEY_SW_3 0x10  //#define HAL_KEY_SW_6 0x20  //#define HAL_KEY_SW_7 0x40  //


void SampleApp_HandleKeys( uint8 shift, uint8 keys ){  (void)shift;  // Intentionally unreferenced parameter  char tmp[]="key-test!\n";  if ( keys & HAL_KEY_SW_1 )  {    HalLcdWriteString("check key1", HAL_LCD_LINE_3 );//LCD显示    HalLedBlink( HAL_LED_1, 4, 50, 1000 );  }  if ( keys & HAL_KEY_SW_2 )  {    HalLcdWriteString("check key2", HAL_LCD_LINE_3 );//LCD显示    HalLedSet(HAL_LED_2, HAL_LED_MODE_TOGGLE);  }}
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