
来源:互联网 发布:软件培训机构排行榜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:06

yunmingzhang17  和caffe官网 都有介绍添加层,但是不是很详细,我就简单实现一下这个加层,新手学习,请多多指教。  


This is a post outlining the steps you need to take to create your own layer in CAFFE, a popular framework for writing convolutional neural networks. The post focuses on the latest version of CAFE as of Jan 2015.


  • I use $CAFFEROOT and /caffe/ interchangeably, this is simply the root directory of the caffe installation.

A general and slightly outdated tutorial can be found here (

  1. Create the definition a new class in one of the .hpp files located in $CAFFEROOT/include/caffe/ . In my case, I am writing a customized convolution layer. As a result, I modify thevision_layers.hpp to add a definition of myConvLayer.
  2. Next we need to create a myConvLayer.cpp file in the following path $CAFFEROOT/src/caffe/myConvLayer.cpp .
    1. Implement the virtual methods required of the class. In my case, I needed to implement the required “LayerSetUp”, “Reshape”,”ForwardCPU” and “BackwardCPU”.
  3. Choose a name for your layer and write it in caffe/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto
    1. Find a message called LayerParameter
    2. Find the latest unoccupied number, there should be a comment above the message declaration saying “the next available ID when you create….”, use the smallestUnoccupiedNumber
    3. Add your layer to the LayerType enum, for example, I add “MYCONVOLUTIONLAYER = 38”
  4. If you have completed step 1 and step 2, you should be able to just compile the entire CAFFE directory fine. The next steps will require you to actually write a network and run it to get the protobuf set up right. To do this, I recommend simply use an existing network. I chose MNIST LENET and replaced the convolution layer in (/caffe/examples/mnist_modified/lenet_train_test.protxt). To get it to run with my own set up, I
    1. Created a modified directory(mint_modified) that copies minist in examples.
    2. Change the lent_solver.prototxt to use my own file. CAFFE used hardcoded path, when it should have used relative path to find the training configuration set up.
      1. TYPE = MYCONVOLUTION (depending on your declaration in the protobuf file in the previous step)
    3. Once you are done getting your own layer running within an existing network, it will crash immediately because we haven’t worked on getting
  5. Dealing with protobuf and layer_factory
    1. Now you should see an error massage saying “unknown type 38” from a file called “layer_factory.cpp”. You can find the file at caffe/src/caffe/layer_factory.cpp. The error message tells you that currently CAFFE cannot recognize the parameter specified in the protobuf file “myconvolution”. To do this, you simply need to add a new case statement at the end of “layer_factory.cpp” file.
    2.   case LayerParameter_LayerType_MYCONVOLUTION:return new MyConvolutionLayer<Dtype>(param);
    3. This statement tells the system to use layer_factory to create the class whenever that parameter is being read
  6. The last part is to make sure that your own layers is using the parameters that you want.
    1. An interesting note here is that the parameter has no fixed paring. The way it is specified in protobuf file for example, is nesting a parameter type within a layer type. As a result, you can switch the parameters among different layers. That is I could have used the original convolution_parameter inside MyConvolution layer.
    2. To use my own set of parameter, I went back to caffe/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto file
      1. Define a new parameter type
        1. “myconvolution_param = 42”
      2. Define a new message class
        1. MyConvolutionPoolingParameter { optional uint32 num_output =1; …. }
      3. Then go back to the lenet_train_test.protxt file and set your layer to use the my convolution parameter in myconvolutionpooling layer.
        1. An example layers { name:’myconv1′ type:MYCONVOLUTION; ….. myconvolution_param { num_output: 20 kernel_size ….}}
      4. One last step is modifying the $CAFFEROOT/src/caffe/myConvLayer.cpp to use the my convolution_param. You can access the parameters by coding             “ConvolutionPoolingParameter convpool_param =                                                    this->layer_param_.convolutionpooling_param();”


先就按照tangwei2014 学习了一下triplet loss。感谢tangwei博主


最近,learning to rank 的思想逐渐被应用到很多领域,比如google用来做人脸识别(faceNet),微软Jingdong Wang 用来做 person-reid 等等。learning to rank中其中重要的一个步骤就是找到一个好的similarity function,而triplet loss是用的非常广泛的一种。



如上图所示,triplet是一个三元组,这个三元组是这样构成的:从训练数据集中随机选一个样本,该样本称为Anchor,然后再随机选取一个和Anchor (记为x_a)属于同一类的样本和不同类的样本,这两个样本对应的称为Positive (记为x_p)和Negative (记为x_n),由此构成一个(Anchor,Positive,Negative)三元组。

【理解triplet loss】
有了上面的triplet的概念, triplet loss就好理解了。针对三元组中的每个元素(样本),训练一个参数共享或者不共享的网络,得到三个元素的特征表达,分别记为:这里写图片描述 。triplet loss的目的就是通过学习,让x_a和x_p特征表达之间的距离尽可能小,而x_a和x_n的特征表达之间的距离尽可能大,并且要让x_a与x_n之间的距离和x_a与x_p之间的距离之间有一个最小的间隔这里写图片描述。公式化的表示就是:


  • 当x_a与x_n之间的距离 < x_a与x_p之间的距离加这里写图片描述时,[]内的值大于零,就会产生损失。
  • 当x_a与x_n之间的距离 >= x_a与x_p之间的距离加这里写图片描述时,损失为零。

【triplet loss 梯度推导】

可以看到,对x_p和x_n特征表达的梯度刚好利用了求损失时候的中间结果,给的启示就是,如果在CNN中实现 triplet loss layer, 如果能够在前向传播中存储着两个中间结果,反向传播的时候就能避免重复计算。这仅仅是算法实现时候的一个Trick。


1.在~/caffe/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto中增加triplet loss layer的定义首先在message LayerParameter中追加 optional TripletLossParameter triplet_loss_param = 138;其次添加message TripletLossParameter类:message TripletLossParameter {     // margin for dissimilar pair    optional float margin = 1 [default = 1.0]; }2.在./include/caffe/loss_layers.hpp中增加triplet loss layer的类的声明/** * @brief Computes the triplet loss */template <typename Dtype>class TripletLossLayer : public LossLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit TripletLossLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : LossLayer<Dtype>(param){}  virtual void LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual inline int ExactNumBottomBlobs() const { return 4; }  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "TripletLoss"; }  /**   * Unlike most loss layers, in the TripletLossLayer we can backpropagate   * to the first three inputs.   */  virtual inline bool AllowForceBackward(const int bottom_index) const {    return bottom_index != 3;  } protected:  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  Blob<Dtype> diff_ap_;  // cached for backward pass  Blob<Dtype> diff_an_;  // cached for backward pass  Blob<Dtype> diff_pn_;  // cached for backward pass  Blob<Dtype> diff_sq_ap_;  // cached for backward pass  Blob<Dtype> diff_sq_an_;  // tmp storage for gpu forward pass  Blob<Dtype> dist_sq_ap_;  // cached for backward pass  Blob<Dtype> dist_sq_an_;  // cached for backward pass  Blob<Dtype> summer_vec_;  // tmp storage for gpu forward pass  Blob<Dtype> dist_binary_;  // tmp storage for gpu forward pass};3. 在./src/caffe/layers/目录下新建triplet_loss_layer.cpp,实现类主要实现三个功能:LayerSetUp:主要是做一些CHECK工作,然后根据bottom和top对类中的数据成员初始化。Forward_cpu:前传,计算lossBackward_cpu:反传,计算梯度。/* * triplet_loss_layer.cpp * *  Created on: Jun 2, 2015 *      Author: tangwei */#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include "caffe/layer.hpp"#include "caffe/loss_layers.hpp"#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"namespace caffe {template <typename Dtype>void TripletLossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  LossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(bottom, top);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[1]->num());  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->num(), bottom[2]->num());  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->channels(), bottom[1]->channels());  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->channels(), bottom[2]->channels());  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->height(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->width(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->height(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->width(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[2]->height(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[2]->width(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[3]->channels(),1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[3]->height(), 1);  CHECK_EQ(bottom[3]->width(), 1);  diff_ap_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);  diff_an_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);  diff_pn_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);  diff_sq_ap_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);  diff_sq_an_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);  dist_sq_ap_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), 1, 1, 1);  dist_sq_an_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), 1, 1, 1);  // vector of ones used to sum along channels  summer_vec_.Reshape(bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1, 1);  for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->channels(); ++i)  summer_vec_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = Dtype(1);  dist_binary_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), 1, 1, 1);    for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->num(); ++i)    dist_binary_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = Dtype(1);}template <typename Dtype>void TripletLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  int count = bottom[0]->count();  const Dtype* sampleW = bottom[3]->cpu_data();  caffe_sub(      count,      bottom[0]->cpu_data(),  // a      bottom[1]->cpu_data(),  // p      diff_ap_.mutable_cpu_data());  // a_i-p_i  caffe_sub(       count,       bottom[0]->cpu_data(),  // a       bottom[2]->cpu_data(),  // n       diff_an_.mutable_cpu_data());  // a_i-n_i  caffe_sub(       count,       bottom[1]->cpu_data(),  // p       bottom[2]->cpu_data(),  // n       diff_pn_.mutable_cpu_data());  // p_i-n_i  const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();  Dtype margin = this->layer_param_.triplet_loss_param().margin();  Dtype loss(0.0);  for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->num(); ++i) {    dist_sq_ap_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = caffe_cpu_dot(channels,        diff_ap_.cpu_data() + (i*channels), diff_ap_.cpu_data() + (i*channels));    dist_sq_an_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = caffe_cpu_dot(channels,        diff_an_.cpu_data() + (i*channels), diff_an_.cpu_data() + (i*channels));    Dtype mdist = sampleW[i]*std::max(margin + dist_sq_ap_.cpu_data()[i] - dist_sq_an_.cpu_data()[i], Dtype(0.0));    loss += mdist;    if(mdist==Dtype(0)){    //dist_binary_.mutable_cpu_data()[i] = Dtype(0);    //prepare for backward pass    caffe_set(channels, Dtype(0), diff_ap_.mutable_cpu_data() + (i*channels));    caffe_set(channels, Dtype(0), diff_an_.mutable_cpu_data() + (i*channels));    caffe_set(channels, Dtype(0), diff_pn_.mutable_cpu_data() + (i*channels));    }  }  loss = loss / static_cast<Dtype>(bottom[0]->num()) / Dtype(2);  top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;}template <typename Dtype>void TripletLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,    const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {  //Dtype margin = this->layer_param_.contrastive_loss_param().margin();  const Dtype* sampleW = bottom[3]->cpu_data();  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {    if (propagate_down[i]) {      const Dtype sign = (i < 2) ? -1 : 1;      const Dtype alpha = sign * top[0]->cpu_diff()[0] /          static_cast<Dtype>(bottom[i]->num());      int num = bottom[i]->num();      int channels = bottom[i]->channels();      for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j) {        Dtype* bout = bottom[i]->mutable_cpu_diff();        if (i==0) {  // a          //if(dist_binary_.cpu_data()[j]>Dtype(0)){  caffe_cpu_axpby(  channels,  alpha*sampleW[j],  diff_pn_.cpu_data() + (j*channels),  Dtype(0.0),  bout + (j*channels));          //}else{          //  caffe_set(channels, Dtype(0), bout + (j*channels));          //}        } else if (i==1) {  // p          //if(dist_binary_.cpu_data()[j]>Dtype(0)){  caffe_cpu_axpby(  channels,  alpha*sampleW[j],  diff_ap_.cpu_data() + (j*channels),  Dtype(0.0),  bout + (j*channels));          //}else{          //  caffe_set(channels, Dtype(0), bout + (j*channels));          //}} else if (i==2) {  // n  //if(dist_binary_.cpu_data()[j]>Dtype(0)){  caffe_cpu_axpby(  channels,  alpha*sampleW[j],  diff_an_.cpu_data() + (j*channels),  Dtype(0.0),  bout + (j*channels));   //}else{   //   caffe_set(channels, Dtype(0), bout + (j*channels));   //}}      } // for num    } //if propagate_down[i]  } //for i}#ifdef CPU_ONLYSTUB_GPU(TripletLossLayer);#endifINSTANTIATE_CLASS(TripletLossLayer);REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(TripletLoss);}  // namespace caffe4.在./src/caffe/layers/目录下新建,实现GPU下的前传和反传/* * * *  Created on: Jun 2, 2015 *      Author: tangwei */#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include "caffe/layer.hpp"#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"#include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp"namespace caffe {template <typename Dtype>void TripletLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {  const int count = bottom[0]->count();  caffe_gpu_sub(      count,      bottom[0]->gpu_data(),  // a      bottom[1]->gpu_data(),  // p      diff_ap_.mutable_gpu_data());  // a_i-p_i  caffe_gpu_sub(  count,  bottom[0]->gpu_data(),  // a  bottom[2]->gpu_data(),  // n  diff_an_.mutable_gpu_data());  // a_i-n_i  caffe_gpu_sub(      count,      bottom[1]->gpu_data(),  // p      bottom[2]->gpu_data(),  // n      diff_pn_.mutable_gpu_data());  // p_i-n_i  caffe_gpu_powx(      count,      diff_ap_.mutable_gpu_data(),  // a_i-p_i      Dtype(2),      diff_sq_ap_.mutable_gpu_data());  // (a_i-p_i)^2  caffe_gpu_gemv(      CblasNoTrans,      bottom[0]->num(),      bottom[0]->channels(),      Dtype(1.0),                                         //alpha      diff_sq_ap_.gpu_data(),  // (a_i-p_i)^2                // A      summer_vec_.gpu_data(),                             // x      Dtype(0.0),                                         //belta      dist_sq_ap_.mutable_gpu_data());  // \Sum (a_i-p_i)^2  //y  caffe_gpu_powx(        count,        diff_an_.mutable_gpu_data(),  // a_i-n_i        Dtype(2),        diff_sq_an_.mutable_gpu_data());  // (a_i-n_i)^2  caffe_gpu_gemv(        CblasNoTrans,        bottom[0]->num(),        bottom[0]->channels(),        Dtype(1.0),                                         //alpha        diff_sq_an_.gpu_data(),  // (a_i-n_i)^2                // A        summer_vec_.gpu_data(),                             // x        Dtype(0.0),                                         //belta        dist_sq_an_.mutable_gpu_data());  // \Sum (a_i-n_i)^2  //y  Dtype margin = this->layer_param_.triplet_loss_param().margin();  Dtype loss(0.0);  const Dtype* sampleW = bottom[3]->cpu_data();  for (int i = 0; i < bottom[0]->num(); ++i) {     loss += sampleW[i]*std::max(margin +dist_sq_ap_.cpu_data()[i]- dist_sq_an_.cpu_data()[i], Dtype(0.0));  }  loss = loss / static_cast<Dtype>(bottom[0]->num()) / Dtype(2);  top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss;}template <typename Dtype>__global__ void CLLBackward(const int count, const int channels,    const Dtype margin, const Dtype alpha, const Dtype* sampleW,    const Dtype* diff, const Dtype* dist_sq_ap_, const Dtype* dist_sq_an_,    Dtype *bottom_diff) {  CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(i, count) {    int n = i / channels;  // the num index, to access dist_sq_ap_ and dist_sq_an_    Dtype mdist(0.0);    mdist = margin +dist_sq_ap_[n] - dist_sq_an_[n];    if (mdist > 0.0) {bottom_diff[i] = alpha*sampleW[n]*diff[i];} else {bottom_diff[i] = 0;    }  }}template <typename Dtype>void TripletLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,    const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {  Dtype margin = this->layer_param_.triplet_loss_param().margin();  const int count = bottom[0]->count();  const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {    if (propagate_down[i]) {      const Dtype sign = (i < 2) ? -1 : 1;      const Dtype alpha = sign * top[0]->cpu_diff()[0] /          static_cast<Dtype>(bottom[0]->num());      if(i==0){  // NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)  CLLBackward<Dtype><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(count), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(  count, channels, margin, alpha,  bottom[3]->gpu_data(),  diff_pn_.gpu_data(),  // the cached eltwise difference between p and n  dist_sq_ap_.gpu_data(),  // the cached square distance between a and p  dist_sq_an_.gpu_data(),  // the cached square distance between a and n  bottom[i]->mutable_gpu_diff());  CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK;      }else if(i==1){      // NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)  CLLBackward<Dtype><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(count), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(  count, channels, margin, alpha,  bottom[3]->gpu_data(),  diff_ap_.gpu_data(),  // the cached eltwise difference between a and p  dist_sq_ap_.gpu_data(),  // the cached square distance between a and p  dist_sq_an_.gpu_data(),  // the cached square distance between a and n  bottom[i]->mutable_gpu_diff());  CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK;      }else if(i==2){      // NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)  CLLBackward<Dtype><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(count), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(  count, channels, margin, alpha,  bottom[3]->gpu_data(),  diff_an_.gpu_data(),  // the cached eltwise difference between a and n  dist_sq_ap_.gpu_data(),  // the cached square distance between a and p  dist_sq_an_.gpu_data(),  // the cached square distance between a and n  bottom[i]->mutable_gpu_diff());  CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK;      }    }  }}INSTANTIATE_LAYER_GPU_FUNCS(TripletLossLayer);}  // namespace caffe5. 在./src/caffe/test/目录下增加test_triplet_loss_layer.cpp/* * test_triplet_loss_layer.cpp * *  Created on: Jun 3, 2015 *      Author: tangwei */#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>#include <vector>#include "gtest/gtest.h"#include "caffe/blob.hpp"#include "caffe/common.hpp"#include "caffe/filler.hpp"#include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp"#include "caffe/test/test_caffe_main.hpp"#include "caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp"namespace caffe {template <typename TypeParam>class TripletLossLayerTest : public MultiDeviceTest<TypeParam> {  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype; protected:  TripletLossLayerTest()      : blob_bottom_data_i_(new Blob<Dtype>(512, 2, 1, 1)),        blob_bottom_data_j_(new Blob<Dtype>(512, 2, 1, 1)),        blob_bottom_data_k_(new Blob<Dtype>(512, 2, 1, 1)),        blob_bottom_y_(new Blob<Dtype>(512, 1, 1, 1)),        blob_top_loss_(new Blob<Dtype>()) {    // fill the values    FillerParameter filler_param;    filler_param.set_min(-1.0);    filler_param.set_max(1.0);  // distances~=1.0 to test both sides of margin    UniformFiller<Dtype> filler(filler_param);    filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_data_i_);    blob_bottom_vec_.push_back(blob_bottom_data_i_);    filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_data_j_);    blob_bottom_vec_.push_back(blob_bottom_data_j_);    filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_data_k_);    blob_bottom_vec_.push_back(blob_bottom_data_k_);    for (int i = 0; i < blob_bottom_y_->count(); ++i) {        blob_bottom_y_->mutable_cpu_data()[i] = caffe_rng_rand() % 2;  // 0 or 1    }    blob_bottom_vec_.push_back(blob_bottom_y_);    blob_top_vec_.push_back(blob_top_loss_);  }  virtual ~TripletLossLayerTest() {    delete blob_bottom_data_i_;    delete blob_bottom_data_j_;    delete blob_bottom_data_k_;    delete blob_top_loss_;  }  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_data_i_;  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_data_j_;  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_data_k_;  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_y_;  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_top_loss_;  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> blob_bottom_vec_;  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> blob_top_vec_;};TYPED_TEST_CASE(TripletLossLayerTest, TestDtypesAndDevices);TYPED_TEST(TripletLossLayerTest, TestForward) {  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;  LayerParameter layer_param;  TripletLossLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);  layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);  layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);  // manually compute to compare  const Dtype margin = layer_param.triplet_loss_param().margin();  const int num = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->num();  const int channels = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->channels();           const Dtype *sampleW = this->blob_bottom_y_->cpu_data();Dtype loss(0);                                                                                                          for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {    Dtype dist_sq_ij(0);    Dtype dist_sq_ik(0);    for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {      Dtype diff_ij = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->cpu_data()[i*channels+j] -          this->blob_bottom_data_j_->cpu_data()[i*channels+j];      dist_sq_ij += diff_ij*diff_ij;      Dtype diff_ik = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->cpu_data()[i*channels+j] -          this->blob_bottom_data_k_->cpu_data()[i*channels+j];      dist_sq_ik += diff_ik*diff_ik;    }    loss += sampleW[i]*std::max(Dtype(0.0), margin+dist_sq_ij-dist_sq_ik);  }  loss /= static_cast<Dtype>(num) * Dtype(2);  EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_loss_->cpu_data()[0], loss, 1e-6);}TYPED_TEST(TripletLossLayerTest, TestGradient) {  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;  LayerParameter layer_param;  TripletLossLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);  layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);  GradientChecker<Dtype> checker(1e-2, 1e-2, 1701);  // check the gradient for the first two bottom layers  checker.CheckGradientExhaustive(&layer, this->blob_bottom_vec_,      this->blob_top_vec_, 0);  checker.CheckGradientExhaustive(&layer, this->blob_bottom_vec_,      this->blob_top_vec_, 1);}}  // namespace caffe3.编译测试重新 make all 如果出错,检查代码语法错误。make testmake runtest 如果成功,全是绿色的OK  否则会给出红色提示,就得看看是不是实现逻辑上出错了。






#include <algorithm>#include <cfloat>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include "caffe/layer.hpp"#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"#include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp"namespace caffe {template <typename Dtype>void PrecisionRecallLossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &top) {  LossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(bottom, top);}template <typename Dtype>void PrecisionRecallLossLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &bottom,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &top) {  LossLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(bottom, top);  loss_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(),                bottom[0]->height(), bottom[0]->width());  // Check the shapes of data and label  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[1]->num())      << "The number of num of data and label should be same.";  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->channels(), bottom[1]->channels())      << "The number of channels of data and label should be same.";  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->height(), bottom[1]->height())      << "The heights of data and label should be same.";  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->width(), bottom[1]->width())      << "The width of data and label should be same.";}template <typename Dtype>void PrecisionRecallLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &top) {  const Dtype *data = bottom[0]->cpu_data();  const Dtype *label = bottom[1]->cpu_data();  const int num = bottom[0]->num();  const int dim = bottom[0]->count() / num;  const int channels = bottom[0]->channels();  const int spatial_dim = bottom[0]->height() * bottom[0]->width();  const int pnum =    this->layer_param_.precision_recall_loss_param().point_num();  top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = 0;  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {    Dtype breakeven = 0.0;    Dtype prec_diff = 1.0;    for (int p = 0; p <= pnum; ++p) {      int true_positive = 0;      int false_positive = 0;      int false_negative = 0;      int true_negative = 0;      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {        const Dtype thresh = 1.0 / pnum * p;        for (int j = 0; j < spatial_dim; ++j) {          const Dtype data_value = data[i * dim + c * spatial_dim + j];          const int label_value = (int)label[i * dim + c * spatial_dim + j];          if (label_value == 1 && data_value >= thresh) {            ++true_positive;          }          if (label_value == 0 && data_value >= thresh) {            ++false_positive;          }          if (label_value == 1 && data_value < thresh) {            ++false_negative;          }          if (label_value == 0 && data_value < thresh) {            ++true_negative;          }        }      }      Dtype precision = 0.0;      Dtype recall = 0.0;      if (true_positive + false_positive > 0) {        precision =          (Dtype)true_positive / (Dtype)(true_positive + false_positive);      } else if (true_positive == 0) {        precision = 1.0;      }      if (true_positive + false_negative > 0) {        recall =          (Dtype)true_positive / (Dtype)(true_positive + false_negative);      } else if (true_positive == 0) {        recall = 1.0;      }      if (prec_diff > fabs(precision - recall)          && precision > 0 && precision < 1          && recall > 0 && recall < 1) {        breakeven = precision;        prec_diff = fabs(precision - recall);      }    }    top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] += 1.0 - breakeven;  }  top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] /= channels;}template <typename Dtype>void PrecisionRecallLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &top,  const vector<bool> &propagate_down,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &bottom) {  for (int i = 0; i < propagate_down.size(); ++i) {    if (propagate_down[i]) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }  }}#ifdef CPU_ONLYSTUB_GPU(PrecisionRecallLossLayer);#endifINSTANTIATE_CLASS(PrecisionRecallLossLayer);REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(PrecisionRecallLoss);}  // namespace caffe
#include <algorithm>#include <cfloat>#include <vector>#include "thrust/device_vector.h"#include "caffe/layer.hpp"#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"#include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp"namespace caffe {template <typename Dtype>void PrecisionRecallLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &top) {  Forward_cpu(bottom, top);}template <typename Dtype>void PrecisionRecallLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_gpu(  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &top,  const vector<bool> &propagate_down,  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*> &bottom) {  if (propagate_down[1]) {    LOG(FATAL) << this->type()               << " Layer cannot backpropagate to label inputs.";  }  if (propagate_down[0]) {    Backward_cpu(top, propagate_down, bottom);  }}INSTANTIATE_LAYER_GPU_FUNCS(PrecisionRecallLossLayer);}  // namespace caffe


............layer {  name: "loss"  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"  bottom: "ip2"  bottom: "label"  top: "loss"}layer {  name: "precision_recall_loss"  type: "PrecisionRecallLoss"  bottom: "ip2"  bottom: "label"  top: "error_rate"  include {    phase: TEST  }}

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