wifidog 源码初分析(三)

来源:互联网 发布:不好意思网络中断日语 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:35

上一篇分析了 接入设备 在接入路由器,并发起首次 HTTP/80 请求到路由器上时,wifidog 是如何将此 HTTP 请求重定向至 auth-server 的流程。

之后接入设备的浏览器接收到 wifidog 返回的 302 重定向请求后,会将页面重定向至 auth-server 的 /login 页面,并且在此 URL 中会携带一些路由器/网关 参数,以及接入设备的 MAC 地址和客户端访问的源URL(如示例中的 baidu.com)。

POST /login/?gw_address= HTTP/1.1

auth-server 收到请求后处理,并返回重定向到 wifidog 的响应(注:同时携带了为此接入设备的用户分配了 token),接入设备的浏览器重定向至路由器上 wifidog 的 http 服务(端口 2060) /wifidog/auth 上(且携带了认证服务器为此接入设备分配的 token),下面介绍下 wifidog 接收到 /wifidog/auth 的访问后的校验流程。

在 wifidog 启动 http 服务前,注册了一个针对访问路径 /wifidog/auth 的回调,如下:

httpdAddCContent(webserver, "/wifidog", "about", 0, NULL, http_callback_about);  httpdAddCContent(webserver, "/wifidog", "status", 0, NULL, http_callback_status);  // 注册了针对 /wifidog/auth 的访问回调 http_callback_authhttpdAddCContent(webserver, "/wifidog", "auth", 0, NULL, http_callback_auth); 

这样对于 接入设备(or 客户端) 重定向过来的 /wifidog/auth 就进入了 http_callback_auth 函数中,如下:

http_callback_auth(httpd *webserver, request *r)  {      t_client    *client;      httpVar * token;      char    *mac;      // 1, 获取条件参数中的 logout 值    httpVar *logout = httpdGetVariableByName(r, "logout");      // 2, 获取条件参数中的 token 值    if ((token = httpdGetVariableByName(r, "token"))) {          /* They supplied variable "token" */        // 3, 可以看到, 这里要求必须能够通过 ARP 协议获取到 接入设备 的 MAC 地址        if (!(mac = arp_get(r->clientAddr))) {          /* We could not get their MAC address */            debug(LOG_ERR, "Failed to retrieve MAC address for ip %s", r->clientAddr);              send_http_page(r, "WiFiDog Error", "Failed to retrieve your MAC address");          } else {              /* We have their MAC address */            LOCK_CLIENT_LIST();              // 4, 检查该客户端(接入设备)是否已经在 wifidog 维护的接入客户端列表中            if ((client = client_list_find(r->clientAddr, mac)) == NULL) {                  debug(LOG_DEBUG, "New client for %s", r->clientAddr);                  client_list_append(r->clientAddr, mac, token->value);              } else if (logout) {                  // 5, 退出处理                t_authresponse  authresponse;                  s_config *config = config_get_config();                  unsigned long long incoming = client->counters.incoming;                  unsigned long long outgoing = client->counters.outgoing;                  char *ip = safe_strdup(client->ip);                  char *urlFragment = NULL;                  t_auth_serv *auth_server = get_auth_server();                  fw_deny(client->ip, client->mac, client->fw_connection_state);                  client_list_delete(client);                  debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Got logout from %s", client->ip);                  /* Advertise the logout if we have an auth server */                if (config->auth_servers != NULL) {                      UNLOCK_CLIENT_LIST();                      auth_server_request(&authresponse, REQUEST_TYPE_LOGOUT, ip, mac, token->value,                                          incoming, outgoing);                      LOCK_CLIENT_LIST();                      /* Re-direct them to auth server */                    debug(LOG_INFO, "Got manual logout from client ip %s, mac %s, token %s"                    "- redirecting them to logout message", client->ip, client->mac, client->token);                      safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%smessage=%s",                          auth_server->authserv_msg_script_path_fragment,                          GATEWAY_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_LOGGED_OUT                      );                      http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to logout message");                      free(urlFragment);                  }                  free(ip);              }              else {                  // 6, 已经登录校验通过                debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Client for %s is already in the client list", client->ip);              }              UNLOCK_CLIENT_LIST();              if (!logout) {                  // 7, 到 auth server 上进一步校验 token                authenticate_client(r);              }              free(mac);          }      } else {          /* They did not supply variable "token" */        // 8, 未携带 token, 直接拒绝        send_http_page(r, "WiFiDog error", "Invalid token");      }  } 

在该函数中主要处理了 客户端退出,非法校验,以及 客户端校验等流程,下面分别描述注释中的各个步骤:
1,对于客户端退出,则会携带 logout 参数信息,并走到第 5 步(当然,如果连 token 参数都没有的话,会直接走到第 8 步,也就是拒绝);
2,按照正常的认证流程,会携带由认证服务器分配的 token 参数;
3,正如注释说明的,这里要求必须能够通过 ARP 协议获取到 接入设备 的 MAC 地址;(其实通过查看 arg_get 的实现,可以看到是直接解析 /proc/net/arp 文件 -- ARP cache -- 来获取对应客户端 IP 地址的 MAC 信息的),类似如下:
[asd@ubuntu ~]#more /proc/net/arp
IP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device 0x1 0x2 18:03:73:d5:1b:a2 * eth0 0x1 0x2 00:21:27:63:c0:ce * eth0
4,在能够获取到该客户端的 MAC 地址后,根据客户端的 IP 和 MAC 地址检查该客户端是否已经在 wifidog 维护的接入设备(or客户端)列表中,如果不在,则追加到此列表中(关于此列表的数据结构在后面再详细描述);
5,如果该客户端已经存在,且本次访问是要求 logout 退出的,则进入此退出处理的流程,该流程主要包括几个步骤:关闭该客户端 ip/mac 的出口(outgoing)规则 --> 从客户端列表中删除该客户端记录 --> 通知认证服务器该客户端退出(且携带该客户端的token, 上下行流量等信息) --> 返回重定向至 认证服务器 的 #define DEFAULT_AUTHSERVMSGPATHFRAGMENT "gw_message.php?" 访问路径(携带一个已退出的 message);
6,如果该客户端已经登录校验过,且本次访问非 logout 退出,则直接跳转到第 7 步;
7,这一步就是 token 校验的过程,具体实现在 authenticate_client 函数中:

/** Authenticates a single client against the central server and returns when done* Alters the firewall rules depending on what the auth server says@param r httpd request struct*/voidauthenticate_client(request *r){    t_client    *client;    t_authresponse  auth_response;    char    *mac,            *token;    char *urlFragment = NULL;    s_config    *config = NULL;    t_auth_serv *auth_server = NULL;    LOCK_CLIENT_LIST();    client = client_list_find_by_ip(r->clientAddr);    if (client == NULL) {            debug(LOG_ERR, "Could not find client for %s", r->clientAddr);            UNLOCK_CLIENT_LIST();            return;    }    mac = safe_strdup(client->mac);    token = safe_strdup(client->token);    UNLOCK_CLIENT_LIST();    /*      * At this point we've released the lock while we do an HTTP request since it could     * take multiple seconds to do and the gateway would effectively be frozen if we     * kept the lock.     */    auth_server_request(&auth_response, REQUEST_TYPE_LOGIN, r->clientAddr, mac, token, 0, 0);    LOCK_CLIENT_LIST();    /* can't trust the client to still exist after n seconds have passed */    client = client_list_find(r->clientAddr, mac);    if (client == NULL) {            debug(LOG_ERR, "Could not find client node for %s (%s)", r->clientAddr, mac);            UNLOCK_CLIENT_LIST();            free(token);            free(mac);            return;    }    free(token);    free(mac);    /* Prepare some variables we'll need below */    config = config_get_config();    auth_server = get_auth_server();    switch(auth_response.authcode) {    case AUTH_ERROR:            /* Error talking to central server */            debug(LOG_ERR, "Got %d from central server authenticating token %s from %s at %s", auth_response, client->token, client->ip, client->mac);            send_http_page(r, "Error!", "Error: We did not get a valid answer from the central server");            break;    case AUTH_DENIED:            /* Central server said invalid token */            debug(LOG_INFO, "Got DENIED from central server authenticating token %s from %s at %s - redirecting them to denied message", client->token, client->ip, client->mac);            safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%smessage=%s",                    auth_server->authserv_msg_script_path_fragment,                    GATEWAY_MESSAGE_DENIED    );            http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to denied message");            free(urlFragment);            break;    case AUTH_VALIDATION:            /* They just got validated for X minutes to check their email */            debug(LOG_INFO, "Got VALIDATION from central server authenticating token %s from %s at %s"                        "- adding to firewall and redirecting them to activate message", client->token,                            client->ip, client->mac);            client->fw_connection_state = FW_MARK_PROBATION;            fw_allow(client->ip, client->mac, FW_MARK_PROBATION);            safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%smessage=%s",                    auth_server->authserv_msg_script_path_fragment,                    GATEWAY_MESSAGE_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT            );            http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to activate message");            free(urlFragment);            break;    case AUTH_ALLOWED:            /* Logged in successfully as a regular account */            debug(LOG_INFO, "Got ALLOWED from central server authenticating token %s from %s at %s - "                        "adding to firewall and redirecting them to portal", client->token, client->ip, client->mac);            client->fw_connection_state = FW_MARK_KNOWN;            fw_allow(client->ip, client->mac, FW_MARK_KNOWN);            served_this_session++;            safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%sgw_id=%s",                    auth_server->authserv_portal_script_path_fragment,                    config->gw_id            );            http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to portal");            free(urlFragment);            break;    case AUTH_VALIDATION_FAILED:            /* Client had X minutes to validate account by email and didn't = too late */            debug(LOG_INFO, "Got VALIDATION_FAILED from central server authenticating token %s from %s at %s "                    "- redirecting them to failed_validation message", client->token, client->ip, client->mac);            safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%smessage=%s",                    auth_server->authserv_msg_script_path_fragment,                    GATEWAY_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_VALIDATION_FAILED            );            http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to failed validation message");            free(urlFragment);            break;    default:            debug(LOG_WARNING, "I don't know what the validation code %d means for token %s from %s at %s - sending error message", auth_response.authcode, client->token, client->ip, client->mac);            send_http_page(r, "Internal Error", "We can not validate your request at this time");            break;    }    UNLOCK_CLIENT_LIST();    return;}

1,通过调用 auth_server_request(&auth_response, REQUEST_TYPE_LOGIN, r->clientAddr, mac, token, 0, 0); 让 认证服务器 对该客户端的 token 进行校验;

2,根据认证服务器返回的 token 校验结果进行不同的处理(主要是对该客户端的防火墙过滤规则进行不同的设置),这里主要以 AUTH_ALLOWED 校验结果进行分析,这里主要是两个动作:

2.1,通过 fw_allow 函数调用对此客户端"放行";

2.2,返回重定向至认证服务器的 portal 路径访问的响应;

这里就简要分析一下 fw_allow 函数的实现,查看fw_allow的实现可以看到真正设置allow客户端通过防火墙的动作是在iptables_fw_access中实现的,如下:

/* Set if a specific client has access through the firewall */int iptables_fw_access(fw_access_t type, const char *ip, const char *mac, int tag){  int rc;  fw_quiet = 0;  switch(type) {     case FW_ACCESS_ALLOW:        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -A " TABLE_WIFIDOG_OUTGOING " -s %s -m mac --mac-source %s -j MARK --set-mark %d", ip, mac, tag);        rc = iptables_do_command("-t mangle -A " TABLE_WIFIDOG_INCOMING " -d %s -j ACCEPT", ip);        break;     case FW_ACCESS_DENY:        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -D " TABLE_WIFIDOG_OUTGOING " -s %s -m mac --mac-source %s -j MARK --set-mark %d", ip, mac, tag);        rc = iptables_do_command("-t mangle -D " TABLE_WIFIDOG_INCOMING " -d %s -j ACCEPT", ip);        break;     default:        rc = -1;        break;     }     return rc;}


1) 在mangle表中追加WiFiDog_$ID$_Outgoing外出过滤链,该链的规则如下几条:

a) IP 地址为该客户端的IP地址;

b) MAC地址为该客户端的MAC地址;


iptables –t mangle –AWiFiDog_$ID$_Outgoing -s 客户端IP地址 -m mac --mac-source 客户端MAC地址 -j MARK --set-markFW_MARK_KNOWN

2)在mangle表中追加一条[接受所有目的地址为此客户端IP地址的] WifiDog_$ID$_Incoming输入过滤链;

iptables -t mangle -AWiFiDog_$ID$_Incoming -d 客户端IP地址 -j ACCEPT

最后,Auth server重定向客户端浏览器到www.baidu.com

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