1005. Programming Pattern (35)【待解决】

来源:互联网 发布:软件用户手册编写目的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 07:26

1005. Programming Pattern (35)

600 ms
65536 kB
8000 B
HOU, Qiming

Programmers often have a preference among program constructs. For example, some may prefer "if(0==a)", while others may prefer "if(!a)". Analyzing such patterns can help to narrow down a programmer's identity, which is useful for detecting plagiarism.

Now given some text sampled from someone's program, can you find the person's most commonly used pattern of a specific length?

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, there is one line consisting of the pattern length N (1<=N<=1048576), followed by one line no less than N and no more than 1048576 characters in length, terminated by a carriage return '\n'. The entire input is case sensitive.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in one line the length-N substring that occurs most frequently in the input, followed by a space and the number of times it has occurred in the input. If there are multiple such substrings, print the lexicographically smallest one.

Whitespace characters in the input should be printed as they are. Also note that there may be multiple occurrences of the same substring overlapping each other.

Sample Input 1:
4//A can can can a can.
Sample Output 1:
 can 4
Sample Input 2:
3int a=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0;
Sample Output 2:
~~~ 19
2015-10-11 把最后一种的HanShuCi注释掉,还花费35ms,2476kb;再把getline注释掉花费1ms,482kb。解决方案需要考虑一番


(a/b)%Mod=c;    (b*p)%Mod=1;    ==》   (a/b)*(b*p) %Mod=c;    ==》    (a*p)%Mod=c


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月20日 22:48部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)289812datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确138410/101答案正确141210/102答案正确13844/43运行超时  0/34运行超时  0/45答案正确2898124/4
#include<iostream>  #include<string>#include<vector> #include<queue>#define MALEN 300#define NOExist -1using namespace std;int cmpR(string *str, int a, int b,int pos){  int times = 0;   while (times<pos)  {    if ((*str)[a + times] > (*str)[b + times])      return 1;    else if ((*str)[a + times] < (*str)[b + times])      return -1;     times++;  }  return 0;}int main(){  int N,count=0,index,len;  int ans;  cin >> N;  string str;  char cc;  vector<int>ReSame(MALEN, NOExist);  vector<int>beforeSame;  getchar();  for (index = 0; (cc = getchar()) != '\n';index++)  {    beforeSame.push_back(NOExist);    if (cc >= MALEN)return 0;    str += cc;      beforeSame[index]=ReSame[cc];    ReSame[cc] = index;   }    len = str.size();  for (index = 0; index < MALEN; index++)  {    queue<int>q;    int temp = ReSame[index];    while (temp!= NOExist)    {      if (temp <=str.size() - N)        q.push(temp);      temp = beforeSame[temp];    }    while (!q.empty())    {      temp = q.front();      q.pop();      int  size = q.size();      int Cnt = 1;      len--;      while (size+1>=count&&size--)      {         if (cmpR(&str, temp, q.front(), N) == 0)        {          Cnt++;          len--;        }        else q.push(q.front());        q.pop();        }      if (Cnt > count || Cnt == count&&cmpR(&str,ans, temp , N)>0)      {        count = Cnt;        ans = temp;      }     }      if (count > len)break;  }  for (index = 0; index < N; index++)    printf("%c", str[ans + index]);  printf(" %d", count);  system("pause");  return 0;} 


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月20日 22:45部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)339836datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确129210/101答案正确138410/102答案正确13004/43运行超时  0/34运行超时  0/45答案正确3398364/4
#include<iostream>  #include<string>#include<vector> #include<map>#include<queue> #define NOExist -1using namespace std;int cmpR(string *str, int a, int b, int pos){  int times = 0;  while (times<pos)  {    if ((*str)[a + times] >(*str)[b + times])      return 1;    else if ((*str)[a + times] < (*str)[b + times])      return -1;    times++;  }  return 0;}int main(){  int N, count = 0, index, len;  int ans;  cin >> N;  string str;  char cc;  map<char,int>ReSame;  vector<int>beforeSame;  getchar();  for (index = 0; (cc = getchar()) != '\n'; index++)  {    beforeSame.push_back(NOExist);     str += cc;    map<char, int>::iterator RQ = ReSame.find(cc);    if (RQ!=ReSame.end())    beforeSame[index] = ReSame[cc];    else beforeSame[index] = NOExist;    ReSame[cc] = index;  }  len = str.size();  for (map<char, int>::iterator index = ReSame.begin(); index != ReSame.end(); index++)  {    queue<int>q;    int temp =index->second;    while (temp != NOExist)    {      if (temp <= str.size() - N)        q.push(temp);      temp = beforeSame[temp];    }    while (!q.empty())    {      temp = q.front();      q.pop();      int  size = q.size();      int Cnt = 1;      len--;      while (size + 1 >= count&&size--)      {        if (cmpR(&str, temp, q.front(), N) == 0)        {          Cnt++;          len--;        }        else q.push(q.front());        q.pop();      }      if (Cnt > count || Cnt == count&&cmpR(&str, ans, temp, N)>0)      {        count = Cnt;        ans = temp;      }    }    if (count > len)break;  }  for (index = 0; index < N; index++)    printf("%c", str[ans + index]);  printf(" %d", count);  system("pause");  return 0;}


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月20日 22:31部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)199836datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确142010/101答案正确142010/102答案正确14204/43运行超时  0/34内存超限  0/45答案正确1998364/4
#include<iostream>  #include<string>#include<vector> #include<queue>#define MALEN 300#define NOExist -1using namespace std;int cmpR(string *str, int a, int b,int pos){  int times = 0;   while (times<pos)  {    if ((*str)[a + times] > (*str)[b + times])      return 1;    else if ((*str)[a + times] < (*str)[b + times])      return -1;     times++;  }  return 0;}void DFS_str(string *str, int now, int*count, queue<int>*q, int *ans,int N){   vector<int>ReSame(MALEN, NOExist);  vector<int>beforeSame((*str).size(), NOExist);  int index;  int len = (*q).size();  while (!(*q).empty())  {       index=(*q).front() + now;        beforeSame[index] = ReSame[(*str)[index]];    ReSame[(*str)[index]] = index;    (*q).pop();  }   for (index = 0; index < MALEN; index++)  {    int temp = ReSame[index];    while (temp != NOExist)    {      if (temp <= (*str).size() - N + now)      {        len--;        (*q).push(temp - now);      }      temp = beforeSame[temp];    }    if (!(*q).empty()&&(*q).size()>=(*count))    {     if (now < N-1 && (*q).size()>1 )      DFS_str(str, now + 1, count, q, ans, N);     else if (  ((*q).size() > (*count) || (*q).size() ==(*count)&&cmpR(str, (*ans), (*q).front(), N) > 0))    {      (*count) = (*q).size();      (*ans) = (*q).front();    }     }    if (len < (*count))return;    while (!(*q).empty())       (*q).pop();  }}int main(){  int N,count=0,index,len;  int ans;  cin >> N;  string str;  char cc;  vector<int>ReSame(MALEN, NOExist);  vector<int>beforeSame;  getchar();  for (index = 0; (cc = getchar()) != '\n';index++)  {    beforeSame.push_back(NOExist);    if (cc >= MALEN)return 0;    str += cc;      beforeSame[index]=ReSame[cc];    ReSame[cc] = index;   }    len = str.size()-N+1;  for (index = 0; index < MALEN; index++)  {    queue<int>q;    int temp = ReSame[index];    while (temp!= NOExist)    {       if (temp <= str.size() - N)      {        len--;        q.push(temp);      }      temp = beforeSame[temp];    }    if (!q.empty()&&q.size()>=count)    {       if (0<N - 1 && q.size()>1)      DFS_str(&str, 1, &count, &q, &ans, N);      else if ((q.size() > count || q.size() == count&&cmpR(&str, ans, q.front(), N)>0))     {      count = q.size();      ans = q.front();     }     }    if (len < count)break;  }  for (index = 0; index < N; index++)    printf("%c", str[ans + index]);  printf(" %d", count);  system("pause");  return 0;}


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月17日 00:32部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)272436datrilla


#include<iostream>  #include<string>#include<vector>#define MALEN 256using namespace std;int main(){  int N;  cin >> N;  string str;  char cc;  vector<int>cRq(MALEN, 0);  getchar();  for (; (cc = getchar()) != '\n';)  {    str += cc;    cRq[cc] = 1;  }  int temp = 0;  vector<char>int_char;  int index;  bool fistd = true;  for (index = 0; index < MALEN; index++)  {    if (fistd && 0 != cRq[index])    {      fistd = false;      temp++;      int_char.push_back(index);    }    else if (!fistd && 0 == cRq[index])      cRq[index] = cRq[index - 1];    else if (!fistd)    {      cRq[index] = cRq[index - 1] + 1;      temp++;      int_char.push_back(index);    }  }  temp++;  int t = N;  long long radix = 1;  for (index = 1; index < N; index++)  {    radix *= temp;  }  vector<int>maxArray(radix*temp, 0);  N--;  int goal, count = 0;  for (index = 0, t = 0; index <str.size(); index++)  {    if (index < N)      t = t*temp + cRq[str[index]];    else    {      t = t*temp + cRq[str[index]];      maxArray[t]++;      if (maxArray[t] > count || maxArray[t] == count && t < goal)      {        goal = t;        count = maxArray[t];      }      t %= radix;    }  }  t = goal;  N++;  while (N--)  {    t = goal / radix;    printf("%c", int_char[t - 1]);    goal %= radix;    radix /= temp;  }  printf(" %d", count);  system("pause");  return 0;}


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月12日 18:18部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)110416datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确141610/101答案正确134810/102答案正确14124/43运行超时  0/34运行超时  0/45答案正确1103844/4
#include<iostream> #include<map> #include<vector> #include<string>using namespace std;int main(){  int Ge,t;  string goalstring;  int maxlenth = 0;  scanf("%d", &Ge);   getchar();  map<string, int>strT;  string str;    t=Ge ;  for (char c; (c = getchar()) != '\n';)  {    if (Ge > 1)    {      str += c;      Ge--;    }    else    {      str += c;      map<string, int>::iterator RQ = strT.find(str);      int temp;      if (RQ != strT.end())        temp = RQ->second = RQ->second + 1;      else      {        temp = 1;        strT[str] = 1;      }      if (temp > maxlenth || temp == maxlenth&&goalstring > str)      {        maxlenth = temp;        goalstring = str;      }      str.erase(0, 1);    }  }  for (int i = 0;i<t; i++)  {     putchar(goalstring[i]);    }     printf(" %d\n",maxlenth);  system("pause");  return 0;}


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月11日 00:49部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)1455636datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确130410/101答案正确138410/102答案正确13844/43运行超时  0/34运行超时  0/45答案正确14556364/4
#include<iostream> #include<string>   #include<vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;class CmpDanCi{private:  int num;  string *DiZhi;public:  CmpDanCi(int Ge, string *ss) :num(Ge), DiZhi(ss){}  bool operator()(const int &A, const int &B)  {    int i = 0;    while (i < num && (*DiZhi)[i + A] == (*DiZhi)[i + B])i++;       return (*DiZhi)[i + A] < (*DiZhi)[i + B];  }};bool Equalstr(string *a,   int from,int k,int Ge){   for (int index = 0; index < Ge; index++)    if ((*a)[k+index] != (*a)[from + index])return false;  return true;}void HanShuCi(vector<int>* DanCi, int end){  int Cong = 0;   while (Cong < end)  {     (*DanCi)[Cong] = Cong;    Cong++;  }}int main(){  string YiChan;  int Ge;  cin >> Ge;  getchar();/*吸收换行*/  getline(cin, YiChan);  int end = YiChan.size() - Ge + 1;  end = end > 0 ? end : 0;  vector<int>DanCi(end);  HanShuCi(&DanCi, end);  sort(DanCi.begin(), DanCi.end(), CmpDanCi(Ge, &YiChan));  int goalstring;  int maxlenth = 0;  for (int index = 0; index < end;)  {    int count = 1;    int td;    for (td = index + 1; td < end&&Equalstr(&YiChan,   DanCi[index], DanCi[td], Ge) ; td++)      count++;    if (maxlenth < count || maxlenth == count&&Equalstr( & YiChan , DanCi[index],  goalstring,   Ge) )    {      maxlenth = count;      goalstring = DanCi[index];    }    index = td;  }  cout << YiChan.substr(goalstring, Ge) << " " << maxlenth << endl;  system("pause");  return 0;}


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月10日 22:51部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)412536datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确138410/101答案正确134410/102答案正确12564/43运行超时  0/34运行超时  0/45答案正确4125364/4
#include<iostream> #include<string>   #include<vector>using namespace std;bool Equalstr(string *a, string*b, int from){   for (int index = 0; index < (*b).size(); index++)    if ((*b)[index] != (*a)[from + index])return false;  return true;}void HanShuCi(string* YiChan, int Ge, int& maxlenth, string &goalstring){  int Cong = 0;  int temp;  int end=(* YiChan).size()-Ge+1;   string BuFen;  vector<bool>NoUsed(end, true);  while (Cong < end)  {     if (NoUsed[Cong])    {      BuFen = (*YiChan).substr(Cong, Ge);      temp = 1;      for (int Dang = Cong + 1; Dang<end; Dang++)      {         if (NoUsed[Dang] && Equalstr(YiChan, &BuFen, Dang))        {          NoUsed[Dang] = false;          temp++;        }      }    if (temp > maxlenth || temp == maxlenth&&goalstring> BuFen)    {      maxlenth = temp;      goalstring = BuFen;    }    }    Cong++;  }}int main(){  string YiChan;  int Ge;  cin >> Ge;  getchar();/*吸收换行*/  getline(cin, YiChan);  int maxlenth = 0;  string goalstring;  HanShuCi(&YiChan, Ge, maxlenth, goalstring);  cout << goalstring << " " << maxlenth << endl;  system("pause");  return 0;}


时间结果得分题目语言用时(ms)内存(kB)用户10月09日 21:20部分正确281005C++ (g++ 4.7.2)1052432datrilla


测试点结果用时(ms)内存(kB)得分/满分0答案正确130810/101答案正确142010/102答案正确13844/43运行超时  0/34运行超时  0/45答案正确10524324/4
#include<iostream> #include<string>   #include<vector>using namespace std; void HanShuCi(string YiChan, int Ge,int& maxlenth,string &goalstring){   int Cong = 0;  int temp;  int ChangDu = YiChan.size();  string BuFen;  vector<pair<string,int>>RongQi;  while (Cong + Ge<= ChangDu)  {    BuFen = YiChan.substr(Cong, Ge);    Cong++;     vector<pair<string, int>>::iterator YouBiao = RongQi.begin();    for (; YouBiao != RongQi.end() && YouBiao->first != BuFen; YouBiao++);    if (YouBiao == RongQi.end())    {      RongQi.push_back(make_pair(BuFen, 1));        temp = 1;    }    else         temp =YouBiao->second=YouBiao->second+1;      if (temp > maxlenth || temp == maxlenth&&goalstring > BuFen)    {      maxlenth = temp;      goalstring = BuFen;    }  }}int main(){   string YiChan;  int Ge;  cin >> Ge;  getchar();/*吸收换行*/  getline(cin, YiChan);   int maxlenth=0;  string goalstring;  HanShuCi(YiChan, Ge, maxlenth, goalstring);   cout << goalstring << " " << maxlenth << endl;  system("pause");  return 0;}

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