stop subthread example with Event

来源:互联网 发布:teambition 类似软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:03


Python threading模块不同于其他语言之处在于它没有提供线程的终止方法,通过Python threading.Thread()启动的线程彼此是独立的,启动了线程B,B是独立运行的线程。若想终止线程的同时强力终止线程B,更为妥当的方式是通过Event机制, 线程中的资源(打开的文件、数据传输等)可正确的释放。


#-*-coding:utf-8-*-import threading  import time class mythread(threading.Thread):      def __init__(self,stopevt = None,File=None,name = 'subthread',Type ='event'):          threading.Thread.__init__(self)          self.stopevt = stopevt = name          self.File = File          self.Type = Type      def Eventrun(self):          while not self.stopevt.isSet():              print +' alive eeee\n'              #time.sleep(2)          print "I am here, stupid !"        if self.File:              print 'close opened file in ''\n'              self.File.close()          print +' stoped  eeee\n'      def run(self):          self.Eventrun()def eventstop():      stopevt = threading.Event()      FileA = open('testA.txt','w')      A = mythread(stopevt,FileA,'subthreadA')      print repr(threading.currentThread())+'alive\n'      print + ' closed? '+repr(FileA.closed)+'\n'      A.start()      print repr(threading.currentThread())+'send stop signal\n'      #time.sleep(1)    stopevt.set()      A.join()      print  repr(threading.currentThread())+'stoped\n'      print 'after A stoped, ' + ' closed? '+repr(FileA.closed)+'\n'  if __name__ =='__main__':      print '-------stop subthread example with Event:----------\n'      eventstop()  

Test result :

-------stop subthread example with Event:----------

<_MainThread(MainThread, started 140735271691008)>alive

testA.txt closed? False

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee

subthreadA alive eeee
<_MainThread(MainThread, started 140735271691008)>send stop signal

I am here, stupid !
close opened file in subthreadA

subthreadA stoped eeee

<_MainThread(MainThread, started 140735271691008)>stoped

after A stoped, testA.txt closed? True

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