
来源:互联网 发布:怎么开淘宝外包公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 23:24
  1 unit Unit6;  2   3 interface  4   5 uses  6   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  7   Dialogs, bsSkinData, BusinessSkinForm, bsSkinCtrls, ImgList, ExtCtrls,  8   StdCtrls, bsSkinBoxCtrls, GIFImg, bsSkinExCtrls;  9  10 type 11   TForm6 = class(TForm) 12     bsBusinessSkinForm1: TbsBusinessSkinForm; 13     bsSkinData1: TbsSkinData; 14     bsCompressedStoredSkin1: TbsCompressedStoredSkin; 15     Panel: TPanel; 16     Panel1: TPanel; 17     Panel2: TPanel; 18     Panel3: TPanel; 19     Panel4: TPanel; 20     Panel5: TPanel; 21     Panel6: TPanel; 22     Panel7: TPanel; 23     Panel8: TPanel; 24     Panel9: TPanel; 25     Panel10: TPanel; 26     Panel11: TPanel; 27     Panel12: TPanel; 28     Panel13: TPanel; 29     Panel14: TPanel; 30     Panel15: TPanel; 31     Panel16: TPanel; 32     Panel17: TPanel; 33     Panel18: TPanel; 34     Panel19: TPanel; 35     Panel20: TPanel; 36     Panel21: TPanel; 37     Panel22: TPanel; 38     Panel23: TPanel; 39     Panel24: TPanel; 40     Panel25: TPanel; 41     bsSkinButton1: TbsSkinButton; 42     bsSkinMemo1: TbsSkinMemo; 43     bsSkinComboBox1: TbsSkinComboBox; 44     Label1: TLabel; 45     bsSkinButton2: TbsSkinButton; 46     Image1: TImage; 47     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 48     procedure Panel1Click(Sender: TObject); 49     procedure bsSkinButton1Click(Sender: TObject); 50     procedure bsSkinComboBox1Click(Sender: TObject); 51     procedure bsSkinButton2Click(Sender: TObject); 52   private 53     { Private declarations } 54   public 55     { Public declarations } 56   end; 57  58 var 59   Form6: TForm6; 60     p:array[1..25] of TPanel; 61     c:array[1..25] of Boolean; 62     cl:Tcolor; 63 implementation 64  65 {$R *.dfm} 66  67  68  69 procedure TForm6.bsSkinButton1Click(Sender: TObject); 70 var i:integer; 71 begin 72   for I := 1 to 25 do 73       begin 74         p[i].Tag:=i; 75         c[i]:=false; 76         p[i].Color:=clBlack; 77     end; 78 end; 79  80 procedure TForm6.bsSkinButton2Click(Sender: TObject); 81 begin 82 application.MessageBox('卓寿杰 1312070327','关于',1) ; 83 end; 84  85 procedure TForm6.bsSkinComboBox1Click(Sender: TObject); 86 begin 87 if bsSkinComboBox1.ItemIndex=0 then 88 cl:=clRed; 89 if bsSkinComboBox1.ItemIndex=1 then 90 cl:=clYellow; 91 if bsSkinComboBox1.ItemIndex=2 then 92 cl:=clBlue; 93  94 end; 95  96 procedure TForm6.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 97 var i:integer; 98 begin 99     p[1]:=Panel1;100     p[2]:=Panel2;101     p[3]:=Panel3;102     p[4]:=Panel4;103     p[5]:=Panel5;104     p[6]:=Panel6;105     p[7]:=Panel7;106     p[8]:=Panel8;107     p[9]:=Panel9;108     p[10]:=Panel10;109     p[11]:=Panel11;110     p[12]:=Panel12;111     p[13]:=Panel13;112     p[14]:=Panel14;113     p[15]:=Panel15;114     p[16]:=Panel16;115     p[17]:=Panel17;116     p[18]:=Panel18;117     p[19]:=Panel19;118     p[20]:=Panel20;119     p[21]:=Panel21;120     p[22]:=Panel22;121     p[23]:=Panel23;122     p[24]:=Panel24;123     p[25]:=Panel25;124     for I := 1 to 25 do125       begin126         p[i].Tag:=i;127         c[i]:=false;128         p[i].Color:=clBlack;129     end;130     bsskincombobox1.Items.Add('');131     bsskincombobox1.Items.Add('');132     bsskincombobox1.Items.Add('');133     bsskinComboBox1.ItemIndex:=0;134 135 136     Image1.AutoSize := True;137     Form6.Autosize := True; Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('E:\微云\delphi\电灯游戏\a.gif');138     TGIFImage(Image1.Picture.Graphic).AnimationSpeed := 100;139      TGIFImage(Image1.Picture.Graphic).Animate := True;140 end;141 142 143   procedure Change(i:integer);144   begin145 146     c[i]:= not c[i];147     if c[i] then148     p[i].Color:=cl149     else150     p[i].Color:=clBlack;151   end;152 153 154   function CheckWin:Boolean;155   var i:integer;156   begin157      result:=True;158      for I := 1 to 25 do159         if not c[i] then160         begin161           result:=false;162           exit;163         end;164   end;165 166 167 168 procedure TForm6.Panel1Click(Sender: TObject);169 170 var i,j:integer;171 begin172     i:=TPanel(Sender).Tag;173     change(i);174     if i>5 then change(i-5);175     if i<21 then  change(i+5);176     if (i mod 5)<>0 then change(i+1);177     if (i mod 5)<>1 then change(i-1)  ;178     if CheckWin then Application.MessageBox('你赢了','提示信息',64);179 end;180 181 end.


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