
来源:互联网 发布:彩票数据api 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 18:04



This is a proto type method for arrays in JavaScript. It utilizes an iterative version of the Quick Sort algorithm. More information about the quick sort algorithm can be found here.


I adapted an iterative version of Quick Sort made in C located here. I tested this iterative version and a recursive version and found that the iterative version usually preforms about twice as fast. I also included some additional features that are not included in the vanilla version of JavaScript sort.

JavaScript Quick Sort Library

(function(){    var    defaultCompare,    defaultSwap,    partition,    quickSort;        Array.prototype.quickSort = function(compare, swap)    {        if (typeof compare !== "function")        {            compare = defaultCompare;        }        if (typeof swap !== "function")        {            swap = defaultSwap;        }        quickSort(this, 0, this.length - 1, compare, swap);    };    defaultCompare = function(value1, value2)    {        return value1 < value2;    };    defaultSwap = function(array, index1, index2)    {        var temp = array[index1];        array[index1] = array[index2];        array[index2] = temp;    };    partition = function(array, start, stop, compare, swap)    {        var pivot = array[stop], storeIndex = start - 1;        while (start < stop)        {            if (compare(array[start], pivot))            {                storeIndex++;                swap(array, storeIndex, start);            }            start++;        }        swap(array, storeIndex + 1, stop);        return storeIndex + 1;    };    quickSort = function(array, startIndex, stopIndex, compare, swap)    {        var pivot, stack, start, top;                stack = new Array(stopIndex - startIndex + 1);        top = -1;                stack[++top] = startIndex;        stack[++top] = stopIndex;        while (top > -1)        {            stopIndex = stack[top--];            startIndex = stack[top--];            pivot = partition(array, startIndex, stopIndex, compare, swap);                        if (pivot - 1 > startIndex)            {                stack[++top] = startIndex;                stack[++top] = pivot - 1;            }            if (pivot + 1 < stopIndex)            {                stack[++top] = pivot + 1;                stack[++top] = stopIndex;            }        }    };}());

Using the libary

These examples explain how to use this code.

////Plain Sort//var plainSort = [4, 7, 6, 5, 7, 0, 1, 5, 10, 10, 8];plainSort.quickSort();console.log(JSON.stringify(plainSort));//Prints: [0,1,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,10,10]////Sort With Custom Compare Function//var descendingOrder = [4, 7, 6, 5, 7, 0, 1, 5, 10, 10, 8];descendingOrder.quickSort(function(a, b){    //Descending order compare    return a > b;});console.log(JSON.stringify(descendingOrder));//Prints: [10,10,8,7,7,6,5,5,4,1,0]////Sort multiple arrays with a custom compare//var table ={    "employeeName": ["Jane", "John", "Tom", "Alex", "Mary"],    "id": [10, 5, 7, 3, 0]};table.employeeName.quickSort(function(a, b){    //Strings have to be compared using the localeCompare function    return (a || "").localeCompare(b) < 0;},function(array, index1, index2){    //Sorts both arrays in the 'table' object    var temp = array[index1];    array[index1] = array[index2];    array[index2] = temp;        temp =[index1];[index1] =[index2];[index2] = temp;});console.log(JSON.stringify(table));//Prints:{"employeeName":["Alex","Jane","John","Mary","Tom"],"id":[3,10,5,0,7]} 
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