ACdream 1216 Beautiful People 【双序列LIS输出下标】

来源:互联网 发布:pkpm软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 01:41

G - Beautiful People
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SubmitStatusPracticeACdream 1216


      The most prestigious sports club in one city has exactly N members. Each of its members is strong and beautiful. More precisely, i-th member of this club (members being numbered by the time they entered the club) has strength Si and beauty Bi. Since this is a very prestigious club, its members are very rich and therefore extraordinary people, so they often extremely hate each other. Strictly speaking, i-th member of the club Mr X hates j-th member of the club Mr Y if Si <= Sj and Bi >= Bj or if Si >= Sj and Bi <= Bj (if both properties of Mr X are greater then corresponding properties of Mr Y, he doesn't even notice him, on the other hand, if both of his properties are less, he respects Mr Y very much).

      To celebrate a new 2003 year, the administration of the club is planning to organize a party. However they are afraid that if two people who hate each other would simultaneouly attend the party, after a drink or two they would start a fight. So no two people who hate each other should be invited. On the other hand, to keep the club prestige at the apropriate level, administration wants to invite as many people as possible.

      Being the only one among administration who is not afraid of touching a computer, you are to write a program which would find out whom to invite to the party.


      The first line of the input file contains integer N — the number of members of the club. (2 ≤ N ≤ 100 000). Next N lines contain two numbers each — S i and Brespectively ( 1 ≤ Si, Bi ≤ 109).


      On the first line of the output file print the maximum number of the people that can be invited to the party. On the second line output N integers — numbers of members to be invited in arbitrary order. If several solutions exist, output any one.

Sample Input

41 11 22 12 2

Sample Output

21 4

题意:邀请一堆人参加宴会,每个人的两个值strong and beautiful.必须彼此不相交(就是不能存在Si <= Sj and Bi >= Bj or if Si >= Sj and Bi <= Bj )问最多邀请多少人,并输出任意解



    #include <iostream>    #include<cstdio>    #include<cstring>    #include<algorithm>    using namespace std;    int a[122222],b[100009],f[122222],d[122222],n,len;    int pos[100009];    int fin[100009];    struct node    {        int a,b,pos;    }num[100009];    bool cmp(node x,node y)    {        if(x.a!=y.a)return x.a<y.a;        return x.b>y.b;    }    int find(int x,int len)    {        int mid,left=1,right=len;        while(left<=right)        {            mid=(left+right)>>1;            if(d[mid]==x) return mid;            else if(d[mid]<x) left=mid+1;            else right=mid-1;        }        return left;    }    int solve()    {        d[len=1]=num[1].b;        pos[1]=1;        for(int i=2;i<=n;i++)        {            if(num[i].b>d[len])            {                d[++len]=num[i].b;                pos[i]=len;              //  printf("len=%d,pos=%d,d=%d\n",len,pos[len],d[len]);            }            else            {                int tmp=find(num[i].b,len);                d[tmp]=num[i].b;                pos[i]=tmp;              //  printf("tmp=%d,pos=%d,d=%d\n",tmp,pos[tmp],d[tmp]);            }        }        return len;    }    int main()    {        //freopen("cin.txt","r",stdin);        while(~scanf("%d",&n))        {            for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {scanf("%d%d",&num[i].a,&num[i].b);num[i].pos=i;}            sort(num+1,num+n+1,cmp);            memset(d,0x3f3f3f3f,sizeof(d));            int tmp=solve();            printf("%d\n",tmp);            for(int i=n;i>=1;i--)            {               // printf("i=%d,pos=%d\n",i,pos[i]);                if(pos[i]==tmp)                {                    printf("%d",num[i].pos);                    if(tmp!=1)printf(" ");                    tmp--;                }            }            printf("\n");        }        return 0;    }

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