扩充的数据结构-Order Statistic Tree

来源:互联网 发布:自动抢火车票软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:11

(1)以红黑树作为underlying data structure,在树的每个节点增加一个int域储存该节点的subtree节点个数(包含自身)

node_size(x) = node_size(left[x]) + node_size(right[x]) + 1;


typedef struct node{    int key;    int color;  //Augment field: the number of all nodes in the subtree of current node, including its self    struct node *left;  struct node *right;  struct node *p;    int node_size();}*pnode, node;node sentinel = {0,1,NULL,NULL,NULL};  //初始化列表赋值,initializer_listpnode nil= &sentinel;int node::node_size(){    if(this != nil)        return left->node_size()+right->node_size()+1;    else        return 0;}


void test_RBtree(){    vector<int> A = {7,3,18,10,22,8,11,26};    pnode root = nil;    for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++){        pnode z = (pnode)malloc(sizeof(node));        z->key = A[i];  z->left = nil;  z->right = nil;        RB_insert(root, z);    }    inorder_walk(root);    cout<<endl;    pnode z = (pnode)malloc(sizeof(node));   z->left = nil;  z->right = nil;  z->key = 15;    RB_insert(root, z);    pnode rr = find_root(z);    inorder_walk(rr);    cout<<endl;    cout<<rr->node_size()<<endl;}


(2)order statistic:OS_select()以及OS_rank:

int OS_rank(pnode x){    int r = x->right->node_size();    while(x == x->p->right)        x = x->p;    return x->node_size()-r;}pnode OS_select(pnode root, int rank){    if(root->node_size() >= rank){        int r = root->right->node_size();        if(root->node_size()-r == rank)            return root;        if(root->node_size()-r > rank)            return OS_select(root->left, rank);        if(root->node_size()-r < rank)            return OS_select(root->right, rank-root->node_size()+r);    }    return nil; //如果给出的rank值超出树的大小,则返回nil指针}

(3)Update subtree sizes when inserting or deleting, 与第(1)种方法不同,在node内直接定义一个int size域,对RB_insert进行修改,使其在插入时就直接修改各个相关节点的size大小。注意rotation操作需要修改size大小,时间复杂度为O(1):just look at children size. (待完成

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