php 中FastDFS开启和调用使用

来源:互联网 发布:rar文件变成网页mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 20:13

php 中FastDFS开启和调用使用

  1 <?php  2   3 if (!class_exists('FastDFS', false)) {  4     define('FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE', 8);  5     define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_ACTIVE_TEST', 111);  6     define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_RESP', 100);  7     define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_UPLOAD_SLAVE_FILE', 21);  8     define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_DELETE_FILE', 12);  9     define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_GET_METADATA', 15); 10     define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_SET_METADATA', 13); 11  12     //body_length + command + status 13     define('FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH', 10); 14     define('FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE', 16); 15     define('FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN', 6); 16     define('FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN', 16); 17     define('FDFS_OVERWRITE_METADATA', 1); 18     define('FDFS_MERGE_METADATA', 2); 19  20     // 连接超时时间 21     define('FDFS_CONNECT_TIME_OUT', 5); 22     define('FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN', 16); 23  24     //传输超时时间 25     define('FDFS_TRANSFER_TIME_OUT', 0); 26     define('FDFS_QUERY_STORE_WITHOUT_GROUP_ONE', 101); 27     define('FDFS_QUERY_STORE_WITH_GROUP_ONE', 104); 28  29     define('FDFS_TRACKER_QUERY_STORAGE_STORE_BODY_LEN', FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN + FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE + FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE); 30  31     class FastDFS { 32  33         public $gConfig = array(); 34  35         /** 36          * 37          * @var FastDFSTrackerClient 38          */ 39         private $tracker; 40  41         /** 42          * 43          * @var FastDFSStorageClient 44          */ 45         private $storage; 46         private $error = array( 47             'code' => 0, 48             'msg' => '' 49         ); 50  51         /** 52          * 要使用这个类,你一定要在php的ini文件中进行fastdfs的配置 53          *  54          * @throws FastDFSException 55          */ 56         public function __construct() { 57             $configFile = ''; 58             $ini = parse_ini_file(php_ini_loaded_file()); 59  60             if (!isset($ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count'])) { 61                 throw new FastDFSException("no define fastdfs config"); 62             } 63             for ($i = 0; $i < $ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count']; $i++) { 64                 if (isset($ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group' . $i])) { 65                     $configFile = $ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group' . $i]; 66                     break; 67                 } 68             } 69             if (!file_exists($configFile)) { 70                 throw new FastDFSException("client config $configFile not found"); 71             } 72             $this->gConfig = parse_ini_file($configFile); 73             list($this->gConfig['tracker_host'], $this->gConfig['tracker_port']) = explode(':', $this->gConfig['tracker_server']); 74         } 75  76         /** 77          * 获得一个tracker 78          *  79          * @return \FastDFSTrackerClient 80          */ 81         public function tracker_get_connection() { 82             $this->tracker = new FastDFSTrackerClient($this, $this->gConfig['tracker_host'], $this->gConfig['tracker_port']); 83  84             return $this->tracker; 85         } 86  87         /** 88          * 通过tracker获取一个stroage 89          *  90          * @param string $groupName 文件组名,当为空时,组名由tracker决定 91          * @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker 92          * @return \FastDFSStorageClient 93          */ 94         public function tracker_query_storage_store($groupName, FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker) { 95             $this->storage = new FastDFSStorageClient($this, $groupName, $tracker); 96  97             return $this->storage; 98         } 99 100         /**101          * 测试一下tracker服务器是否正常102          * 103          * @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker104          * @return boolean105          */106         public function active_test(FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null) {107             $this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker);108             109             $header = self::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_ACTIVE_TEST, 0);110             $tracker->send($header);111 112             $resHeader = self::parseHeader($tracker->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH));113 114             return $resHeader['status'] == 0 ? true : false;115         }116 117         public function get_last_error_no() {118             return $this->error['code'];119         }120 121         public function add_error($errorNo, $info) {122             $this->error['code'] = $errorNo;123             $this->error['msg'] = $info;124         }125 126         public function get_last_error_info() {127             return $this->error['msg'];128         }129 130         /**131          * 在storage中删除一个文件132          * 133          * @param string $groupName 文件所在的组名134          * @param string $remoteFile 要删除的文件路径135          * @param FastDFSStorageClient $tracker136          * @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage137          */138         public function storage_delete_file($groupName, $remoteFile, FastDFSStorageClient $tracker, FastDFSStorageClient $storage) {139             $this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName);140 141             $this->storage->deleteFile($groupName, $remoteFile);142         }143 144         /**145          * 往storage中上传一个文件146          * 147          * @param string $localFile 你本地的文件路径148          * @param string $extName 文件的扩展名,当名优提供扩展名时,会自动取文件的扩展名149          * @param array $metas 文件的附加信息150          * @param string $groupName 所在的组名,可以为空,为空时,由tracker决定151          * @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker152          * @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage153          */154         public function storage_upload_by_filename($localFile, $extName = '', $metas = array(), $groupName = '', FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null, FastDFSStorageClient $storage = null) {155             $this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName);156 157             return $this->storage->uploadByFilename($localFile, $extName, $metas);158         }159 160         /**161          * 上传一个文件的附属文件,主要使用一个图片有缩略图的情况下162          * 163          * @param string $localFile 本地文件的路径,缩略图的文件路径164          * @param string $groupName 组名,最好和主文件在同一个组165          * @param string $masterFileName 主文件名166          * @param string $prefix 文件的前缀167          * @param string $extName 文件的后缀,可以为空,为空时,由tracker决定168          * @param array $meta 附件信息169          * @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker170          * @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage171          */172         public function storage_upload_slave_by_filename($localFile, $groupName, $masterFileName, $prefix = '', $extName = '', $meta = array(), FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null, FastDFSStorageClient $storage = null) {173             $this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName);174             /*echo $localFile."<br/>".$groupName."<br/>".$masterFileName."<br/>".$prefix;175             exit;*/176             return $this->storage->uploadSalveFile($localFile, $groupName, $masterFileName, $prefix, $extName, $meta);177         }178 179         /**180          * 检查这个文件是否已经存在181          * 182          * @param string $groupName 文件所在组名183          * @param string $remoteFile 文件在storage中的名字184          * @param FastDFSStorageClient $tracker185          * @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage186          */187         public function storage_file_exist($groupName, $remoteFile, FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker, FastDFSStorageClient $storage) {188             $this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName);189 190             return $this->storage->fileExists($groupName, $remoteFile);191         }192 193         public function close() {194             if ($this->tracker) {195                 $this->tracker->close();196                 $this->tracker = null;197             }198         }199 200         public function tracker_close_all_connections() {201             $this->close();202             if (!$this->storage) {203                 $this->storage->close();204             }205         }206 207         public static function padding($str, $len) {208 209             $str_len = strlen($str);210 211             return $str_len > $len ? substr($str, 0, $len) : $str . pack('x' . ($len - $str_len));212         }213 214         /**215          * 216          * @param int $command217          * @param int $length218          * @return bytes219          */220         public static function packHeader($command, $length = 0) {221             return self::packU64($length) . pack('Cx', $command);222         }223 224         public static function packMetaData($data) {225             $S1 = "\x01";226             $S2 = "\x02";227 228             $list = array();229             foreach ($data as $key => $val) {230                 $list[] = $key . $S2 . $val;231             };232 233             return implode($S1, $list);234         }235 236         public static function parseMetaData($data) {237 238             $S1 = "\x01";239             $S2 = "\x02";240 241             $arr = explode($S1, $data);242             $result = array();243 244             foreach ($arr as $val) {245                 list($k, $v) = explode($S2, $val);246                 $result[$k] = $v;247             }248 249             return $result;250         }251 252         public static function parseHeader($str, $len = FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH) {253 254             assert(strlen($str) === $len);255 256             $result = unpack('C10', $str);257 258             $length = self::unpackU64(substr($str, 0, 8));259             $command = $result[9];260             $status = $result[10];261 262             return array(263                 'length' => $length,264                 'command' => $command,265                 'status' => $status266             );267         }268 269         /**270          * From: sphinxapi.php271          */272         private static function unpackU64($v) {273             list ( $hi, $lo ) = array_values(unpack("N*N*", $v));274 275             if (PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) {276                 if ($hi < 0)277                     $hi += (1 << 32); // because php 5.2.2 to 5.2.5 is totally fucked up again278                 if ($lo < 0)279                     $lo += (1 << 32);280 281                 // x64, int282                 if ($hi <= 2147483647)283                     return ($hi << 32) + $lo;284 285                 // x64, bcmath286                 if (function_exists("bcmul"))287                     return bcadd($lo, bcmul($hi, "4294967296"));288 289                 // x64, no-bcmath290                 $C = 100000;291                 $h = ((int) ($hi / $C) << 32) + (int) ($lo / $C);292                 $l = (($hi % $C) << 32) + ($lo % $C);293                 if ($l > $C) {294                     $h += (int) ($l / $C);295                     $l = $l % $C;296                 }297 298                 if ($h == 0)299                     return $l;300                 return sprintf("%d%05d", $h, $l);301             }302 303             // x32, int304             if ($hi == 0) {305                 if ($lo > 0)306                     return $lo;307                 return sprintf("%u", $lo);308             }309 310             $hi = sprintf("%u", $hi);311             $lo = sprintf("%u", $lo);312 313             // x32, bcmath314             if (function_exists("bcmul"))315                 return bcadd($lo, bcmul($hi, "4294967296"));316 317             // x32, no-bcmath318             $hi = (float) $hi;319             $lo = (float) $lo;320 321             $q = floor($hi / 10000000.0);322             $r = $hi - $q * 10000000.0;323             $m = $lo + $r * 4967296.0;324             $mq = floor($m / 10000000.0);325             $l = $m - $mq * 10000000.0;326             $h = $q * 4294967296.0 + $r * 429.0 + $mq;327 328             $h = sprintf("%.0f", $h);329             $l = sprintf("%07.0f", $l);330             if ($h == "0")331                 return sprintf("%.0f", (float) $l);332             return $h . $l;333         }334 335         private function initTrackerAndStorage(FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null, FastDFSStorageClient $storage = null, $groupName = '') {336             $reNewStorage = false;337             if ($tracker && $tracker !== $this->tracker) {338                 $this->tracker_get_connection();339             }340             if (($storage && $storage !== $this->storage) || $reNewStorage) {341                 $this->tracker_query_storage_store($groupName, $this->tracker);342             }343         }344 345         /**346          * From: sphinxapi.php347          */348         public static function packU64($v) {349 350 351             assert(is_numeric($v));352 353             // x64354             if (PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) {355                 assert($v >= 0);356 357                 // x64, int358                 if (is_int($v))359                     return pack("NN", $v >> 32, $v & 0xFFFFFFFF);360 361                 // x64, bcmath362                 if (function_exists("bcmul")) {363                     $h = bcdiv($v, 4294967296, 0);364                     $l = bcmod($v, 4294967296);365                     return pack("NN", $h, $l);366                 }367 368                 // x64, no-bcmath369                 $p = max(0, strlen($v) - 13);370                 $lo = (int) substr($v, $p);371                 $hi = (int) substr($v, 0, $p);372 373                 $m = $lo + $hi * 1316134912;374                 $l = $m % 4294967296;375                 $h = $hi * 2328 + (int) ($m / 4294967296);376 377                 return pack("NN", $h, $l);378             }379 380             // x32, int381             if (is_int($v))382                 return pack("NN", 0, $v);383 384             // x32, bcmath385             if (function_exists("bcmul")) {386                 $h = bcdiv($v, "4294967296", 0);387                 $l = bcmod($v, "4294967296");388                 return pack("NN", (float) $h, (float) $l); // conversion to float is intentional; int would lose 31st bit389             }390 391             // x32, no-bcmath392             $p = max(0, strlen($v) - 13);393             $lo = (float) substr($v, $p);394             $hi = (float) substr($v, 0, $p);395 396             $m = $lo + $hi * 1316134912.0;397             $q = floor($m / 4294967296.0);398             $l = $m - ($q * 4294967296.0);399             $h = $hi * 2328.0 + $q;400 401             return pack("NN", $h, $l);402         }403 404     }405 406     abstract class FastDFSBase {407 408         abstract public function getSocket();409 410         abstract public function close();411 412         public function read($length, $socket = null) {413             if (!$socket) {414                 $socket = $this->getSocket();415             }416 417             if (feof($socket)) {418                 throw new FastDFS_Exception('connection unexpectedly closed (timed out?)', $this->_errno);419             }420 421             $data = stream_get_contents($socket, $length);422 423             assert($length === strlen($data));424 425             return $data;426         }427 428         public function send($data, $length = 0, $socket = null) {429             if (!$socket) {430                 $socket = $this->getSocket();431             }432 433             if (!$length) {434                 $length = strlen($data);435             }436 437             if (feof($socket) || fwrite($socket, $data, $length) !== $length) {438                 throw new Exception('connection unexpectedly closed (timed out?)');439             }440 441             return true;442         }443 444     }445 446     class FastDFSTrackerClient extends FastDFSBase {447 448         private $host;449         private $port;450 451         /**452          *453          * @var FastDFS454          */455         private $dfs;456         private $_socket;457 458         public function __construct(FastDFS &$dfs, $host, $port) {459             $this->host = $host;460             $this->port = $port;461             $this->dfs = $dfs;462 463             $this->_socket = @fsockopen("tcp://$host", $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->dfs->gConfig['connect_timeout']);464             if (!$this->_socket) {465                 $this->dfs->add_error(-2, $errstr);466             }467         }468 469         public function getSocket() {470             return $this->_socket;471         }472 473         public function close() {474             fclose($this->_socket);475         }476 477     }478 479     class FastDFSStorageClient extends FastDFSBase {480 481         private $groupName;482 483         /**484          *485          * @var FastDFSTrackerClient 486          */487         private $tracker;488 489         /**490          *491          * @var FastDFS492          */493         private $dfs;494         private $_socket;495         private $host;496         private $port;497         private $storeIndex;498 499         public function __construct(FastDFS &$dfs, $groupName, FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker) {500             $this->tracker = $tracker;501             $this->dfs = $dfs;502 503             $reqBody = '';504             if ($groupName) {505                 $cmd = FDFS_QUERY_STORE_WITH_GROUP_ONE;506                 $len = FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN;507                 $reqBody = FastDFS::padding($groupName, $len);508             } else {509                 $cmd = FDFS_QUERY_STORE_WITHOUT_GROUP_ONE;510                 $len = 0;511             }512             $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader($cmd, $len);513             $this->tracker->send($reqHeader . $reqBody);514 515             $resHeader = $this->tracker->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);516             $resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader);517 518             if ($resInfo['status'] != 0) {519                 throw new Exception("something wrong with get storage by group name", $resInfo['status']);520             }521 522             $resBody = !!$resInfo['length'] ? $this->tracker->read($resInfo['length']) : '';523             $this->groupName = trim(substr($resBody, 0, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN));524             $this->host = trim(substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN, FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE + 1));525 526             list(,, $this->port) = unpack('N2', substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN + FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE - 1, FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE));527 528             $this->storeIndex = ord(substr($resBody, -1));529 530             $this->_socket = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->dfs->gConfig['connect_timeout']);531 532             if (!$this->_socket) {533                 $this->dfs->add_error($errno, $errstr);534             }535         }536 537         public function getSocket() {538             return $this->_socket;539         }540 541         public function getStorePathIndex() {542             return $this->storeIndex;543         }544 545         public function uploadByFilename($localFile, $extName, $metas) {546             if (!file_exists($localFile)) {547                 throw new FastDFSException("$localFile file is not exists");548             }549             $pathInfo = pathinfo($localFile);550 551             $extName = $extName ? $extName : $pathInfo['extension'];552             $extLen = strlen($extName);553 554             if ($extLen > FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) {555                 throw new FastDFSException("file ext too long");556             }557             $fp = fopen($localFile, 'rb');558             flock($fp, LOCK_SH);559             $fileSize = filesize($localFile);560 561             $reqBodyLen = 1 + FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE + FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN + $fileSize;562             $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(11, $reqBodyLen);563             $reqBody = pack('C', $this->getStorePathIndex()) . FastDFS::packU64($fileSize) . FastDFS::padding($extName, FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN);564 565             $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody);566 567             stream_copy_to_stream($fp, $this->_socket, $fileSize);568             flock($fp, LOCK_UN);569             fclose($fp);570 571             $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);572             $resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader);573 574             if ($resInfo['status'] !== 0) {575                 return false;576             }577             $resBody = $resInfo['length'] ? $this->read($resInfo['length']) : '';578             $groupName = trim(substr($resBody, 0, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN));579 580             $filePath = trim(substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN));581 582             if ($metas) {583                 $this->setFileMetaData($groupName, $filePath, $metas);584             }585 586             return array(587                 'group_name' => $groupName,588                 'filename' => $filePath589             );590         }591 592         /**593          * 594          * @param type $fileName595          * @param type $groupName596          * @param type $masterfile597          * @param type $prefix598          * @param type $extName599          * @param type $metas600          * @return boolean601          * @throws FastDFSException602          */603         public function uploadSalveFile($fileName, $groupName, $masterfile, $prefix = '', $extName = '', $metas = array()) {604             if (!file_exists($fileName)) {605                 throw new FastDFSException("salve file $fileName is not exists");606             }607 608             $pathInfo = pathinfo($fileName);609 610             $extName = $extName ? $extName : $pathInfo['extension'];611             $extLen = strlen($extName);612 613             if ($extLen > FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) {614                 throw new FastDFSException("salve file ext too long");615             }616             $fp = fopen($fileName, 'rb');617             flock($fp, LOCK_SH);618 619             $fileSize = filesize($fileName);620             $masterFilePathLen = strlen($masterfile);621 622             $reqBodyLength = 16 + FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN + FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN + $masterFilePathLen + $fileSize;623             $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_UPLOAD_SLAVE_FILE, $reqBodyLength);624 625             $reqBody = pack('x4N', $masterFilePathLen) . FastDFS::packU64($fileSize) . FastDFS::padding($prefix, FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN);626             $reqBody .= FastDFS::padding($extName, FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $masterfile;627 628             $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody);629 630             stream_copy_to_stream($fp, $this->_socket, $fileSize);631             flock($fp, LOCK_UN);632             fclose($fp);633 634             $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);635             $resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader);636 637             if ($resInfo['status'] !== 0) {638                 return false;639             }640             $resBody = $resInfo['length'] ? $this->read($resInfo['length']) : '';641             $groupName = trim(substr($resBody, 0, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN));642 643             $filePath = trim(substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN));644 645             if ($metas) {646                 $this->setFileMetaData($groupName, $filePath, $metas);647             }648 649             return array(650                 'group_name' => $groupName,651                 'filename' => $filePath652             );653         }654 655         public function deleteFile($groupName, $fileName) {656             $reqBodyLen = strlen($fileName) + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN;657             $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_DELETE_FILE, $reqBodyLen);658             $reqBody = FastDFS::padding($groupName, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $fileName;659 660             $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody);661 662             $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);663             $resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader);664 665             return !$resInfo['status'];666         }667 668         public function fileExists($groupName, $filePath) {669             $meta = $this->getFileMeta($groupName, $filePath);670 671             return $meta ? true : false;672         }673 674         public function setFileMetaData($groupName, $filePath, array $metaData, $flag = FDFS_OVERWRITE_METADATA) {675 676             $metaData = FastDFS::packMetaData($metaData);677             $metaDataLength = strlen($metaData);678             $filePathLength = strlen($filePath);679             $flag = $flag === FDFS_OVERWRITE_METADATA ? 'O' : 'M';680 681             $reqBodyLength = (FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE * 2) + 1 + $metaDataLength + $filePathLength + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN;682 683             $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_SET_METADATA, $reqBodyLength);684 685             $reqBody = FastDFS::packU64($filePathLength) . FastDFS::packU64($metaDataLength);686             $reqBody .= $flag . FastDFS::padding($groupName, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $filePath . $metaData;687 688             $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody);689 690             $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);691             $resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader);692 693             return !$resInfo['status'];694         }695 696         /**697          * 取得文件的元信息,如果文件不存在则,返回false,反正是一个关联数组698          * 699          * @param type $groupName700          * @param type $filePath701          * @return boolean702          */703         public function getFileMeta($groupName, $filePath) {704             $reqBodyLength = strlen($filePath) + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN;705             $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_GET_METADATA, $reqBodyLength);706             $reqBody = FastDFS::padding($groupName, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $filePath;707 708             $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody);709 710             $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);711             $resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader);712 713             if (!!$resInfo['status']) {714                 return false;715             }716 717             $resBody = $resInfo['length'] ? $this->read($resInfo['length']) : false;718 719             return FastDFS::parseMetaData($resBody);720         }721 722         public function close() {723             fclose($this->_socket);724         }725 726     }727 728     class FastDFSException extends Exception {729         730     }731 732 }



 1 /** 2      * FastDFS上传文件 3      * @param unknown $fileurl 上传文件 4      * @param unknown $sizes 附属文件 5      * @return string 6      */ 7     private function applydfs($fileurl,$sizes=array()){ 9         $dfs=new FastDFS();10         $tracker = $dfs->tracker_get_connection();11         $location = "";12         if($dfs->active_test($tracker)){13             $storaged = $dfs->tracker_query_storage_store("group1",$tracker);14             if(!empty($sizes)){15                 $count = 0;16                 $filename = $dfs->storage_upload_by_filename($fileurl);17                 if(isset($filename['group_name'])&&isset($filename['filename'])){18                     $location =$filename['group_name']."/".$filename['filename'];19                 }20                 foreach($sizes as $key=>$val){21                     $snapshot_file_info =$dfs->storage_upload_slave_by_filename($val,"group1",$filename['filename'],$key);22                     if($snapshot_file_info){23                         $count++;24                     }25                 }26                 if($count <> count($sizes)){27                     $location = "";28                 }29             }else{30                 $filename = $dfs->storage_upload_by_filename($fileurl);31                 if(isset($filename['group_name'])&&isset($filename['filename'])){32                     $location =$filename['group_name']."/".$filename['filename'];33                 }34             }35         }36         return $location;37     }


 1 [fastdfs] 2 ; the base path 3 fastdfs_client.base_path = /tmp 4  5 ; connect timeout in seconds 6 ; default value is 30s 7 fastdfs_client.connect_timeout = 2 8  9 ; network timeout in seconds10 ; default value is 30s11 fastdfs_client.network_timeout = 6012 13 ; standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:14 ;;; emerg for emergency15 ;;; alert16 ;;; crit for critical17 ;;; error18 ;;; warn for warning19 ;;; notice20 ;;; info21 ;;; debug22 fastdfs_client.log_level = info23 24 ; set the log filename, such as /usr/local/fastdfs/logs/fastdfs_client.log25 ; empty for output to stderr26 fastdfs_client.log_filename = /tmp/fastdfs_client.log27 28 ; secret key to generate anti-steal token29 ; this parameter must be set when http.anti_steal.check_token set to true30 ; the length of the secret key should not exceed 128 bytes31 fastdfs_client.http.anti_steal_secret_key = 32 33 ; FastDFS cluster count, default value is 134 fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count = 135 36 ; config file of FastDFS cluster ;, based 037 ; must include absolute path, such as fastdfs_client.tracker_group038 ; the config file is same as conf/client.conf39 ; 这是你fastdfs的tracker的配置文件的路径,必须使用绝对路径,请换成你自己的路径,附件是我们开发环境和测试环境的client.conf配置40 ; 测试环境已经配置过,你自己的开发环境需要配置一下41 fastdfs_client.tracker_group0 = "E:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.13/client.conf"42 43 ; if use connection pool44 ; default value is false45 ; since V4.0546 fastdfs_client.use_connection_pool = false47 48 ; connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed49 ; unit: second50 ; default value is 360051 ; since V4.0552 fastdfs_client.connection_pool_max_idle_time = 360053 54 ; the base path55 fastdfs_client.base_path = /tmp56 57 ; connect timeout in seconds58 ; default value is 30s59 fastdfs_client.connect_timeout = 260 61 ; network timeout in seconds62 ; default value is 30s63 fastdfs_client.network_timeout = 60
1 0