
来源:互联网 发布:exchange2010多域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 04:53

第十一章 计划任务



/* *  sched.c - scheduale a function to be called on every timer interrupt. * *  Copyright (C) 2001 by Peter Jay Salzman *//*  * The necessary header files  *//*  * Standard in kernel modules  */#include <linux/kernel.h>   /* We're doing kernel work */#include <linux/module.h>   /* Specifically, a module */#include <linux/proc_fs.h>  /* Necessary because we use the proc fs */#include <linux/workqueue.h>    /* We scheduale tasks here */#include <linux/sched.h>    /* We need to put ourselves to sleep                    and wake up later */#include <linux/init.h>     /* For __init and __exit */#include <linux/interrupt.h>    /* For irqreturn_t */struct proc_dir_entry *Our_Proc_File;#define PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME "sched"#define MY_WORK_QUEUE_NAME "WQsched.c"/*  * The number of times the timer interrupt has been called so far  */static int TimerIntrpt = 0;static void intrpt_routine(void *);static int die = 0;     /* set this to 1 for shutdown *//*  * The work queue structure for this task, from workqueue.h  */static struct workqueue_struct *my_workqueue;static struct work_struct Task;static DECLARE_WORK(Task, intrpt_routine, NULL);/*  * This function will be called on every timer interrupt. Notice the void* * pointer - task functions can be used for more than one purpose, each time * getting a different parameter. */static void intrpt_routine(void *irrelevant){    /*      * Increment the counter      */    TimerIntrpt++;    /*      * If cleanup wants us to die     */    if (die == 0)        queue_delayed_work(my_workqueue, &Task, 100);}/*  * Put data into the proc fs file.  */ssize_tprocfile_read(char *buffer,          char **buffer_location,          off_t offset, int buffer_length, int *eof, void *data){    int len;        /* The number of bytes actually used */    /*      * It's static so it will still be in memory      * when we leave this function     */    static char my_buffer[80];    /*      * We give all of our information in one go, so if anybody asks us     * if we have more information the answer should always be no.     */    if (offset > 0)        return 0;    /*      * Fill the buffer and get its length      */    len = sprintf(my_buffer, "Timer called %d times so far\n", TimerIntrpt);    /*      * Tell the function which called us where the buffer is      */    *buffer_location = my_buffer;    /*      * Return the length      */    return len;}/*  * Initialize the module - register the proc file  */int __init init_module(){    /*     * Create our /proc file     */    Our_Proc_File = create_proc_entry(PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME, 0644, NULL);    if (Our_Proc_File == NULL) {        remove_proc_entry(PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME, &proc_root);        printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s\n",               PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME);        return -ENOMEM;    }    Our_Proc_File->read_proc = procfile_read;    Our_Proc_File->owner = THIS_MODULE;    Our_Proc_File->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;    Our_Proc_File->uid = 0;    Our_Proc_File->gid = 0;    Our_Proc_File->size = 80;    /*      * Put the task in the work_timer task queue, so it will be executed at     * next timer interrupt     */    my_workqueue = create_workqueue(MY_WORK_QUEUE_NAME);    queue_delayed_work(my_workqueue, &Task, 100);    printk(KERN_INFO "/proc/%s created\n", PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME);    return 0;}/*  * Cleanup */void __exit cleanup_module(){    /*      * Unregister our /proc file      */    remove_proc_entry(PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME, &proc_root);    printk(KERN_INFO "/proc/%s removed\n", PROC_ENTRY_FILENAME);    die = 1;        /* keep intrp_routine from queueing itself */    cancel_delayed_work(&Task); /* no "new ones" */    flush_workqueue(my_workqueue);  /* wait till all "old ones" finished */    destroy_workqueue(my_workqueue);    /*      * Sleep until intrpt_routine is called one last time. This is      * necessary, because otherwise we'll deallocate the memory holding      * intrpt_routine and Task while work_timer still references them.     * Notice that here we don't allow signals to interrupt us.     *     * Since WaitQ is now not NULL, this automatically tells the interrupt     * routine it's time to die.     */}/*  * some work_queue related functions * are just available to GPL licensed Modules  */MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");

第12章 中断处理



在Linux下,硬件中断是叫做IRQ‘s(InterruptRe quests)。这有两种IRQ‘s类型,short和long。一个short IRQ是想要占据非常短的一段时间的一种方式,这个很短的时间是指的机器被阻塞的剩余部分的时候,然后又没有其他中断会被处理。一个long IRQ是指占据一个较长的时间,在这个长时间里面,其他的中断也会发生(但是这个中断不会来自同一个设备)。如果有可能,那么最好就是把中断处理申明为long。
当CPU收到一个中断,他就会停止正在做的(除非它正在执行一个更重要的中断,在这种情况下,它会处理这个更重要的只有当这个更重要的中断停了才会处理这个中断),保留了特定的参数到栈里面,然后调用中断处理函数。这个就意味着这个某些东西并不允许在中断中处理他们自己,因为系统会在一个未知的状态。对于中断处理函数解决办法就是立马做它需要做的事,通常是从硬件读东西或者发东西到硬件,然后把这个新信息的处理放到后面的时间(这个被叫做“bottom half”)然后返回。内核随后有保障的尽快调用这个bottom half--然后当它做的时候,在内核模块允许的每件事都会被允许。
实现这个的方法是调用request_irq()当相关的IRQ被收到后,来得到你的中断处理调用。这个函数收到:IRQ number, the name of the function, flags,a name for /proc/interruptsa parameter来传到中断处理方法。通常,有特定的可用的IRQs号码。这里有多少IRQs是由硬件决定的。flags能包含SA_SHIRQ来表示你想要与其他中断处理方法分享这个IRQ(通常因硬件设备号码与IRQ是同一个号码)还能包含SA_INTERRUPT来表示这个事一个快速中断。如果这在这个IRQ已经没有了方法或者如果两个都想要分享的时候 这个函数才会成功。
然后,从中断处理方法中,我们和硬件交流并且使用queue_work() mark_bh(BH_IMMEDIATE)来安排bottom half。

12.1.2. 在intel结构的键盘

在写这章节样例代码时,我有一个问题。在一方面,一个有用的例子一棒能运行自己的电脑上并得到有效的结果。另一方面,内核已经包含了所有的通用设备的设备驱动,且那些设备驱动将不会与我们将要写的驱动共存。我发现的解决方法是写一些对于键盘的中断,然后首先使得的常规的键盘中断失效。因为它作为一个静态标识在内核源码文件中定义的(具体的在:drivers/char/keyboad.c),那就没办法解决了。在insmod插入代码之前,在另一个终端sleep 120;如果你重视你的文件系统那么reboot。
这个代码绑定自己的IRQ 1,这个号码是键盘控制在Intel结构下的的IRQ。那么,,当它收到一个键盘中断,它就读键盘的状态(那是inb(0x64)的目的)然后扫描代码,然后返回键盘的值。接下来只要内核认为它可行,它就会运行got_char这个运行会給键盘所用的扫描吗码(扫描码的头7位)然后看是否已经按下了(第8个位为0)还是释放了(第八位为1)。

/* *  intrpt.c - An interrupt handler. * *  Copyright (C) 2001 by Peter Jay Salzman *//*  * The necessary header files  *//*  * Standard in kernel modules  */#include <linux/kernel.h>   /* We're doing kernel work */#include <linux/module.h>   /* Specifically, a module */#include <linux/sched.h>#include <linux/workqueue.h>#include <linux/interrupt.h>    /* We want an interrupt */#include <asm/io.h>#define MY_WORK_QUEUE_NAME "WQsched.c"static struct workqueue_struct *my_workqueue;/*  * This will get called by the kernel as soon as it's safe * to do everything normally allowed by kernel modules. */static void got_char(void *scancode){    printk(KERN_INFO "Scan Code %x %s.\n",           (int)*((char *)scancode) & 0x7F,           *((char *)scancode) & 0x80 ? "Released" : "Pressed");}/*  * This function services keyboard interrupts. It reads the relevant * information from the keyboard and then puts the non time critical * part into the work queue. This will be run when the kernel considers it safe. */irqreturn_t irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs){    /*      * This variables are static because they need to be     * accessible (through pointers) to the bottom half routine.     */    static int initialised = 0;    static unsigned char scancode;    static struct work_struct task;    unsigned char status;    /*      * Read keyboard status     */    status = inb(0x64);    scancode = inb(0x60);    if (initialised == 0) {        INIT_WORK(&task, got_char, &scancode);        initialised = 1;    } else {        PREPARE_WORK(&task, got_char, &scancode);    }    queue_work(my_workqueue, &task);    return IRQ_HANDLED;}/*  * Initialize the module - register the IRQ handler  */int init_module(){    my_workqueue = create_workqueue(MY_WORK_QUEUE_NAME);    /*      * Since the keyboard handler won't co-exist with another handler,     * such as us, we have to disable it (free its IRQ) before we do     * anything.  Since we don't know where it is, there's no way to     * reinstate it later - so the computer will have to be rebooted     * when we're done.     */    free_irq(1, NULL);    /*      * Request IRQ 1, the keyboard IRQ, to go to our irq_handler.     * SA_SHIRQ means we're willing to have othe handlers on this IRQ.     * SA_INTERRUPT can be used to make the handler into a fast interrupt.     */    return request_irq(1,   /* The number of the keyboard IRQ on PCs */               irq_handler, /* our handler */               SA_SHIRQ, "test_keyboard_irq_handler",               (void *)(irq_handler));}/*  * Cleanup  */void cleanup_module(){    /*      * This is only here for completeness. It's totally irrelevant, since     * we don't have a way to restore the normal keyboard interrupt so the     * computer is completely useless and has to be rebooted.     */    free_irq(1, NULL);}/*  * some work_queue related functions are just available to GPL licensed Modules */MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");

第十三章 对称多处理

13.1. 对称多处理


第十四章 常见误区

14.1. 常见误区






把你自己的头文件放进大型carnivore系统(Sticking your head inside a large carnivore)


附录A 从2.0变到2.2

A.1. 2.4到2.6的变化



附录B 展望未来

B.1 从哪里来?

我能很容易的塞进更多的章节进这本书。我本可以加入一个章节关于创建一个文件系统,或者关于加入一个协议栈(好像有的酒很需要它--你已经挖穿地板来找支持LINUX协议栈的东西了)。我本可以加入我们还没有触碰的内核机制说明解释,例如bootstrapping或者disk interface。
然而,我选择不这么做。我的目标是写一本书来仅仅开启内核模块编程的秘密,然后以教通用的技术为目的。对于人们来说,对于内核编程很感兴趣,我建议Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche的[Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche’s](Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche’s).同样,如Linux说的,学内核编程最好的办法就是自己读内核源码。
如果你感兴趣更多的短小的内核模块,我建议Phrack 杂志。即使你对于security不感兴趣,但是作为一个程序员,内核模块有很多好的例子说明你能在内核做的事情,并且这些模块都很短你不需要花费太多的功夫就能理解。

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