poj 2409 Let it Bead(polya 定理)

来源:互联网 发布:兰州知行学院官网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:55

Let it Bead
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 5387 Accepted: 3601


"Let it Bead" company is located upstairs at 700 Cannery Row in Monterey, CA. As you can deduce from the company name, their business is beads. Their PR department found out that customers are interested in buying colored bracelets. However, over 90 percent of the target audience insists that the bracelets be unique. (Just imagine what happened if two women showed up at the same party wearing identical bracelets!) It's a good thing that bracelets can have different lengths and need not be made of beads of one color. Help the boss estimating maximum profit by calculating how many different bracelets can be produced. 

A bracelet is a ring-like sequence of s beads each of which can have one of c distinct colors. The ring is closed, i.e. has no beginning or end, and has no direction. Assume an unlimited supply of beads of each color. For different values of s and c, calculate the number of different bracelets that can be made.


Every line of the input file defines a test case and contains two integers: the number of available colors c followed by the length of the bracelets s. Input is terminated by c=s=0. Otherwise, both are positive, and, due to technical difficulties in the bracelet-fabrication-machine, cs<=32, i.e. their product does not exceed 32.


For each test case output on a single line the number of unique bracelets. The figure below shows the 8 different bracelets that can be made with 2 colors and 5 beads.

Sample Input

1 12 12 25 12 52 66 20 0

Sample Output



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题解: polya 定理



其实每一种项链的方式就是一个置换,注意这里的置换是位置的置换与颜色无关。但是这些置换中有很多都可以通过一些项链旋转或翻转的方式得到,那么我们需要计算的是不同等价类(所谓等价类就是对于一般的置换群GkG中置换的作用下的轨迹形成一个封闭的集合,称为等价类,记为Ek。等价类之间可以互相转化。对于G= {(1)(2)(3)(4),  (12),  (34),  (12)(34)}显然有E1=E2={1,2}E3=E4={3,4}。注意(12)表示的是置换中变换的是123,4与原序列保持不变,那么很显然e1,e3是相互独立的,因为无论怎么变化e1,e3都不可能相同。所以第一个和第三个不是等价类。)的个数。这道了polya定理,如何确定置换和置换的循环节呢? 



旋转:旋转i个珠子得到的循环数为gcd(i, s) ,一共可以旋转s 次

证明:设初始值为x,每次旋转i个珠子。有序列:x, x + i, x + i*2, ... , x + i*t

   假设x + i*t的时候回到原位置,即 x = (x + i*t)%n -> i*t%n = 0;

   也就是 t*i = 0(mod n)


   d = gcd(n, i);

   i'x - n'y = 0/d;

   e = x*(0/d)%n = 0;

   解的剩余系:e, e + n/d, e + n/d*2 ... e+n/d*(d-1);

   发现解的剩余系中第一个有效的解为t = n/d = n/gcd(n, i);

   所以旋转i个珠子得到的循环长度为t = n/gcd(i, n), 

   所以旋转i个珠子得到的循环数为n/t = gcd(i, n);    

#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#define LL long long using namespace std;LL ans,n,m;LL gcd(LL x,LL y){LL r;while (y){r=x%y;x=y;y=r;}return x;}LL pow(LL num,LL x){LL base=num; LL ans=1;while (x){if (x&1)  ans=ans*base;x>>=1;base=base*base;}return ans;}int main(){while (scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&m)!=EOF){if (!n&&!m)  break;ans=0;for (LL i=1;i<=m;i++) ans+=pow(n,gcd(m,i));if (m%2)  ans+=pow(n,m/2+1)*m;else ans+=pow(n,m/2+1)*(m/2),     ans+=pow(n,m/2)*(m/2);printf("%lld\n",ans/(m*2));}}

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