Tsinghua OJ 数据结构编程作业:祖玛(Zuma)

来源:互联网 发布:部落冲突镜像药水数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 10:33


Let's play the game Zuma!

There are a sequence of beads on a track at the right beginning. All the beads are colored but no three adjacent ones are allowed to be with a same color. You can then insert beads one by one into the sequence. Once three (or more) beads with a same color become adjacent due to an insertion, they will vanish immediately.

Note that it is possible for such a case to happen for more than once for a single insertion. You can't insert the next bead until all the eliminations have been done.

Given both the initial sequence and the insertion series, you are now asked by the fans to provide a playback tool for replaying their games. In other words, the sequence of beads after all possible eliminations as a result of each insertion should be calculated.


The first line gives the initial bead sequence. Namely, it is a string of capital letters from 'A' to 'Z', where different letters correspond to beads with different colors.

The second line just consists of a single interger n, i.e., the number of insertions.

The following n lines tell all the insertions in turn. Each contains an integer k and a capital letter Σ, giving the rank and the color of the next bead to be inserted respectively. Specifically, k ranges from 0 to m when there are currently m beads on the track.


n lines of capital letters, i.e., the evolutionary history of the bead sequence.

Specially, "-" stands for an empty sequence.



ACCBA51 B0 A2 B4 C0 A




0 <= n <= 10^4

0 <= length of the initial sequence <= 10^4

Time: 2 sec

Memory: 256 MB










接下来的n行依次对应于各次操作。每次操作由一个数字k和一个大写字母Σ描述,以空格分隔。其中,Σ为新珠子的颜色。若插入前共有m颗珠子,则k ∈ [0, m]表示新珠子嵌入之后(尚未发生消除之前)在轨道上的位序。







0 ≤ n ≤ 10^4

0 ≤ 初始珠子数量 ≤ 10^4

时间:2 sec

内存:256 MB



#1 使用STL list

题目已提示使用list,首先贴上使用STL的代码,由于Tsinghua OJ上禁掉了大部分STL,所以只测试了样例中的数据。

#include <stdio.h>#include <iostream>#include <list>using namespace std;#define N 20001list<char> l('#');char s[N];void del( list<char>::iterator in, char c){int sum = 0;list<char>::iterator first, second = in;-- in;first = in;for (; first != l.begin(); -- first ) {if (*first == c) {sum ++;}else break;}for (; second != l.end(); ++ second) {if (*second == c && c != '\0') {sum ++;}else break;}if (sum >= 3) {l.erase(++first, second);del(second, *second);}}int main(){scanf("%s",&*s);int len = (int)strlen(s);for (int i = len-1; i >=0 ; i --) {l.push_front(s[i]);}l.push_front('#');int n;scanf("%d",&n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {int ind;char c;scanf("%d %c",&ind,&c);list<char>::iterator in = ++l.begin();for (int j = 0; j < ind && in!=l.end() ; j ++) {++ in;}l.insert(in, c);del( in, c);list<char>::iterator p = ++ l.begin();if (*p == '\0') {printf("-\n");}else {for (; p != l.end(); p ++) {printf("%c",*p);}printf("\n");}}    return 0;}

#2 使用结构体编写双向链表


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <iostream>using namespace std;#define N 20001const int SZ = 1<<20;  //快速iostruct fastio{char inbuf[SZ];char outbuf[SZ];fastio(){setvbuf(stdin,inbuf,_IOFBF,SZ);setvbuf(stdout,outbuf,_IOFBF,SZ);}}io;typedef struct node{char data;struct node *next;struct node *front;}List, *l;l pHead = (l)malloc(sizeof(List));l pTail = (l)malloc(sizeof(List));void creat(char *a, int n){l pt = pHead;//初始化pHead和pTail两个结点,pt为游标,指向当前插入结点pTail->front = pHead;pTail->next = NULL;pHead->front = NULL;pHead->next = pTail;pHead->data = pTail->data = '-';//在头和尾插入数据for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {l pNew = (l)malloc(sizeof(List));pNew->data = a[i];pNew->front = pt;pNew->next = pt->next;pt->next->front = pNew;pt->next = pNew;pt = pNew;}}void insert(int po, char c){l pt = pHead, pNew = (l)malloc(sizeof(List));for (int i = 0; i <= po; i ++) {pt = pt->next;}pNew->data = c;pNew->next = pt;pNew->front = pt->front;pt->front->next = pNew;pt->front = pNew;}void del(l pt){int sum = 1;l first, second;first = pt->front;second = pt->next;for (; first != pHead; first = first->front ) {if (first->data == pt->data) {sum ++;}else break;}for (; second != pTail; second = second->next) {if (second->data == pt->data) {sum ++;}else break;}if (sum >= 3) {for (l i = first->next; i != second; i = first->next) {l temp = i;first->next = temp->next;temp->next->front = first;delete temp;}if (second != pTail) {del(second);}else if(first != pHead){del(first);}}}char s[N];int main(){scanf("%s",&*s);int len = (int)strlen(s);creat(s, len);int n;scanf("%d",&n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {int ind;char c;scanf("%d %c",&ind,&c);insert(ind, c);l pt = pHead;for (int i = 0; i <= ind; i ++) {pt = pt->next;}del(pt);pt = pHead->next;if (pt == pTail) {printf("-\n");}else {for (; pt != pTail; pt = pt->next) {printf("%c",pt->data);}printf("\n");}}    return 0;}

#3 使用字符数组


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <cstring>#include <iostream>using namespace std;const int SZ = 1<<20;  //快速iostruct fastio{char inbuf[SZ];char outbuf[SZ];fastio(){setvbuf(stdin,inbuf,_IOFBF,SZ);setvbuf(stdout,outbuf,_IOFBF,SZ);}}io;char s[20001];char temp[20001];int len = 0, po;int del(int p){int first = p,second = p;char elem = s[p];while(s[first] == elem && first) first--;if(first || s[first] != elem) first++;while(s[second] == elem && second < len) second++;if(second - first > 2){strcpy(temp,s + second);strcpy(s + first, temp);len = len + first - second;po = first;return 1;}elsereturn 0;}int main(){gets(s);while(s[len] >= 'A' && s[len] <= 'Z') len++;int n;scanf("%d",&n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {char c;scanf("%d %c",&po,&c);strcpy(temp, s + po);strcpy(s + po + 1, temp);s[po] = c;len ++;while(del(po) && len);if(len)puts(s);elseputs("-");}    return 0;}

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