
来源:互联网 发布:php controller view 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:12



#ifndef _BANKACCOUNT_H#define _BANKACCOUNT_H#include <cstring>// class definitionclass BankAccount{private:char name[40];// or std::string name;char acctnum[25];// or std::string acctnum;double balance;public:BankAccount(const char* client,const char * num,double bal = 0.0);// or BankAccount(const std::string & client,const std::string & num,double bal = 0.0)void  show(void)const;void dposit(double cash);void withdraw(double cash);};#endif


#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include "BankAccount.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;BankAccount::BankAccount(const char* client,const char * num,double bal) // 定义时参数不用默认值,否则编译不通过{    strncpy(name,client,40);    name[39] = '\0';    strncpy(acctnum,num,25);    acctnum[24] = '\0';    balance = bal;}// or//BankAccount::BankAccount(const std::string & client,const std::string & num,double bal)//{//    name = client;//    acctnum = num;//    balance = bal;//}void BankAccount::show(void)const{    cout << "Name:\t" << name << endl        << "Account:\t" << acctnum << endl        << "Balance:\t" << balance << endl;}void BankAccount::dposit(double cash){    balance += cash;}void BankAccount::withdraw(double cash){    if(balance >= cash)        balance -= cash;    else        cout << "no much money!\n";}


#include <iostream>#include "BankAccount.h"using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;int main(){    char client[40];    char num[25];    double bal = 0.0;    cout << "Please input your name: ";    cin.getline(client,40);    cout << "Please input your acctnum: ";    cin.getline(num,25);    cout << "Please input your balance: ";    cin >> bal;    cout << "Now make a BankAccount constructor!\n";    BankAccount tmp(client,num,bal);    int flag = 0;    cout << "Please input the flag: ";    while(cin >> flag)    {        if(flag == 0)            tmp.show();        else if(flag == 1)        {            double num;            cout << "How much money you want to dposit: ";            cin >> num;            tmp.dposit(num);        }        else if(flag == 2)        {            double num;            cout << "How much money you want to withdraw:";            cin >> num;            tmp.withdraw(num);        }        cout << "Please input the flag: ";    }    return 0;}



// 2,下面是一个非常简单的类定义:#ifndef PERSON_H_#define PERSON_H_#include <cstring>#include <string>using std::string;class Person{private:    static const int LIMIT = 25;    string lname;       // Person's last name    char fname[LIMIT];  // Person's first namepublic:    Person() {lname = ""; fname[0] = '\0';}    Person(const string & ln,const char * fn = "Heyyou");   // #2    // the following methods display lname and fname    void show()const;       // firstname lastname format    void FormalShow()const; // lastname,firstname format};#endif // PERSON_H


// 2#include <iostream>#include "person.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;Person::Person(const string & ln,const char * fn){    lname = ln;    strncpy(fname,fn,LIMIT);    fname[LIMIT - 1] = '\0';}void Person::show()const{    cout << "The name is:\t" << fname << ' ' << lname << endl;}void Person::FormalShow()const{    cout << "The name is:\t" << lname << ',' << fname << endl;}


// 2#include <iostream>#include "person.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;int main(){    Person one;                     // use default constructor    Person two("Smythecraft");      // use #2 with one default argument    Person three("Dimwiddy","Sam"); // use #2,no defaults    one.show();    cout << endl;    one.FormalShow();    cout << endl;    two.show();    cout << endl;    two.FormalShow();    cout << endl;    three.show();    cout << endl;    three.FormalShow();    cout << endl;    return 0;}


第三题:完成第九章的编程练习1,但要用正确的golf类声明替换那里的代码。用带合适参数的构造函数替换setgolf(golf &,const char *,int),以提供初始值。保留setgolf()的交互版本,但要用构造函数来实现它(例如,setgolf()的代码应该获得数据,将数据传递给构造函数来创建一个临时对象,并将其赋给调用对象,即*this).

// 第九章编程练习1/*// 1,下面是一个头文件:// golf.h -- for pe9-1.cppstatic const int Len = 40;struct golf{    char fullname[Len];    int handicap;};// non-interactive version:// function sets golf structure to provided name,handicap// using values passed as arguments to the functionvoid setgolf(golf &g,const char *name,int hc);// interactive version:// function solicits name and handicap from user// and sets the members of g to the values entered// returns 1 if name is entered, 0 if name is empty stringint setgolf(golf & g);                    //交互版本// function resets handicap to new value_typevoid handicap(golf & g,int hc);// function displays contents of golf structurevoid showgolf(const golf & g);setgolf()被重载,可以这样使用其第一个版本:golf ann;setgolf(ann,"Ann Birdfree",24);上述函数调用提供了存储在Ann结构中的信息。可以这样使用其第二个版本:golf andy;setgolf(andy);上述函数将提示用户输入姓名和等级,并将它们存储在andy结构中。这个函数可以(但不一定必须)在内部使用第一个版本。根据这个头文件,创建一个多文件程序。其中的一个文件名为golf.cpp,它提供了与头文件中的原型匹配的函数定义;另一个文件应包含main(),并演示原型化函数的所有特性。例如,包含一个让用户输入的循环,并使用输入的数据来填充一个由golf结构组成的数组,数组被填满或用户将高尔夫选手的姓名设置为空字符串时,循环将结束。main()函数只使用头文件中原型化的函数来访问golf结构。*/


#ifndef GOLF_H#define GOLF_Hclass Golf{private:    static const int Len = 40;    char fullname[Len];    int handicap;public:    Golf(const char * name = "AAAAA",int hc = 10);    ~Golf();    int setGolf();    void sethandicap(int hc);    void showGolf()const;};#endif // GOLF_H


#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include "golf.h"Golf::Golf(const char * name,int hc){    strncpy(fullname,name,40);    fullname[39] = '\0';    handicap = hc;}Golf::~Golf(){    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    cout << "Bye!" << endl;}int Golf::setGolf(){    using std::cin;    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    char fullname[Len];    int handicap;    cout << "Please input the name of the golf player: ";    cin.get(fullname,Len);   // 读取一行    if(cin)    {        cout << "Please input the handicap of the golf player: ";        cin >> handicap;        cin.get();        *this = Golf(fullname,handicap);        return 1;    }    else        return 0;}void Golf::sethandicap(int hc){    handicap = hc;}void Golf::showGolf()const{    std::cout << "hullname: " << fullname << ", \thandicap: " << handicap << std::endl;}


#include <iostream>#include "golf.h"using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;int main(){    Golf one;    Golf two;    Golf three;    one.showGolf();         // 默认构造函数    two.setGolf();          // 交互版本    two.showGolf();    two.sethandicap(2000);  //成员函数    two.showGolf();         //成员函数    three.sethandicap(50);    three.showGolf();    return 0;}

第四题:完成第九章的编程练习4,但将Sales结构相关的函数转换为一个类及其方法。用构造函数替换setSales[sales &,double[],int)函数。用构造函数实现setSales(Sales &)方法的交互版本。将类保留在名称空间SALES中。


<span style="color:#ff6600;">namespace SALES{    const int QUARTERS = 4;    struct Sales    {        double sales[QUARTERS];        double average;        double max;        double min;    }    // copies the lesser of 4 or n items from the array ar    // to the sales member of s and computes and stores the    // average, maximum, and minimum values of the entered items;    // remaining elements of sales,if any,set to 0    void setSales(Sales & s,const double ar[],int n);    // gathers sales for 4 quarters interactively,stores them    // in the sales member of s and computes and stores the    // average,maximum, and minimum values    void setSales(Sales & s);    // display all information in structure s    void showSales(const Sales & s);}</span>

第一个文件是一个头文件,其中包含名称空间。第二个文件是一个源代码文件,它对这个名称空间进行扩展,以提供3个函数的定义。第三个文件声明两个Sales对象,并使用setSales()的交互式版本为一个结构提供值,然后使用setSales()的非交互式版本为另一个结构提供值。另外它是使用showSales()来显示 这两个结构的内容。


#ifndef SALES_H_#define SALES_H_namespace SALES{    class Sales    {private:    static const int QUARTERS = 4;    double sales[QUARTERS];    double average;    double max;    double min;public:    Sales(const double ar[],int n);    Sales();    ~Sales();    void showSales();    };}#endif // SALES_H_


// 4 对题意的理解可能有问题,这里Sales(const double ar[],int n)的是将ar中前四个或n(n < 4时)复制给sales#include <iostream>#include "sales.h"namespace SALES{    using SALES::Sales;    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    using std::cin;    Sales::Sales(const double ar[],int n)    {        max = min = ar[0];        double sum = 0.0;        for(int i = 0;i < QUARTERS;i++)        {            if(i <= n)                sales[i] = ar[i];            else                sales[i] = 0.0;            if(max < sales[i])                max = sales[i];            if(min > sales[i])                min = sales[i];            sum += sales[i];        }        average = sum * 1.0 / QUARTERS;    }    Sales::Sales()    {        double arr[QUARTERS];        cout << "Please fill the array: \n";        for(int i = 0;i < QUARTERS;i++)        {            cout << "arr[" << i << "] = ";            cin >> arr[i];        }        *this = Sales(arr,QUARTERS);    }    Sales::~Sales()    {        cout << "Bye!\n";    }    void Sales::showSales()    {        cout << "\n=============================================\n";        for(int i = 0;i < QUARTERS;i++)            cout << "sales[" << i << "] = " << sales[i] << endl;        cout << "max = " << max << endl;        cout << "min = " << min << endl;        cout << "average = " << average << endl;        cout << "\n=============================================\n";    }}


#include <iostream>#include "sales.h"using SALES::Sales;int main(){const int limit = 4;double arr[limit] = {3.4,1.3,0,0};Sales one(arr,limit);Sales two;one.showSales();two.showSales();return 0;}


struct customer{    char fullname[35];    double payment;};
编写一个程序,它从堆栈中添加和删除customer结构(堆栈用Stack类声明表示)。每次customer结构被删除时,其payment的值都被加入到总数中,并报告总数。注意:应该可以直接使用Stack类而不作修改;只需修改typedef声明,使Item的类型为customer,而不是unsigned long即可。
/*// 程序清单10.10 stack.h// stack.h -- class definition for the stack ADT#ifndef STACK_H_#define STACK_H_typedef unsigned long Item;class Stack{private:    enum {MAX = 10};    // constant specific to class    Item items[MAX];    // holds stack items    int top;            // index for top stack itempublic:    Stack();    bool isempty()const;    bool isfull()const;    // push()returns false if stack already is full,true otherwise    bool push(const Item & item);   // add item to stack    // pop()returns false if stack already is empty,true otherwise    bool pop(Item & item);          // pop top into item};#endif // STACK_H_*/


// stack.h// stack.h -- class definition for the stack ADT#ifndef STACK_H_#define STACK_H_typedef struct customer{    char fullname[35];    double payment;}CUSTOMER;typedef customer Item;class Stack{private:    enum {MAX = 10};    // constant specific to class    Item items[MAX];    // holds stack items    int top;            // index for top stack item    int total;public:    Stack();    ~Stack();    bool isempty()const;    bool isfull()const;    // push()returns false if stack already is full,true otherwise    bool push(const Item & item);   // add item to stack    // pop()returns false if stack already is empty,true otherwise    bool pop(Item & item);          // pop top into item};#endif // STACK_H_

// stack.cpp -- Stack member functions#include <iostream>#include "stack.h"Stack::Stack()  // create an empty stack{    top = 0;    total = 0;}Stack::~Stack(){    using std::cout;    cout << "Bye!\n";}bool Stack::isempty()const{    return top == 0;}bool Stack::isfull()const{    return top == MAX;}bool Stack::push(const Item & item){    if(top < MAX)    {        items[top++] = item;        return true;    }    else        return false;}bool Stack::pop(Item & item){    if(top > 0)    {        using std::cout;        using std::endl;        item = items[--top];        total = total + item.payment;        cout << "PO#" << item.fullname << endl;        cout << "Total = " << total << endl;        return true;    }    else        return false;}

// testing the Stack class#include <iostream>#include <cctype>   // or ctype.h#include "stack.h"int main(){    using namespace std;    Stack st;   // create an empty stack    char ch;    CUSTOMER po;    cout << "Please enter A to add a purchase order.\n"        << "P to process a PO,or Q to quit.\n";    while(cin >> ch && toupper(ch) != 'Q')    {        while(cin.get() != '\n')            continue;        if(!isalpha(ch))        {            cout << '\a';            continue;        }        switch(ch)        {            case 'A':            case 'a':                    cout << "Enter a PO fullname to add:\t";                    cin.getline(po.fullname,35);                    cout << "Enter a PO payment to add:\t";                    cin >> po.payment;                    if(st.isfull())                        cout << "stack already full\n";                    else                        st.push(po);                    break;            case 'P':            case 'p':if(st.isempty())                        cout << "Stack already empty\n";                    else                        st.pop(po);                    break;        }        cout << "Please enter A to add a purchase order,\n"            << "P to process a PO, or Q to quit.\n";    }    cout << "Bye\n";    return 0;}


// 下面是一个类声明:

class Move{private:    double x;    double y;public:    Move(double a = 0,double b = 0);        // sets x,y to a,b    void showmove()const;                        // shows current x,y values    Move add(const Move & m)const;    // this function adds x of m to x of invoking object to get new x,    // adds y of m to y of invoking object to get new y,creates a new    // move object initialized to new x,y values and returns it    void reset(double a = 0,double b = 0);       // reset x,y to a,b};

// 请提供成员函数的定义和测试这个类的程序。


// 下面是一个类声明:#ifndef _MOVE_H_#define _MOVE_H_class Move{private:    double x;    double y;public:    Move(double a = 0,double b = 0);        // sets x,y to a,b    void showmove()const;                        // shows current x,y values    Move add(const Move & m)const;    // this function adds x of m to x of invoking object to get new x,    // adds y of m to y of invoking object to get new y,creates a new    // move object initialized to new x,y values and returns it    void reset(double a = 0,double b = 0);       // reset x,y to a,b};#endif // _MOVE_H_// 请提供成员函数的定义和测试这个类的程序。


#include <iostream>#include "move.h"Move::Move(double a,double b){    x = a;    y = b;}void Move::showmove()const{    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    cout << "=============================\n";    cout << "x = " << x << endl;    cout << "y = " << y << endl;    cout << "=============================\n";}Move Move::add(const Move & m)const{    return Move(x + m.x,y + m.y);}void Move::reset(double a,double b){    x = a;    y = b;}

测试小程序 main.cpp:

#include <iostream>#include "move.h"int main(){    Move one;    Move two(3,3);    one.showmove();    two.showmove();    one = one.add(two);    one.showmove();    one.reset(1,1);    one.showmove();    return 0;}

第七题:Betelgeusean plorg有这些特征:


#ifndef _BETELGEUSEANPLORG_H_#define _BETELGEUSEANPLORG_H_class Bplorg{private:    enum {MAX = 20};    char name[MAX];    unsigned int CI;public:    Bplorg(const char *nm = "Plorga",int numci = 50);  // 默认参数CI=50 默认名称为Plorga    ~Bplorg();    void setCI(int numci);                 // 修改CI值    void showBplorg()const;              // 报告它的名称和CI};#endif // _BETELGEUSEANPLORG_H_


#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include "betelgeuseanplorg.h"Bplorg::Bplorg(const char *nm,int numci)     // 默认参数CI=50 默认名称为Plorga{    strncpy(name,nm,19);    name[19] = '\0';    CI = numci;}Bplorg::~Bplorg(){    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    cout << "Bye" << endl;}void Bplorg::setCI(int numci)           // 修改CI值{    CI = numci;}void Bplorg::showBplorg()const          // 报告它的名称和CI{    using std::cout;    using std::endl;    cout << "Name:\t" << name        << "\nCI:\t" << CI << endl;}

#include <iostream>#include "betelgeuseanplorg.h"int main(){    Bplorg one;    Bplorg two("two two two",20);    one.showBplorg();    one.setCI(10);    one.showBplorg();    two.showBplorg();    two.setCI(15);    two.showBplorg();    return 0;}




void visit(void (*pf)(Item &));


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